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- Nov 2013
Your love is like oxygen
I need to breathe you in
I thought it was wrong
until you called me
your darling babe
I realize my feelings
never left my heart
I thought they did
until we kissed
and I knew
this was bliss
this was our chemistry
our future happiness
you fit me perfectly
my dearest lover
my dearest friend
let us be forever
we can never end
true love has no expiration date
right time, right place
lipstick on your face
your hands on my waist
our hands entwined
our bodies connected
almost every night
you're the guy
who caught my eye
when you walked
into my dull life
I cannot escape
thoughts of you
no matter what
my feelings stay put
the butterflies remain
I fall in love all over again
almost every day
you're my king
& I'm your queen
love conquers everything
there is no in-between.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Dedicated to Alexander.
- Nov 2013
if I had the chance to disappear
I'd be so long gone
outta here
with no tears
or regrets
nor fears

people act like I don't exist
so why not become a living ghost?

I've given all of me away
there's no reason for me
to possibly remain sane

I gave my heart
to the one
who left

what else have I got to lose?

no one cares
unless you're pretty
or dead
but I am none
of those things
I am just me

my heart is shattered
and torn and bruised
all I ever was
was used
by the ones
who never cared

I meant nothing to you
to you, I was a toy
and it seems
you already found
a new one

people shock me
in how easily
they forget me
and how easily
they trick me
into thinking
they care about me
and that they love me

it's all just lies
they couldn't care less
whether I was dead or alive

I mean nothing to anyone
and I'm so used to the feeling
it is beyond sickening
that a person
learns to accept
that she is easily forgotten
easily replaced
easily used
easily hurt
easily destroyed
easily manipulated
easily a victim
to deadly toxins
such as love
and pain

no one should accept this
no one should accept
a dozen heartbreaks
a dozen disappointments

no one should accept the fact
that they are not loved
as much as they love
the ones who
took them
for granted

people never care
unless you're gone
and out of their reach
maybe then they
have some kind of guilt.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Kinda sad and I was inspired enough to write this.
I didn't think of what I was writing, this just sorta happened.
- Jun 2013
I am not something you own, no
I am a person who you're supposed to love
But I don't feel like you care
Seems like we're stuck in
A twisted love affair
We are both to blame
But you're the one
Who made me want to stay

Fooling me with those words
Convincing me with those lies

What am I supposed to do now?
I'm so attached to you, and I don't know why
You treat our love like a game
I truly love you
But you do not seem to feel the same

Don't you know that
That I am not an object
I have a human heart
And this heart
Has loved you
From the start
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Feb 2014
I feel like keeping a diary
Or some kind of blog
Whichever keeps me happy
Just to express, perhaps
But in more depth
Than I might show
When I post on this
Just a few thoughts
Nothing much
Mind never stops
Not for anyone
I guess we need it
To properly function
It keeps us working
Sometimes on overdrive
It helps us in ways
No one can deny
Thoughts in my head right now.
- Jan 2014
Not so in sync
You can see it
From their walk
And distance
No couple looks
So un-smitten
It's like love
Is a poison
- Aug 2013
I am the woman of your dreams
You are the lover of the night
But there's something about you
Something I just can't describe

I just don't know anymore
Am I losing my sense of mind?
I've just never felt this before
Your love has made me blind

Not as strong as I once thought
Because now, I'm in love
With the man
I only wanted
To ******
I guess love
Truly bites
When you
Find the
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
cherished kisses,
romanticized problems,
memorable episodes,
of lost self control.

holy spirit,
of greatness.

embrace me,
with your words,
of sweetness.
- Dec 2013
Clouded mind
Yet empty space
Filled with thoughts
That stitch me up
When I'm torn apart

It keeps me breathing
It keeps me sane
It keeps me healing
It keeps the pain away

Lightning can't shock me
Wind can't ******* away
I will be happy
Not today
But one day
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Not too creative tonight. I tried.
- Aug 2013
It's way past seven
Still haven't slept
All I'm thinking of
Is him and his face
The way I fall
Into day dreams
Escaping reality
For what feels like
Absolute eternity

He makes it worth the time
And the moments of
Constant lust
Like a ghost
Sending chills
Down my spine

****, I can feel the cold
Like his hands travel down
And touch all over my skin
This one really knows
Every trick in the book
Stole my heart
With just
One look
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
My poem wasn't about our past
so, there's no need to attack
it was about someone else
who I'm going through
a bit of a rough patch with

writing about you
would be childish
I've done it before
and the aftermath
was a bit sick

I'm not on here to fight you
or to expose your flaws
or your mistakes
because I have many
just as much as yourself

I don't approach you
for good reason
because I mess up
and you think
it's on purpose

not all I write
is about

I have no bad feelings
well, not anymore
because what we shared
wasn't all bad

I know I say one thing
and act out another
but how I cope
with sadness
is through anger

yes, it sounds crazy
maybe a little strange
but that is how I cope
that's how I keep
myself from

not many understand me
only I truly know me
© Natali Veronica 2013.

this is just something I typed up...
- Oct 2013
Being by your side is my only wish.
All I *want
is to *feel our bodies touch.
All I want is to taste your lips.
All I want is to hold you close.
All I want is your embrace.

I want to kiss your face,
your lips, your hips,
everywhere I can.

I want to be the one,
your last & best, darlin'.

You make me feel alive.
So happy I could die.

Distance means nothing,
because you're everything.

I wanna see you.
I wanna feel you.
I wanna hold you.
I wanna kiss you.
I wanna love you.

My heart beats for your love.

To me, you ARE the one.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
So many familiar faces
Different appearances
I guess it's because
Of all those changes
That occur when we age
When we grow older
Smarter, wiser
We change
All the time
I miss those
Memories though
Those we built
When we
Were carefree
And as calm
As the sunny

We might change how we look
But we are still ourselves
On the inside
Like a book
With different
And covers
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Dec 2013
I know I'm a **** person
No need to mention
My endless flaws
My disgusting charm

You're the gun
Shoot me, ***
**** me now
If you hate me
So much

I know I **** up
I know that well
But I don't care
If I go to hell
Because I have friends
in those parts
I am a sinner
Devil likes
Bad girls

Hurt me as you please
Destroy my heart
I don't care
I'm already
Torn apart

Bring me down
Like a house of cards
I'm already broken
I like the ground

I am used to it now
Being labeled a *****
Can't say I'm proud
But, I know what I am

I am a wicked witch
Casting faulty spells

I am a fool
Who's going
To hell
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
blood runs through my veins
I guess that means I'm alive?
my heart is getting oxygen
I guess life is worth living?

despite all those things
my heart aches for happiness
misery is all I contain
from all the pressure
from all my pain

I am not perfect
I am quite definite
my heart is empty
my mind has plenty
too much emotion
it almost suffocates
and even destroys me

you know my name
not my emotional state
so think of that
the next time
you see my face

take a look in my eyes
do those eyes look happy?
take a look at my mouth
is it speaking of glory?

there is so much
I continue to hide
you haven't seen nothing yet
this is just the beginning of it

my mind is possessed
by negative thoughts
my personal demons
they simply applaud
they applaud
giving applause
to themselves
for destroying
what used to be
my healthy self

my body is thin
partly malnourished
my skin is quite pale
that happy glow
it simply vanished
eating disorder
trying to recover
possibly bipolar
my mood is
so out of order
feels like I'm stuck
on a rollercoaster

nobody knew all this
but since I'm a poet
I might as well express

I also have scars
not sure if you know
that I used to cause
myself physical harm
whenever I needed
to feel calm
I'm sure nobody knew
but now you all do
because I'm
opening my heart
to all of you
This is my most personal poem, ever.
So many on here have been so brave,
in opening up about their lives,
I thought I would too.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
Against the wall, we lose it all
And then in bed, we lose our minds
We go insane, but we're in love
Dreaming of heaven
While staring
In each other's eyes
We paid the price
We got the love
But it was more
Than we were dreaming of
It made us feel so **** alive
We wanted to live forever
In the sight of each other
Plan our future, make our way
Onto a brighter tomorrow, today
We took the risks, I'm glad we did
Because now, we're in love, in our bed
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
The song from our first date
It will always be stuck in my brain
And whenever that song plays
I will think of you
As my mind
Goes into love overload

Oh, babe
You take my breath away
With every word you say
Can't get rid
Of this love sickness
Our song
It soothes my brain
But leaves me in pain
Because I'm still in love
But you're not
I feel so pathetic
As well as emotionally weak
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
Kiss the lipstick off my lips
Pull me in by the waist
Let me ****** you with a kiss
I promise, you'll love it
I'll tell you sweet things in your ear
I'll tell you everything you wanna hear
How I'll explore and excite your thoughts
I promise, you'll never get enough
Declare my love for you in a night of sin
I'm sure you'll give in to the fun
The night has just begun
There's more to come
Let me continue
I know you want me to
Bite and take control of you
Like it's the last thing I'll ever do
My perfume lingering
All over your skin
As I hold you close
All through the night
Until it leaves you
Out of breath
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jan 2014

the year I start clean.

the year I take a breath,
of fresh oxygen.

the year I heal my old wounds.

the year I destroy my memory of you.
© Natali Veronica 2014.
- Oct 2013
sensitive to the slightest touch
everything you give me
sends me to the heavens
and all of the above
you consume my time
you consume my brain
you consume my thoughts
the brewing passion
in my thin veins
never seem to fade
you push my buttons
you drive me insane
still I hear myself
repeating your name
when your body
is pressed against mine
your love is beyond
what I can imagine
maybe this is
my own kind
of heaven
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
there are times I think of
those times we used to kiss
there are moments I think back
wishing I was still in your arms

but you're gone and done
now I'm trying to pick up
the pieces but I can't move on

I tried to let it go, for sure
but I can't lie to myself anymore
you're the one I want

I can't pretend to just breathe in
loving you was my worst sin
you were my deadliest addiction
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
is it love?
is it lust?
when you want a guy
biting on your neck
and kissing every inch
of your bare skin
getting chills
down your spine
as he goes further down
intoxicating you with desire
going lower
as it
as the moment
makes an impact
on passion's
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
tears are wasted often
on the people
who touch
and then

feelings are evil
only trouble
it leaves you
in a bubble
trapped inside
with no hopes of escape
it leaves you lost
and confused
about what love is
what it's meant to feel like
what it is meant to portray
what it is meant to create

we fall so many times
for the same trick
we feel so weak
emotions leave us
feeling hopeless

we cling to such bad habits
people whom are addictive
we get lost in our lives
it feels quite tragic

we try and see
the good
even in
the bad

it is sad
how we
fall victim
to the same ****
again and again

bad luck finds it's way
into your gentle veins
and poisons, weakens
it changes you

it changes it all
the way you think
the way you touch
the way you kiss
the way you
separate yourself
from everyone else

not a nice way
of living
living in fear
all of the time
spending your days
in fear of being abandoned
and broken, torn, blinded
by the thoughts
and doubts
stopping you
from being free
and somewhat happy
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013 is a ****** place
website full of kids
sending hate
to sustain
'internet fame'

ha, so lame

before sending me ****
did you ever think of this,
I don't give a single ****?
© Natali Veronica 2013.

tired of haters, stalkers etc.
- Jul 2013
People complain* that I'm *evil and vain
But even when I'm nice
People complain
Like, explain
What have I done
To you?
If anything
All I have done
Is spoken my mind
If you can't handle that
Don't ask me for the truth
**Simple as pie
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
pure heaven
- Aug 2013
I never celebrate anniversaries
but this means something to me

last month, I met this man
who caught my eye
with a single glance
he stole my heart
captivated my mind
with his incredible thoughts
and those clever words

his charm is heavenly
his sarcasm is ****
those witty comments of his
are what thrill me
makes me wanna love him
against the cold bedroom wall
to spark a little passion
make him forget
that there's anything else
in this world except him and I
and then in the night
cuddle with him
stare into his eyes
remind him every day
how he's my prince
when we kiss underneath the stars
and take long walks with our hands entwined
I'd cherish him forever until he loses his mind
until we're both completely attached
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
Sometimes sad to the core
Feeling weaker than I felt before
Sometimes I find it hard to breathe
It's like my personal demons are trying

to **** me...

I have moments of everlasting pain
But nobody else can see
Those demons who used to be my friends
They now like to torture and control me

It scares me how I can't control my mind
Drives me to the point of utter insanity
I guess it's all true

My former, friendly demons
Are now trying to destroy me
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
I got captivated by a smile
Almost nearly ran a mile
Falling wasn't my style
But for you, I'd sacrifice
Me, my heart and I
When you kissed me
I literally smiled
Felt like something
Was going right
In my tragic life
You picked me up
When I was about
To almost drown
In *******
- Nov 2013
beauty is in her face and eyes
almost sensitive to the touch
loving her is a must
you can't help but love

she makes every day
seem like a breeze
she makes me feel okay
when I'm stuck in a daze
makes me wanna smile
and hold her tight
for the rest of my life

people say it's a crazy thing
seeing someone as your everything
but it's just a thing called love
a blessing in disguise
heaven on earth
bliss from above
she's my angel
for when life gets rough
she makes it all worth
the falls down
she picks me up
from the ground
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Wrote this earlier,
posting it despite everything.
I really do love you, babe.
- Nov 2013
building a bridge is hard
when their loving words
never left your heart

crying is easier
it helps you recover
slowly but surely
you'll build that bridge
and finally walk over
as you say your goodbyes

time does not heal you
it just shows you how to cope
with all the emotions
that were built up
inside your aching heart

love knows no limits
which is deadly
but one day
you'll be cherished
and loved ever so truly

it seems hopeless now
but someday
it will make sense

seems like
you hit a rough patch
in this ***** of a life
but one day
you will smile
and feel absolutely alive
you will feel true love
you will feel true bliss
you will feel so much
you'll feel happiness

it will take time
to find you
but when you do
keep in mind
who you used to be
as an opportunity
to be greater
and higher above
when you find
that hope
you so desperately seek
© Natali Veronica 2013.

This is dedicated to all the ones who are hurting, who are struggling to cope, who are failing to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Things seem ****** now, but one day, you'll be okay. You're strong enough to carry on and keep fighting. I believe in your strength. Stay strong and remember that I love all of you and I am always here if anyone needs it. Just a little poem for those who need to hear some encouraging words from a poet who has been through the same.
- Dec 2013
I could stare into your eyes for a thousand years
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
Lipstick smeared,
wine bottle emptied,
I just need you,
to get me hot,
& bothered.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Feb 2014
keep talking
as I am losing
losing this sanity
you destroy me

sticks and stones
break my bones
but your words
cut me in pieces
they bleed me dry
I'm near the sky
on edge of death
are you done yet?

chapter one
we began
chapter two
I lost you, man
chapter three
pled for mercy
chapter four
on the floor
chapter five
I wasn't alive
yet, you smiled
chapter six
you saw death
chapter seven
dragged you from heaven
right down to hell
****** the life
out of your heart
then planned
your funeral
wore a veil
I didn't cry
I smiled
like you did
when I died
not sure what the **** I just wrote...
- Oct 2013
I put pen to paper
not knowing
what to expect
if I will be satisfied
with what I write
or if anyone
will like
what I

I don't see myself
as a gifted soul
all my words
were dug up
from the dark
and beautiful
parts of me
that were
in soil

my heart speaks
so loudly
even my mind
can hear
the echoing
of my thoughts
as I think of the
which made me
and created
the identity
of the poet
that I became
to be
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
Love* was like a *bullet that went in my heart
It made it's way right through my chest
The damage was hard to repair
But I'm still here.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
I bet you must be liked
By everyone you meet
I bet people get weak
When they hear you speak
Surely you must captivate them all
I mean, look at you, eyes of an angel
Lips look so soft, can I kiss them?
Your eyes are so beautiful
I could get lost in them
Like I'm in Heaven
In Paradise even
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Feb 2014
We have a bond
No one will break
Not even the worst
Of times can
Bring us down
We'll hold on tight
And win this fight

Best friends
Through life
And death

Love him so much
Having such a fun day. I feel positive.
- Nov 2013
Electric touch, killer gaze,
always got me in a love craze.

Your smile, that face,
makes me love being alive.

Fireworks go off,
when I think of us.

Take me, love me,
drive me crazy.

I'm insanely in love,
need me like a drug.

I got a lost soul,
please take control.

Breathe in my perfume,
like your cigarette smoke.

Who knows, this could be love.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
I remember the time
when you grabbed my face
while we were drunk
and kissed my lips
with such an
I could


run through me

the smile on your face
was priceless
it was the
thing that
I had ever witnessed

after that kiss
you swore to
always call me
your princess
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
Princess of the music scene
some nickname her the Queen
because her voice
captivates a whole nation
of people
from around the world
spreading love and joy
to all the ones who listen
to her songs

That's my sister
a living legend
worked so hard
to get this far
now she's here
after years
she got her claim
to fame

Proud of my sister
I love her
This is dedicated to my older sister, Stef. I adore you, princess.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
I'm the poet who lost herself
To her mind
And her crazy heart
I'm the one who dedicated her life
To all the people
Who made me fall apart

I have a heart of gold
Looking for the one
Who can cherish it all
Who can make me feel safe
So that maybe
I can see that
Love is not a losing game

Prove yourself worthy
Of my heart
And me...
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
Sometimes I wish
He'd propose
With a boxed
© Natali Veronica 2013.

this is a ****** 10w poem, oh well.
in a ''I want to get married'' mood ***.
- Jul 2013
Are we taking it further?
Or continuing
To express our feelings deeper?
I feel like we're stuck
In an abandoned town
Full of
Question Marks.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Dec 2013
Popping pills won't help
this tense ache
in my bones
this pressure
inside and within
even upon my skin
I have scars and bruises
all over me
sensitive to touch
because I get weak
including my body
Mascara stains
where I last cried
Lipstick smears
on white pillows
where I last tried
to piece myself together
even though inside
I am dead
memories still haunt
and hold me together
a mix of dwelling
and surviving
trying to keep above
the uncontrollable
frustrating weather
© Natali Veronica 2013.

I prefer writing like this.
Happy poems don't satisfy me.
I like raw emotion, passion.
It's what inspires me the most.
- Aug 2013
I feel like,
I write about,
the same **** thing...

ALL the *time
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
you are strong
like a diamond
gentle like
I could wish for
in a friend
unlike those
who are heartless
you have a personality
that shines through
just like every other
part of you
So lucky to call her my friend. Sia xoxo
- Oct 2013
His sarcasm is on point
Funny as ever
What a smile
Makes me feel
Above the weather
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
Nothing but negativity
spreads through
my numb body
I can't scream
I can't shout
my emotions
all bottled up
lost my voice
can't seem to speak
feels like I have no choice
but to let my thoughts
consume my mind
and leave them to it
my sanity seems to have faded
self-control, patience
just can't control it
been tested too many times
and I have reached a breaking point
been challenged too often
and now, I feel broken
© Natali Veronica 2013.

mood crashed. sorry if it sounds depressing..
- Sep 2013
You keep me from sinking
You keep me breathing
You are my reason for living
Let me be the reason
You're still surviving.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
A few years ago, I remember when
I lost myself and
fell into a severe depression
I struggled getting out of bed
my mind was full of thoughts
most of them were
of suicide

I always smiled
through the pain
but there were times
that my mood crashed
to the point of no return
as I felt the tears falling
making my eyes burn
as I went up to look
at my reflection
but all I could see was a lost person
a person trying to find herself
as well as regain her emotional strength
to fight those terrible thoughts in her head
and put all that struggle to rest

there are still times where I fall apart
crying myself to sleep
but I am still trying
to make a full
© Natali Veronica 2013.
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