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- Jul 2013
I guess I miss the texts
I guess I miss the love
I guess I miss it all
I guess I fell real hard
For a cruel man
with a


Pieces of my heart
are scattered on the floor
and no, it's not fun
and yes, it is mean
the way you tore me up
the way you broke me down
as I was holding on
and being let down
clinging onto you
blinded by the love

I feel so ashamed
the way I let you in
into my heart again
begged myself to be strong
and not to give in
but yes it was hard
trying to be smart
when you were there sitting
messing with my heart
it's breaking
it's bleeding
aching for someone
to heal it again
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
No amount of alcohol
could make me numb out
the thoughts of you in my head
Desire, lust, love
I have the symptoms
of all of the above
You fit me well
like a glove
You fill me up
like alcohol fills up
an empty glass
You're the champagne
of the night
the thrill I seek
my medicine
my remedy
my one need
You're the venom
without the poison
the love, my hunger it feeds
You set my body free
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
Alexander, ****.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

He's the nicest guy there is.
- Feb 2014
Constantly hot
Like a cigarette
Always lit

Burning up
Like the sun
Trying to stay cool
Like the midnight moon

Fierce and feisty
Sweet yet spicy
A little sarcastic
A little electric

When you touch
When you kiss
It's like magic
Felt like posting a poem. Love you, poets. :)
- Nov 2013
I know me best, who even cares about the rest?
You don't know me, babe, but you wish you did
Oh yes, I bet you do, well no, ***** you
People can say whatever they like
I'll still be the greatest ***** by a mile
Go on, keep hatin' and I'll show my smile
Come on, take my picture if you care so much
You think you know me, you only knew my name
You didn't know my story or my personal pain
Oh you amuse me when you assume ****
You think you're smart, well, you're just an ***
I know me better than you, than you, than you
Don't even fight me 'cuz it's true, so true
Baby, you know me none at all
Excuse me if this sounds criminal
But I think you're a stupid mind
Can't keep on wasting my time
You make me laugh so hard
When you claim to know me well
But you only knew my name
That's all you'll ever know
Because I hate people who assume
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Listened to Lily Allen's new song and I ended up writing this.
- Feb 2014
Our love is laid bare
It's always here
Every kiss
Every gaze
Is enough
To keep me smiling
For endless days
Your bed is my happy place
Cuddles until the sun shines
Something rare and sweet
You sweep me off my feet
Love poems are great sometimes.
- Oct 2013
My last breath
I'd use
To say
I love you
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
Went to an ice bar
I guess you could say
I felt quite cool
Pardon the pun
If there even is one
Ice queen
NY scene
With my crew
I love them

L.O.V.E you
I'm so happy after last night. My friends are amazing.
- Mar 2014
your words bleed me out
like a razor sharp wound
dying with each cut
that sheds blood
my veins
are almost
certainly empty
just like you left me
is in progress
sooner or later
my organs will fail
just like our flawed love
you brought out the best
and worst parts of me
and now as I
bleed dry
I feel dizzy
but free
of my demons
and feelings
broken heart
and false hoping
as well as
these emotions
- Dec 2013
The worst
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Quite broken.
- Sep 2013
I write to express
I don't care if
She reads
My poems
I couldn't
Care less
Let me write
My heart
It's not for you
So, don't worry
We fell through
And the fall
Broke our

Sorry if I

So ****
But then
Should I be?
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
It's a weird feeling
Not talking to the one
Who at one point
Meant everything
Used to be a
Potential love
But it was fake
And so was his name
I guess I wish
I could rewind
Maybe we could
Have made it right
But we couldn't
Because I found out
What didn't seem right
I still miss those moments
Even though you
Left my heart
Aching &
© Natali Veronica 2013.
This is a poem I wrote sometime ago.
It's about a person who left you hurting.
I guess it's based on real life.
Not sure why I wanted to post this.
Felt this was the right time to vent & type this up.
- Sep 2013
Do you wanna hold hands?
'Cause I've got no plans
Do you wanna share that blunt?
'Cause I've got none, nothin'
Let's take a walk
Down that road
In the cold dark
Where it's cold
So I got a reason
To pull you in
Don't resist
We both need it
Our love is still there
Just need to remind ourselves
That what we had is precious, my dear
And that no one else can make an ''us''
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
Always at war with myself
Constantly self-loathing
Lacking in confidence
Blaming my problems
On everybody else
Shutting people out
Is what I'm best at
I'm **** at showing emotion
Although sometimes
My smile cracks
And my pain shows
In my sunken eyes

It's such a pain
Just waking up
Every day
I act like
I'm fine
When in reality
I'm far from
That state of mind
I hide my body
Except my face
So I can fool everyone
With that lie of a smile
That I always embrace
Even though my thoughts
Are always of suffocation
And painful death
No one would know
Because the pain I feel
I never show and tell any soul

I could be smiling so bright
As I'd constantly think
Of the ways I could die
I could laugh out loud
And think of those razor blades
That I'd love to use on my pale skin
But you'd never suspect me thinking of this
Because, there's a lie of a smile on my face

Constantly triggered, yes I am indeed
But that's something you'd never see
Because that's the part of me
That I hide away from every soul
The ones I love mean more to me
Than my own tragic self
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
He's incredible, sweet and gentle like a rose
and the way he holds my hand
as we're busy making plans
wonderful gentleman
just the way he holds me tight
every touch makes me weak
makes me drift off to sleep
the passion is intense
makes you forget everything
makes you forget all the pain
makes you want to love again

Devil with a charming heart
tears your security walls apart
electricity when we touch
he's like a dream
is this reality?
feels like Heaven to me
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
I must let go and move on
But people say
True love lives on in
Lovesick hearts
I must say
I do agree
My heart
Is forever yours

I will never call you mine
So I might as well write
About how I fell so hard
For your charm
And sweet lips
Like candy
On a high
When you
Talk to me

You have the medicine
The cure I need
Your love is a drug
That I can't get enough of
It's a need
It's a must
This isn't lust
It's love
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
Kinda stuck on what to write
or what words to use
to write this
writer's block
or maybe not

I guess when I'm happy
there's not as much creative flow
within me and my body
not as much as when
I'm breaking down
in tears and
trying to heal
my soul

Not much else I can say
or write about
and love
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Dec 2013
Little sisters always get the blame
Little sisters always take the pain
Little sisters are wired that way
Little sisters always lose the game
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
Intense kisses
In the morning
Hot cuddles
In the evening
That is a good
Reason for

Just the feel
Of it all
Makes you
So much more
- Aug 2013
We have that fire, the kind that makes my heart burn up
An explosion of emotion, and so much
Of that intense love

There's so much of that
My heart goes into overdrive
I guess it's weird
Falling in love
With a guy
Who is different
Than the others
On this planet

No one makes me feel the way he does
He gives me that love buzz
His words bring a warmth
A sense of
'This is love'

Not just a temporary flame
But a more deeper love
The man I've been dreaming of
The one who is part of my thoughts
And those beautiful, fairytale dreams

He gives me a love buzz
He once said
I was the Queen of his heart
What a cute thing
Quoting a Nirvana song
Which is now a part of us

Sometimes I don't seem to realize
How much I love this guy
Until I speak
Before I think
Which makes me feel so tragic
Because he constantly shows me
What true love is
What happiness is
But I'm too blinded to see it
But he knows
I like danger
So he holds on
Just like a devoted lover

Wish he was here
Maybe I'd feel happier
I wish I could cuddle him
And be close to him forever
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
A bit lovestruck by a perfect guy
who always makes my day
he makes me smile
he makes me laugh
I've definitely got a crush

he takes my breath away
with every word
and sentence
I feel like
I'm in heaven
completely lost in fantasy
day dreaming is now
my favorite hobby
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
Special moments like these
are what I live for
they bring out the best
in the worst situations
giving hope and faith
to me when I need it the most
I consider myself ever so grateful
for knowing such wonderful
and beautiful people
whom I feel blessed
to know

Lucky me I'd say
for sharing the same
oxygen as these treasures
in my complicated yet lovely life

I never thought I'd be lucky enough
to encounter such sweethearts
the kind of loyal companions
we all seek in our adult life
the ones who speak the truth
to our face
and the ones who
say nice things
behind our back
that's something special
I'll tell ya that now
friends for life, aye
lucky me
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
Got a tragic desire
You take me higher
And when we're apart
I feel so much smaller
Your kisses are like oxygen
I need you to keep surviving
Your love might be limited
But I appreciate that
Your skin is delicate
Wanna bite right into it
Those eyes of yours make me crazy
Your sweet voice makes me high
Makes me feel kinda hazy
But I like when you're
In my dreams every night
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
I miss my best friend
Is this really the end?
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
Nothing* *tastes as good
As his lips
When they're
On mine.

Nothing feels as right
As his hands
When they're
Traveling down
My skin.

Nothing is as perfect
As our bodies are
When we're
On each other.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
Ain't got no hard feelings
That would be childish, yes
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
exchange my flaws
for a goddess'

exchange my heart
for one made of gold
maybe I would be
treasured then
by the ones
I need in
my life
© Natali Veronica 2013.
not a great poem but posting it anyway.
- Jul 2013
My brain is losing touch with reality
I wish you were here with me
So lonely on my own
Be my everything
And let's make a home
For us to live in
A future for us
To look forward to
Me and you
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Dec 2013
Have a wonderful time
Keep yourself warm
And drink mulled wine
Hold your family close
Love them the most
Celebrate the last week
Of this year we have
Make it count
Spread love
And cheer

Looking forward to
Writing on here
For all of you
In the new year
And the one after
Forever more
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
Heart malfunctions
When I think
Of the times
We made this

I thought I was insane
This shouldn't be happening
You somehow affected my brain
It left me constantly
Losing my sanity
I shouldn't
Miss you
But I do
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
Save your words and be gone.
Don't let me hold on.


I'm too strong,
yet too weak,
that I need,
and I feed,

You are my drug.

It's like I can live without it,
but my mind would fail me,
in a certain moment,
of time,
I would,
lose my mind.

This poem makes no sense,
neither does my life,
or the recovery process,
which I'm trying to 'possess'.

I am such a


What am I trying to express?
I have no idea.
I guess we all need a space,
to vent and take that weight off our chest,
so it doesn't end up breaking our necks,
from the pressure in our hearts, bones & veins.

Again, this makes no sense,
so excuse the mess of this,
this poem I am trying to write,
using the thoughts of my messed up mind,
which is the reason, for this poem,
which is a mix of lovely & ugly.

  Messy poetry.
By me.

not sorry.

Excuse my lack of sense,
I just needed to get these thoughts,
out of my crazy mind.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
Time is ticking on by
But you are miles away
© Natali Veronica 2013.

- Dec 2013
Out of nowhere, you call
Tell me you wanna talk
Made me smile
You make
My heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
I miss you more than I say
I love you more every day
Little sisters want closeness
They want a bit of care
But if you're going to act like this
Then why am I even here?
Your strange emotion
It keeps me frozen
It leaves me numb
My heart is broken
I miss our bond
I miss the love
We displayed
When we were kids
Never knew growing up
Would tear us apart
I miss you, I need you
You're my sister
Can you hear me?
I don't know what to do
Sisters are forever, remember?
I can't even feel happy
Because of the distance
Between you and me
It stings, it burns, it kills
I'm surprised I survived
The tortures of this
Separation anxiety
It never fails
To break me
© Natali Veronica 2013.

In tears. excuse my sad poetry.
- Nov 2013
Lust leaves a mark
It never bites the dust
Consumes and controls
Every aspect of your life
And it feels so good
A feeling misunderstood
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
yesterday was truly fun
let spring break begin!
I love car selfies
with my besties
so happy
- Jul 2013
Money means nothing anymore
All it does is ******* up
It gives you power
Maybe that
But mostly
Damages your life
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
Early morning tea
Sets my soul free
Calms me down
Takes pain away
When by

Nothing hurts
Nothing aches
In the morning
And I am coping
- Nov 2013
**** start to the month
But then my poem trends.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Thanks for cheering me up. 10w.
Couldn't have been better timing.

- Nov 2013
Mulled wine is so divine.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
I just love holding you near
that's when all my flaws
seem like they disappear
it must be your influence
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
When I think of love
I think of your smile
When I think of bliss
I think of your arms
When I think of happiness
I think of you and I
to me, you're my love
the angel sent from above
who saved my life
just by being in mine
completing my heart
I found the last puzzle piece
it's you, baby
it's you

My soul ignites when I see your face
my heart races when you speak
I feel like all the puzzle pieces are in place
all I need is your affection
**all I need is your heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
I feel like I have a lump in my throat
Oh wait, those are my unsaid words
I can't seem to fully understand any of it
Is this what a slow, painful death feels like?
Feels like I'm being punished
My throat is choking
On what?
Oh yeah, on all these unsaid sentences
That I can't swallow down
My throat
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
There is something about
the way we seek
what we can't
or won't
reach for

Time and time again
we remain hopeful
to gain access
to the forbidden doors

Minutes turn into hours
hours turn into days
we gain and lose
as we walk through
and dare to reach
for the impossible
the fairytale
we want to see
in front of our eyes
not a picture
imagined by our minds
but a reality
that our hands
can simply reach
without a struggle
or loss of breath

Not sure what fascinates most
the easy way to happiness
or the metal doors
keeping the love
in our hearts
under lock and key
as we try and retrieve
what used to be
rightfully ours

Nothing is exciting
about waiting
and waiting
patiently praying
that maybe one day
you won't be the one
suffering for a lifetime
to get a bit of joy

The things we put ourselves through
the things we say and do
to build up the hope
and strength in our hearts
is something I'll never understand
but my mind seems to have a clue
maybe one day, I will know
the meaning of it all
and find myself
as well as the one
who means the most.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
When you're older, and no longer wild
It makes you miss those days
when you were a small child
trying to find your place in this world
and to fit into this society of choice
where beauty means a lot
as well as intelligence
but a kind heart, not so much
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
I remember when we met,
a Friday night in New York,
that sweet smile, those eyes,
something I can't forget.

Just the way you laughed,
as we walked and talked,
made my heart skip a beat,
felt like I was in harmony,
and you were my melody.

We went to this place,
had a few drinks,
then as I stared in your eyes,
you leaned forward,
our lips met,
we kissed.

Later that night,
I gave you my number,
and you gave me yours,
then as I went home,
and I was laying in bed,
I thought to myself,
''I think I've found my true love''
© poetra 2013.
- Aug 2013
Nice try, dude.
But that was,
A **** lie.

You can't fool me,
I can out-smart you,
I know from experience,
When I'm being lied to.

Your lies are petty,
And your honesty is cheap.
I'm done, so done,
I am not yours to keep.

Sleep alone, I don't want you near me.
I need someone different, clearly.
Not yours anymore,
I hope you know that,
Because I don't like being called a bipolar *****,
When you also have your ******* drama fits.

Save your words, and your excuses,
because I know in my heart,
This isn't what love is.

Love is bliss.
Love is joy.

But you're just an immature boy.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
The night* knows my secrets.
The night knows my past.
The night knows my memories.
The night knows my dreams.

The night* knows me too well,
almost better than I know myself.

The night has witnessed my lows,
all the tears, all my inner fears.

The night has seen me collapse,
more than a thousand times.

Relapse, smile, repeat.

That's become a routine.

Smile, cry, sleep.

It helps, but only so much.

No one sees my emotions collide,
except the oh so peaceful night.

Smiling is painful at times,
which is why I adore the night,
the cold breeze putting me at ease,
until my tears are dried up and I fall asleep.

Looking at those stars in the sky,
how they shine ever so bright
they have become a comfort,
*along with the beautiful night.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Yet another poetic vent. Enjoy!
- Nov 2013
You're the one I want, nobody else is good enough
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Love you so much.

- Jul 2013
Wishing I could clear my head
Of all these painful thoughts
If only I had a bullet, yes
I'm dead.

Not as simple as that though
I can't leave the ones I love, no
My heart would rot from the guilt
And I'd die a sinful death

If only I could escape my mind
Just for a day or two
Maybe then, I'd be sane
Maybe then, I'd feel okay again

I guess I have to continue living
This torture of a life
Which could easily be ended
By a knife to the back
Or a heart attack
© Natali Veronica 2013.
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