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- Sep 2013
I guess I can admit this
I hate your ******* guts
I never truly loved you
Nothing but silly lust
A way to waste time
A way to forget my ex
And since he's mine again
I can finally confess
I used you like a toy
And I have no regrets
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
Everything* we find *pleasure in are always temporary
From the finest champagne to the large stacks of money
Dollar bills give a thrill for a night and maybe another
But soon the wallet will be empty and you'll be without a lover
Lipstick stains fade as the night draws to a close
As we lose touch with reality and our lives
Nothing seems real until you experience pain
Or until you feel your heart slowing down
Life isn't as fun as the movies tell you
Life is far worse than you will ever know
As your addictions infect your brain with greed
Your love for temporary bliss will be hard to contain
And it will constantly haunt your mind
Until you get the feeling you want and need so desperately

Withdrawal symptoms are hard to bear
When you're so far up in the air
Stuck on a high from material objects
It will affect every part of your thoughts
It won't stop until you reach a new low
And your adrenaline rush turns into an overdose
An overdose of the drug that is bliss
From the things that bring you happiness
It can be *******, fine champagne
A love for expensive luxury and money
A need for attention and affection
Which you find in the deadly addictions
That creep into your brain and consume
What is left of your pure mind
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
I let you go not because I didn't love you, but because I knew that I couldn't be the girl of your dreams. As a girl who falls for people easily, it's hard to maintain a relationship with just one person. I love multiple people. I have never denied that, and no, I don't play with people's feelings, neither do I sleep around or cheat. I just never got over the other breakup, I never healed properly, I just pretended to be fine with how things were, despite it breaking me apart. People call it being a player, I call it being in love. Love makes us want people we can't have, people we can't be with, people we are with but can't see it working forever. I feel like a bad person, for not being able to love just one person and be happily ever after. Emotional attachments are easy to form, but harder to deattach yourself from, it doesn't matter if you're strong or not, if you love more than one person, then you do, and that's just how it is. It doesn't define you, it doesn't make you a **** or a *****. If you're a faithful, loyal person who happens to like or love more than one person, it's okay. It's different if you cheat and lie and date several people at the same time. People never think of the difference before they judge someone and it sickens me. Love isn't a sin, feelings aren't a sin. Breaking hearts and cheating - now that's a sin.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

This is me basically just venting.
Been judged a lot lately..
and I wanted to make myself heard.

My writing speaks for me. It's my voice,
when I'm silenced and unable to express myself.
- Aug 2013
It's no fun being alone in bed
With the love of my life
Being somewhere else
As well as on my mind
In my head
In my dreams

I want his kisses
More than anything else
I want his cuddles
Like a sick person
Needs pills
To resume their health

He makes me so happy
Happier than I've ever been
He's the sunshine
When there's rain
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
you would've been 59 today
I wish I could have seen your face
it's so sad you passed away
quite long ago
but your memory
it lives on
through me
through your poetry
you were a true artist
I admire that
you were
and always
will be
a talent
I love you, auntie.
- Nov 2013
Happy thanksgiving
All of you are a blessing
Thankful for your love
Thankful for your support
All of you are so special
I mean that, ever so much
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Feb 2014
This is our second Valentine's Day together
And it seems like forever
Since the day we met
Since the day we spoke
Since the day we fell in love

You mended my heart
Caressed every part
And made me
The happiest girl
To ever walk this earth

Your love is like
A diamond
Precious and rare
Beautiful and magical
The spark is always there

You are my Valentine
You always will be
Because you ignite
The happiness in me

I could write for hours
About what is ours
But I'd rather exchange
A thousand kisses
A million hugs
To celebrate
Our love

You don't need
To buy me flowers
Or expensive gifts
Or red roses
I already
Have this
Diamond ring
Which is truly
Dedicated to my college sweetheart <3
- Nov 2013
expressing emotion
is not a crime
nor a sin
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
stained lips, cold eyes
some friends don't mix
but I do wish they did
maybe the world
would be nice
instead of mean
but society is a *****
and we pay the price
for all of our flaws
we **** up
we're humans
it's been that way
since God started preaching

I know I am a mess
not the greatest
not the best
but my heart
it has a beat
you can hear it
when you sleep
with your head
against my chest
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Dec 2013
His face makes mine blush
Reminds me that
I have a sweet love
Who needs me
As much as I need him
He makes me so happy
My heart is smiling within
© Natali Veronica 2013.

He's wonderful.
- Sep 2013
As much as I despise it
My love for you is

                                    F A R
Beyond the hatred.

I love your sinful,
beautiful ways,
of playing with,
my heartstrings.

I guess I love...everything.
Your ugly sins.
Your beautiful lies.
Your tainted feelings.
How I wish I could despise.

Oh, your anger.
Oh your clever ***** ways,
of playing with my heartstrings.

Your filthy hands covered in my blood of love.
You never even had the chance to put on gloves.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
I stained your body
With lipstick marks
You stained my soul
With your blunts
Kissing you is a must
Just because I like it when
Our lips touch during the night
You're addictive, very much so
I wish I never tried to let you go

You soothe my soul like alcohol
You ******* alive
Just like Rock 'N' Roll
I swear, this man
Has his hands
On my soul

He loves taking control
Like the bad boy he is
But he also knows
How to treat a girl
Like a princess

Oh, the ***
Oh, the love he gives
Oh, the control he has
Can't seem to get enough
This is what I call
Heaven on Earth
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
Got a concrete heart and a mind of stone
But whenever he sends me a text
I lose myself
I wanna have him in bed
I wanna kiss him
When we're all alone
He's constantly on my mind

I want to be his wife
Be his forever
He's my life
I hope he knows
That my heart
Is falling under
Feelings dragging me down
But it feels so good
I wanna drown in his love
And take him with me
To heaven

He's my light
He's my heart
He keeps it beating
I love that man
He keeps me sane
Keeps my heart warm
With tender love
And filthy lust
I could kiss him forever
And never get enough
Just the way I feel
When he talks to me
Drives me crazy
Put it on repeat

I want him next to me
I want him on me
I want him to strip my soul
Of it's fear and self control
I want the *** to make me insane with lust
I want this love to last
Like a song that plays
On repeat
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
Let's see how this goes
Classes **** though
I'd rather take
Sleeping pills
Or get high
On whatever, sigh

Tired but wide awake
Been through a lot
Of silly *******
Still got a smile on my face
Despite my mind
Being out of place
My brain is numb
Too much information
Too little therapy and ******

This poem *****
But oh well
I'm soon
To hell
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
The thought of seeing your face today
is enough to make me smile with joy
not sure if you even still like me
but your words say the truth
and I know it's going to be
a very beautiful day
to be alive and sane
and to be insane
with lovely hope
and maybe
intense thoughts
of the one I
haven't seen
in all these months
I hope you like me
just as much as I
like your face
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Feb 2014
Love can heal you
Love can damage you
Even the best
Can hurt the most
Not always
Just sometimes
- Jul 2013
Exchanging a few stares and glances
As our lips touch those champagne glasses
Drinking and laughing, a few kisses in between
Staring into each other's eyes, like it's all a dream
Gently caressing your hand as I hold my champagne glass
My mind full of sweet thoughts, as things get intense
Getting so lost in the lust of the moment
As you kiss my lips as the clock strikes 8
All my mind can think of is you
And those lips that make me weak
And those eyes that makes my heart skip a beat
Love is in the air, intense passion fills the room
All I can smell is that perfect perfume
That you're wearing tonight
The one you know I like
The one that drives me wild with desire
Makes me wish this night could last forever
Just having you here, smoking cigarettes
And then later into the night
We share a single joint
Smoking it together
Like two committed lovers
The smoke fills the air
As we inhale it
And all I can think of is
All the precious memories
That we'll share together
In eternal happiness
This is my idea of a perfect date. Literally.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
Friends like these
I truly love
These girls
Are my life
They've been
A part of mine
For so long
17 years strong
My angels.
- Nov 2013
Your words affect me
More than they should
You're so heavenly
Couldn't give you up
Even if my heart tried

You ignite the happiness in me
You make me feel worthy
You have such a hold
I honestly hope you know
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
I bet your perfume is heavenly
I bet your skin is baby soft
I bet your face is pretty
I bet your lips are sweet
I bet your eyes are dreamy
I bet your body is hot
I bet your bedroom skills
must be intense
same goes for
the passion
and the ***
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
You spark a fire in my heart
I swear without you
I would fall apart

You are everything
All I want and more
One hit of your love drug
And I'm hooked for life

Sweet and mysterious
Your love is my weakness
Can't live without it
If I even attempted
My heart would break

Love has gone to my head
Losing my mind over this
But I know that this is real
I can't deny what I feel
© Natali Veronica 2013
- Aug 2013
Kisses and love bites
Cuddles on cold nights
Fairytale romance
Glad I had the chance
He makes me weak
Even when we're apart
At night I can feel his touch
That sweet rush of happiness
Like ****, this man
He knows me well
The love is intense
Hotter than hell itself

I'm not exactly a princess
More like, his mistress
A feisty girl who likes control
Likes being the one to reignite his soul
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
I miss our friendship
It's sad we gave up
I miss our close bond
It's sad that it disappeared
I miss our webcam conversations
I miss our lovely words and sentences
It all burned out like beautiful candles
With nothing but ashes left
To replace the fire
That was once
In our hearts
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
We exchanged expressions
We shared our emotions
We gave each other love
We went through it all

I loved you
You loved me
That's how it should be
But now, it's different
We're no longer equal
Now, our love is on the pavement
Seems like we had a downfall

The love is there
But not like before
Before it was passion
Now, there's nothin'
Except our hearts
Aching to re-start
But we're too stubborn
To make this work

I miss how it used to be
You and me
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
You cut through my feelings
like scissors cut through paper
and with every false promise
I feel my blood getting thinner
as my heart grows weaker
can't you see through my smile?
the anguish in my sunken eyes
or the way I lose control of
my inner thoughts
as soon as you go

my heart can beat without you
but it can't feel love
it can only feel pain
because you left it broken
as you can clearly see
I am Human**.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
It's like
I have to feed myself lies
In order to survive the day
A little smile here
A little smile there
I'm sure no one cares
If my heart is drowning in **tears
Natali Veronica 2013.
- Dec 2013
Love isn't meant to hurt
It's meant to keep you alive
Meant to give you hope
Re-ignite your faith
Love isn't meant
To hurt like this

You're supposed to smile
Not cry yourself to sleep at night
You're supposed to feel sparks
And get a fairytale romance
Something to make you gaze
Into that beautiful sky
And look at those
Beautiful stars
Love isn't meant
To hurt like this
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
Text message made me hyper
Especially when it's from her
© Natali Veronica 2013.

My feels rn. Insane.
- Jan 2014

© Natali Veronica 2014.
- Jul 2013
I am a flirt, most of the time
But let's be honest
Who wouldn't pay attention
To such a crazy babe?

Yeah, her
The girl I always mention
That crazy, hip chick
Who makes me smile
With a little text

Her name begins with E
I'm sure she'll see this
And hopefully smile
I think she'll like it
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
I bet you're loving this
The fact that I miss
Your deadly touch
You must feel happy
Knowing you are
Making me crazy
Making me regret
Ever breaking your heart
But it was an accident
I never meant for you to hurt
You're probably reading this
With a smile on your face
Knowing that I miss you
And your ***** words
And your bittersweet love

The things that drove me insane
With pleasure but with pain
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Feb 2014
You left my heart for dead, stuck the voices in my head. Wired me to believe, that love wasn't for me to keep. You kept me playing the wicked game, until I couldn't take the pain. I was broken, bruised, over you, I didn't know what to do. I was lied to, pleased, quite used to the hatred in sight, the one I thought was love. Memories held me up, kept me from drowning. The love was tough, broke me up, it was overpowering. People say, pay your dues, give a little part of you. Hopefully it will be enough, to sustain a practical love, the one you've been dreaming of. Maybe it will make sense, all the times he broke your heart, shaded your existence. All the times he kissed your lips, the kisses that left you smitten, that left you addicted. All the times he held you tight, and made you feel alright. All the times you fell for the same lies as before. All the times he walked out of that door, left you wanting more.
Random poem. Straight from the heart. Just something I wrote quickly. Felt creative enough to post.
- Nov 2013
every time we ****
you can just feel
the passion
those sheets

I usually never
speak of this
but I'll be

he's amazing
not just in bed
but in general
love is healing
love is thrilling
love is exciting

the chemistry
behind two lovers
as they ****
the misery
out of
each other

love can't be censored
it's meant to be explicit
© Natali Veronica 2013.

I usually never post stuff like this,
but poets are passionate writers, right?
- Feb 2014
Bricks lay upon you when
You try to love again
It's never easy
To pretend
Like you

You gave your heart
You gave your heart
Only to be crushed
Burned into ashes

Never did you meet
Such a person
Of interest

You tried to see
The good in love
All you got was
And a whole lot
Of pain, so discreet
Yet, it left you weak
Love can be
A beast
Death in
Personally, I like this. I like writing anyway.
- Feb 2014
Used to think we'd be nothing more than innocent friends, now I gaze in your eyes when I wanna take a trip to the stars, and when I need a fix, I dial your digits and you give me it, the butterflies flutter and I wonder, how would life be if you weren't soothing me to sleep, or hugging me tightly until my sadness didn't seem to exist?
I really like this one. I like writing about him, I like him a lot. My everything.
- Jun 2013
Give me your time and
I'll give mine
I love you so *much
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
sometimes I want discipline
sometimes I want affection
sometimes I crave structure
sometimes I crave pleasure
sometimes I need isolation
sometimes I need protection


I want to be yours
sometimes I don't

terrible at making decisions
making choices
is something I can
but cannot do
I really can't

I sound like a player
but I'm really not
I just love too much

I love multiple people
which causes trouble
and creates chaos
my feelings run havoc
as I'm busy
trying to deny it
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
I'm the one who falls for heavenly eyes
who likes a slice of poisoned cherry pie
constantly seeking the one for me
I always play with the devil's key
deadly and wonderful
that's what you are
you make me love drunk
I see stars

chemistry is electric
the passion in bed
seems like magic
or maybe a trick
to make me weak
as you poison my mind

Infatuated with thoughts of you
feeding me lies but I still want more
I wonder if you love me too
even if you don't, I still want to score
because you're the drug I need
**the kind of excitement I seek
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
People* say
Don't clog up your brain
with too much information
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
I kissed you
In the rain
As our love

I'm in love
With you

You're the fire
Heating up my heart
Kiss me until
I'm love drunk

Sugar and spice
Isn't needed
To describe
How much
I love
Your face
And your eyes
And the passion
From all the loving
Embraces and more
This is the cure
For all sadness
For sure
- Nov 2013
you took my innocence
during that one night of lust
we were both seventeen
the night we made love
and it felt so right
I thought you
were my
but I guess
we're all wrong
sometimes in life
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Not sure why I miss him. I guess it's because he was my first true love.
- Jan 2014
I don't feel good enough
I'm just average
Look at other girls
With their confidence
And perfect curls
They look fine
And I look dull
Beautiful smiles
I'm still waiting for my time
To actually shine through
Nothing compared to her
What am I to you?
Insecurities are ****.
- Aug 2013
Insecurities are out to play.

They break me to an extent.

drives me to the edge most days,
it's not something that I can't figure out,
just leaves me speechless.

the amount of doubt,
in my head and heart,
my blood veins feel like,
they're going to,
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
Just the thought of you
sends chills down my spine
reminds me of the one
who used to be mine
the one I adored
who then left
as my heart
lost it's glow

I'm still heavily drunk
on my intense thoughts
as I pour wine into my glass
taking sips as I think of the past
reminding myself of your eyes
the way they glanced at my face
thinking of your hands
how you explored my skin
with your fingertips

A flame that is now burnt out
but I'm still here
drunk on intense thoughts
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
he spoke to me
on the phone
last night

it gave me a fright
the anxiety was back
you sounded so calm
left me feeling numb

I heard your lips say
ever so gently
that you missed me

we spoke for hours
then I heard her voice
you said you had to go
and we'd talk tomorrow
I replied a short goodbye
and today at 9
you sent me a text
I guess I smiled
he's my ex but also one of my friends. :)
- Nov 2013
kiss me right there
wipe away my tears
watch a movie
or two with me
before the end
with a kiss
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
Nothing but positive vibes
Happiness in the air
That, it seems
- Sep 2013
Intrigued how people
Fall victim to deceit
And greed
What makes
A person
Want to seek
Levels in which
They cannot reach?

There is no need
For reverse
All you need
Is to think
Like the one
Who you are
Intrigued by

Maybe it's their intelligence
Or their lack of remorse
Maybe the way they act
And are well spoken
With their words

It's those simple things
That tell the tale
Of how this man
Or this woman
Made you feel
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
heal, release, set free
never hold a flame
unless you want
it to burn
your hand
keep it close
but far away
in your heart
it will always remain
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