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497 · Nov 2013
Close Enough
- Nov 2013
You're so attractive
it is almost tragic
to be attracted
you're so flawed
but still a magnet
can't help but like it
the way our hearts
are beautifully connected
we fight constantly
but in love we remain
I love you endlessly
you're the one
who is worth the pain
I sink further
when you're near
when you are here
my doubts disappear
to me it is very clear
you're the love of my life
and I want to always
have you right there
close to my heart
close enough to touch
but not to the point
of obsessed attachment
© Natali Veronica 2013.

You mean so much to me.
Don't let me go, ever.
497 · Jun 2013
Caught My Eye
- Jun 2013
The sky is as blue as your eyes
Just look at how the sun shines
Every time you walk outside

Hours feel like minutes
Whenever you pass by
Excuse me sir
but, you caught my eye
© Natali Veronica 2013.
496 · Aug 2013
Match Made In Paradise
- Aug 2013
Nothing* *tastes as good
As his lips
When they're
On mine.

Nothing feels as right
As his hands
When they're
Traveling down
My skin.

Nothing is as perfect
As our bodies are
When we're
On each other.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
495 · Aug 2013
Why Must I Feel?
- Aug 2013
So many feelings and emotions
Inside this heart of mine
Almost like a sweet poison
Eating away at my fragile mind
Numbing my soul and brain
Making me feel like
I made the worst mistakes
Of my entire life
Why must I be human?
And suffer such painful consequence
I know I deserved it but
None of this makes any sense
But it sure is weighing heavy
On my tainted conscience
Please help, I've lost myself
Not sure who I want
To activate my heart
Not sure what I should feel
Whether any of this
Is even real
Whether it's fake
Or not?
I guess I'll never know
Tears in my eyes
I feel I've done wrong
I can't help but cry
When I think of
What I have said
What I have done
I feel like a criminal
Blood on my hands
I feel like I'm paying the price
For all my sins
© Natali Veronica 2013.
494 · Jun 2013
New York Romance
- Jun 2013
I remember when we met,
a Friday night in New York,
that sweet smile, those eyes,
something I can't forget.

Just the way you laughed,
as we walked and talked,
made my heart skip a beat,
felt like I was in harmony,
and you were my melody.

We went to this place,
had a few drinks,
then as I stared in your eyes,
you leaned forward,
our lips met,
we kissed.

Later that night,
I gave you my number,
and you gave me yours,
then as I went home,
and I was laying in bed,
I thought to myself,
''I think I've found my true love''
© poetra 2013.
491 · Jun 2013
- Jun 2013
You cut through my feelings
like scissors cut through paper
and with every false promise
I feel my blood getting thinner
as my heart grows weaker
can't you see through my smile?
the anguish in my sunken eyes
or the way I lose control of
my inner thoughts
as soon as you go

my heart can beat without you
but it can't feel love
it can only feel pain
because you left it broken
as you can clearly see
I am Human**.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
491 · Oct 2013
Own Kind Of Heaven
- Oct 2013
sensitive to the slightest touch
everything you give me
sends me to the heavens
and all of the above
you consume my time
you consume my brain
you consume my thoughts
the brewing passion
in my thin veins
never seem to fade
you push my buttons
you drive me insane
still I hear myself
repeating your name
when your body
is pressed against mine
your love is beyond
what I can imagine
maybe this is
my own kind
of heaven
© Natali Veronica 2013.
487 · Sep 2013
The Poison Is You
- Sep 2013
Slipping in and out of
Wishing that I could
Love you significantly less

But I cannot and it hurts
Because loving you
Makes me feel worse
Than I already felt

We played the poker game of love
I lost, because of the cards I was dealt

Now I'm a mess, all alone in my home
Wishing you were holding me again

Grasping for air, but it's hard to breathe
Without the one I love beside me.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
484 · Jun 2013
This Hurts
- Jun 2013
This pain is so severe
it's affecting every nerve
in this back of mine, oh dear
I feel like I'm close to tears
this is hurting me
more than you'd think
behind my forced smile
is a mouth dying to scream
and behind my happy eyes
are eyes who are eager to cry.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
482 · Mar 2014
in luv w you
- Mar 2014
I kissed you
In the rain
As our love

I'm in love
With you

You're the fire
Heating up my heart
Kiss me until
I'm love drunk

Sugar and spice
Isn't needed
To describe
How much
I love
Your face
And your eyes
And the passion
From all the loving
Embraces and more
This is the cure
For all sadness
For sure
480 · Mar 2014
happy birthday to me!
479 · Sep 2013
Somewhat Lost
- Sep 2013
I fantasize about you
It's so twisted though
Because you broke me
But I let you do so
Didn't feel the need
To ever let go?

Everything is still here
Except yourself
I think I'd fall apart
Watching you love
Someone else
Or watching you
Act as if I don't exist
Or that there was once
An ''us''
© Natali Veronica 2013.
479 · Jun 2013
My Love
- Jun 2013
When I think of love
I think of your smile
When I think of bliss
I think of your arms
When I think of happiness
I think of you and I
to me, you're my love
the angel sent from above
who saved my life
just by being in mine
completing my heart
I found the last puzzle piece
it's you, baby
it's you

My soul ignites when I see your face
my heart races when you speak
I feel like all the puzzle pieces are in place
all I need is your affection
**all I need is your heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.
478 · Nov 2013
Flying Above
- Nov 2013
soaring high above you
like an angel singing
as she passes by
on top of the clouds
trying to connect
every once in a while
from the heavens
she misses the earth
she want to come back
but she never can
stuck with wings
flying above
© Natali Veronica 2013.

random poem. imagination is good.
this is kinda about my late friend tbh.
I lost her years ago and I wish she was alive.
476 · Jun 2013
Tender Loving Heart
- Jun 2013
Stole my heart with just a kiss
I swear, I've never been in love like this
You don't know how I feel about you
But I really wish you knew

I used to feel so lifeless
But you truly saved me
I once felt my heart break
And only you could fix it

Tender love is what I'm after
Silly moments
Infectious laughter
Looking for a soul mate
And I think I've *found
**In your tender, loving heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.
476 · Sep 2013
All For Him
- Sep 2013
My mind is for him
To discover
My body is for him
To uncover
My skin is for him
To feel and touch
My lips are for him
To kiss and embrace
My legs are for him to
Move his hand up
My dress
I'm his
Art piece
His mission
Is to love
& please
© Natali Veronica 2013.
475 · Jul 2013
Seriously Stop
- Jul 2013
I can hardly stand it
Can barely take it
Still, I take a breath
Hoping that'll fix this
But it won't
Nothing will
I stand here
Trying my best
To not make a big deal
Out of it all
But it's hard, you know
Letting **** spread online
Hearing lie after lie after lie
This, that, seriously stop
Or I'll make your heart rate

© Natali Veronica 2013.
474 · Jul 2013
True Friends
- Jul 2013
We can laugh together
joke around
as well as cry
when we need to
I guess I can say
you're precious
like a rare diamond
that I am glad I found
I promise
I won't let you down
you mean too much to me
I'd die
if I didn't have you by my side
you give life a real meaning
you give friendship a good name
all I can say is
we're true friends
© Natali Veronica 2013.
471 · Oct 2013
Far Away Love
- Oct 2013
Your love shines
Sends out sparks
But you're a ghost
I can't hold you tight

I cannot see you
But I sure feel you
I cannot touch you
But I can dream I do

You bring me a handful of love
And that is more than enough
Even if I can't see your face
I can sense your heart
Embracing mine

People say we aren't right
But love can't be wrong
You are my lover
You are the light
Because of you
My heart is strong

We had our downfalls
Our share of flaws
But we corrected
Our mistakes
And now
We're in love
© Natali Veronica 2013.

This is meant to be a song, but it can be a poem too.
Just followed a rhythm and wrote this.
470 · Aug 2013
One Look
- Aug 2013
It's way past seven
Still haven't slept
All I'm thinking of
Is him and his face
The way I fall
Into day dreams
Escaping reality
For what feels like
Absolute eternity

He makes it worth the time
And the moments of
Constant lust
Like a ghost
Sending chills
Down my spine

****, I can feel the cold
Like his hands travel down
And touch all over my skin
This one really knows
Every trick in the book
Stole my heart
With just
One look
© Natali Veronica 2013.
470 · Nov 2013
Picks Me Up
- Nov 2013
beauty is in her face and eyes
almost sensitive to the touch
loving her is a must
you can't help but love

she makes every day
seem like a breeze
she makes me feel okay
when I'm stuck in a daze
makes me wanna smile
and hold her tight
for the rest of my life

people say it's a crazy thing
seeing someone as your everything
but it's just a thing called love
a blessing in disguise
heaven on earth
bliss from above
she's my angel
for when life gets rough
she makes it all worth
the falls down
she picks me up
from the ground
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Wrote this earlier,
posting it despite everything.
I really do love you, babe.
469 · Nov 2013
Possibly Maybe
- Nov 2013
Electric touch, killer gaze,
always got me in a love craze.

Your smile, that face,
makes me love being alive.

Fireworks go off,
when I think of us.

Take me, love me,
drive me crazy.

I'm insanely in love,
need me like a drug.

I got a lost soul,
please take control.

Breathe in my perfume,
like your cigarette smoke.

Who knows, this could be love.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
467 · Oct 2013
Ray Of Sunshine
- Oct 2013
His sarcasm is on point
Funny as ever
What a smile
Makes me feel
Above the weather
© Natali Veronica 2013.
466 · Jul 2013
Thinking Of Us
- Jul 2013
I'm not sure what to say
If what I say is wrong or right
Whether I'm good enough
To be given a second try
At what I once failed at

Times like these make me wish
That you were here by my side
Holding me tight at night
Kissing my cheek
Singing lullabies
To make me fall asleep
And dream cute dreams
About you and I
And our life together
A fairytale romance
Where forever meant happy ever after
I'm stuck in a trance
Will you dance with me?
And be my prince
And hopefully my king
© Natali Veronica 2013.
466 · Jun 2013
Glass Of Pain
- Jun 2013
Go ahead, leave me behind
watch as my heart breaks
and my soul loses it's light
as you destroy me
and my mind

poison my heart with lies
feed my brain empty promises
and remember my face
as you watch me die inside
with tears filling my eyes
and a smile covering up the pain

leave me behind, but remember
I'll always cherish your love
as it was raw and tender*
even though you left me broke
feels like someone put my heart in a blender*
and left me with a glass of pain
which tasted bitter
© Natali Veronica 2013.
465 · Sep 2013
- Sep 2013
he kissed me yesterday
igniting my aching heart
our favorite record then
began to play and we
lost ourselves in
each other's eyes
exchanging kisses
sharing feelings
he makes me feel
he makes me heal
this love is surreal
the smell of cigarettes
mixed with my perfume
Chanel No. 5 to be exact
it filled the entire room
he stared at me all night
kissed my hand and then smiled
said he loved holding me
and we talked about our future
how we were meant to be
as a whole, as a pair
and we kept talking
about our fairytale
cute little future
© Natali Veronica 2013.
465 · Jun 2013
Stuck In Love
- Jun 2013
I don't know if I should
Stay or walk away
If I even could
I doubt that
You complete my heart
How tragic
A player is the one I want
Someone who messes me up
Still, I like him a lot
His words sends shivers
Down my fragile back
His lips make my heart stop
He makes me lose my mind
I'm like, I need to get a grip on this
But I know it's tricky
Let's be honest, I love it
How he plays hard to get
How we fight and then make up
The way we never stay together
Yet, something stops us from drifting apart
I don't know, is it a hidden spark?
Is it hidden love?
I don't know
But my heart sure does
I guess I'll be
**Stuck In Love.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
465 · Oct 2013
So I Know
- Oct 2013
Seal the deal
With a kiss
So I know
That I am

Undress my soul
So I know
This love
Is real

Strip me of my fears
Love me underneath
The cold covers
Kiss me hard
Bite my lip
Look in my eyes
Hold me all night
© Natali Veronica 2013.
464 · Sep 2013
- Sep 2013
You keep me from sinking
You keep me breathing
You are my reason for living
Let me be the reason
You're still surviving.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
464 · Aug 2013
Thank You All
- Aug 2013
Not here to impress.
I am here to write.
so if you appreciate,
and relate to what I post,
then thank you so much,
my heart beats for this,
your words of support keep me safe,
safe from myself and harm's way.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
462 · Mar 2014
together we can
- Mar 2014
I said;
Take me out.
Don't let me leave,
Your mighty sight,

You are the spirit,
That lights up the town,
You make me smile,
When I feel down.

You are the king,
Let me be your queen,
Together we can,
Hold on to love.
455 · Jul 2013
Wish I Could Hate You
- Jul 2013
Can't shake this feeling off,
it's making me fall apart,
your love's gotta hold on me,
I don't know why, but I'm sad.

I gave you all I had,
but it was never enough,
you left and I had to bear,
all the pain and these tears.

now I'm crying, hurting,
don't know why I'm caring,
but you affected me,
I never wanted you to leave.

I want to be able, to hate you,
like everybody else I know,
but my heart has it's ways,
of making me come back for more,
even though you left it dying on the floor,
it's driving me so mad that I could cry.

I want to hate you, hurt you,
make you feel like I do,
but we all know very well,
that I could never break your heart,
even though you surely broke mine,
as well as breaking me in the process.

you ****** up my heart,
and I can't honestly take it,
you're just like a snake,
that bites and poisoned the victim,
how a person could hurt a girl so bad,
that is something I wish I knew,
because I sure as hell couldn't hurt you,
even though I wanted to,
when you went out and left me,
I wanted to stab and leave a mark on the heart,
who broke my heart and took it's shine,
drained it out and took it's pride,
now I'm empty inside,
as I see you,
with a smile,
upon your face.
Listened to the Mariah Carey song ''H.A.T.E.U.''
and I wrote this, as I was following the melody of the song.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
454 · Aug 2013
This Is More Than Lust
- Aug 2013
I love him so much,
it kinda scares me,
how addicted I am,
to his sweet touch,
and how much I like it,
when he's close to me.

His love takes me places,
that I have never been before.
he's more addictive than drugs,
I wanna have more and more,
like it's the only thing I need,
his love, I need to feel,
but it feels like greed,
wanting his heart,
body & soul.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
451 · Nov 2013
Every Moment
- Nov 2013
I think you're amazing
I think you're kind
I think you're caring
You're always on my mind

Your name makes me smile
When it shows up on my phone
It makes me appreciate
Every moment of life
© Natali Veronica 2013.
450 · Dec 2013
As She Is
- Dec 2013
Sister ruins a lot
I'm not always to blame
She truly is a mess
So am I
But not as bad
As she is
© Natali Veronica 2013.
450 · Feb 2014
if it makes sense?
- Feb 2014
You left my heart for dead, stuck the voices in my head. Wired me to believe, that love wasn't for me to keep. You kept me playing the wicked game, until I couldn't take the pain. I was broken, bruised, over you, I didn't know what to do. I was lied to, pleased, quite used to the hatred in sight, the one I thought was love. Memories held me up, kept me from drowning. The love was tough, broke me up, it was overpowering. People say, pay your dues, give a little part of you. Hopefully it will be enough, to sustain a practical love, the one you've been dreaming of. Maybe it will make sense, all the times he broke your heart, shaded your existence. All the times he kissed your lips, the kisses that left you smitten, that left you addicted. All the times he held you tight, and made you feel alright. All the times you fell for the same lies as before. All the times he walked out of that door, left you wanting more.
Random poem. Straight from the heart. Just something I wrote quickly. Felt creative enough to post.
449 · Sep 2013
Let's Rewind
- Sep 2013
Do you wanna hold hands?
'Cause I've got no plans
Do you wanna share that blunt?
'Cause I've got none, nothin'
Let's take a walk
Down that road
In the cold dark
Where it's cold
So I got a reason
To pull you in
Don't resist
We both need it
Our love is still there
Just need to remind ourselves
That what we had is precious, my dear
And that no one else can make an ''us''
© Natali Veronica 2013.
448 · Mar 2014
in your heart
- Mar 2014
heal, release, set free
never hold a flame
unless you want
it to burn
your hand
keep it close
but far away
in your heart
it will always remain
447 · Aug 2013
What Will Be Will Be
- Aug 2013
I wonder if I deserve him.
I wonder if my love,
Is good enough for him.
If my heart is pure,
And perfect enough,
For the one I love.

He's almost too good.
He's almost too fine.
He's so perfect,
Praying that,
He'll always be mine.

People say, love never lasts..
Seems like it's maybe a fact,
But I like this boy so much,
I want our love safe under wraps,
So nobody can interfere,
So that no one can touch,
What is ours.

I'm addicted to him,
and he says he's addicted to me,
But who knows..
What will be,
Will be.

He's the man of my dreams though,
I wanna hug him and kiss him forever more.
I never knew he'd mean this much to me,
But as I said and mentioned before,
What will be,
Will be.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
447 · Sep 2013
- Sep 2013
The* love of my *life
Calls me his wife
Despite my days
Of being a mess

He buys me diamonds
Says I'm his favorite one
Because I shine bright
Like the sun.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
445 · Nov 2013
Did Not Realize (10w)
- Nov 2013
I knew things would change
Didn't really realize how much
© Natali Veronica 2013.
444 · Jul 2013
Unstable As Ever
- Jul 2013
a beautiful flame
burning bright
and then one day
it's gone




I was okay
for a while
I can't describe

a face with no expression
a heart with no emotion
a body with no oxygen
my life

needing a release
before I

I don't know what to express
feels like I've given up
on my life

no amount of love
could change my thoughts
I'd blank it all out
as I'd fall into what I once
swore I'd never let in again
the other part of me
that I had to leave
I sense my old feelings
making a bitter return

I never wanted to fall for it
I tried so hard to make an effort
to stay and keep myself on track
but every human
has their weak points
something that brings them back
to their deadly old thoughts
© Natali Veronica 2013.
444 · Jun 2013
Information Overload
- Jun 2013
People* say
Don't clog up your brain
with too much information
© Natali Veronica 2013.
440 · Nov 2013
- Nov 2013
we're supposed to be close
best of friends at heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.

440 · Sep 2013
Waiting For Nothing
- Sep 2013
I check my phone,
all the time,
hoping for a text,
from the one who left,
the one who owns my heart,
but as usual, nothing from you,
like, girl, I ******* love you so strongly,
I know I was a fool but I want you near me,
I can't sleep or eat when we're apart,
I fall asleep in the dark, tears making my eyes hurt,
I stay up every night, waiting for a text,
an 'I miss you' text  that I'll never get.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
438 · Sep 2013
Favorite Poet II
- Sep 2013
That legacy of hers will never fade
Even though she's far away
Up in those clouds
Those clouds of white
She's the most beautiful star
In this entire, darling sky

Her face, I haven't seen in years
The girl who left a hole in our hearts
Sidonie was a blessing to know
My love continues to grow
The poet with a mind of gold
Her poems brought out the best
In people, young and old

I miss her constantly
And I lost myself
A thousand times
She truly was
The shining light
But when she died
I seemed to fall apart
Got lost in my sadness
And fell in love with the dark
I miss my favorite poet so much.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Happy 22nd birthday to my favorite poet.
Gone but never, ever forgotten.
I love you Sidonie.
We'll meet again one day.
We'll be united once more.
438 · Jul 2013
A Few Feelings Left
- Jul 2013
Even though you lied to keep me
I still love you dearly
Should have moved on
Just have let go
But who am I kidding?
I love you so
No jokin'
I can't escape it
The past
Brings me
© Natali Veronica 2013.
435 · Oct 2013
Put A Ring On Me
- Oct 2013
Sometimes I wish
He'd propose
With a boxed
© Natali Veronica 2013.

this is a ****** 10w poem, oh well.
in a ''I want to get married'' mood ***.
435 · Mar 2014
beauty of love
- Mar 2014
I do think you're the best
my heart you stole
not like the rest
a flawed love
with a
435 · Feb 2014
creative tonight
- Feb 2014
Tasted the lips of death, but I haven't met you yet, but I can feel your heavy grip as I struggle to breathe at night, the way you touched and tried too hard, how I fell for the pain of art, the way you kissed me into a grave, and how you made me scream your name, as the smoke of lust, it completely filled my lungs, took me down and let me drown, love is a dangerous game to play, yet it keeps you on your toes, ready for a hit, another cigarette to blow, amazed at how it keeps you wanting more tomorrow, you know, it keeps you calm and chilled, almost ice cold, but it's real, the tense, hot air that cools and twists and turns, trying to conceal the passion and overall devotion, the love which is addicting and truly sickening, it keeps you thinking, and loving.
I just wrote this without thinking too much about it making sense. Any opinions welcome, positive or negative. I've been smoking and drinking, so I'm quite creative right now, might post a lot of random writing, so I hope I don't annoy anyone. I just love writing, from the heart, because that's what makes it real.
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