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435 · Oct 2013
Put A Ring On Me
- Oct 2013
Sometimes I wish
He'd propose
With a boxed
© Natali Veronica 2013.

this is a ****** 10w poem, oh well.
in a ''I want to get married'' mood ***.
430 · Oct 2013
Think Before You Comment
- Oct 2013
I don't write to impress
or to be a part of
a writing cult
I write to express
hoping that
people can relate
nothing more
nothing less
so think of that
before you comment
on my personal poems
© Natali Veronica 2013.

kinda annoyed right now. needed to vent.
428 · Jul 2013
- Jul 2013
Red on my shirt
White are my jeans
The sky is blue
And I am free
Like the
American Dream
Happy 4th of July.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
425 · Sep 2013
Leave My Writing Be
- Sep 2013
I write to express
I don't care if
She reads
My poems
I couldn't
Care less
Let me write
My heart
It's not for you
So, don't worry
We fell through
And the fall
Broke our

Sorry if I

So ****
But then
Should I be?
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
So many familiar faces
Different appearances
I guess it's because
Of all those changes
That occur when we age
When we grow older
Smarter, wiser
We change
All the time
I miss those
Memories though
Those we built
When we
Were carefree
And as calm
As the sunny

We might change how we look
But we are still ourselves
On the inside
Like a book
With different
And covers
© Natali Veronica 2013.
423 · Jul 2013
You Sicken Me
- Jul 2013
You* make me *sick
To my stomach
I hope you know that
© Natali Veronica 2013.
418 · Oct 2013
Drug Is Him
- Oct 2013
I know what I feel
but how do I express it
in a way you understand
that it is real?

you kiss my lips
before I even speak
before I can say
all the words
that haunt me
and send chills

before I get a chance
to perfect my lines
you put your hands
around my waist
and I lose myself
in your eyes
those brown eyes
that make me weak
from just one glance

nothing distracts me more
than his hungry lips
when he pushes me down
towards the bed
and bites my neck hard
so innocent and cute
yet *******
when the door
is closed

my favorite drug to take
is his sweet love
© Natali Veronica 2013.
416 · Nov 2013
Empty Words
- Nov 2013
you were meant to be the armor
instead you're the one
pulling the trigger

how unfortunate
that you turned out like that
such a waste of a life
all the words I guess
you didn't mean any of it
I didn't expect anything less
all you ever did
was talk *******

au revoir though
I'll be gone
you have a chance
to feel any sorrow

your words are pointless
they have no value
they lost all that
because of you
© Natali Veronica 2013.

An old poem from February of this year.
415 · Nov 2013
Cheap Promises
- Nov 2013
colors fade when I think
of the times I let you in
I gave you access
to my sensitive parts
my heart being one
my body being another
time changed before we knew it
and now we're both lonesome
pretending we don't love each other
but still we have times of small talk
you seem fine without me
and it makes my heart shatter
into a thousand pieces
into a thousand parts
you promised this
was going to last
© Natali Veronica 2013.
413 · Jun 2013
Dear Angel
- Jun 2013
The day you died haunts me still
but you will be forever young
forever on my mind
I will always miss your smile
the way your presence could light up a room
kind of like the sun as it rises in the morning
and as the moon glows when the day progresses
into the starry sky at midnight exact

I will never forget the impact you made
just by being my dearest friend
one day, I'll see you again
at the bright gates of Heaven
I will then see your face once more
and the girl who I once lost
but now can see again

One day that will happen,
One day, my friend.

Dear angel, I love you.
My heartbeat feels so dull,
without you here bringing it back to life.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
412 · Jun 2013
Never Wanted To Grow Up
- Jun 2013
When you're older, and no longer wild
It makes you miss those days
when you were a small child
trying to find your place in this world
and to fit into this society of choice
where beauty means a lot
as well as intelligence
but a kind heart, not so much
© Natali Veronica 2013.
409 · Mar 2014
will do
- Mar 2014
Sticking by you
Is something
I will do
409 · Jul 2013
Falling Hard For Him
- Jul 2013
I have touched your heart
now all I need
is to touch
your body

I don't have to
but I want to
I am

Your words drive me insane
makes me want to seek more
your body on mine
is all I really need

My fingertips
exploring your skin
like a map
that's what I'd love to do
and of course
drink wine
© Natali Veronica 2013.
407 · Nov 2013
Miles Away
- Nov 2013
Time is ticking on by
But you are miles away
© Natali Veronica 2013.

407 · Feb 2014
eleven words
- Feb 2014
Struck up a conversation
Fell into a live situation
Complicated equation
406 · Feb 2014
Hidden Facts
- Feb 2014
Love can heal you
Love can damage you
Even the best
Can hurt the most
Not always
Just sometimes
403 · Oct 2013
Waters Of A Lost Forever
- Oct 2013
Alone, she walked the road of despair
Looking for the man of her dreams
But he was nowhere to be found.

Her heart broke into a thousand pieces
Looking for the one who completed hers
She tried so desperately to hold on
To what she believed to be true
Knowing all too well that she
Would lose herself
Trying to find

Her eyes would be filled to the brink
With tears that flowed like a river
It felt like an anchor
Was making her sink
Into the waters
Of a lost forever.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Poetic little short story, I guess.
It was something I wrote late in the night.
402 · Mar 2014
- Mar 2014
Early morning tea
Sets my soul free
Calms me down
Takes pain away
When by

Nothing hurts
Nothing aches
In the morning
And I am coping
401 · Nov 2013
Something Real
- Nov 2013
I need a dose of love
No cheap ****
I need the real stuff
Got expensive taste
Hoping you can pay
For a heart like mine
I'm worth too much
I need a true kind
Of fuel to keep me alive
I don't trust tainted words
I only believe in real hearts
No, keep your hands off
I am not a cheap ticket
I don't strut my stuff
For a lover until I feel like it
If I feel like you appreciate
Me as well as my heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.
401 · Mar 2014
- Mar 2014
It's the sensation
Of someone
Love hearts
On your skin
The ecstasy
When you're
In the heaven
Of which is
Pure passion
The kind of feeling
Like no other
That gives healing
Makes you crave
That bliss
Felt good and wrote this, ha.
397 · Feb 2014
Thank you so much for 100k
- Feb 2014
Happy Valentine's Day!
396 · Aug 2013
Trusted You Though
- Aug 2013
You won't tell me who you are
And it's so **** frustrating
I've been in this situation before
So I'm just patiently waiting
For my prayer to be answered
For my mind to be put at ease
I guess I should have figured
But I trusted your words
© Natali Veronica 2013.
396 · Nov 2013
Drunk On Luv
- Nov 2013
You make me more drunk than the wine I drink
© Natali Veronica 2013.


Obsessed with writing ten word poems.
396 · Jul 2013
Summertime Sadness
- Jul 2013
chilling out on the sofa
I'm thinking about ya
looking at the photographs
as I dwell on our memories
I pretend I don't miss us
because it hurts so much

to miss someone
who never cared enough
who never stuck by me
when I needed a shoulder to cry on so badly
is it bad that I'm not over it?
yeah, it probably is
but you gave me a lot
to remember
now it feels like
a permanent December

it's supposed to be summer
but I'm still as depressed
as the day you left
I can't forget you
just like my favorite song
always on replay
all night long
until I

© Natali Veronica 2013.
395 · Jul 2013
Don't You Dare
- Jul 2013
You've seen my face
but not my scars

You've seen my smile
but not my tear filled eyes

You've seen my best
but you haven't witnessed my worst

So, don't you dare judge me
by what your eyes see

Look inside my heart
that's where it is
beat after beat
coping with
the judgement
but hey
I'm still breathing
© Natali Veronica 2013.
394 · Dec 2013
Hurt Like This
- Dec 2013
Love isn't meant to hurt
It's meant to keep you alive
Meant to give you hope
Re-ignite your faith
Love isn't meant
To hurt like this

You're supposed to smile
Not cry yourself to sleep at night
You're supposed to feel sparks
And get a fairytale romance
Something to make you gaze
Into that beautiful sky
And look at those
Beautiful stars
Love isn't meant
To hurt like this
© Natali Veronica 2013.
388 · Feb 2014
poetic short story (kinda)
- Feb 2014
keep talking
as I am losing
losing this sanity
you destroy me

sticks and stones
break my bones
but your words
cut me in pieces
they bleed me dry
I'm near the sky
on edge of death
are you done yet?

chapter one
we began
chapter two
I lost you, man
chapter three
pled for mercy
chapter four
on the floor
chapter five
I wasn't alive
yet, you smiled
chapter six
you saw death
chapter seven
dragged you from heaven
right down to hell
****** the life
out of your heart
then planned
your funeral
wore a veil
I didn't cry
I smiled
like you did
when I died
not sure what the **** I just wrote...
388 · Jul 2013
Watch Out
- Jul 2013
There are so many people I dislike
They leave a mark on your life
They promise to be by your side
Then they stab your back
With the sharpest knife

Don't comfort me with a lie
Tell me the truth
And don't hide
Don't hide your true colors
Because when I find out
You'll regret it
© Natali Veronica 2013.
386 · Nov 2013
Glad You Did
- Nov 2013
you stared into my soul
you read my mind
like it was a book
you made me
believe in life
never thought
you could
but you did
and I am glad

you saw me
the mess I was
but still thought
that I was worthy
of your love

you cherish
my heart
more than

you brought
my heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.

dedicated to my love.
383 · Oct 2013
Make Or Break (10w)
- Oct 2013
I miss my best friend
Is this really the end?
© Natali Veronica 2013.
382 · Jul 2013
Going Insane
- Jul 2013
You're exactly like a bullet
Right through me
With such impact
It's hard to believe
That I'm still alive
For months
I thought that I was dead
I guess it was all
Just thoughts in my head

You're driving me insane
I can't stand hearing your name
Makes me want to put a bullet in my brain
That's how much you affect me
It's such a negative influence, honey

I hate how you lie
To cover up your ****
I am so done
So sick of it
I tried for so long to make it all up
But I couldn't understand
Such a twisted mind
© Natali Veronica 2013.
381 · Nov 2013
Damages (10w)
- Nov 2013
Growing up seems harmless
But it causes so much damage
© Natali Veronica 2013.
380 · Feb 2014
Every Time..
- Feb 2014
Sober thoughts spill out
Every time I drink
Endless silence
When I smoke
Deep moments
of thought
And of us
374 · Nov 2013
Honestly Hope
- Nov 2013
Your words affect me
More than they should
You're so heavenly
Couldn't give you up
Even if my heart tried

You ignite the happiness in me
You make me feel worthy
You have such a hold
I honestly hope you know
© Natali Veronica 2013.
373 · Dec 2013
Plain Simple (10w)
- Dec 2013
I could stare into your eyes for a thousand years
© Natali Veronica 2013.
371 · Nov 2013
Harmless Poetry
- Nov 2013
expressing emotion
is not a crime
nor a sin
© Natali Veronica 2013.
365 · Nov 2013
There Comes A...
- Nov 2013
there comes a time when I miss your voice
there comes a day where I miss your touch
there comes a night where I miss your love
there comes a moment when I miss you
through all the time in the world
like a heart that needs
its other piece to fit
just right into yours
above all
© Natali Veronica 2013.
361 · Mar 2014
- Mar 2014
pure heaven
357 · Aug 2013
Beauty Of Dreams
- Aug 2013
I believe I love you
You thrill me
You know you do
I believe you're the key
To my heart & I
My thoughts are up
In the clouds
In the sky
© Natali Veronica 2013.
355 · Sep 2013
Went Back To Him
- Sep 2013
tried to see her
as she saw me
but I couldn't feel
the chemistry
there was a lack
of intimacy

never thought of you
as more than a friend
sorry to disappoint you
but I had to step back
in the very end

back together with the guy I left
after realizing my mistake
this girl and I
weren't what I thought

friends with her, I'll gladly be
but I can't forget that one lie
that she had told me

it was only one
but a big one indeed
I thought she was someone else
but that was just a lie
© Natali Veronica 2013.
351 · Sep 2013
Messed Me Up
- Sep 2013
Heart malfunctions
When I think
Of the times
We made this

I thought I was insane
This shouldn't be happening
You somehow affected my brain
It left me constantly
Losing my sanity
I shouldn't
Miss you
But I do
© Natali Veronica 2013.
351 · Aug 2013
Until The Bitter End
- Aug 2013
Songs are like memories
They show up now and then
Makes me miss all those times
We shared until the end
© Natali Veronica 2013.
351 · Jun 2013
- Jun 2013
It's like
I have to feed myself lies
In order to survive the day
A little smile here
A little smile there
I'm sure no one cares
If my heart is drowning in **tears
Natali Veronica 2013.
350 · Jul 2013
Money Ruins You
- Jul 2013
Money means nothing anymore
All it does is ******* up
It gives you power
Maybe that
But mostly
Damages your life
© Natali Veronica 2013.
350 · Nov 2013
Just Damn
- Nov 2013
Alexander, ****.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

He's the nicest guy there is.
349 · Oct 2013
Early Smiles
- Oct 2013
its barely six in the morning
I find myself staring
into the eyes of a loved one
that guy is like sunshine
every single time
his body is pressed
against mine
the best moments
of my life
are the ones
that I've shared
with him
he makes me
want to keep smiling
© Natali Veronica 2013.
343 · Jan 2014
- Jan 2014

© Natali Veronica 2014.
- Jun 2013
Money* is nothing
compared to *your
Your love is my *fortune
© Natali Veronica 2013.
320 · Jul 2013
Little Poem
- Jul 2013
Kinda stuck on what to write
or what words to use
to write this
writer's block
or maybe not

I guess when I'm happy
there's not as much creative flow
within me and my body
not as much as when
I'm breaking down
in tears and
trying to heal
my soul

Not much else I can say
or write about
and love
© Natali Veronica 2013.
311 · Nov 2013
Nobody Else But You
- Nov 2013
You're the one I want, nobody else is good enough
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Love you so much.

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