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562 · Sep 2013
All Of Me Creates Art
- Sep 2013
Dark like black piano keys
Angelic like the white ones
Played like a symphony
Although ends in tragedy
The melody is bittersweet
But all of me creates art
© Natali Veronica 2013.
561 · Mar 2014
in the air
- Mar 2014
Nothing but positive vibes
Happiness in the air
That, it seems
561 · Jul 2013
Words Can Kill, Okay?
- Jul 2013
I was fine, for what seemed like weeks
But today, I lost my cool
I felt so weak
And then you told me...

''Go and die, you don't need to be alive,
have fun on the other side

Do you even realise
How much strength it takes
To not put a blade to my wrist
Or to not put a gun to my head..

Words **** people every day
It doesn't matter if you didn't mean it
The words you said, could have made someone bleed
It could have left a person dead
© Natali Veronica 2013.
561 · Nov 2013
Taste Of Sin
- Nov 2013
when the lust kicks in
your whole world spins
hoping for a taste of sin
© Natali Veronica 2013.

short but whatever. xo
559 · Oct 2013
Cracks In Our Foundation
- Oct 2013
it seemed so perfect
on the flawless surface
but not on
the inside
when I
see our face
I have to
fake a smile
trying not to
let my feelings
crash and collide

I thought we'd get married
and I'd have your kid
but some things
are not meant to be
you seem to love me
but our fights break me
they leave me in misery

when you sleep
I stay awake
my heart
it breaks
you were
my love

but feelings change
and lovers drift apart
seems so strange
and it's really hard
I thought our love
was rock solid
I guess it's not
© Natali Veronica 2013.
559 · Nov 2013
Darling (10w)
- Nov 2013
its crazy how much
you mean to me
pretty honey
© Natali Veronica 2013.
555 · Jul 2013
Princess Of The Music Scene
- Jul 2013
Princess of the music scene
some nickname her the Queen
because her voice
captivates a whole nation
of people
from around the world
spreading love and joy
to all the ones who listen
to her songs

That's my sister
a living legend
worked so hard
to get this far
now she's here
after years
she got her claim
to fame

Proud of my sister
I love her
This is dedicated to my older sister, Stef. I adore you, princess.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
551 · Aug 2013
Messy Poetry
- Aug 2013
Save your words and be gone.
Don't let me hold on.


I'm too strong,
yet too weak,
that I need,
and I feed,

You are my drug.

It's like I can live without it,
but my mind would fail me,
in a certain moment,
of time,
I would,
lose my mind.

This poem makes no sense,
neither does my life,
or the recovery process,
which I'm trying to 'possess'.

I am such a


What am I trying to express?
I have no idea.
I guess we all need a space,
to vent and take that weight off our chest,
so it doesn't end up breaking our necks,
from the pressure in our hearts, bones & veins.

Again, this makes no sense,
so excuse the mess of this,
this poem I am trying to write,
using the thoughts of my messed up mind,
which is the reason, for this poem,
which is a mix of lovely & ugly.

  Messy poetry.
By me.

not sorry.

Excuse my lack of sense,
I just needed to get these thoughts,
out of my crazy mind.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
550 · Sep 2013
Come Back Please
- Sep 2013
I am such an emotional mess
Just so **** ******* sad
Feels like my heart is
Drowning in un-cried tears
I feel so bad, sickened by myself
I ****** up so much
I lost my best friend
She was my everything
Feels like I have nothing
I spend my nights crying
Feeling so bad these days
I miss that girl so much
I owe her my life
She was always there
But I was an idiot towards her
Sitting here guilt tripping
So many emotions
My heart and brain
Is almost exploding
Honestly wish I had a gun
I'd have so much fun
Pointing it to my head
Ending my horrendous pain
I lost the love of my life
Again and again and again
I had the best person alive
But I messed everything up
And now I just wanna die.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
549 · Feb 2014
Stared Into Your Soul
- Feb 2014
I stared into your soul
Like you stared
Into my eyes
We fell in love
Almost instantly
It was no surprise
You had a whole heart
You gave me one part
That's when I knew
I truly loved you
Love poem...again. Excuse me, sweethearts.
547 · Dec 2013
Last Night Was
- Dec 2013
The worst
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Quite broken.
546 · Nov 2013
Interrupt With A Kiss
- Nov 2013
kiss me right there
wipe away my tears
watch a movie
or two with me
before the end
with a kiss
© Natali Veronica 2013.
543 · Feb 2014
Nothing Specific
- Feb 2014
I feel like keeping a diary
Or some kind of blog
Whichever keeps me happy
Just to express, perhaps
But in more depth
Than I might show
When I post on this
Just a few thoughts
Nothing much
Mind never stops
Not for anyone
I guess we need it
To properly function
It keeps us working
Sometimes on overdrive
It helps us in ways
No one can deny
Thoughts in my head right now.
542 · Sep 2013
Ten Word Poem
- Sep 2013
He has that electric soul
That makes me lose control
© Natali Veronica 2013.
540 · Jul 2013
Urge To Relapse...
- Jul 2013
Today I feel this urge
To feel the pain
I once battled
To keep in

I'm aching to bleed
Just to know I'm alive
So that I can feel
My heart beat
Like it once did

Rush of adrenaline
I am seeking again
Pain, my former best friend
I am seeking you again
Give me the thrill
Oh, if only
There was a happy pill
That I could consume
To make the bad night fade
As I fall into a deep sleep
Dreaming broken dreams

Save me before I fall
Into bad habits again
I don't want to bleed
I only want to feel
© Natali Veronica 2013.
539 · Jul 2013
Faking Smiles
- Jul 2013
So many feelings right now
All I can do is write
My mouth can't speak
I feel like I'm falling somehow

Trying to remain strong
But it hurts to keep on
Showing that smile
Which fools people's eyes

Faking smiles
To keep us whole
© Natali Veronica 2013.
536 · Aug 2013
Popular Player
- Aug 2013
I bet you must be liked
By everyone you meet
I bet people get weak
When they hear you speak
Surely you must captivate them all
I mean, look at you, eyes of an angel
Lips look so soft, can I kiss them?
Your eyes are so beautiful
I could get lost in them
Like I'm in Heaven
In Paradise even
© Natali Veronica 2013.
535 · Aug 2013
Bring Me To Life
- Aug 2013
Please break my bed
Just don't break my heart
Please don't mess with my head
Just love me in the dark

Please take my hand
Assure me I'm fine
Please help me mend
My crooked smile

Soothe my heart
Just don't break it
Relax my mind
Just don't be unkind
© Natali Veronica 2013.
532 · Sep 2013
What The Fuck Happened?
- Sep 2013
I can be your punching bag
Or a shoulder to cry on
All those tears you cried
I can be your perfect girl
Or the mess you seem to be
If we take a step forward
We can rule this world
Whatever it takes
You know I'll be
Adjusting me
To be the puzzle piece
That you so desperately need
I would be anything for you
The best there is
Or the worst mess
Together we are a team
As long as you're with me
Then I'll be here for you
No matter what we
Seem to go through
I can't give up on you
You push me away
We used to be
Bestest friends
But now it feels
Like it's all come to an end
You're mean on purpose
It's the main reason I relapsed
I fell apart last night
I talked to you
While I was crying
You kept bragging
About your best friends
And my heart was breaking
Then you told me
That I was ****
And it's hard to believe
That you once loved me
You saved my life
But ultimately broke me
This cuts into me like a knife
We used to speak for hours
But now we speak a few times
Every other week
And I cannot sleep
Because of you
I see you in my dreams
It's the opposite of everything
Can't pretend I'm coping
I miss you so bad
Why did you have to act out
I lost so much, I lost
My best friend
You let it all
Burst into flames
And now we are the dust
On the concrete pavement
© Natali Veronica 2013.
531 · Jan 2014
Epic Feel
- Jan 2014
Touch is electric
Aftermath is epic
529 · Aug 2013
Wanna Win His Heart
- Aug 2013
face of an angel
skills of a devil
one taste of me
and you'll want double
I guess you could say
I'm pure trouble
but I like being
in our love bubble

he says I'm addictive
I always tend to deny
but his mouth says otherwise
why do I even dare try?

his touch makes me weak
his eyes get me so lost
I can't seem to get enough
of his moves, his touch
his passionate
yet rough ways

the *** is a mix of
pleasure and pain
he makes me so needy
I could want him
over and over again
he really is that good
at what he does

never known such an addictive man
in my entire life
he's just
I wanna be
his wife
the one
who wins
his heart
of gold
© Natali Veronica 2013.
525 · Nov 2013
Mulled Wine (5w)
- Nov 2013
Mulled wine is so divine.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
520 · Oct 2013
Approach Me Not
- Oct 2013
your lipstick of lies
is wearing off tonight
you can't touch
what you lost
and think
it's too late
to drown out
your sorrows
with drinks
find someone else
if you need love
don't even approach
my table in the club
unless you're dying
for a punch
© Natali Veronica 2013.
an old, old poem of mine. from years ago.
520 · Feb 2014
- Feb 2014
Memories seem to follow me
Makes me wanna believe
That you are in my dreams
You follow me repeatedly
You truly swept me off my feet
You are bittersweet
Perfect and complete
You are everything
I could ever need
You are young and wild
Sweet and crazy fun
With you, I am high
I, I feel alive
You're my every
Little piece of me
With you
Is my destiny
just writing. no thinking, just typing.
519 · Jul 2013
Feels Like Summer
- Jul 2013
Feels like I'm in the summer spirit
Drink in my hand
Baby, I'm feelin' it
Drinking champagne
On a Monday mornin'
Gentle summer breeze
And it's barely 10AM

Having fun with a friend or two
Chillin' as I forget about him
Wine, champagne
All the finest
And as the night comes
Dude, we'll be laughing
Drinking, smoking
As we enjoy this day
Finally feels like summer to me
© Natali Veronica 2013.
518 · Nov 2013
Always Near
- Nov 2013
You're like a shooting star
Always near from afar
I know you are
Always there
© Natali Veronica 2013.
516 · Jul 2013
- Jul 2013
There's this girl I know
Her name is Elise
and she's cute
© Natali Veronica 2013.
516 · Mar 2014
- Mar 2014
I love the people in my life
They make me smile
Especially him
My best friend
My other half
Who I adore
With my heart
Happiest girl
There is
This is
Loving today!!
515 · Nov 2013
Ruin Us
- Nov 2013
not sure if I should approach or not
whether to stay or walk
whether to speak or hush
my anxiety makes a mess of me
and it always seems to ruin us

I just feel so nervous sometimes
I say I'm ok but it's all lies
sometimes I am fine
sometimes I am not
I just really love you
but I ruin us...
© Natali Veronica 2013.
513 · Nov 2013
Would They?
- Nov 2013


i f



w o r d s



s t i l l

a go
© Natali Veronica 2013.

I was bored lol
513 · Nov 2013
Much Needed Boost
- Nov 2013
**** start to the month
But then my poem trends.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Thanks for cheering me up. 10w.
Couldn't have been better timing.

511 · Nov 2013
Must Be Your Influence
- Nov 2013
I just love holding you near
that's when all my flaws
seem like they disappear
it must be your influence
© Natali Veronica 2013.
509 · Sep 2013
Make My Mark
- Sep 2013
Got a tragic desire
You take me higher
And when we're apart
I feel so much smaller
Your kisses are like oxygen
I need you to keep surviving
Your love might be limited
But I appreciate that
Your skin is delicate
Wanna bite right into it
Those eyes of yours make me crazy
Your sweet voice makes me high
Makes me feel kinda hazy
But I like when you're
In my dreams every night
© Natali Veronica 2013.
508 · Aug 2013
Spark Is On Fire
- Aug 2013
Thinking of you makes me smile
Even though we're apart
By quite a few miles
But we're keeping our love alive
Telling each other what we need to hear
How I'm your girl and you're my guy
Wish I could whisper I love you's in your ear
Longing for his love, but it's worth the wait
Because I know, this love of ours will last
Yeah, we both got hurt in the past
So let's make it right, you and I
© Natali Veronica 2013.
505 · Aug 2013
Here, There And Everywhere
- Aug 2013
Let's see how this goes
Classes **** though
I'd rather take
Sleeping pills
Or get high
On whatever, sigh

Tired but wide awake
Been through a lot
Of silly *******
Still got a smile on my face
Despite my mind
Being out of place
My brain is numb
Too much information
Too little therapy and ******

This poem *****
But oh well
I'm soon
To hell
© Natali Veronica 2013.
504 · Nov 2013
Simple Request
- Nov 2013
I fantasize too much
I always imagine love
and the craziest scenarios
like, get these thoughts
out of my head
and keep them
locked away
far from
my mind
© Natali Veronica 2013.
504 · Mar 2014
we are humans
- Mar 2014
the beauty of life
is hard to describe
it is the amount
of positive vibes
in one person's life
and the negative ones
that help us grow
like a flower
endless progress
just that, we are humans
502 · Aug 2013
Forget Forever
- Aug 2013
When I lay in bed, I think of you
I wanna cry my eyes out
When I'm awake, I think of us
I wanna tear your heart up
Not for lying, but for saying
That you loved me and ****
And for playing with my emotions
Like I was losing myself
No more venom in my system
But I'm still not over your presence
You are haunting and consuming
Sometimes I hate my own existence
You were amazing, ******* amazing
But it was all an illusion
Now I'm smashing
All the mirrors
Because I no longer
Feel safe behind closed doors
You were a liar but I fooled myself
Into thinking you were your true self
My heart keeps beating for someone
Who was lying to keep me in their bed
As if I didn't suffer enough
You filled my head
With thoughts of forever
Really thought we'd be together
© Natali Veronica 2013.
499 · Sep 2013
Angry Thoughts
- Sep 2013
Not sure what the hell I'm thinking
Or what the **** I seem to be typing
I have this urge to fall apart
Trying to resist temptation
Don't want to fall into the dark
© Natali Veronica 2013.
498 · Jul 2013
You're Perfect For Me
- Jul 2013
I fell for you
Like a girl falls for a romance novel
Like a girl after a bit of alcohol
Fixated on you
Like a girl who finds the perfect shoe
Or like a girl
Who finds the greatest perfume

All I can say is
I fell for you
And my feelings are true*
I love you
© Natali Veronica 2013.
497 · Mar 2014
- Mar 2014
Intense kisses
In the morning
Hot cuddles
In the evening
That is a good
Reason for

Just the feel
Of it all
Makes you
So much more
495 · Feb 2014
The End Of This
- Feb 2014
Your *******
Astounds me
Your messages
Are quite laughable
But they're not even funny
Your ability to point your finger at me
For my supposed negativity
Simply makes me lose
ALL the respect
I ever had for you

I'm not saying you're wrong
I admit, I have my share of sin
But don't start the victim crap
I thought you were better than that
Not gonna bother writing about you anymore.
491 · Jan 2014
Out With The Old
- Jan 2014

the year I start clean.

the year I take a breath,
of fresh oxygen.

the year I heal my old wounds.

the year I destroy my memory of you.
© Natali Veronica 2014.
490 · Dec 2013
Will Not Help
- Dec 2013
Holding a grudge won't help me much.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
488 · Nov 2013
Dreaming Big
- Nov 2013
Controlled by fantasy
How reality should be

Dreaming big, baby
© Natali Veronica 2013.

488 · Feb 2014
Speaking Up
- Feb 2014
I am labeled a lot
A cheater
A lying ****
Manipulative *****
Sickening witch
Ugly hearted
Cold blooded
Those, the obvious
I am called many names
Some are stupid
Some are cruel
But I guess I deserve this
Maybe this is my fate
Maybe I am a pathetic fool
Words are like bricks
Thrown at me
Causing bruises
And endless amounts
Of unhealthy rage
If you talk badly of me
Then I will fight back
My mistakes are not
Meant for mockery
I know my flaws
I know my past
I know, I know
But you're still
Not the best
I'm tired of being the one who gets all the blame.
487 · Sep 2013
- Sep 2013
its too early to think
need a drink
to blank out
of you

you're stuck
in my head
get out

feeling nothing
but dread
© Natali Veronica 2013.
487 · Sep 2013
Spoke No Words
- Sep 2013
Tears filled my eyes
All he did was
Hold me tight
Said no words
None at all
He just kissed my lips
And I forgot about
Being emotional
Like medicine
He cures my
The pain
I feel
Creeping in
When I am
At my happiest
He makes me feel
So amazingly calm
© Natali Veronica 2013.
486 · Nov 2013
Close Enough
- Nov 2013
You're so attractive
it is almost tragic
to be attracted
you're so flawed
but still a magnet
can't help but like it
the way our hearts
are beautifully connected
we fight constantly
but in love we remain
I love you endlessly
you're the one
who is worth the pain
I sink further
when you're near
when you are here
my doubts disappear
to me it is very clear
you're the love of my life
and I want to always
have you right there
close to my heart
close enough to touch
but not to the point
of obsessed attachment
© Natali Veronica 2013.

You mean so much to me.
Don't let me go, ever.
485 · Aug 2013
Why Must I Feel?
- Aug 2013
So many feelings and emotions
Inside this heart of mine
Almost like a sweet poison
Eating away at my fragile mind
Numbing my soul and brain
Making me feel like
I made the worst mistakes
Of my entire life
Why must I be human?
And suffer such painful consequence
I know I deserved it but
None of this makes any sense
But it sure is weighing heavy
On my tainted conscience
Please help, I've lost myself
Not sure who I want
To activate my heart
Not sure what I should feel
Whether any of this
Is even real
Whether it's fake
Or not?
I guess I'll never know
Tears in my eyes
I feel I've done wrong
I can't help but cry
When I think of
What I have said
What I have done
I feel like a criminal
Blood on my hands
I feel like I'm paying the price
For all my sins
© Natali Veronica 2013.
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