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655 · Jul 2013
Lucky Me
- Jul 2013
Special moments like these
are what I live for
they bring out the best
in the worst situations
giving hope and faith
to me when I need it the most
I consider myself ever so grateful
for knowing such wonderful
and beautiful people
whom I feel blessed
to know

Lucky me I'd say
for sharing the same
oxygen as these treasures
in my complicated yet lovely life

I never thought I'd be lucky enough
to encounter such sweethearts
the kind of loyal companions
we all seek in our adult life
the ones who speak the truth
to our face
and the ones who
say nice things
behind our back
that's something special
I'll tell ya that now
friends for life, aye
lucky me
© Natali Veronica 2013.
655 · Nov 2013
Mature Enough To Be Nice
- Nov 2013
Ain't got no hard feelings
That would be childish, yes
© Natali Veronica 2013.
654 · Jul 2013
My Throat
- Jul 2013
I feel like I have a lump in my throat
Oh wait, those are my unsaid words
I can't seem to fully understand any of it
Is this what a slow, painful death feels like?
Feels like I'm being punished
My throat is choking
On what?
Oh yeah, on all these unsaid sentences
That I can't swallow down
My throat
© Natali Veronica 2013.
654 · Jul 2013
- Jul 2013
On such a high right now
And it's not ****
Before anyone
Starts to ask me
Their questions
And things

Such a strange feeling
Not butterflies
In my stomach
But definitely goosebumps
Up and down my arms
Feels like my heart had
A minor love attack
Feels so good though

Happiest I've been in months
Wishing every day and night
Could be like this
So sweet and charming
Soothing and not alarming
And not health damaging
Just a sweet feeling

Can't describe it in just words
So here I am
Writing a poem
Like the poet
I am

Just, so alive right now
Like, wow
© Natali Veronica 2013.
652 · Nov 2013
Honestly, I Bet
- Nov 2013
I bet your perfume is heavenly
I bet your skin is baby soft
I bet your face is pretty
I bet your lips are sweet
I bet your eyes are dreamy
I bet your body is hot
I bet your bedroom skills
must be intense
same goes for
the passion
and the ***
© Natali Veronica 2013.
650 · Mar 2014
from last night
- Mar 2014
gaze so strong
I nearly fainted
a kiss so powerful
I felt sedated
a spark so wicked
left me feeling electric

you are the stars
to my sky
I see heaven
in your eyes
every night

I see your smile
and I come alive

no fool
could take me
away from you
wine helped cure my writers block. wrote nearly 50 poems last night, inspiration at its finest quality.
- Nov 2013
every time we ****
you can just feel
the passion
those sheets

I usually never
speak of this
but I'll be

he's amazing
not just in bed
but in general
love is healing
love is thrilling
love is exciting

the chemistry
behind two lovers
as they ****
the misery
out of
each other

love can't be censored
it's meant to be explicit
© Natali Veronica 2013.

I usually never post stuff like this,
but poets are passionate writers, right?
644 · Jun 2013
Like A Dream
- Jun 2013
He's incredible, sweet and gentle like a rose
and the way he holds my hand
as we're busy making plans
wonderful gentleman
just the way he holds me tight
every touch makes me weak
makes me drift off to sleep
the passion is intense
makes you forget everything
makes you forget all the pain
makes you want to love again

Devil with a charming heart
tears your security walls apart
electricity when we touch
he's like a dream
is this reality?
feels like Heaven to me
© Natali Veronica 2013.
644 · Oct 2013
"Never Ending Wonder''
- Oct 2013
There is something about
the way we seek
what we can't
or won't
reach for

Time and time again
we remain hopeful
to gain access
to the forbidden doors

Minutes turn into hours
hours turn into days
we gain and lose
as we walk through
and dare to reach
for the impossible
the fairytale
we want to see
in front of our eyes
not a picture
imagined by our minds
but a reality
that our hands
can simply reach
without a struggle
or loss of breath

Not sure what fascinates most
the easy way to happiness
or the metal doors
keeping the love
in our hearts
under lock and key
as we try and retrieve
what used to be
rightfully ours

Nothing is exciting
about waiting
and waiting
patiently praying
that maybe one day
you won't be the one
suffering for a lifetime
to get a bit of joy

The things we put ourselves through
the things we say and do
to build up the hope
and strength in our hearts
is something I'll never understand
but my mind seems to have a clue
maybe one day, I will know
the meaning of it all
and find myself
as well as the one
who means the most.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
642 · Dec 2013
- Dec 2013
Whoever you are, stop stealing people's poetry, you *******.
My poetry is highly personal so it's beyond sickening to steal it.
© Natali Veronica 2013.****-you-poetry-computer-1/
^^^report this person, block this person now.
this person steals other people's work.
641 · Sep 2013
- Sep 2013
Tick tock, tick tock
When will my heart

Drip drop, drip drop
When will my heart
Give up it's beat?

Dun dun, dun dun
When will I feel
Sane again?

My heart shuts down
When it malfunctions
My head pressures me
When I go through a meltdown
© Natali Veronica 2013.
640 · Jan 2014
Bar Moments
- Jan 2014
I saw you at the bar
Drink in your hand
The rest is a blur
But I'm sure
We spoke
And exchanged
A moment or two
I think I know you
Even if I didn't
I would love to
640 · Feb 2014
- Feb 2014
fanbases are competitive
their insults are repetitive
hatred never stops
compassion doesn't seem to exist
music doesn't seem to matter
as long as fans of artists
are battling each other
music is supposed
to bring peace
not start pathetic wars
what has become of us?
we're not music lovers
we are hatred followers

spread love, not hate
it's not too much to ask
Ranting and writing because I'm sick and tired of people talking **** about the ones in the music industry. Pretty much a poetic rant.
639 · Sep 2013
- Sep 2013
Alexander is a dream come true
He makes me smile
Like the moon does
At midnight

There is this intense
Yet sweet sensation
That makes it's way
Through my veins
Whenever he says
Or speaks my name

He reminds me
Of my favorite
When he plays
His guitar
I get so captivated
As I sit and listen

He reminds me of my
Favorite photographer
The way he captures
Every beautiful

He reminds me of the sun
That shines on me
When I need peace
And clarity

Alexander brings out
The best in me
He brings joy
Such a perfect
Young man

No one compares
When it comes to him
He is my sunshine
When it rains
On my parade

Waking up next to him
Is the best thing
In the world
He makes me feel
He makes me
Feel proud
To be his girl
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Dedicated to my boyfriend, Alexander.
I love him with all my heart.
Proud to be his girl.
636 · Mar 2014
last night
- Mar 2014
Went to an ice bar
I guess you could say
I felt quite cool
Pardon the pun
If there even is one
Ice queen
NY scene
With my crew
I love them

L.O.V.E you
I'm so happy after last night. My friends are amazing.
634 · Sep 2013
Guilt? Nah.
- Sep 2013
I guess I can admit this
I hate your ******* guts
I never truly loved you
Nothing but silly lust
A way to waste time
A way to forget my ex
And since he's mine again
I can finally confess
I used you like a toy
And I have no regrets
© Natali Veronica 2013.
634 · Aug 2013
Smiles Hide A Lot
- Aug 2013
Overthinking drains me
Makes me lose my mind
Can't talk to friends or family
Because I'd feel unkind
My head is dizzy
From all these thoughts
Makes me all crazy
Drowning in forbidden tears
Overthinking is deadly
It makes a heart bleed
From all the pressure
From all the stress
Makes me want to heal
But I can't so I write
To cope with all this
Because it *****
To hide all this pain
So I show fake smiles
To hide the hurt again
© Natali Veronica 2013.
627 · Dec 2013
See You Soon Again
- Dec 2013
Laying in bed means tousled hair
Oversized sweater and nothing more

Laying in bed means missing you
And thinking of beautiful times
As I lay in this bed made for two

But I'll see you soon again
Well, that's how it seems
You're always on my mind
Always in my thoughts
And in my dreams
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Miss you.
626 · Nov 2013
Piece Of Advice From Me
- Nov 2013
building a bridge is hard
when their loving words
never left your heart

crying is easier
it helps you recover
slowly but surely
you'll build that bridge
and finally walk over
as you say your goodbyes

time does not heal you
it just shows you how to cope
with all the emotions
that were built up
inside your aching heart

love knows no limits
which is deadly
but one day
you'll be cherished
and loved ever so truly

it seems hopeless now
but someday
it will make sense

seems like
you hit a rough patch
in this ***** of a life
but one day
you will smile
and feel absolutely alive
you will feel true love
you will feel true bliss
you will feel so much
you'll feel happiness

it will take time
to find you
but when you do
keep in mind
who you used to be
as an opportunity
to be greater
and higher above
when you find
that hope
you so desperately seek
© Natali Veronica 2013.

This is dedicated to all the ones who are hurting, who are struggling to cope, who are failing to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Things seem ****** now, but one day, you'll be okay. You're strong enough to carry on and keep fighting. I believe in your strength. Stay strong and remember that I love all of you and I am always here if anyone needs it. Just a little poem for those who need to hear some encouraging words from a poet who has been through the same.
626 · Jul 2013
It's A Shame On Me Now
- Jul 2013
I guess I miss the texts
I guess I miss the love
I guess I miss it all
I guess I fell real hard
For a cruel man
with a


Pieces of my heart
are scattered on the floor
and no, it's not fun
and yes, it is mean
the way you tore me up
the way you broke me down
as I was holding on
and being let down
clinging onto you
blinded by the love

I feel so ashamed
the way I let you in
into my heart again
begged myself to be strong
and not to give in
but yes it was hard
trying to be smart
when you were there sitting
messing with my heart
it's breaking
it's bleeding
aching for someone
to heal it again
© Natali Veronica 2013.
625 · Nov 2013
Dealt The Worst
- Nov 2013
people walk, people run
people talk, people scream
people love, people fight
they all leave things behind

they cry, they smile
they die, they feel alive
they hurt, they breathe
they do this naturally

living is a beautiful thing
unless you're torn down
or possibly struggling
whether positive
whether negative
we all want the same

success (money, love and cars)
the bling (diamonds and pearls)
the good life (eternal happiness)

we all want to have the best
but sometimes we're dealt the worst
© Natali Veronica 2013.
624 · Aug 2013
Our Bed
- Aug 2013
Against the wall, we lose it all
And then in bed, we lose our minds
We go insane, but we're in love
Dreaming of heaven
While staring
In each other's eyes
We paid the price
We got the love
But it was more
Than we were dreaming of
It made us feel so **** alive
We wanted to live forever
In the sight of each other
Plan our future, make our way
Onto a brighter tomorrow, today
We took the risks, I'm glad we did
Because now, we're in love, in our bed
© Natali Veronica 2013.
621 · Nov 2013
- Nov 2013
Fine, hate me
I'll never be sorry
for expressing myself
through MY poetry

I write what I like
and so can you
it's always been that way
please, don't twist the rules

you know how much I adore you
despite all we've been through
that will never change
even if we do
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Always gonna adore u, so..yeah.
- Aug 2013
Definition of perfect
He is that
Pretty boy werks it
Can't keep my hands off him
And the charm which pulls me in
That makes me seek out
His loving heart

It's crazy
How happy
He makes me

When he calls me princess
I become speechless
No words can describe
How lucky I am
To call him mine
© Natali Veronica 2013.
615 · Aug 2013
Your Name Across My Heart
- Aug 2013
Your name on my heart
It never seemed to fade away
Because it is in pure ink
Like a tattoo that remains
Really missed you
And your words
Of affection
Really missed your smile
It makes me happy
Did I mention?
© Natali Veronica 2013.
614 · Jul 2013
Me And You
- Jul 2013
My brain is losing touch with reality
I wish you were here with me
So lonely on my own
Be my everything
And let's make a home
For us to live in
A future for us
To look forward to
Me and you
© Natali Veronica 2013.
612 · Oct 2013
Such A Sin
- Oct 2013
devoted to one
desire for
so much
I wish I
we were
and now I am left
with the reminder
that we are

lusting after you
feels so wrong
like I am
a crime
such a sin
I feel so unpure
I feel like a *****
I'd be a ****
if I gave in
to what
I seem
to want

never the kind
to cheat
but for you
I'd take the risk
risk of getting caught
risk of being found out

the more I deny my lust
the more I need your touch
it feels so wrong
to feel this way
but you take
my heart
to a place
that I have
never been

such a sin
such a sin
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Honestly needed to write, I was going insane.
608 · Nov 2013
No In-between
- Nov 2013
Your love is like oxygen
I need to breathe you in
I thought it was wrong
until you called me
your darling babe
I realize my feelings
never left my heart
I thought they did
until we kissed
and I knew
this was bliss
this was our chemistry
our future happiness
you fit me perfectly
my dearest lover
my dearest friend
let us be forever
we can never end
true love has no expiration date
right time, right place
lipstick on your face
your hands on my waist
our hands entwined
our bodies connected
almost every night
you're the guy
who caught my eye
when you walked
into my dull life
I cannot escape
thoughts of you
no matter what
my feelings stay put
the butterflies remain
I fall in love all over again
almost every day
you're my king
& I'm your queen
love conquers everything
there is no in-between.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Dedicated to Alexander.
606 · Jul 2013
The Night Changes Me
- Jul 2013
I always wake up
With a smile on my face
But as soon as the night is here
My smile fades and disappears

4 am is when I'm crying
Barely even functioning
Wishing you would need me
Wishing you'd see
How much I need
Your love over me

How many times do I have to say this?
How many times do you need to hear it?
I don't know why you never gave it a chance
I could have been your last romance
We could have it all
But you cheated me
And I took the fall
Blamed myself for your departure
But in reality, it was her
Her fault for ruining our love
Ruining our joined hearts
Destroying what we had
And now I'm falling asleep
With tears on my pillow
And your voice in my head

4 am is when I'm overthinking
Wondering if you miss me
Like I miss you
If she loves you
Like I used to
Like I still do

Does she adore you
Like I did?
Would she be committed
Like I was and used to be?
Would she give her all
Just to make you smile?

Still got that engagement ring
I'd never trade it for anything
It's a part of my memories
Reminding me of what we used to be
Reminding me that yours, I always will be
Maybe one day you'll see
That you belong with me
© Natali Veronica 2013.
605 · Jul 2013
Crazy Gurl
- Jul 2013
There is a girl who I adore
Her name is Elise
I wrote about
And mentioned her before
She is my main crazy
Fine and lovely
Such a pretty girl
She deserves the world
Dedicated to my crazy gurl Elise. You are perfect.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
601 · Feb 2014
weren't made for me
- Feb 2014
I don't miss you
I miss the memories
The smiles and laughter
That you gave me
You're smart
And funny
But you weren't
Made for me
needed to write
- Nov 2013
Never used to show emotion
Always kept it within
But the more I grow
The more I found
That my feelings
Were hard to hide
And conceal

I feel your words
Crawl into my mind
Almost every night
I sit awake thinking
If I should embrace you
Or leave this flame behind

My thoughts are of you
You do captivate me
Just never knew what to do
When it came down to
Loving someone
With all of me
And the passion
I keep within

I always day dream
Catch my breath
When it gets too hot
It's just weird to feel
All of these emotions
Which for years
I always held inside
Need to bite my tongue
Before I overstep the mark
And cross the line
© Natali Veronica 2013.
600 · Jul 2013
- Jul 2013
Talking to you is a part of my daily routine
Just the words ''I love you''
ignites that creative spark inside me

I could talk to you for endless hours
and never get bored
and as soon as you go to sleep
you'll be the only one on my mind

until I get lost in yet another fantasy
and imagine you and I together
in my explicit dreams

I've known you for not so long
but it feels like forever and a day
since you captivated my heart
like a beautiful love song
taking all my bad thoughts away
and replacing them
with a smile
and happy eyes
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
My last breath
I'd use
To say
I love you
© Natali Veronica 2013.
594 · Mar 2014
last night I wrote drunk
- Mar 2014
your words bleed me out
like a razor sharp wound
dying with each cut
that sheds blood
my veins
are almost
certainly empty
just like you left me
is in progress
sooner or later
my organs will fail
just like our flawed love
you brought out the best
and worst parts of me
and now as I
bleed dry
I feel dizzy
but free
of my demons
and feelings
broken heart
and false hoping
as well as
these emotions
592 · Nov 2013
Brand New Chapter
- Nov 2013
memories stick around
but they become
easier to ignore
easier than before

your face does still matter
but it's gotten easier
to not always remember
the days we crashed
into a depressing slumber
your eyes are still precious
but I've learned how to cope
and not fall right under
under your spell
like I used to
I guess I can say
that I'm getting
right over you

memories are cherished
but the present isn't
we changed and so much
I cannot stick around
I'm too good enough
I am so much stronger
but I used to be weaker
but clarity made me wiser
we were never meant to be
as a whole, us together

your everything wasn't pure enough
I can't give to someone who always takes
but never seems to give a lot back
I lost so much, went out of my lengths
just to keep your heart beating
just to keep you near me
but this time, I'll be leaving
I hope you'll be good
right here without me
but of course you will be
I am a stranger
you never loved me
but sometimes
I know you do
even though you
never took the chance
to prove your worthyness
sometimes I believe you
and tell myself I'm not over this
but it's time to be moving on
but you'll always be
the one who
took my heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.
588 · Oct 2013
Only Wish I Got
- Oct 2013
Being by your side is my only wish.
All I *want
is to *feel our bodies touch.
All I want is to taste your lips.
All I want is to hold you close.
All I want is your embrace.

I want to kiss your face,
your lips, your hips,
everywhere I can.

I want to be the one,
your last & best, darlin'.

You make me feel alive.
So happy I could die.

Distance means nothing,
because you're everything.

I wanna see you.
I wanna feel you.
I wanna hold you.
I wanna kiss you.
I wanna love you.

My heart beats for your love.

To me, you ARE the one.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
581 · Mar 2014
happy birthday auntie
- Mar 2014
you would've been 59 today
I wish I could have seen your face
it's so sad you passed away
quite long ago
but your memory
it lives on
through me
through your poetry
you were a true artist
I admire that
you were
and always
will be
a talent
I love you, auntie.
578 · Mar 2014
high school darlings
- Mar 2014
Friends like these
I truly love
These girls
Are my life
They've been
A part of mine
For so long
17 years strong
My angels.
575 · Oct 2013
She Should Know
- Oct 2013
She's very insecure
I know that
But if only she knew
She is my kinda perfect

Flaws and all
Still beautiful

She frowns upon herself
And her looks
But if only she knew
She's the greatest book
On the dusty shelf

That need to show
What she should
Already know
About herself
And her place
In my heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.

I love you.
573 · Jul 2013
Time Went By So Fast
- Jul 2013
Memories flash before my eyes
as I remember the present times
of my insane life

I think back to where I was
how I behaved
how I acted
and I reflect upon
how much I've matured
since then

I used to be insane
oh wait
I still am
only smarter now
than I was
way back when
I was a little child
in this big world

look at me now
now I'm the big one
a big girl
in a tiny world

insomniac at heart
born and raised
in the city which never sleeps
yeah, I love being me sometimes
© Natali Veronica 2013.
570 · Nov 2013
Things Fall Apart
- Nov 2013
We have never met
but known each other
for nearly four years
I always knew
long distance
could easily
fall apart

I guess I hoped
that ours
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Miss you Shannon...
569 · Dec 2013
Strong Need
- Dec 2013
You called me hot
And I'm still not over it
I guess I'm so infatuated
That every word is sacred

You don't say nice things often
But each time that you do
It makes me fall deeper
In love with you

Your words hit me
With a heavy force
It gets my hopes up
Makes me dream of us

This is beyond tragic lust
Wanting a messed up heart
That you'll never mend
Or call your own

Their actions left a mark
And you can't wash it off
It will never heal with time
You'll always feel a need
To love, love, love
Even if you never receive
© Natali Veronica 2013.
568 · Aug 2013
Quite Familiar
- Aug 2013
I feel like,
I write about,
the same **** thing...

ALL the *time
© Natali Veronica 2013.
568 · Sep 2013
Breaking Heart
- Sep 2013
Can't go on without your love
You are the one I'll always want
I feel like I have found the one
But you don't love me and it hurts
Please forgive me, falling hard
For the one who left me scarred
My heart is empty without you
You're the reason I pulled through
Don't leave me alone here
I'm falling down the stairs
My dress is covered with stains
The stains which are my flaws
Forgive me, I'm losing control
I need your love, I'm so ill
There are no happy pills
Only lows and temporary thrills
Cannot go on like this
You said you'd catch my fall
My heart, it suffocates
You made me feel
Like I had it all
You took my heart
I broke down my walls
Stood for nothing
Now my heart
Is crumbling
My hands are shaking
My knees are trembling
You are the medicine
Why aren't you then?
© Natali Veronica 2013.
567 · Jul 2013
Deadly Lust
- Jul 2013
Lust* is deadly
It consumes me
And what's left of my *soul

Makes me want to
Lose Control.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
566 · Aug 2013
She Haunts Me
- Aug 2013
temporary feeling of blue
numbness as I think of you
different feelings all at once
wondering if I should take a chance
to talk to you but I'm scared to
in case you hate me
kinda like how I hated
loving you

best and worst girl
I ever met or knew
I hate the fact
I ever found you
© Natali Veronica 2013.
564 · Nov 2013
Pathetic Losers
- Nov 2013 is a ****** place
website full of kids
sending hate
to sustain
'internet fame'

ha, so lame

before sending me ****
did you ever think of this,
I don't give a single ****?
© Natali Veronica 2013.

tired of haters, stalkers etc.
563 · Dec 2013
Someone Else
- Dec 2013
The reason I fell so hard
Was because I thought
That you were a guy
Not a girl spinning me
Into her web of lies
You seemed genuine
And I fell for you
But now your words
Have no meaning
Because you
Weren't you
© Natali Veronica 2013.

wrote this months ago. seems relevant still.
563 · Nov 2013
- Nov 2013
been awake for what seems forever
sleep is not for me
my precious lover
is all I need
to carry on
and stay
whoever made up
the whole 'beauty sleep' ****
is a person who speaks lies
I could sleep for a lifetime
and I'd still be drained
© Natali Veronica 2013.
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