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782 · Jul 2013
- Jul 2013
There's a space that will never be filled
because you are not here
and I should smile
like you'd want me to
but I'll be honest
I feel lost without you
every day is a nightmare
and I'm scared that we'll never meet again
can't pretend like I don't care
I'd rather drown in my pretty tears
without your smile to brighten my day
then I'll never feel okay again
wishing you could be here
to take this pain away
help me see light
even when I'm stuck
in the darkness
© Natali Veronica 2013.
780 · Jul 2013
Out Of Breath
- Jul 2013
Kiss the lipstick off my lips
Pull me in by the waist
Let me ****** you with a kiss
I promise, you'll love it
I'll tell you sweet things in your ear
I'll tell you everything you wanna hear
How I'll explore and excite your thoughts
I promise, you'll never get enough
Declare my love for you in a night of sin
I'm sure you'll give in to the fun
The night has just begun
There's more to come
Let me continue
I know you want me to
Bite and take control of you
Like it's the last thing I'll ever do
My perfume lingering
All over your skin
As I hold you close
All through the night
Until it leaves you
Out of breath
© Natali Veronica 2013.
778 · Oct 2013
Can I Call You Mine?
- Oct 2013
you're on my mind
like you were last night
and the day before that

you're in my dreams
always visiting me
one of the reasons
I prefer to be asleep
because my fantasies
are better than reality

you're in my thoughts
I kinda hope I'm in yours
because I have a burning desire
to reignite what used to be ours
© Natali Veronica 2013.
775 · Dec 2013
Adjusted Robot
- Dec 2013
Friends say I am a mess
I honestly do admit
My software
Is suffering
From a
Or a glitch
Of some sort

I am a robot
Adjusted to feel
And have a heart
I am programmed
To believe
That I am real

Destination unknown
I don't know
Where I belong
I have no idea
Where to call home
Who to call mine
How to survive

Memories on my hard drive
They are on repeat
When they fade
My heart
Turns on
© Natali Veronica 2013.

I wanted to be creative...idk.
773 · Jul 2013
Favorite Poet
- Jul 2013
I always feel so down
knowing she's not here
helping me smile again
and wiping away my tears
she was my favorite poet
such a beautiful heart
makes me
to rest
the one
who made
me smile
the brightest

I could never forget her face
or her infectious laugh
the way the room would shine
when she walked in
her personality shined
like the sun
her hugs
are what
I miss

it's been three years
and I'm still grieving the loss
of my favorite poet
the one who
gave my heart
strength to

her death changed the way
I looked at life
she taught me that
life can easily begin
but also
very easily
RIP Sidonie. I love you. You'll always be my friend,
my sister at heart and, my favorite poet in the world.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
773 · Oct 2013
Flawless (10w)
- Oct 2013
Weird friendship
But it is
A kind
Of perfect

© Natali Veronica 2013.
769 · Oct 2013
Her Face
- Oct 2013
The thought of seeing your face today
is enough to make me smile with joy
not sure if you even still like me
but your words say the truth
and I know it's going to be
a very beautiful day
to be alive and sane
and to be insane
with lovely hope
and maybe
intense thoughts
of the one I
haven't seen
in all these months
I hope you like me
just as much as I
like your face
© Natali Veronica 2013.
769 · Jan 2014
Your Bride
- Jan 2014
I love you so much
with every part
of my heart
I can't wait
for the day
that I become
your bride
© Natali Veronica 2014.

My first poem of the year.
Dedicating it to my fiance.
766 · Jul 2013
Adore Me
- Jul 2013
I want someone to kiss me hard
and worship my body
until my eyes are seeing stars
as I'm trying to keep calm

kiss my neck, bite it too
make me feel like
I'm the most important woman
**to you
© Natali Veronica 2013.
763 · Nov 2013
Past Experiences Change Us
- Nov 2013
tears are wasted often
on the people
who touch
and then

feelings are evil
only trouble
it leaves you
in a bubble
trapped inside
with no hopes of escape
it leaves you lost
and confused
about what love is
what it's meant to feel like
what it is meant to portray
what it is meant to create

we fall so many times
for the same trick
we feel so weak
emotions leave us
feeling hopeless

we cling to such bad habits
people whom are addictive
we get lost in our lives
it feels quite tragic

we try and see
the good
even in
the bad

it is sad
how we
fall victim
to the same ****
again and again

bad luck finds it's way
into your gentle veins
and poisons, weakens
it changes you

it changes it all
the way you think
the way you touch
the way you kiss
the way you
separate yourself
from everyone else

not a nice way
of living
living in fear
all of the time
spending your days
in fear of being abandoned
and broken, torn, blinded
by the thoughts
and doubts
stopping you
from being free
and somewhat happy
© Natali Veronica 2013.
760 · Feb 2014
Happy Valentine's Day
- Feb 2014
This is our second Valentine's Day together
And it seems like forever
Since the day we met
Since the day we spoke
Since the day we fell in love

You mended my heart
Caressed every part
And made me
The happiest girl
To ever walk this earth

Your love is like
A diamond
Precious and rare
Beautiful and magical
The spark is always there

You are my Valentine
You always will be
Because you ignite
The happiness in me

I could write for hours
About what is ours
But I'd rather exchange
A thousand kisses
A million hugs
To celebrate
Our love

You don't need
To buy me flowers
Or expensive gifts
Or red roses
I already
Have this
Diamond ring
Which is truly
Dedicated to my college sweetheart <3
756 · Dec 2013
One Day Though
- Dec 2013
Clouded mind
Yet empty space
Filled with thoughts
That stitch me up
When I'm torn apart

It keeps me breathing
It keeps me sane
It keeps me healing
It keeps the pain away

Lightning can't shock me
Wind can't ******* away
I will be happy
Not today
But one day
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Not too creative tonight. I tried.
752 · Aug 2013
Can't Seem To Cope
- Aug 2013
My stable house of cards is about to collapse
My stomach is literally in knots
Trying to cope with all this
This sense of unhappiness
Which affects my relationships
More than it probably should
It's all so mixed up
I wish I could
Run away from my thoughts
But I know I can't
So I'm drowning in those
Like a girl that can't swim
In the rivers of love
In the rivers of pain
Constantly trying
To give herself healing
To try and cover her wounds
But she knows she never could
Lost, misunderstood
Trying to hold on
Trying to stand
On the cold
Hard ground
Even though
She would rather

© Natali Veronica 2013.

This poem is not exactly great, but I felt like writing this...because of the mood I'm currently in.
748 · Aug 2013
Love Buzz
- Aug 2013
We have that fire, the kind that makes my heart burn up
An explosion of emotion, and so much
Of that intense love

There's so much of that
My heart goes into overdrive
I guess it's weird
Falling in love
With a guy
Who is different
Than the others
On this planet

No one makes me feel the way he does
He gives me that love buzz
His words bring a warmth
A sense of
'This is love'

Not just a temporary flame
But a more deeper love
The man I've been dreaming of
The one who is part of my thoughts
And those beautiful, fairytale dreams

He gives me a love buzz
He once said
I was the Queen of his heart
What a cute thing
Quoting a Nirvana song
Which is now a part of us

Sometimes I don't seem to realize
How much I love this guy
Until I speak
Before I think
Which makes me feel so tragic
Because he constantly shows me
What true love is
What happiness is
But I'm too blinded to see it
But he knows
I like danger
So he holds on
Just like a devoted lover

Wish he was here
Maybe I'd feel happier
I wish I could cuddle him
And be close to him forever
© Natali Veronica 2013.
743 · Feb 2014
drunken poetry
- Feb 2014
Automatic heat, attraction, I am smitten by the love, it's become an addiction, such a religion and a powerful drug. I adore you and I love you, it is what I cling to, I'm your baby, little lady, you're my lover and forever, all I ever asked for.
Wrote this last night.
740 · Sep 2013
Rip Apart The Canvas
- Sep 2013
looking at you
staring away
I'm okay

You were art
in my eyes
but now
I rip apart
the canvas
that was once
valuable in time
© Natali Veronica 2013.
739 · Jun 2013
How It Used To Be
- Jun 2013
We exchanged expressions
We shared our emotions
We gave each other love
We went through it all

I loved you
You loved me
That's how it should be
But now, it's different
We're no longer equal
Now, our love is on the pavement
Seems like we had a downfall

The love is there
But not like before
Before it was passion
Now, there's nothin'
Except our hearts
Aching to re-start
But we're too stubborn
To make this work

I miss how it used to be
You and me
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Feb 2014
Bricks lay upon you when
You try to love again
It's never easy
To pretend
Like you

You gave your heart
You gave your heart
Only to be crushed
Burned into ashes

Never did you meet
Such a person
Of interest

You tried to see
The good in love
All you got was
And a whole lot
Of pain, so discreet
Yet, it left you weak
Love can be
A beast
Death in
Personally, I like this. I like writing anyway.
735 · Nov 2013
Damn, He Was Good
- Nov 2013
I kinda fell for a boy
A college photographer
He was funny, very smart
Made life seem like art
He was my kinda thing
Filled me to the brink
With poems and drinks
He made my heart sink
His humor made me laugh
His face made me smile
His hugs made me giggle
****, I was in trouble
I fell, heart n'all
His eyes said it all
Boy, he was fine
Prettier than a dime
Oh hell, he was good
Playing on his guitar
But even better when
He gently used his hands
He made me feel inspired
Even when drained and tired
He could love me all night long
And I'd still carry on
He got me very hooked
His stare made me weak
We had a love affair
And made love over there
The first time was precious
He showered me with kisses
He became obsessed
And ****, so did I
I fell hard for the man
He helped me carry on
I really wanted to
But couldn't thank you
Unless in the bedroom
This is so personal
Like under those sheets
Where he held me down
To the bed, that drunken night
He had his hands all on me
Cuddled me when I was lonely
He was my best friend
And more when
We needed affection
We needed love
And attention
We became
It's been that way
Ever since then.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Wrote this a few months ago and never posted it, until now. Always liked this one.
732 · Oct 2013
Fairytale Reality
- Oct 2013
we burned bridges
then made amends
swore never to think
negative thoughts again
about ourselves or our love

we made a promise
to stay through
thick and thin
until the world
came crashing down
until the stars exploded
in the midnight sky
until the day
it breaks
you & I

people told me it was wrong
to love a man so strong
told me to leave
while I could
but the love
I have for you
is too intense
unlike a small fire
it can't burn out
being without you
would be like
being stuck
in the dark

your heart is my treasure
your touch is my desire
without you here with me
I'd sink like an anchor

my heart could explode
from love gone overboard
the intensity of it all
is so difficult to ignore
I fall harder than I did
the day I saw you
standing by that door
constantly falling
harder than I ever did
before and after

every time we kiss
I feel my heart ignite
I can feel the butterflies
I can feel those sparks
fly into the air
when you're near

when I hear your name
I scribble it on notebooks
when I see your face
I almost lose my senses
everything falls into place
when you're next to me
I love seeing you every night
when you're wide awake
when you're sound asleep
I feel like I live in a dream
seems too good to be real
but it is, truly is
the man of my dreams
is here in person
not just in my mind
or in my thoughts
© Natali Veronica 2013.

this poem was inspired by the love of my life.
he makes me the happiest, luckiest girl alive.
729 · Nov 2013
Definitely Not Organized
- Nov 2013
My poems are all so different,
I'm definitely not organized.

I write without thought,
I post without a doubt.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
726 · Jul 2013
Prove Yourself Worthy...
- Jul 2013
I'm the poet who lost herself
To her mind
And her crazy heart
I'm the one who dedicated her life
To all the people
Who made me fall apart

I have a heart of gold
Looking for the one
Who can cherish it all
Who can make me feel safe
So that maybe
I can see that
Love is not a losing game

Prove yourself worthy
Of my heart
And me...
© Natali Veronica 2013.
724 · Aug 2013
Better Late Than Never
- Aug 2013
I always type those sappy text messages
and those 'better late than never' sentences
I type em' up, but I don't press send
I feel bad because I ruined what we had
I said such cruel things and you had enough
It's all my fault, and I know that
but I never meant to hurt you
I say things when I'm mad, boo
I'm stupid for breaking us
And our friendship apart
I always cry at night
Wishing we could talk
Like we used to
But we can't
Because of me
I ruined our bond
I hurt you
But I never
Never meant to
© Natali Veronica 2013.
724 · Oct 2013
That Poetic Opinion
- Oct 2013
To love without fear must be a blessing, that only a few can have the opportunity of knowing, or in fact, feeling. To love without doubt must be heaven, knowing there is someone who is cherishing every part of your heart, promising not to break it apart. To love and to know that your heart is safe, that's one of the best feelings there is, knowing that you found your other half, the person who makes you feel complete. Never known the feeling, but I have felt it, before it was snatched, taken from my hands, and misplaced. It was not the only thing I lost, I also lost myself while trying to love, while trying to be ''the one'' to captivate a fellow heart, to cherish it with all of mine, but as time went on, I knew it wouldn't last, although my heart wanted it to, it was my only wish. I spent so much time, dedicating myself to this one, how could I forget? You can't rewind, or change the past, you're stuck with the memories, the ones you had hoped would reach the present, but before you had the chance to think, the bond between the hearts suddenly collapsed, and you were left wondering what could have been, what should have occured, what shouldn't have changed, what should have remained. It's funny, when I think of love, I imagined happily ever after, breath taken away by the angel above, a bond that would last, hopefully forever. These days, when I think of love, I feel a pain in my heart, a reminder of the bliss that once tore me apart, the bliss I would have died for, just to keep your heart safe away from life's terror and bittersweet wonder. I have so much to give, but no one to give it to, the only person who I felt should have it, was you. But since I don't have much luck, I'll keep my heart under wraps. Who knows, maybe one day I can steal your heart like you stole mine, all those days ago.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

decided to vent through poetry.
I'm sure most people can relate to this.
722 · Mar 2014
interesting day
- Mar 2014
he spoke to me
on the phone
last night

it gave me a fright
the anxiety was back
you sounded so calm
left me feeling numb

I heard your lips say
ever so gently
that you missed me

we spoke for hours
then I heard her voice
you said you had to go
and we'd talk tomorrow
I replied a short goodbye
and today at 9
you sent me a text
I guess I smiled
he's my ex but also one of my friends. :)
711 · Nov 2013
Thinks So
- Nov 2013
We honestly fit right,
I am forever yours,
You make me feel beautiful and alive,
Even though you're not mine to kiss.

Your body is perfect for mine,
But we'll never lay side by side,
I'll never feel your skin against me,
I'll never hold you tight at night at 9.

You'll never touch my face,
Or call me your princess,
You'll never intoxicate me with wine,
You'll never buy me expensive roses.

I'll never get the chance to fill your heart with joy,
Because you're not right for me but my heart thinks so.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
710 · Oct 2013
Opening My Heart Up To You
- Oct 2013
blood runs through my veins
I guess that means I'm alive?
my heart is getting oxygen
I guess life is worth living?

despite all those things
my heart aches for happiness
misery is all I contain
from all the pressure
from all my pain

I am not perfect
I am quite definite
my heart is empty
my mind has plenty
too much emotion
it almost suffocates
and even destroys me

you know my name
not my emotional state
so think of that
the next time
you see my face

take a look in my eyes
do those eyes look happy?
take a look at my mouth
is it speaking of glory?

there is so much
I continue to hide
you haven't seen nothing yet
this is just the beginning of it

my mind is possessed
by negative thoughts
my personal demons
they simply applaud
they applaud
giving applause
to themselves
for destroying
what used to be
my healthy self

my body is thin
partly malnourished
my skin is quite pale
that happy glow
it simply vanished
eating disorder
trying to recover
possibly bipolar
my mood is
so out of order
feels like I'm stuck
on a rollercoaster

nobody knew all this
but since I'm a poet
I might as well express

I also have scars
not sure if you know
that I used to cause
myself physical harm
whenever I needed
to feel calm
I'm sure nobody knew
but now you all do
because I'm
opening my heart
to all of you
This is my most personal poem, ever.
So many on here have been so brave,
in opening up about their lives,
I thought I would too.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
710 · Nov 2013
Drink My Poison
- Nov 2013
Oh doll, you know it's late
Careful, I'm a vampire
I might bite your neck

Such a sinner
Please adore me
You know I love you
Drink my poison
If you love me truly

I'm a complicated mess
Please don't love me less
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Writing my life away. Poet and I love it.
709 · Feb 2014
Fear Of Getting Older
- Feb 2014
Birthday next month
Which is why
I am Miss March
Born on the tenth
Of the third month
Of every year
I'm not liking
The thought of
Getting older
Makes me more
Than I was
The year before
It reminds me
That I'm not a kid
I am a young adult
I am a young woman
Who is maturing
And growing
And changing
More mood swings
More diet failures
College graduation
My hands are shaking
I'm lost in translation
My mind is spinning
705 · Aug 2013
True Bliss
- Aug 2013
I could write all day
about the one
I'm in love with
but the writing
would be intense
and explicit
just like our

my mind is consumed
by ***, love, control, vanity
I think he made me lose
not just my soul
but also my sanity


he touched
he teased
he loved
he took it.

he took my heart
like I took his
I guess this is
true love

© Natali Veronica 2013.
704 · Oct 2013
Yours To Keep
- Oct 2013
when in need of a pick-me-up
kiss me til the sun fades
hold me til the night appears
love me til my heart stops
I promise I'll never stop
seeking your remedy
you are my medicine
baby, you heal me
love is a bad habit
but it's also sweet
it is tragic but
I will always
want to have it
I will always
want to have you
you are my world
and I am yours to keep
© Natali Veronica 2013.
703 · Jul 2013
No Escape
- Jul 2013
Wishing I could clear my head
Of all these painful thoughts
If only I had a bullet, yes
I'm dead.

Not as simple as that though
I can't leave the ones I love, no
My heart would rot from the guilt
And I'd die a sinful death

If only I could escape my mind
Just for a day or two
Maybe then, I'd be sane
Maybe then, I'd feel okay again

I guess I have to continue living
This torture of a life
Which could easily be ended
By a knife to the back
Or a heart attack
© Natali Veronica 2013.
698 · Oct 2013
Almost 50k (Thank You)
- Oct 2013
I remember making this account
never knew what to expect
in a little over four months
my poems have been read
in total, almost fifty thousand times
it amazes my creative brain
and overthinking mind
can't believe so many
like my angry rhymes
and all the time
that I write
poems about love
poems about stories
poems about hate
poems about tragedies
it all means so much
a thank you isn't enough
you make me smile constantly
your loving support soothes me
I came on here, seeking clarity
and found it through
poetry and all of you
so thank you God
for blessing me
with creativity
with passion
with imagination
© Natali Veronica 2013.
696 · Dec 2013
Heart Is Smiling Within
- Dec 2013
His face makes mine blush
Reminds me that
I have a sweet love
Who needs me
As much as I need him
He makes me so happy
My heart is smiling within
© Natali Veronica 2013.

He's wonderful.
695 · Sep 2013
- Sep 2013
Spoke to an old friend today
It kinda went okay
Although I felt this
A little emotion
A fire struck
Inside of me
I cried for an hour
I simply couldn't breathe
But speaking to you
Made me feel
© Natali Veronica 2013.
690 · Jul 2013
He Makes Me Want It All
- Jul 2013
Got a concrete heart and a mind of stone
But whenever he sends me a text
I lose myself
I wanna have him in bed
I wanna kiss him
When we're all alone
He's constantly on my mind

I want to be his wife
Be his forever
He's my life
I hope he knows
That my heart
Is falling under
Feelings dragging me down
But it feels so good
I wanna drown in his love
And take him with me
To heaven

He's my light
He's my heart
He keeps it beating
I love that man
He keeps me sane
Keeps my heart warm
With tender love
And filthy lust
I could kiss him forever
And never get enough
Just the way I feel
When he talks to me
Drives me crazy
Put it on repeat

I want him next to me
I want him on me
I want him to strip my soul
Of it's fear and self control
I want the *** to make me insane with lust
I want this love to last
Like a song that plays
On repeat
© Natali Veronica 2013.
690 · Aug 2013
Lie Of A Smile
- Aug 2013
Always at war with myself
Constantly self-loathing
Lacking in confidence
Blaming my problems
On everybody else
Shutting people out
Is what I'm best at
I'm **** at showing emotion
Although sometimes
My smile cracks
And my pain shows
In my sunken eyes

It's such a pain
Just waking up
Every day
I act like
I'm fine
When in reality
I'm far from
That state of mind
I hide my body
Except my face
So I can fool everyone
With that lie of a smile
That I always embrace
Even though my thoughts
Are always of suffocation
And painful death
No one would know
Because the pain I feel
I never show and tell any soul

I could be smiling so bright
As I'd constantly think
Of the ways I could die
I could laugh out loud
And think of those razor blades
That I'd love to use on my pale skin
But you'd never suspect me thinking of this
Because, there's a lie of a smile on my face

Constantly triggered, yes I am indeed
But that's something you'd never see
Because that's the part of me
That I hide away from every soul
The ones I love mean more to me
Than my own tragic self
© Natali Veronica 2013.
688 · Jul 2013
Passion's Radar
- Jul 2013
is it love?
is it lust?
when you want a guy
biting on your neck
and kissing every inch
of your bare skin
getting chills
down your spine
as he goes further down
intoxicating you with desire
going lower
as it
as the moment
makes an impact
on passion's
© Natali Veronica 2013.
686 · Jun 2013
It Takes Over
- Jun 2013
No amount of alcohol
could make me numb out
the thoughts of you in my head
Desire, lust, love
I have the symptoms
of all of the above
You fit me well
like a glove
You fill me up
like alcohol fills up
an empty glass
You're the champagne
of the night
the thrill I seek
my medicine
my remedy
my one need
You're the venom
without the poison
the love, my hunger it feeds
You set my body free
© Natali Veronica 2013.
683 · Jul 2013
To The Point Of Collapse
- Jul 2013
You push me towards the edge
Every single day
It's so hard to care anymore
When you're there
Ruining me

You drive me to the point
Of collapse
Might as well crash a car
And never look back

Your irresponsibility makes me sick
I thought you were smarter than this
But no, because here I am
Awake all **** night
Just because of your
Supposed dying attempt
Do you not see how much it hurts?
Watching the closest person to me
Acting like that?
I don't think you understand
The pain I feel
When you
are like this

I adore you with my life
But this is wrong
Scaring the life outta me
That's beyond wrong
When you know
I'm not strong

Like, how dare you
I finally got my Insomnia on track
And then you go ahead
And do that
© Natali Veronica 2013.
682 · Jun 2013
Fell For A Lying Man
- Jun 2013
I gave you permission to hold my heart
You held it in the palm of your hands
Promised not to break it apart
It was a risk and I took the chance
Soon it was clear that you were the one
I felt like my heart had won
the winning prize
But soon it was clear
That he fooled my eyes
with filthy lies
and broken promises

This man had my happiness
in the palm of his hands
He knew that I was weak
so he used it to his advantage
as I loosened my defence

His mouth talked *******
but his body meant business
I can tell by the way he said my name
as we walked during our dates

He was a liar but honest about his past
Gave you a one-way ticket to paradise
made you weak as you fell for the eyes
who ultimately deceived you not once
but oh so many **wicked times
© Natali Veronica 2013.
678 · Jun 2013
For A Night
- Jun 2013
Remembering you is something I hate
It's like I get a bad taste in my mouth
And it's not from the cigarettes
But from your body's shadow
As you walked into the room
We stared at each other
For what seemed like minutes
Your body language said it all
The way you bit your lip
As we looked in each other's eyes
I felt sparks fly between us
I am no science genius
But I know chemistry when I see it
I swear it was more than intense lust
More like the after effects of alcohol intoxication
A feeling that made your throat warm
As well as cold because you know it's only temporary
A love like could never last
But it could
For a night

I am no saint or sinner
But I would give you a night to remember
Just to leave a mark on your heart
So you'd remember me years from now
Even if we never see each other again
And if we ever cross paths once more
I'd know if this was love or not
Or just a passionate impulse
For affection from his tense
yet gentle embrace
Just to feel loved
Even if it only lasts
For a night
© Natali Veronica 2013.
678 · Nov 2013
Appreciation Note
- Nov 2013
haven't felt so happy in months
feels like I've dried up my tears
and fought my way out
of this darkness
which used to possess
every part of my being
but now, it feels like
I am finally healing

no more are the mascara stained pillows
no more is the feeling of drowning in sorrow
gone is the emptiness in which I used to feel
seems like real life has re-gained it's appeal

couldn't be where I am without you
or the hope you gave me
I feel like I'm brand new
your love set me free
it helped me discover
my old self again
it helped me uncover
so much of a good thing
© Natali Veronica 2013.
673 · Dec 2013
Times Like This
- Dec 2013
Times like this
I wish I was dead
One tiny bullet
Through my head

Call me whatever
I've heard it before
Nothing is forever
Not even a
Suicidal *****

You say that I hurt you
But you hurt me too
I relapsed endless times
Because of this

Stop saying you hate me
Stop saying what I already know
I am not ******* sorry
Girl, please just go

Leave me alone
Stop calling me a *****
Because you're not perfect
Neither am I
So just do what you do
And I'll be dead
Before the moon
Has it's chance to glow
And send shivers to you
© Natali Veronica 2013.

This is depressing, I know. Just very tired of life right now.
673 · Sep 2013
Hooked For Life
- Sep 2013
You spark a fire in my heart
I swear without you
I would fall apart

You are everything
All I want and more
One hit of your love drug
And I'm hooked for life

Sweet and mysterious
Your love is my weakness
Can't live without it
If I even attempted
My heart would break

Love has gone to my head
Losing my mind over this
But I know that this is real
I can't deny what I feel
© Natali Veronica 2013
662 · Jun 2013
Would You?
- Jun 2013
Perfect, me?
Must be mistaken identity,
Look at my endless list of flaws,
And tell me I'm still beautiful and all.

Stare at my face,
Imagine seeing my heart,
If you saw the poor quality,
Would I still be yours to keep?
Would you still love me?

If you saw the real person behind the smile,
Would you comfort my soul?
If I gave you every reason to leave,
Would you go, or stay here to redeem the best of me?
© Natali Veronica 2013.
662 · Nov 2013
Only I Know Me
- Nov 2013
My poem wasn't about our past
so, there's no need to attack
it was about someone else
who I'm going through
a bit of a rough patch with

writing about you
would be childish
I've done it before
and the aftermath
was a bit sick

I'm not on here to fight you
or to expose your flaws
or your mistakes
because I have many
just as much as yourself

I don't approach you
for good reason
because I mess up
and you think
it's on purpose

not all I write
is about

I have no bad feelings
well, not anymore
because what we shared
wasn't all bad

I know I say one thing
and act out another
but how I cope
with sadness
is through anger

yes, it sounds crazy
maybe a little strange
but that is how I cope
that's how I keep
myself from

not many understand me
only I truly know me
© Natali Veronica 2013.

this is just something I typed up...
660 · Nov 2013
Miss That Sisterly Love
- Nov 2013
I miss you more than I say
I love you more every day
Little sisters want closeness
They want a bit of care
But if you're going to act like this
Then why am I even here?
Your strange emotion
It keeps me frozen
It leaves me numb
My heart is broken
I miss our bond
I miss the love
We displayed
When we were kids
Never knew growing up
Would tear us apart
I miss you, I need you
You're my sister
Can you hear me?
I don't know what to do
Sisters are forever, remember?
I can't even feel happy
Because of the distance
Between you and me
It stings, it burns, it kills
I'm surprised I survived
The tortures of this
Separation anxiety
It never fails
To break me
© Natali Veronica 2013.

In tears. excuse my sad poetry.
658 · Aug 2013
Tragic Lover
- Aug 2013
***** makes me high,
But his words take me *higher


The thought of him drives me insane,
But in the sweetest way.

He makes me want the best,
The worst and the ultimate,
The rough, the passionate,
The fast, the slow,
The intimate.

He makes me want it all,
The greatest kick,
The greatest high,
The greatest fix,
Even the tragic.



He's the adrenaline I want,
Making the blood pump faster,
Through my tiny veins.

He's the sugar rush I need,
To satisfy the hunger,
Which I'm trying to feed.

My heart is nothing without it's beat,
Just like I am nothing without him.
My soul is nothing without it's glow,
Just like my heart is nothing without his love.

I sound obsessed. Like a child in a candy store.
I guess he's my addiction. I keep wanting more.

Tragic lover, yes.
Something he loves.

Wouldn't mind giving a bit of everything,
As long as he's the one receiving.

I feel like a princess gone bad.
And I need a prince,
To put me back in my place,
If that even makes sense.

Not sure why I'm saying all this.
I guess I'm just so tragic,
And guess what?
He likes it.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
657 · Dec 2013
Stupid War
- Dec 2013
You started this stupid war
And I'm ending it here
© Natali Veronica 2013.

There's no point writing a ****** response to a person's mean words.
Despite being called names, I'm not gonna say anything hurtful back.
Call me whatever you want, label me whatever the hell you want,
I know myself better than anyone else ever will. So, yeah.
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