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984 · Dec 2013
Quick Fixes Don't Fix Me
- Dec 2013
Popping pills won't help
this tense ache
in my bones
this pressure
inside and within
even upon my skin
I have scars and bruises
all over me
sensitive to touch
because I get weak
including my body
Mascara stains
where I last cried
Lipstick smears
on white pillows
where I last tried
to piece myself together
even though inside
I am dead
memories still haunt
and hold me together
a mix of dwelling
and surviving
trying to keep above
the uncontrollable
frustrating weather
© Natali Veronica 2013.

I prefer writing like this.
Happy poems don't satisfy me.
I like raw emotion, passion.
It's what inspires me the most.
967 · Jul 2013
Similar But Not The Same
- Jul 2013
Hurt* and disappointment
Are two *different
But they are similar
With *each other
© Natali Veronica 2013.
958 · Feb 2014
Truly For Keeps
- Feb 2014
Love in the dark
Is what I like best
Passion is on point
No need for exams
Or stupid tests
This is truly
For keeps
946 · Aug 2013
Electric Connection
- Aug 2013
Temporary feelings
Into something

It developed
Into love
A strong kind too
I can feel the electric connection
Every time we touch
Can you see the sparks?
When it's just me and you
I can seem them
But mostly
I see you
© Natali Veronica 2013.
939 · Aug 2013
Sense Of Feeling Alive
- Aug 2013
like cigarettes
you're addictive as hell

like the alcohol in my glass
you make me feel so well

your presence


my soul

your touch
makes me


© Natali Veronica 2013.
936 · Dec 2013
Glow Inside
- Dec 2013
It's been a while since I've written
Not as creative when I'm not ridden
Ridden with emotion, feeling explosion
Not as creative when my eyes are open
Open by clarity, love and insanity
I'm pretty sure this poem *****
But oh well, gold will soon emerge
From the ruins of creativity
The little glow inside of me
© Natali Veronica 2013.

not my best work. if you hate it, I'll understand :P
933 · Oct 2013
Alice Found Wonderland
- Oct 2013
Losing you was hard
but Alice
you have found
© Natali Veronica 2013.


One of my family's dogs died recently, Alice was her name.
Cancer stole her away from us. Devastated and heartbroken.
She's free from pain though, one of my dearest angels.

Alice found Wonderland. Miss u so much it hurts :(
933 · Dec 2013
College Graduation Ahead
- Dec 2013
Finals are such a *****
I don't wanna leave college
Hanging on by a thread
Pardon the pun
Excuse the language
But I am nervous
Don't wanna leave
This wonderful place
Where my heart found peace
For the past three and a half years
© Natali Veronica 2013.
923 · Feb 2014
Laid Bare
- Feb 2014
Our love is laid bare
It's always here
Every kiss
Every gaze
Is enough
To keep me smiling
For endless days
Your bed is my happy place
Cuddles until the sun shines
Something rare and sweet
You sweep me off my feet
Love poems are great sometimes.
921 · Jul 2013
Recovering Slowly
- Jul 2013
A few years ago, I remember when
I lost myself and
fell into a severe depression
I struggled getting out of bed
my mind was full of thoughts
most of them were
of suicide

I always smiled
through the pain
but there were times
that my mood crashed
to the point of no return
as I felt the tears falling
making my eyes burn
as I went up to look
at my reflection
but all I could see was a lost person
a person trying to find herself
as well as regain her emotional strength
to fight those terrible thoughts in her head
and put all that struggle to rest

there are still times where I fall apart
crying myself to sleep
but I am still trying
to make a full
© Natali Veronica 2013.
921 · Sep 2013
- Sep 2013
That scar on my heart
Was created by you
That night we fell apart
I didn't know what to do
Whether to hold on
Or to let go
Or to let you in
Inside my mind
My heart, my thoughts
Wondering if it was true love
Maybe a hint of twisted lust
Or a need for security
From the one I loved
That I needed
Breath in
Breath out
Will you be mine?
We'll see how this goes.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
918 · Oct 2013
Story Telling
- Oct 2013
I used to believe that happiness was in
gaining a love, gaining security
gaining hope from within

but the longer I live
the more I lose touch
with what I used to believe
and what I once thought
was the right things in life
the best of them all
but everyone suffers
temporary or permanent
life changing downfalls

and we all grieve
at some point in life
either the loss of ourselves
or the loss of loved ones
we all feel and will feel
endless bouts of pain
sharp pains that can feel
like strangulation
or self-inflicted
times of illusion

misguided thoughts
and moments of weakness
psychotic rages
and times of

I have felt so much in a short space of time
it is hard to believe that I am somewhat 'fine'
the amount of trauma sustained
from the painful migraines
the way it felt like someone
squeezing and pressuring my head
the way it felt like my brain
was going to explode
at some known time and place
the way it felt like system malfunction
was taking it's course of faith
how it took so much away from my life

people say strong people never feel pain
and that they have no reason
to feel anything but joy
well those people are wrong
because I was once strong

and look what the **** happened
depression took over my soul
and stripped me of my voice
it broke me to the point
of almost shooting myself
in the head with a gun
that's what my dreams
always consisted of
suicide and a loss of pride
a loss of consciousness
felt like someone was
controlling my heart
poking holes
and making me bleed
until I was seeing stars
even if I was behind doors
my mind made me delusional
made me drift away from reality
I'm still not myself at all
not functioning properly

I don't sleep anymore
not even drugs are a cure
not even *** stimulates
my naked body is a disgrace
when I look in the mirror
I can imagine it shatter

my whole sense of view
about everything of me
is honestly the worst
there is no in-between
sometimes I wonder
if life will ever get
as good as it once was

that chapter of my life
is still yet un-explored
but I picture it
in my head
all the time
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Again, super personal poem.
I was trying to write longer than usual,
because my dream is to write a novel,
or a biography of some sort.
I wanted to expand my writing skills.

Your opinions and comments mean a lot to me,
tell me what you think. I need opinions.
894 · Jul 2013
I Adore Her Crazy
- Jul 2013
I am a flirt, most of the time
But let's be honest
Who wouldn't pay attention
To such a crazy babe?

Yeah, her
The girl I always mention
That crazy, hip chick
Who makes me smile
With a little text

Her name begins with E
I'm sure she'll see this
And hopefully smile
I think she'll like it
© Natali Veronica 2013.
886 · Jul 2013
Ur So Basic, It Hurts
- Jul 2013
Some people **** me off
On a daily basis
I'm like, **** girl
You're so ******* basic
With your name calling
And your dumb games
******* friendships up
With those mean tricks

I mean, who are you kidding?
That ain't nice, darling
Picking up rocks
And ditching diamonds
I'm like, what are you doing?

You're trying to be cooler
But the truth is
You could never
You're too basic
For your own health
I suggest
You take those ego pills
Guess what?
I think you're full of it
Trying to be smart
But you ain't ****
You might think you have won
But honey, I'm gonna be the one winnin'
© Natali Veronica 2013.
881 · Nov 2013
Bumpy Road
- Nov 2013
sent her a long message
she never bothered to reply
it made me feel so empty
the feeling is hard to deny

she's supposed to be
my dear best friend
but her ways of emotions
makes me feel like
we're at our end

I guess I miss her
and our fun times
thought it meant forever
but now it feels like lies

my heart is broken
broken by someone
who meant the world to me
look at what we've become

she'll never ever read this
to her, my poems don't exist
if only she could see it
maybe she'd give me a hug
or a bit of comfort
for all the time lost
along the bumpy road
of our friendship
© Natali Veronica 2013.
877 · Sep 2013
Au Revoir B!tch
- Sep 2013
Your happiness is a joke
And so are your words
Au Revoir, *****.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
870 · Sep 2013
Painful Flashback
- Sep 2013
there are times I think of
those times we used to kiss
there are moments I think back
wishing I was still in your arms

but you're gone and done
now I'm trying to pick up
the pieces but I can't move on

I tried to let it go, for sure
but I can't lie to myself anymore
you're the one I want

I can't pretend to just breathe in
loving you was my worst sin
you were my deadliest addiction
© Natali Veronica 2013.
868 · Nov 2013
Hyper (10w)
- Nov 2013
Text message made me hyper
Especially when it's from her
© Natali Veronica 2013.

My feels rn. Insane.
868 · Aug 2013
Finest Piece Of Art
- Aug 2013
Lips like sugar, you taste so sweet
your touch makes me feel complete
you cause my heart to skip a beat
every time you pull me close
when we kiss and hug

I can't help but, to stare and smile
every time you hold me down
to our couch of love
it's not my fault I fell so hard
you're so hot and perfect
like the finest piece of art
© Natali Veronica 2013.
861 · Aug 2013
Nice Try
- Aug 2013
Nice try, dude.
But that was,
A **** lie.

You can't fool me,
I can out-smart you,
I know from experience,
When I'm being lied to.

Your lies are petty,
And your honesty is cheap.
I'm done, so done,
I am not yours to keep.

Sleep alone, I don't want you near me.
I need someone different, clearly.
Not yours anymore,
I hope you know that,
Because I don't like being called a bipolar *****,
When you also have your ******* drama fits.

Save your words, and your excuses,
because I know in my heart,
This isn't what love is.

Love is bliss.
Love is joy.

But you're just an immature boy.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
858 · Aug 2013
Second Chance At True Love
- Aug 2013
Our relationship wasn't perfect
But I would be yours again
In a single heartbeat
You were a ****
Cheated on me
But I'll forgive
And give us
A second chance
At true love

You are perfect
Despite of your flaws
And let's be honest
I get lost in your blue eyes
© Natali Veronica 2013.
857 · Jun 2013
- Jun 2013
People made me feel so empty
People made me feel so lost

People made me feel ugly
They filled me with self hate

And now I cry when I hear a song on the radio
That reminds me of the love that I lost long ago

And now I cry when I see friends holding hands
Reminding me of the ones I have loved and lost

I have never felt like I belonged anywhere
People called me names and pushed me away
Made me feel like I was to blame...

I have never felt any true love
Neither physical or emotional

No one ever made me feel fine
No one ever made me feel like
I had someone to call my own
No one ever truly stayed here
So now I drown my sorrows in
My tears that I've been savin'
© Natali Veronica 2013.
850 · Nov 2013
Cold Then Hot
- Nov 2013
cold hands on me
causing me to freeze
and then slowly melt
when you kiss the skin
covering my heart

tender touch
light as air
yet I feel
your cold
yet soft hands
when they brush
against my sides
as tender as a feather

right over here
and there
© Natali Veronica 2013.

my lover inspires me.
849 · Sep 2013
Tragedies Do Happen
- Sep 2013
Fancy clothes, expensive cars
Big diamonds, fine cigars
Money beyond compare
So many riches everywhere
Perfect family, amazing friends
The blessings never seem to end
But despite having it all
You could easily fall
Money can't buy
That would
Be ridiculous
Money makes
People miserable
Makes you feel
Too powerful
It can make you
An addict
Diet pills
Substance abuse
It can cause
Early deaths
Money, fame
You could have
The full works
But it wouldn't
Make a difference
You'd still be
The fragile shell
Filling yourself
With material things
Silicone, toxins
Baby, take your
Take care of
Your life
Before it
A ****** case
In paradise
A bullet through
Your skull and brain
Because you had
What everyone
Wanted to gain.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Not sure why I wrote this.
I guess I was highly inspired,
by the tragic consequences and problems,
of sometimes having too much of a good thing.
847 · Feb 2014
Everything In One Man
- Feb 2014
You're breathing art
Every moment
Is in tact
Wrapped up
In sweet love
You, I dreamt of
And got to hold
Who cares
American dreams
Love is above
And beyond all
For you
I'd take the fall
Because I know
You would too
Spent my life
Looking for bliss
I found happiness
In your eyes
In your touch
In your arms
In your I love you's
And electric charm
You are everything to me.
846 · Aug 2013
Personal Demons
- Aug 2013
Sometimes sad to the core
Feeling weaker than I felt before
Sometimes I find it hard to breathe
It's like my personal demons are trying

to **** me...

I have moments of everlasting pain
But nobody else can see
Those demons who used to be my friends
They now like to torture and control me

It scares me how I can't control my mind
Drives me to the point of utter insanity
I guess it's all true

My former, friendly demons
Are now trying to destroy me
© Natali Veronica 2013.
842 · Dec 2013
Merry Christmas Eve
- Dec 2013
Have a wonderful time
Keep yourself warm
And drink mulled wine
Hold your family close
Love them the most
Celebrate the last week
Of this year we have
Make it count
Spread love
And cheer

Looking forward to
Writing on here
For all of you
In the new year
And the one after
Forever more
© Natali Veronica 2013.
840 · Sep 2013
- Sep 2013
I still get butterflies
When I think of your smile
The way your lips felt on mine
That glance in your eyes
Every time you stared
    Into my heart's
Weakest points

Everything reminds me of you
Even the sky's lovely color
Of midnight blue
© Natali Veronica 2013.
835 · Nov 2013
Attachments Suck
- Nov 2013
we barely speak for weeks
then you ask if I'm alright


you know I'm not?
you know I'm sad
you know I'm depressed
you know I'm hurt and lost
you know I hate being ignored
you know I hate speaking to you first

you know all this
so don't ******* ask
if I'm alright
when you know
that I am not
I never am
I'm always down
because I'm just another one
in those eyes of yours

how I can mean so little to you
is beyond shocking
because guess what?
you're my everything

best friends forever...

more like, never.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

I'm sure a lot of people can relate.
834 · Oct 2013
Freed Prisoner
- Oct 2013
you send pain through my heart
your words always leave a mark
the once glowing spark
is now forever lost
you are just
a tragic ex

don't even touch me
I've felt it before
because now
I see clearly
you were
just a
for your next
attention score

your eyes show kindness
your lips say otherwise
please just leave
I can't deal with
more glasses
of sweet lies

tell me goodbye
I won't plead
with you to stay
I've done my time
in your prison
of toxic love

you affected me
in ways I can't explain
and what I know is
loving you
gave me
© Natali Veronica 2013.
834 · Aug 2013
Heaven on Earth
- Aug 2013
I stained your body
With lipstick marks
You stained my soul
With your blunts
Kissing you is a must
Just because I like it when
Our lips touch during the night
You're addictive, very much so
I wish I never tried to let you go

You soothe my soul like alcohol
You ******* alive
Just like Rock 'N' Roll
I swear, this man
Has his hands
On my soul

He loves taking control
Like the bad boy he is
But he also knows
How to treat a girl
Like a princess

Oh, the ***
Oh, the love he gives
Oh, the control he has
Can't seem to get enough
This is what I call
Heaven on Earth
© Natali Veronica 2013.
834 · Nov 2013
Bond For Lyf
- Nov 2013
these guys are my life
best friends in the world
they always make me smile
happiest girl alive
their friendship is worth
more than diamonds
and expensive jewels
the best college buds
this bond is for lyf
© Natali Veronica 2013.
832 · Aug 2013
I Bet He Loves It
- Aug 2013
I bet you're loving this
The fact that I miss
Your deadly touch
You must feel happy
Knowing you are
Making me crazy
Making me regret
Ever breaking your heart
But it was an accident
I never meant for you to hurt
You're probably reading this
With a smile on your face
Knowing that I miss you
And your ***** words
And your bittersweet love

The things that drove me insane
With pleasure but with pain
© Natali Veronica 2013.
832 · Sep 2013
Bitter Pill
- Sep 2013
Your love was sweet
I was hooked
From the first taste
I was addicted
Didn't want it
To go to waste

It was a bitter pill
That I wanted to swallow
But now, I regret
Ever taking that risk
Because now, I feel sick
The pain won't go away today
Or even tomorrow.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
826 · Dec 2013
Broken Again
- Dec 2013
Loving you drove me to the edge
And now I seem to have relapsed
Devotion put me to the test
It caused a major collapse

You broke me again
Just like I knew you would
All of this pain because
You were hard not to love
© Natali Veronica 2013.

I hate myself so much right now.
822 · Sep 2013
- Sep 2013
Dark lipstick on his neck
From where I made my mark
Kissing sessions, full of passion
His kisses are my greatest addiction

Holding hands, in the night
Cuddles as we light up
Our cigarettes
© Natali Veronica 2013.
817 · Nov 2013
Deserving Of More
- Nov 2013
your eyes tell a tale
a story of their own
about your struggle
as you try and try
and reclaim your throne
the life you made your own
which people threw aside
and up in the air
like they didn't care

you'll find yourself again
even if you are
your one and only friend
just keep your head up
don't fall to the ground
don't let others
break your heart
you are stronger
than all this pain
this pain will shape you
and create strength
you just don't know it yet
baby, you'll win this fight
don't cry for a sinner
who took you
for granted
you will find home
in someone else's heart
not because you're broken
but because you're worth it
baby, you deserve it

you will find hope again
and find your true friends
and live happy until the end

don't hesistate
don't waste time
on someone
who can't love

you deserve more
that is for sure
© Natali Veronica 2013.
814 · Nov 2013
Priceless Reaction
- Nov 2013
I remember the time
when you grabbed my face
while we were drunk
and kissed my lips
with such an
I could


run through me

the smile on your face
was priceless
it was the
thing that
I had ever witnessed

after that kiss
you swore to
always call me
your princess
© Natali Veronica 2013.
807 · Dec 2013
Little Sisters
- Dec 2013
Little sisters always get the blame
Little sisters always take the pain
Little sisters are wired that way
Little sisters always lose the game
© Natali Veronica 2013.
805 · Aug 2013
Perfection Is Us
- Aug 2013
I never celebrate anniversaries
but this means something to me

last month, I met this man
who caught my eye
with a single glance
he stole my heart
captivated my mind
with his incredible thoughts
and those clever words

his charm is heavenly
his sarcasm is ****
those witty comments of his
are what thrill me
makes me wanna love him
against the cold bedroom wall
to spark a little passion
make him forget
that there's anything else
in this world except him and I
and then in the night
cuddle with him
stare into his eyes
remind him every day
how he's my prince
when we kiss underneath the stars
and take long walks with our hands entwined
I'd cherish him forever until he loses his mind
until we're both completely attached
© Natali Veronica 2013.
804 · Nov 2013
No One Should Accept This
- Nov 2013
if I had the chance to disappear
I'd be so long gone
outta here
with no tears
or regrets
nor fears

people act like I don't exist
so why not become a living ghost?

I've given all of me away
there's no reason for me
to possibly remain sane

I gave my heart
to the one
who left

what else have I got to lose?

no one cares
unless you're pretty
or dead
but I am none
of those things
I am just me

my heart is shattered
and torn and bruised
all I ever was
was used
by the ones
who never cared

I meant nothing to you
to you, I was a toy
and it seems
you already found
a new one

people shock me
in how easily
they forget me
and how easily
they trick me
into thinking
they care about me
and that they love me

it's all just lies
they couldn't care less
whether I was dead or alive

I mean nothing to anyone
and I'm so used to the feeling
it is beyond sickening
that a person
learns to accept
that she is easily forgotten
easily replaced
easily used
easily hurt
easily destroyed
easily manipulated
easily a victim
to deadly toxins
such as love
and pain

no one should accept this
no one should accept
a dozen heartbreaks
a dozen disappointments

no one should accept the fact
that they are not loved
as much as they love
the ones who
took them
for granted

people never care
unless you're gone
and out of their reach
maybe then they
have some kind of guilt.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Kinda sad and I was inspired enough to write this.
I didn't think of what I was writing, this just sorta happened.
794 · Sep 2013
Spend The Night
- Sep 2013
A smile hides a lot
Don't you think?
It can hide utter despair
As you stare into
That broken mirror

Reflecting upon broken love
And wishing it could mend
You still fit me like a glove
Can't we at least pretend?
I don't want it all to end

You are always on my mind
**** the misery out of my body
At least spend the night in my bed
Without you, I feel incomplete, baby

You heal me, break me, know me
Can't get you out of my head
Release me, set my body free
Just one night without regret
In the bed where we fell in love
© Natali Veronica 2013.
793 · Oct 2013
At Ease
- Oct 2013
Finally at ease with life
It's all truly in place
Makes me feel at ease
Like a lovely, cold breeze
© Natali Veronica 2013.
793 · Dec 2013
Ooh Going To Hell
- Dec 2013
I know I'm a **** person
No need to mention
My endless flaws
My disgusting charm

You're the gun
Shoot me, ***
**** me now
If you hate me
So much

I know I **** up
I know that well
But I don't care
If I go to hell
Because I have friends
in those parts
I am a sinner
Devil likes
Bad girls

Hurt me as you please
Destroy my heart
I don't care
I'm already
Torn apart

Bring me down
Like a house of cards
I'm already broken
I like the ground

I am used to it now
Being labeled a *****
Can't say I'm proud
But, I know what I am

I am a wicked witch
Casting faulty spells

I am a fool
Who's going
To hell
© Natali Veronica 2013.
790 · Dec 2013
Airy Breeze
- Dec 2013
Sometimes I wish you would give me a call
Maybe give me a sign, a little signal
It's cold here without your warmness
It fills the room with an airy breeze
© Natali Veronica 2013.
787 · Aug 2013
Now I'm In Love
- Aug 2013
I am the woman of your dreams
You are the lover of the night
But there's something about you
Something I just can't describe

I just don't know anymore
Am I losing my sense of mind?
I've just never felt this before
Your love has made me blind

Not as strong as I once thought
Because now, I'm in love
With the man
I only wanted
To ******
I guess love
Truly bites
When you
Find the
© Natali Veronica 2013.
786 · Oct 2013
Everlasting Joy
- Oct 2013
once had a dream
never knew
what it meant
until I met him

then I realized
we were connected
all this entire time
the puzzle piece
fitted just right
found a match

his existence
makes me feel
so much joy
my best friend
and soulmate
until the end

I love him so.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
785 · Mar 2014
- Mar 2014
Officially a week
Feeling weak
As a stick
People shoot
People aim
Yet, I'm to blame
Don't worry
I'm used to it
785 · Nov 2013
Genuine Smile
- Nov 2013
Found an old friend of mine
Happy me is around again

Some friends are hard to replace
Maybe because they're meant to be yours?

Happier than most days
Life falling into place
For the first time
In a few years
There's a
Genuine smile
On my face
© Natali Veronica 2013.
784 · Nov 2013
Happy Thanksgiving, Poets
- Nov 2013
Happy thanksgiving
All of you are a blessing
Thankful for your love
Thankful for your support
All of you are so special
I mean that, ever so much
© Natali Veronica 2013.
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