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1.3k · Aug 2013
Under The Night Sky
- Aug 2013
his fingerprints
are all over
my heart
I swear

the stars
in the
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.3k · Nov 2013
- Nov 2013
stained lips, cold eyes
some friends don't mix
but I do wish they did
maybe the world
would be nice
instead of mean
but society is a *****
and we pay the price
for all of our flaws
we **** up
we're humans
it's been that way
since God started preaching

I know I am a mess
not the greatest
not the best
but my heart
it has a beat
you can hear it
when you sleep
with your head
against my chest
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.3k · Jun 2013
To Death
- Jun 2013
Even if your hands were stealing my breath
I'd still love you to death
every kiss is a weakness
every touch is a must
deadly love affair
tainted with lust
cold hearted
with a charming soul
the kind who could make me
lose all sense of self control
a devil who could possess
a lover who could excite
as well as depress

Even with your hands around my neck
I would still love you to death
**until I lose my final breath
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.3k · Jul 2013
She's Growing Up
- Jul 2013
There's a special girl who I've known for a while
Her name is flawless, and she has perfect style
We've been besties ever since day one
So glad to call her a friend of mine

She is the funniest
And the most random girl
That I have ever known
But I like that
Makes our conversations
Less boring
And more fun
And also guess what?
So we laugh about that
And we joke around
I love it
She's a true friend

Happy birthday again
To the fabulous girl I know

Happy 21st to the punkster I love and adore
I hope we'll be friends forever and more
Happy 21st birthday to my amazing friend *****. ILY xoxox from Nat.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.3k · Nov 2013
Society Ruins Us
- Nov 2013
coke, cigarettes
and salad
that is all
in my diet

the pressure
on myself
to be thin
is high
the radar

ain't got platinum hair
or stilettos up to here
all I have is an average body
I am no skinny mini

I feel the pressure of
our society
it wants us
to be perfect
and stick thin
but I am none
of those things

glamour seems to be
self destruction
and eating disorders
manic depression
and starvation
none of those
are healthy
but our society
they glamorize
our deadly
and our

I miss the days
when Marilyn Monroe
was seen as a *** symbol
not for a thin appearance
but for her beauty
and captivating curves

your body shape
is something
you shouldn't be ashamed of
you are beautiful
no matter what
it's our society
which really *****
© Natali Veronica 2013.

if you're insecure, you'll understand this poem.
this poem is about how society tells us what to look like,
or what you should be, how you should be etc.
1.2k · Aug 2013
Won't Let You Kill Me
- Aug 2013
People are like knives,
cutting into me,
with their every word.
They know where it really hurts.

They stab where I easily bleed,
I feel like I maybe will relapse,
but I'm trying to see beyond,
beyond the words and the abuse,
but death is always my daily muse.

Even when I'm here, I feel dead inside,
but I'm trying to make it through,
because I love the people in my life,
but the pain, it makes a mark on my little heart,
I'm trying so hard to make it all work,
but people like taking stones and throwing hard,
until they strike me and others applaud.

I feel sick to the very core of it all,
how can you hurt such a fragile girl?
who could never even **** a fly,
you know it hurts and I'm scarred for life,
but still, you wanna destroy me,
and I really don't know why.

Triggered is a small word,
but ****, I wanna cut deep,
I really have an urge to bleed,
but I'm trying to write myself to sleep.

You might hide behind a computer screen,
and hurt me with the words you say,
but you're a coward, I can tell,
and guess who's going to hell?


I'll just protect myself,
and watch your power fade.
You won't **** me, I won't let you,
Karma is a ***** & she'll find you too.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.2k · Nov 2013
Misunderstood Feeling
- Nov 2013
Lust leaves a mark
It never bites the dust
Consumes and controls
Every aspect of your life
And it feels so good
A feeling misunderstood
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.2k · Aug 2013
Cherry Lips
- Aug 2013
This girl is amazing
So beautiful
Cherry lips
Make you wanna
Have a taste
You just want her
In your bed
Pour a bit more
Until you wake up
And this lust filled dream
Is not just in your head
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.2k · Dec 2013
Diamond Ring
- Dec 2013
Diamond ring from the one I love
Christmas happened early this year
He is my prince, my forever
Happy that we're together
Excited for the future
© Natali Veronica 2013.

In a weird-happy mood and wrote this. Haha :)
1.2k · Jan 2014
Way With Words
- Jan 2014
You have your way
With words
Even when it hurts
I hang on
Every word
That you say
1.2k · Dec 2013
Miracles Happen
- Dec 2013
Out of nowhere, you call
Tell me you wanna talk
Made me smile
You make
My heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.2k · Dec 2013
- Dec 2013
brilliance is in your eyes
© Natali Veronica 2013.

1.2k · Mar 2014
- Mar 2014
Ain't got no watch
But I know it's time
To make a stand
For your rights
I believe in love
Nothing else
1.2k · Aug 2013
Set My Heart Alight
- Aug 2013
Set fire to my heart
Keep the spark alive
You know I'll love


Until I die.

The burn is worth
The pain it brings
Because it brings
A little


My dream love
Who is now
A vision of
My *imagination
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.2k · Mar 2014
oh beautiful spirit
- Mar 2014
cherished kisses,
romanticized problems,
memorable episodes,
of lost self control.

holy spirit,
of greatness.

embrace me,
with your words,
of sweetness.
1.2k · Nov 2013
Know Me Better Than You
- Nov 2013
I know me best, who even cares about the rest?
You don't know me, babe, but you wish you did
Oh yes, I bet you do, well no, ***** you
People can say whatever they like
I'll still be the greatest ***** by a mile
Go on, keep hatin' and I'll show my smile
Come on, take my picture if you care so much
You think you know me, you only knew my name
You didn't know my story or my personal pain
Oh you amuse me when you assume ****
You think you're smart, well, you're just an ***
I know me better than you, than you, than you
Don't even fight me 'cuz it's true, so true
Baby, you know me none at all
Excuse me if this sounds criminal
But I think you're a stupid mind
Can't keep on wasting my time
You make me laugh so hard
When you claim to know me well
But you only knew my name
That's all you'll ever know
Because I hate people who assume
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Listened to Lily Allen's new song and I ended up writing this.
1.2k · Aug 2013
Insecurities Suck
- Aug 2013
Insecurities are out to play.

They break me to an extent.

drives me to the edge most days,
it's not something that I can't figure out,
just leaves me speechless.

the amount of doubt,
in my head and heart,
my blood veins feel like,
they're going to,
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.2k · Jul 2013
Like A Sugar Rush
- Jul 2013
I must let go and move on
But people say
True love lives on in
Lovesick hearts
I must say
I do agree
My heart
Is forever yours

I will never call you mine
So I might as well write
About how I fell so hard
For your charm
And sweet lips
Like candy
On a high
When you
Talk to me

You have the medicine
The cure I need
Your love is a drug
That I can't get enough of
It's a need
It's a must
This isn't lust
It's love
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.1k · Sep 2013
Poetic Sext
- Sep 2013
Lipstick smeared,
wine bottle emptied,
I just need you,
to get me hot,
& bothered.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.1k · Dec 2013
Wonderland Of Love
- Dec 2013
Sweep me off my feet
Make me feel complete
Damage me not
Begging you please

Don't get bored
Don't leave me floored
Don't leave me glued to you
Unless you stay with me, boo

Shower me with affection
Prove to me your passion
Or leave before I die
Of bittersweet infatuation

You are stronger
Than any drug
I have ever taken
But I can't live on
This addiction
For a lifetime

Sometime I'll reclaim myself
Get back to sparkling health
Forget that I ever got lost
In the wonderland of love
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.1k · Oct 2013
Reached Breaking Point
- Oct 2013
Nothing but negativity
spreads through
my numb body
I can't scream
I can't shout
my emotions
all bottled up
lost my voice
can't seem to speak
feels like I have no choice
but to let my thoughts
consume my mind
and leave them to it
my sanity seems to have faded
self-control, patience
just can't control it
been tested too many times
and I have reached a breaking point
been challenged too often
and now, I feel broken
© Natali Veronica 2013.

mood crashed. sorry if it sounds depressing..
1.1k · Aug 2013
Hotter Than Hell
- Aug 2013
Kisses and love bites
Cuddles on cold nights
Fairytale romance
Glad I had the chance
He makes me weak
Even when we're apart
At night I can feel his touch
That sweet rush of happiness
Like ****, this man
He knows me well
The love is intense
Hotter than hell itself

I'm not exactly a princess
More like, his mistress
A feisty girl who likes control
Likes being the one to reignite his soul
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.1k · Nov 2013
- Nov 2013
you took my innocence
during that one night of lust
we were both seventeen
the night we made love
and it felt so right
I thought you
were my
but I guess
we're all wrong
sometimes in life
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Not sure why I miss him. I guess it's because he was my first true love.
1.1k · Jul 2013
Workin' Her Independence
- Jul 2013
Crazy girls with strange minds
Captivate my eyes
How they shine
Even with no man
Or woman
By their side

Independent and fine
**** with class
Girls like that
Being their own boss
So devine
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.1k · Nov 2013
Cute As Hell
- Nov 2013
You're cute as hell
with that smile
on your face
© Natali Veronica 2013.

1.1k · Sep 2013
Venting Through Writing
- Sep 2013
I'll never be as great as her. I will never escape the expectations. Neither will I ever be anything more than, a relative to the bright star. I'll be in the corner.

People expect me to be as good, as creative, as talented, as perfect..but I never will be. I could make the most beautiful dress ever seen, and it still wouldn't be worth anything more.

It's like a dark cloud covers me. A feeling of 'am I going to be enough?' It's not jealousy, or self-pity. It is that feeling of emptiness. That feeling of wanting to be useful. That feeling of wanting to succeed.

I'm not secure in myself. My confidence drops faster, than my tears in the dead of night.

I guess I am afraid of being just the 'sister'. I guess I feel like nothing I do will compare.

I just want to make people proud.
This is not a poem. It doesn't rhyme,
and it's just something I vent.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.1k · Feb 2014
I get high on love
- Feb 2014
Used to think we'd be nothing more than innocent friends, now I gaze in your eyes when I wanna take a trip to the stars, and when I need a fix, I dial your digits and you give me it, the butterflies flutter and I wonder, how would life be if you weren't soothing me to sleep, or hugging me tightly until my sadness didn't seem to exist?
I really like this one. I like writing about him, I like him a lot. My everything.
1.1k · Nov 2013
Sisterly Bond
- Nov 2013
I would rather struggle with you than be fine when you're not.
You'll never be alone in this, I'll be right here, keeping you alive.

I love you, sister dearest. You are precious.

My heart is broken without your half.
We'll get through this. Siblings unite.

My sister, my reason for trying,
Trying to keep myself coping.

We grew up together,
And we can get better...


Sisters have a bond life cannot break.
Nothing can break what we have.

We shared happy moments together.
So if we need to, we'll also suffer.

Your pain is mine.
My pain is yours.
Sisters keep each other sane.
Our personal demons,
They will not break,
Our sisterly bond.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Love my sister so much.
1.1k · Dec 2013
Which Consumes You
- Dec 2013
With every moment that passes
My love for you strengthens

It seeps into the smallest cracks
Of my foundations

You are the air I need
In order to breathe
On my own

Such an ace
Such a stud
I feel so lustful
I feel so in love
I feel so beautiful

You touch my soul
And my heart
Like no one else

You affect me more
Than decaying health

Your words weaken me
But not in a bad way
I love you deeply
Like a poet adores
His or her poetry

Like a lovesick fool
Loves the thrill
Of seeking out
The love interest
Which consumes
His or her bitter life
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.1k · Jul 2013
High On Weed & Lust
- Jul 2013
Exchanging a few stares and glances
As our lips touch those champagne glasses
Drinking and laughing, a few kisses in between
Staring into each other's eyes, like it's all a dream
Gently caressing your hand as I hold my champagne glass
My mind full of sweet thoughts, as things get intense
Getting so lost in the lust of the moment
As you kiss my lips as the clock strikes 8
All my mind can think of is you
And those lips that make me weak
And those eyes that makes my heart skip a beat
Love is in the air, intense passion fills the room
All I can smell is that perfect perfume
That you're wearing tonight
The one you know I like
The one that drives me wild with desire
Makes me wish this night could last forever
Just having you here, smoking cigarettes
And then later into the night
We share a single joint
Smoking it together
Like two committed lovers
The smoke fills the air
As we inhale it
And all I can think of is
All the precious memories
That we'll share together
In eternal happiness
This is my idea of a perfect date. Literally.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.1k · Nov 2013
Big Sis Is My World
- Nov 2013
My sister is my world
My favorite person
My beautiful sibling
All of that in one girl

She makes me smile
When I am sad
Best sister
I could ever

She sings like an angel
Plays piano, so beautiful
Slays the charts
With her songs
Proud is
An understatement
Proud to be the sister
Of someone with so much talent

I wish I had just an ounce of that
Someday, I hope to make her feel proud
Proud of me and the person I long to be
A success in this complicated society
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.1k · Nov 2013
Before It's Too Late
- Nov 2013
If I wanted to be ignored
I would have dug myself a grave
With not even a tombstone
Or anything to show my name
Just a small, little place
To put myself to rest
An unknown burial ground
To put my body at ease
And leave it with
Flowers surrounded
For a bit of luck
Or just to
Make it look nice
I'm not asking for much
Just for a bit of support
To make my existence
Feel like it's worth something
All I ever asked for
Was tender love
And tender care
I have a fragile heart
Take care of it
Before it's too late
© Natali Veronica 2013.

This is depressing, but **** it, I needed to vent.
1.1k · Jun 2013
Not An Object
- Jun 2013
I am not something you own, no
I am a person who you're supposed to love
But I don't feel like you care
Seems like we're stuck in
A twisted love affair
We are both to blame
But you're the one
Who made me want to stay

Fooling me with those words
Convincing me with those lies

What am I supposed to do now?
I'm so attached to you, and I don't know why
You treat our love like a game
I truly love you
But you do not seem to feel the same

Don't you know that
That I am not an object
I have a human heart
And this heart
Has loved you
From the start
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.1k · Sep 2013
Dark Minded
- Sep 2013
Over the past few years, the need for happiness,
was high, but my feelings were low,
I guess you could say I am numb,
but I have a strong appearance,
so the sadness never shows.

The happier I was at times,
the more misfortune I'd receive,
as an unwelcome gift.

My heart has been torn, broken,
emotionally scarred and bruised,
but I have never given in to the pain,
because of the strength I supposedly possess,
a reason I let go without thought,
despite knowing of the later,
consequence of me doing so,
eventually I knew that trouble,
trouble was to come & I'd be undone,
I would have to battle myself again,
knowing I could be easily broken,
while trying to patch up my old wounds,
and heal my own personal scars.

A few years ago, I had no faith,
I had no hope, I had no strength,
I was lost, delusional at my worst,
trying to keep myself together,
in this battle of life or death.

I have my own share of regrets,
my secrets, my stories to tell,
but the thought of telling people,
made my eyes swell up,
ready to cry tears,
I was willing to stop,
stop my own heart,
to keep my pain,
a secret in tact.

Self-love, what is that?
I have never known it.
I have only ever covered myself,
in the disguise which is my smile,
whether anyone ever knew,
I guess I'll never know.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.0k · Oct 2013
Maybe They'd Like Me
- Oct 2013
exchange my flaws
for a goddess'

exchange my heart
for one made of gold
maybe I would be
treasured then
by the ones
I need in
my life
© Natali Veronica 2013.
not a great poem but posting it anyway.
1.0k · Jul 2013
Don't Be So Serious
- Jul 2013
They say sarcasm is the weakest sense of humor
Well, pardon me for being funnier
It's better to be sarcastic than basic
So use it to your advantage
It's better than
Slapping idiots
Who ask stupid questions

Excuse me, if I offend
That's not what I meant
But stop acting like I'm doing wrong
When all I'm doing is being less boring
Than all of you who make this place
Such a disgrace to live in
Loosen up a little
And have fun

Don't be so serious
Have fun
Loosen up
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.0k · Nov 2013
An Emotional Outlet
- Nov 2013
I know you get attached
but tearing our friendship up
just because I made up
with a friend of mine
who you dislike
why guilt trip?

you blocked me online
without a single warning
can't help but feel stupid
for re-connecting
with my old friend
because now you crossed a line
saying I stabbed you in the back
when all I did was make amends
because I couldn't hold a grudge

you say I betrayed you
but this isn't about loyalty
this is about your paranoid state
the one which truly scares me
I wish I knew what to do

if I can't be friends
with her
because of an old fight
that you both had
then why
have you
in my life?

I cherish you
I always have
but controlling
who I'm friends with
that is something
I can't understand

you said nothing
would ever come between us
well, I guess I was right
because something did

I haven't done you any harm
guilt tripping me was wrong

my friendships
don't affect your life
so why think
as if they do?
© Natali Veronica 2013.

felt like venting...I needed an emotional outlet.
1.0k · Oct 2013
Brilliant People
- Oct 2013
Talking to old friends
makes me feel happy
without all of those
my life would be
a complete

they keep me
at ease with life
their support
makes me smile
nothing is greater
than they are
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.0k · Oct 2013
Had To Post This
- Oct 2013
I let you go not because I didn't love you, but because I knew that I couldn't be the girl of your dreams. As a girl who falls for people easily, it's hard to maintain a relationship with just one person. I love multiple people. I have never denied that, and no, I don't play with people's feelings, neither do I sleep around or cheat. I just never got over the other breakup, I never healed properly, I just pretended to be fine with how things were, despite it breaking me apart. People call it being a player, I call it being in love. Love makes us want people we can't have, people we can't be with, people we are with but can't see it working forever. I feel like a bad person, for not being able to love just one person and be happily ever after. Emotional attachments are easy to form, but harder to deattach yourself from, it doesn't matter if you're strong or not, if you love more than one person, then you do, and that's just how it is. It doesn't define you, it doesn't make you a **** or a *****. If you're a faithful, loyal person who happens to like or love more than one person, it's okay. It's different if you cheat and lie and date several people at the same time. People never think of the difference before they judge someone and it sickens me. Love isn't a sin, feelings aren't a sin. Breaking hearts and cheating - now that's a sin.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

This is me basically just venting.
Been judged a lot lately..
and I wanted to make myself heard.

My writing speaks for me. It's my voice,
when I'm silenced and unable to express myself.
1.0k · Oct 2013
Bad Things Attract Me
- Oct 2013
the baddest addictions
are with good intentions
not to cause harm
but to feel okay
I can say
I've never broken an arm
never been under
a sadistic charm
broken myself
but healed up again
kept going back
to feel my heart
patiently beating
poisonous thoughts
are like cyanide
so easy to think
it's even easier to die
the more addictions I have
the better I seem to feel
how tragic is that?
life has some
but no appeal
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.0k · Dec 2013
Farewell 2013
- Dec 2013
It's been a journey
Of ups and downs
A rollercoaster ride
I never want
To be on
Ever again

Despite that
I'm blessed
For my friends
For my parents
For the love of my life
For my beautiful dog
For all the memories
We have shared
And captured
This year

Have a good 2014
May the year
Be a blessed one
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Happy New Year's Eve!
Have a wonderful 2014.
Love you all.
Thank you for everything.
I adore each and every one of you.
1.0k · Jan 2014
Not In Sync
- Jan 2014
Not so in sync
You can see it
From their walk
And distance
No couple looks
So un-smitten
It's like love
Is a poison
1.0k · Aug 2013
Twisted Heart, She Was
- Aug 2013
There was once this girl I liked.
I liked her so much,
it made me lose my breath,
every time we talked.

Yes, she was that incredible..

But, there was a few things I didn't like,
her lack of emotion when it came to feelings,
how she always used to press my buttons,
just to get a reaction,
how she lead me on,
just to break me down.

A true player, she broke hearts for fun,
just to cheer herself up when she felt down in the dumps,
she ******* up quite a few people's hearts.

I remember the first time I spoke to this girl,
she seemed nice at first, until,
her mood became worse.

It came to the point where we used to fight,
and have this certain distance for weeks,
she always said she was 'done',
then weeks later, she'd come back around,
saying she was sorry and that she felt dumb.

This happened on many occasions,
but even at her worst,
she was still the best,
in my blinded eyes.

This behavior went on for years,
and while I was swallowing my tears,
she was showing her smiles.

Cruel was an understatement.
She knew how I felt,
and made fun of,
my feelings.

The girl I loved, played with my heart,
and I was too blind to see,
this wasn't the one for me.
But, I gave her a chance,
hoping she'd change,
wow, I was wrong,
but, I couldn't move on,
at that point in time.

She broke hearts for the thrill of it,
how sick is that?
Too mean.
But I'm done.

Y'know, when we first spoke,
her plan was to make me fall,
her plan was to lead me on,
and then break my heart.

But guess what?
Her plan failed.
She, herself, fell in love.
And couldn't cope with that,
so she ignored me for weeks,
but came back always,
because she missed me that much.

The player failed at her own game.
Instead, she fell in love,
with the one she wanted to break,
and after that, she sorta 'changed' her ways.

Until, six days ago.
The ex who I tried to keep,
as a best friend,
she gave up on me again.

Wondering why I act so surprised...
I knew this would happen,
but at what time?
I never knew.

I guess a part of me wants her in my life,
but as a friend.
Just wish our friendship,
wouldn't always end/re-mend.

Some friends are hard to be around,
feels like the old connection is gone,
like, you're with a stranger in a room,
and all you can do is try your best,
to make that work out.
If you can't,
then I guess,
that friend,
you have to live,
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.0k · Jul 2013
- Jul 2013
Let me inhale the smoke
from that blunt of yours
Make me high
as our lips meet
and kiss

Let me inhale the smell
of the strong alcohol you're sippin'
Intoxicate me
as our lips touch
like it's a must

Love me like you love your addictions
Get lost in my eyes
Like I'm all your heart desires
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.0k · Jul 2013
Our Song
- Jul 2013
The song from our first date
It will always be stuck in my brain
And whenever that song plays
I will think of you
As my mind
Goes into love overload

Oh, babe
You take my breath away
With every word you say
Can't get rid
Of this love sickness
Our song
It soothes my brain
But leaves me in pain
Because I'm still in love
But you're not
I feel so pathetic
As well as emotionally weak
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.0k · Nov 2013
Blunts And Friends
- Nov 2013
Quality friendship time
rolling cigs and
lighting blunts
drinking wine
having fun
living quite a bit
for the hell of it

I love my friends
I love my blunts
I love my ***** shots
and wine glasses
I like laughing loud
and speaking my mind
all while I'm high
and having fun

My friends make life hilarious
they make me smile
when times get rough
I feel so very fine
when I'm here with them
they make me feel okay
when life leads me
the other way
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Spending time with my loves. Happy me!
1.0k · Feb 2014
- Feb 2014
His smile
Is precious
We're young
But not reckless
Sweet not sour
Love is developing
More and more
By the hour
Positive writing.
1.0k · Oct 2013
Poet's Identity
- Oct 2013
I put pen to paper
not knowing
what to expect
if I will be satisfied
with what I write
or if anyone
will like
what I

I don't see myself
as a gifted soul
all my words
were dug up
from the dark
and beautiful
parts of me
that were
in soil

my heart speaks
so loudly
even my mind
can hear
the echoing
of my thoughts
as I think of the
which made me
and created
the identity
of the poet
that I became
to be
© Natali Veronica 2013.
1.0k · Jun 2013
The Heart To My Beat
- Jun 2013
You are the heart to my beat
The way you make me feel
It's so surreal

I can talk about you for hours
About how I cherish what is ours
Yeah, you've got a hold on me
Yeah, you really make me feel complete
And I'm not lying when I say
I love you pretty baby
You mean so much to me
I'm not lying when I say you're addictive
I am Chanel and you are Versace

You are the apple of my eye
You are mine
And I'm your cherry pie
© Natali Veronica 2013.
994 · Dec 2013
Barely Inspired
- Dec 2013
Hungover and tired
I am barely inspired
Mouth tastes of regret
At least it's not *****
At least I'm alright
Not like last night
At least I didn't
Make a mistake
Or take too much
Or consume a lot
Or get a toxic rush
Writer's block *****
No creativity in my blood
No energy in my veins
I keep trying but
Failure again
And again
© Natali Veronica 2013.
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