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- Feb 2014
Love can heal you
Love can damage you
Even the best
Can hurt the most
Not always
Just sometimes
- Feb 2014
You left my heart for dead, stuck the voices in my head. Wired me to believe, that love wasn't for me to keep. You kept me playing the wicked game, until I couldn't take the pain. I was broken, bruised, over you, I didn't know what to do. I was lied to, pleased, quite used to the hatred in sight, the one I thought was love. Memories held me up, kept me from drowning. The love was tough, broke me up, it was overpowering. People say, pay your dues, give a little part of you. Hopefully it will be enough, to sustain a practical love, the one you've been dreaming of. Maybe it will make sense, all the times he broke your heart, shaded your existence. All the times he kissed your lips, the kisses that left you smitten, that left you addicted. All the times he held you tight, and made you feel alright. All the times you fell for the same lies as before. All the times he walked out of that door, left you wanting more.
Random poem. Straight from the heart. Just something I wrote quickly. Felt creative enough to post.
- Feb 2014
fanbases are competitive
their insults are repetitive
hatred never stops
compassion doesn't seem to exist
music doesn't seem to matter
as long as fans of artists
are battling each other
music is supposed
to bring peace
not start pathetic wars
what has become of us?
we're not music lovers
we are hatred followers

spread love, not hate
it's not too much to ask
Ranting and writing because I'm sick and tired of people talking **** about the ones in the music industry. Pretty much a poetic rant.
- Feb 2014
Automatic heat, attraction, I am smitten by the love, it's become an addiction, such a religion and a powerful drug. I adore you and I love you, it is what I cling to, I'm your baby, little lady, you're my lover and forever, all I ever asked for.
Wrote this last night.
- Feb 2014
Tasted the lips of death, but I haven't met you yet, but I can feel your heavy grip as I struggle to breathe at night, the way you touched and tried too hard, how I fell for the pain of art, the way you kissed me into a grave, and how you made me scream your name, as the smoke of lust, it completely filled my lungs, took me down and let me drown, love is a dangerous game to play, yet it keeps you on your toes, ready for a hit, another cigarette to blow, amazed at how it keeps you wanting more tomorrow, you know, it keeps you calm and chilled, almost ice cold, but it's real, the tense, hot air that cools and twists and turns, trying to conceal the passion and overall devotion, the love which is addicting and truly sickening, it keeps you thinking, and loving.
I just wrote this without thinking too much about it making sense. Any opinions welcome, positive or negative. I've been smoking and drinking, so I'm quite creative right now, might post a lot of random writing, so I hope I don't annoy anyone. I just love writing, from the heart, because that's what makes it real.
- Feb 2014
Used to think we'd be nothing more than innocent friends, now I gaze in your eyes when I wanna take a trip to the stars, and when I need a fix, I dial your digits and you give me it, the butterflies flutter and I wonder, how would life be if you weren't soothing me to sleep, or hugging me tightly until my sadness didn't seem to exist?
I really like this one. I like writing about him, I like him a lot. My everything.
- Feb 2014
Happy Valentine's Day!
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