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- Feb 2014
This is our second Valentine's Day together
And it seems like forever
Since the day we met
Since the day we spoke
Since the day we fell in love

You mended my heart
Caressed every part
And made me
The happiest girl
To ever walk this earth

Your love is like
A diamond
Precious and rare
Beautiful and magical
The spark is always there

You are my Valentine
You always will be
Because you ignite
The happiness in me

I could write for hours
About what is ours
But I'd rather exchange
A thousand kisses
A million hugs
To celebrate
Our love

You don't need
To buy me flowers
Or expensive gifts
Or red roses
I already
Have this
Diamond ring
Which is truly
Dedicated to my college sweetheart <3
- Feb 2014
Birthday next month
Which is why
I am Miss March
Born on the tenth
Of the third month
Of every year
I'm not liking
The thought of
Getting older
Makes me more
Than I was
The year before
It reminds me
That I'm not a kid
I am a young adult
I am a young woman
Who is maturing
And growing
And changing
More mood swings
More diet failures
College graduation
My hands are shaking
I'm lost in translation
My mind is spinning
- Feb 2014
I feel like keeping a diary
Or some kind of blog
Whichever keeps me happy
Just to express, perhaps
But in more depth
Than I might show
When I post on this
Just a few thoughts
Nothing much
Mind never stops
Not for anyone
I guess we need it
To properly function
It keeps us working
Sometimes on overdrive
It helps us in ways
No one can deny
Thoughts in my head right now.
- Feb 2014
Constantly hot
Like a cigarette
Always lit

Burning up
Like the sun
Trying to stay cool
Like the midnight moon

Fierce and feisty
Sweet yet spicy
A little sarcastic
A little electric

When you touch
When you kiss
It's like magic
Felt like posting a poem. Love you, poets. :)
- Feb 2014
I stared into your soul
Like you stared
Into my eyes
We fell in love
Almost instantly
It was no surprise
You had a whole heart
You gave me one part
That's when I knew
I truly loved you
Love poem...again. Excuse me, sweethearts.
- Feb 2014
Sober thoughts spill out
Every time I drink
Endless silence
When I smoke
Deep moments
of thought
And of us
- Feb 2014
His smile
Is precious
We're young
But not reckless
Sweet not sour
Love is developing
More and more
By the hour
Positive writing.
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