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- Feb 2014
You're breathing art
Every moment
Is in tact
Wrapped up
In sweet love
You, I dreamt of
And got to hold
Who cares
American dreams
Love is above
And beyond all
For you
I'd take the fall
Because I know
You would too
Spent my life
Looking for bliss
I found happiness
In your eyes
In your touch
In your arms
In your I love you's
And electric charm
You are everything to me.
- Feb 2014
Our love is laid bare
It's always here
Every kiss
Every gaze
Is enough
To keep me smiling
For endless days
Your bed is my happy place
Cuddles until the sun shines
Something rare and sweet
You sweep me off my feet
Love poems are great sometimes.
- Feb 2014
Your *******
Astounds me
Your messages
Are quite laughable
But they're not even funny
Your ability to point your finger at me
For my supposed negativity
Simply makes me lose
ALL the respect
I ever had for you

I'm not saying you're wrong
I admit, I have my share of sin
But don't start the victim crap
I thought you were better than that
Not gonna bother writing about you anymore.
- Feb 2014
I am labeled a lot
A cheater
A lying ****
Manipulative *****
Sickening witch
Ugly hearted
Cold blooded
Those, the obvious
I am called many names
Some are stupid
Some are cruel
But I guess I deserve this
Maybe this is my fate
Maybe I am a pathetic fool
Words are like bricks
Thrown at me
Causing bruises
And endless amounts
Of unhealthy rage
If you talk badly of me
Then I will fight back
My mistakes are not
Meant for mockery
I know my flaws
I know my past
I know, I know
But you're still
Not the best
I'm tired of being the one who gets all the blame.
- Feb 2014
Love in the dark
Is what I like best
Passion is on point
No need for exams
Or stupid tests
This is truly
For keeps
- Feb 2014
We have a bond
No one will break
Not even the worst
Of times can
Bring us down
We'll hold on tight
And win this fight

Best friends
Through life
And death

Love him so much
Having such a fun day. I feel positive.
- Jan 2014
I don't feel good enough
I'm just average
Look at other girls
With their confidence
And perfect curls
They look fine
And I look dull
Beautiful smiles
I'm still waiting for my time
To actually shine through
Nothing compared to her
What am I to you?
Insecurities are ****.
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