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 Feb 2015 Nena Twedell
Dev A
Don't think for a second
That just because you're
That I'll open up to you quickly.

My heart has been sealed
Protected by
Layers upon layers.

Whether you want to be friend or lover
You must understand
I prefer books to people;
They are less likely to let you down.
You'll have to gain my trust over and over again;
I've been hurt too many times.
If I let you in, take what I give you;
Not everyone gets past my walls.

Don't assume you know me
Just because I opened up
I have given all of me
To very few people.
Most only have a part or two.

As much as you may make me laugh
Or as much fun as we may have I'm still
About letting you get too close.

Just because I don't talk to you
Every second of every day, means I need
Time to myself
Peace and quiet
To sort my thoughts
As I recharge from spending time with people.
it's the hardest thing in the world,
watching you fade.
I'm waiting until you become dust
all for a more prominent ribcage
and to be able to cut diamonds
with your collarbones.

it's the hardest thing in the world,
watching you cry
in front of your reflection.
your pain is never beautiful
but your soul always will be.
you always were.

it's the hardest thing in the world,
watching you die.
you were always so fragile,
so delicate. I fear you might snap
when I try to hug you close,
with your bones digging into my arms.

it's the hardest thing in the world,
watching you fight.
although, it's not so much of a fight
when you're too tired to
and the winner is guaranteed
and you never wanted to win anyway.
Life descends into the vice of those who judge...
Unconditional opinions give those the nudge...
The nudge into darkness we ride...
Back into the corner we hide...
From those high on life's pleading destruction...
It's hard for us to begin our reconstruction...
People unable to enter society's plains...
Due to the judgmental's menacing claims...
It's time we stop listening to those of scorn...
It's time to know those are the ones truly torn...
For we are all beautiful in our own little ways...
It's time to realise it with no more delays...

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
as i push myself
through this thick fog

where i cannot see my hand
in front of my face

but i know i can find my love,
she's out there

yes, it will be hard
to find something i cannot see

i constantly run into things,
i trip,
i fall,
i cry,
i hurt.

yet, i will never give up,
this foggy journey

i constantly hear voices
beyond the distance of my sight.

i also need love
i also cry
i also hurt
can you love me

i look and look
but i cannot find anyone

will this fog ever lift
or will i be always trapped

i wait for that day
to find my love
 Jan 2015 Nena Twedell
a little poem
of little thoughts
just waiting to be loved

a little poem
of little dreams
just waiting to be woken

a little poem
with a great big  voice
waiting to be spoken

a little poem
in a little cage
waiting to be free'd

a little poem
from little me
waiting for little you
with little hope of trending
little words...
can say so much
this speaks to my frustration
with my writing at present...
i don't need to trend...i know i write well....but ******
the little voice inside my head....wants a big fat trend...
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