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 Jan 2014 Naveena Vijayan
I can't remember the last time I touched your face
But I can feel your cheekbones digging into my mind like the feeling of taking a shovel
hollowing out my own grave to lie in
When was the last time I was able to run my fingers through your hair?
Untangling hair is easy, but I haven't yet found anything
to get out the knots in my stomach
If someone asked me what color your eyes were, I couldn't tell them
But I could explain just how it felt when they looked into mine
Like when you look into the sun and are blinded by its immense beauty, so blinded
you can't see the inevitable damage it inflicts upon every pore
Except I haven't yet found anything to protect myself from your stare
What if my skin burns before you can feel it again
And how will you feel if you're too bright that I can't look anymore?
You might begin to miss the fact that nobody can look at you the way I do
before you even realize I can
And I could tell them how you felt when mine looked into yours
despite the fact that you can't
Because you don't know what it's like to feel something other than your own fear
But I'm not afraid of you anymore, I have no fear
I have some hope you can have, it's been growing for quite some time
And I may have some more strength left, although dealing with you feels like
running to a destination that doesn't exist
I'm tired of being selfish and hogging all the feelings
And I think I'll share
with you
Cherish these things that can be taken away,
Gone by tomorrow not appreciated today,
Control of this is not given, not earned.
As complex as the wind passing through the hollows of a tree,
Taking the smooth route of the skies,
Affected by the contours of age.
Such is life,
Although not considerate of age or background,
Of skin colour or mannerisms.
Like a river it erodes the very pedestal it sits on.
The rest of the world unknowing of what you may feel,
The ones around empathetic but not feeling what you feel,
Not hurting how you hurt,
You sit and wonder why,
Wishing you would take this last sigh,
Wishing you could suppress these tears and that this one drop would be your last.
But as the rivers flow so do your tears.
Another’s touch you do not long for,
But the comfort you crave from whom you love makes the throat sore.
Don't cry,
Wipe your eyes.
Memories you can cherish for years on end will be your comfort,
New memories you make with a new love will grant you grace.
All I can give is expression in these words,
although they may not bring a smile to your face,
I only pray that you understand.
Love is there, here and everywhere,
All you need is to accept it.
 Dec 2012 Naveena Vijayan
Sable, the swallow rising
as it banks over the white conduits
of marrow in the body, rain
slashes through the honey locust,
along the long ellipse of its hunt
as savage dragonflies rise from stems
to cling, a deep sienna of doeskin tremors
over their sting, catkins,
an aftermath, melancholy to the skin
soaked in white calla,
its reticence assails
the sleeping orchards of the heart,
in its darkest sheaves,
to cleave apart the soft joining of lips
and silence me;

for eternity
is this moment,
and the light you give
cloaks me in a coat of flames,
the burnt locust of slaughter, taunt
the rubric of Christs hidden scriptures,
as I night,
the body, solely a vessel
of shadow, returning
through a field of windfall,
ripe with wasps,
echo you
in me,
a dream of a dream dream't,
in the dim recess of light

your lips close
like a sutra over mine,
a brutality of moments
ground out of thick pine,
as the fine agony
of cricket ballets rise
shivering, to stillness,
this silence is a lotus,
a blue psalm,
throttles the throat,
as a quorum of swallows
gather between the swathes
of sunlight and skewed shadows,
and lift as one body, subsumed
by our abandoned depths,

out of exile, you
have made me a homeland
of truant light and as I night,
lightning opens like scripture,
a black plea, poured over some sore refuge,
and so that I may never be restored,
cloak me in a coat of flames,
suffering an ecstasy of moments hardened in amber,
over the white conduits of marrow
in the savage body, writhe
a black throng of swallows,
assail the sleeping orchards of the heart,
in its darkest sheaves, to cleave
apart the soft joining of lips
and silence me....
 Dec 2012 Naveena Vijayan
Finally known Myself;
I am a soldier of time,
Only the conquest of life,
Aboard the ship to Hell.

Finally known the World;
They all aren't players,
Only the cargo here,
Aboard the ship to Hell..

Finally known You;
You weren't the Angel,
Only a mirage of one,
Aboard the ship to Hell...

For I'm one among the few;
Who struggle this way,
Only the best ones survive,
Aboard the ship to Hell....

Because the World is preferential;
To winners & not strugglers,
Only the winners'd thrive,
Aboard the ship to Hell.....

And You were just like them all;
To me gave a sweet deception,
Only to leave me alone here,
Aboard the ship to Hell......

But in the end all of the World joins me;
To the trip of time in the ship to hell,
Only after serving their sentence,
Aboard the ship to Hell.......
It is my humble request to all staunch theists not to read this poem seriously, I don't intend to debate over any spiritual issues as I wouldn't change my stand ever.
 Dec 2012 Naveena Vijayan
Tom Orr
She makes the sand,
the sand seep away.
Little locket on her chest,
with her steps a gentle sway.
Though her eyes cast
a tender gaze,
her fiery heart sets the sky ablaze.

Dry rain and dry puddles,
never will she stop.
'Til she stumbles to her knees,
the dusty ground, fiercely hot.
She cries out in pain
and laughs through tears,
a withered smile
of withered years.

She sees me.

Her faces relaxes,
her lungs give out,
her limbs betray her
and with one final strain she says:
*I can't hate.
 Dec 2012 Naveena Vijayan
Tom Orr
I wasn't sure what to make
of this intergalactic space war.
With flying soldiers in old tobacco tins
and bullets made out of fingers.
I took it upon myself, I suppose
to conscript to this chaos,
upon the fluffy terrain.
Some sort of tyrannous Tyrannosaurus,
with a purple top hat
had taken over the bunk bed fort.

I'd made up my mind.
The only thing for it was a straight "Neeeeee-owwwwwwww"
into the back of the villainous lizard.

My comrade in arms however,
felt I wasn't quite suited for this rampant combat.
Although, his reason I didn't quite agree with;

"You're doing it wrong" he said, rather patronisingly.

I guess my little cousin is less of the kamikaze type and more of the tactical warfare nature.
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