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67.8k · Dec 2014
Out of breath
Nathan Pival Dec 2014
When I met you
You took my breath away
In retrospect
I should have just walked away
And started breathing again
29.4k · Jan 2016
Right Person, Wrong Time
Nathan Pival Jan 2016
Right person, wrong time
When we met
I knew, exactly
You automatically had my heart

Resistance as they say was futile
Our chemistry and cosmic friends
Were making more plays
Than our hands could play against
We sure as hell couldn't bluff

We were both in pain
After finding ourselves somewhere confused
We had planned for the rest of our lives
And been abused

Wrong time
We both have too much to fix
Right now, but we will
When it comes together
Will we be together?

You took my pain away
As I did yours
I know this is true
I saw you smile and heard you laugh
With me
It was the most sincere
We had both lost that for so long

I won't promise that I will wait
I don't expect you to either
But know that I will think of you
I know better than to say something

Like, you were the "one"
Or something like that
I know better

I think you are a good catch
The best yet
I am not throwing you back

But I do believe in possibilities
And the future is ours
Should we take it

You made me feel special
Like I've always wanted to feel
I can't throw that away
Absolutely not
What we have is one in a billion

One way or another
You will always have a place in my heart
Because you're special to me too
I feel better just for having met you
13.5k · Feb 2016
I Love the Way you Move
Nathan Pival Feb 2016
I love the way you move
I love the way you walk
There is a certain grace about you
In the air that surrounds you
Even in how you talk

Your smile lights up a room
Your touch makes my heart
Burn with desire

Just being in your presence
Is time well spent
Feeling that my heart is safe
In your hands
Is priceless

You are the source
Of so much inspiration
It's difficult to explain
You make me want to better myself
Because you deserve the best man
That I can be

You "get" me
And I "get" you
I've never felt more
Understood or appreciated
For just being myself

You make me feel thankful
And I don't take that for granted

I love the way you move
9.1k · Oct 2014
Asshole Bee
Nathan Pival Oct 2014
As I lay down
To fall into slumber
In a gentle land
Yellow Jacket
Stung me in my hand
Tonight not insomnia
Nor caffeine
Or even the troubles I keep
Kept me from my sleep
The little *******
Hid under my pillow
Doing his best
Waiting and plotting
To steal my peace
And much needed rest
I usually keep the peace
And let nature be free
But tonight I made an exception
And I killed that ******* bee
5.1k · May 2016
Your Pleasure is my Pleasure
Nathan Pival May 2016
Next time
I'm gonna take my time
Spread it out so it lasts
Answering desire with your gasp
Your hair I pull with a gentle grasp
You've opened your body and soul to me
Being bound makes you feel free

I would never take advantage
Of the openness you've offered to me
I am your protector and your rock
Your pleasure is what brings my pleasure

The trust you give I cherish with respect
I know just when to let go
When my hands are around your neck

You know that I would never go too far
Because I know exactly what you can handle
Half of the pleasure is finding out what your limits are
The other half is finding the limits then raising the bar

Although I may be in charge and I may be in command
Your pleasure is what I seek
Your pleasure is what makes me feel free
4.4k · Sep 2015
The Pain Behind your Eyes
Nathan Pival Sep 2015
The pain behind your eyes
Tells a story that could never lie
That feeling of being lost
But wanting to be found
Intimidated and vulnerable
Tired of being pushed around
Confused and torn
At having a second chance
An opportunity to choose
When it's safer with nothing to lose
Picking up the pieces seems an impossible task
To find someone true
To trust
Not hiding behind a mask
I can see the pain behind your eyes
It isn't hidden very well
Sometimes to get to heaven
You gotta go thru hell
3.5k · Oct 2014
The Road Traveled
Nathan Pival Oct 2014
The paths we cross in life
With others
Sometimes dictates the paths we take
Whether we want to go it alone
Or with someone shared down a mutual path
Not knowing where it will take us
Or how long it will last
By choice or fate
The beaten path is in the past
To never look back
Onwards to something better
Possibly something great
These interjections of people into our lives
Sometimes it lasts
And sometimes people are gone
Before their time is due
Most of the time
It's out of our hands
When people are gone too soon
Whether it be a friend, family, or lover
Instead of asking Why?
We must learn to say Goodbye
With no regret
And no looking back
Keeping the past behind us
Onwards to the light
Out of the black
2.9k · Oct 2015
A World Without Love
Nathan Pival Oct 2015
It's true
A world without love
Life would be much easier
No pain
No heartbreak
For the love of money?
No corporate takeovers, no greed
For the love of power?
No wars, no genocide
Without love
There would be no hate

It's true
In a world without love
Life would be much easier
Life would be incredibly dull
Like the stars had been plucked from the skies
All of the color had been taken from the sunset
No more passion
Progress would cease to exist
Laughter would be heard like silence
And a baby's smile wouldn't mean anything

It's true
Shadows couldn't exist without light
And the truth remains the same for hate and love
A world without love might be easier
But that's a world I don't want to live in
2.8k · Oct 2015
Before I met you
Nathan Pival Oct 2015
Before I met you
I had resolved to stay single
That was the safer route
I had grown tired of being hurt

Sometimes during the night
I would look at the stars
Wondering, if there was someone
Out there looking for me as well

I remember feeling distraught
Over the pain life had handed me
Not understanding why
If I deserved the pain
If I even deserved to ever be happy

Because others hadn't appreciated me
I had lost the understanding of my own worth

Before I met you
I had been used
Abused and confused
Wanting something I thought I would never have

A needle in a haystack was found
When you came into my life
You were the one to recognize my value
You showed me what it meant to feel loved

Your sweet disposition and honest smile
Helped me to forget about the past

All I can see now is the future
2.5k · Aug 2016
Working Man
Nathan Pival Aug 2016
All day
New pains exposed
Hard work?
An understatement
It even hurts to write
Right now
Dirt and sweat mixed together
Sometimes with a little bit of blood
Oh how it burns when it flows
Into your eyes and into the small cuts
Hard work does offer some clarity
Some satisfaction
Some pride
Knowing that you worked hard
Is rewarding
It can **** patience
For complainers
Abusers and users
Freeloaders and those that made excuses
People forget that in order to make
Dreams come true
A certain amount of work is required
Sacrifice is necessary
If you really want something bad enough
You gotta chase your dreams down and work for them
2.5k · Mar 2015
Nathan Pival Mar 2015
Sometimes I'm not sure
The battle between
Right and wrong,
What is best
It's confusing
And kills time


Go with your heart
When there is ***** involved
Explain yourself

Life isn't fair
Those are the rules
2.3k · Aug 2015
The World we Live in
Nathan Pival Aug 2015
Mothers killing babies
Cops killing kids
Kids killing kids
Online dating
Connected more than ever
Yet never more far apart
More suicides than combat deaths
Generation Y me?
Marriages don't last
A broken family is a typical family
Legal Marijuana
Bath Salts
****** is higher than ever
No more cursive writing
A degree doesn't guarantee a job
Just debt
Gay marriage
Equal rights
Politically correct
Because everything is offensive
Donald Trump for president
Caitlyn Jenner from the chopping block
Skinny jeans
Trust fund kids
Starbucks junkies
Disney Star Wars
Men to Mars
Internet wars
Cam ******
Electric cars
Hookah bars
A generation founded upon instant gratification
This is the world we live in
2.1k · Nov 2015
Thank You For Being You
Nathan Pival Nov 2015
I knew from the start
You called ahead
Prime real estate in my heart

Talking of the past
A similar thing
Was being burned
We gave our all
To someone
That would never last

I agree, it's terrible
You think you know someone
Then they bail when you need them most
Making you look like the fool

Been there, done that
A cliche I realize
Point being...
I understand

The past, although harsh
Gives me strength
Believing in something new
To move beyond these scars

I appreciate you for you
(No one is perfect but I do really like you)

I'm glad I went through the pain from before
It caused me to learn of myself
What I was lacking
What was broken
What I could restore

You've given me more than hope
I will never forget that
Thank you for giving me a second chance at love
Something true

Thank you for being you
Obviously, this is a poem I wrote for my girlfriend.  I decided to share it with all of you.
1.8k · May 2016
What it Means to Love a Poet
Nathan Pival May 2016
You fell in love with my poetry
But does that mean you know how to love me?
Have you ever loved a poet before?
Do you understand it may take a little more?

We see things more vivid than most people do
We may seem distant sometimes
Because we are

Lost in our thoughts or daydreams
Beautiful things will sometimes make us cry
I am telling you this so you don't have to wonder why

If you love a poet
You must not be the jealous type
If you ever plan to make a poet your wife

Our poetry is for everyone, not just you
This is something you must understand
If you want a poet to be your man

Sometimes our words will come out better on paper
Than when we are speaking to you
Sometimes we still might feel alone
No matter what you say or do

Do you really understand what it takes to love a poet?
Do not let our words intimidate you or expect to heal our scars
Just accept us for the beautiful souls we are

We will love you like no other
And the way we will show it will leave you smitten
We will again and again proclaim it through the poems we've written

When you love a poet
Each kiss will be a masterpiece
Each embrace will be the first and last

When you love a poet
They will be a puzzle
And you will be a puzzle piece
1.8k · Jul 2016
Silence of the Night
Nathan Pival Jul 2016
As the night grows more quiet
And the stars become more still
Your memories will slip in
And take you back in time
You can get lost in your own mind
Wondering how you arrived where you are
Questioning yourself and the decisions you've made
Not knowing if you were right or wrong
Sometimes knowing
You were wrong
The silence of the night will find you
And let you see yourself without the distractions
1.8k · Jul 2016
The Love you Keep (10w)
Nathan Pival Jul 2016
The love you keep inside
Is what makes you survive
1.7k · Mar 2016
It Wasn't Me
Nathan Pival Mar 2016
To all the women
Whose hearts I have broken
I apologize
And I hope you've moved on

It wasn't you
And it wasn't me
The fact is
We just weren't meant to be

I didn't use you
I didn't play you
I just knew
We were both better off
With someone else

I hope whatever experience you had with me
Is something you can walk away from
And be the woman that you're supposed to be

We were travelers on the same path
And were lucky enough
To share a moment together
Nothing about that
Should be frowned upon

This life is short
Moments add up and that matters

I hope you find what it is
That you are looking for
Because it is not me
1.6k · May 2016
The Lonely Walk
Nathan Pival May 2016
Walking home by myself
A lonely trip with only the wind to keep me company
Cigarette butts litter the curb
Whose lips they've touched
Their story I will never know

The smells of nighttime and laundry fill the air
In the distance, music can be heard mixed with laughter
Somewhere, memories are being made
Unbeknownst to the receiving, someone is falling in love
For it to only end up in heartbreak

In those high rise buildings
Someone is contemplating suicide
Three doors down, a life is being made

On these lonely walks home
I witness the world we live in
In the darkness, I can see
Nathan Pival Aug 2015
My favorite lie
Is to be told that everything is going to be alright
To feed that hope that things will get better
Somehow life will be perfect one day
This is a beautiful lie
It tricks you and comforts you
In a time of need
No one talks about it
But we know the truth
This lie gets us through the mess
One more push to get through this
On to tomorrow
The next day
The next struggle
But don't let it get to you
Everything is going to be alright
1.6k · Dec 2014
Always Sometimes
Nathan Pival Dec 2014
You talk too much
But don't have anything to say
Always the same
Not much open-mindedness
Left for anything new
I've a natural tendency
To be an *******
Some people just bring it out
Once I'm ******
I claim no responsibility
For what comes out of my mouth
I've a natural tendency
To be nice and patient
Some people just bring it out
It's not that difficult
To find a little good
We've all got it sometimes
Sometimes too much good
Or too much bad
And is too much
I find myself in the middle
Outspoken, sometimes quiet
Decisive, sometimes fickle
Surviving, but choosing to live
Real, sometimes imaginative
Adventurous, yet cautious
Brave, sometimes nervously nauseous
Feet on the ground
Eyes to the sky
Free to roam
No home to call my own
Searching and trying
To be homeward bound
Around the world
There and back
People act like they know
But mostly don't know jack
Found in the middle
Lost at the ends
Too stubborn to listen to reason
I will never understand
In this quest
To be a decent man
1.5k · Dec 2015
Adult Evolution
Nathan Pival Dec 2015
I remember being small
The adults were in charge
They knew what they were doing

If something made me sad
It was going to be okay
If I was mad
I got told to calm down

I was stubborn
I fought
I resisted
But I listened

It took becoming a parent
To understand
You don't know what the ******* are doing either
Even though you might know a little bit more

The worst day of my life back then
Was if my bike tire was flat
Or my videogame wouldn't work
If I didn't get my way,
I would selfishly act like a ****

Being a child and innocent
Slipped out of our fingers
At a speed we couldn't stop
Never seeing the picture for how big it really was

My first role in being an adult
Was having my first dog
And taking it for walks

You have to take a **** at 2AM?
Sure, why not?
I will take you out
Because you are my friend

The love I felt for this dog, and friend
Was put to the test
When it was hit by a cab
My choice to euthanize
My friend, her end

I joined the army
Only a year or so after
And became a father somewhere in the mix

I've always treated my son
Like a future man
Not telling him what he can't
But what he can

I understand the pain of being a parent now
But I accept this blessing as something true
I wouldn't trade it for the world
Would you?
1.5k · Nov 2015
This Rollercoaster
Nathan Pival Nov 2015
Imperfection and perfection;
All a matter of perception.
What we see is what we get.
This rollercoaster ride,
Is far from over yet.
Nathan Pival Sep 2015
I never knew it could be like this
And you may think this is just another love poem
It's about the journey of two
Of fate, destiny, or chance
They found each other
All three most likely played a part
In the meeting of these two souls
Finding happiness once again and together
A second chance
A new start
I never knew it could be like this
Everything seems more vivid
The shining sun more beautiful
Not only are great things possible
But they happen
Sometimes when you least expect it
As I wandered aimlessly
Under the cover of clouds
You were the ray of light
That shown upon me
You gave me direction again
I had been searching for so long
Not even knowing what I was looking for
Now that we've found each other
My search is over
I never knew it could be like this
1.5k · Jun 2015
Nathan Pival Jun 2015
Grass stains
Growing pains
New swear words

Best friends
Pizza parties
Saying "No" to drugs
(Eventually saying "Yes")
Ketchup on the ceiling at lunch

Pencil stuck in the ceiling

Scraped knees
Snowball fights
Fist fights

Life's lessons
Early on
Dealing with bullies
Being a bully

Being stubborn
But growing up
Learning things the hard way

Completely and utterly about elementary school.
1.4k · May 2016
Why I Write
Nathan Pival May 2016
Being a poet
Changes everything
The way you look and experience
It turns pain into beauty
It breaks down time

It speaks for you when you don't know what to say
It comes at times you can't sit down and write it out
It can keep you awake at night
It may offer you a smile when no one is there to see

Poetry is my outlet
It connects me with others that understand
I have made friends from other lands

When you need someone to talk to
And no one is there
The paper will listen to your pen
And suddenly, you know you aren't that alone again

Poetry has saved me from myself
And it's helped me save others from themselves
It has taught me to take time to really see things
For the truth
To notice the little things that actually matter

Writing poetry is therapy with no judgement
I am writing this to say *thank you
1.4k · Jan 2016
Goodbye isn't Forever
Nathan Pival Jan 2016
It's difficult to say goodbye
Especially to you
I knew parting ways wasn't forever
So I said it as we kissed
Even though it hurts
It's nice to know you're missed
1.3k · Oct 2014
Endless Summer
Nathan Pival Oct 2014
Distant memories
Of times long past
Voices forgotten
Some faces too
These moments in our lives
Don't always last
They stay fleeting
But will never die
The sounds of adults laughing
And familiar music with unknown meaning
Catching lightning bugs
Like it's the first and last summer of our young lives
The glow of the moon
Brightly gleaming
This feeling of freedom will never be replaced
A world of promise and opportunity
Up for the taking
Ignorant to the knowledge
The cage of our innocence
Is slowing breaking
Without realizing what is at stake
Or even
There is a limit
To our invincible days
At this very point
Beauty and love
Will not hide from us
It is in all shapes and forms
To breathe in and see
And touch and absorb
In this very moment in time
The world is ours
Yours and mine
1.3k · Mar 2016
My Muse, My Love
Nathan Pival Mar 2016
You are my muse
You are my mirror
You are my heart
You are my dear

You've turned now into forever
And reminded me
To never say never

I once thought
That all my innocence was lost
But I felt it's presence
As our paths crossed

Because of you
I believe that fantasy can come true
I appreciate the countless reasons you give me
For loving you

You are my muse
You are my mirror
You are my heart
You are my dear
1.3k · May 2016
Pillar of Strength
Nathan Pival May 2016
Pillar of strength
Standing free and alone
Never asking for support
But always there for others
When things got tough
When it helped to have something to lean on

Pillar of strength
Having endured many years of this routine
Never designed to go without repair
Or to even hold too heavy of a burden
The foundation was crumbling
Soon, everything would come crashing down

Pillar of strength
Needing to be repaired
Was cordoned off to keep the people away
They protested!
"How will we stand on our own?!"
"There is no way!!"

Pillar of strength
Tired of being misused and abused
Spoke loudly and clear
"I was never meant to stand for you or bear your burden alone."
"I was meant to give you some help and a break on your way home."

Pillars of strength grow weak
When they're overused and become meek
Bearing burdens is tiresome and dull
So check the pillar every now and then
To make sure it won't fall
1.3k · Oct 2014
Nathan Pival Oct 2014
Obsolete heartbeat
Began with a purpose
No longer can finish it's shift
Bad karma is lingering
This won't be swift
Keep beating and going
But with no purpose
Always surviving
But never living
It was a heart
1.3k · May 2016
Carrying the Torch
Nathan Pival May 2016
Carrying a torch
Never being free
Lost and imprisoned
In love with a memory

Something that was lost long ago
Yet never being able to let go
Preventing you from opening up
Making a new start
Bound by the chains surrounding your heart

Although one day your body will give way
Their name will be the last on your breath
Your last thought will be of them
Until the day of your death

Although your light might go out and you yourself expire
Never will the torch
That carries that fire
1.3k · Jun 2016
Let me be your Hero
Nathan Pival Jun 2016
I will be your hero
Let me save you from yourself
I will hold you tightly
In my arms and in my soul
The affection I have for you
Will never grow old
You are the final piece
That completes me
Saving you will save me too
Let me be a real man
A good man
Your partner, lover, and friend
Let me be your hero
We can fight fear and loneliness together
I will give you 100% of my everything
If you will have me
I will be yours
1.3k · Jul 2015
Nathan Pival Jul 2015
Without restriction
Blinded by lust and love
I took your virginity
Never to be undone

I pushed the first domino
Unknowing of the journey ahead
Or the repercussions of my deed
I don't judge you
For the choices you've made
The things you can't take back
But I judge myself
For pushing that first domino

To watch you
Sails unfurled
Rudder missing
As you ran rampant
With no direction
As the other dominos fell
Was heartbreaking

I know it was exploration
But you deserved more
1.3k · Jul 2015
Quadriplegic Ninja
Nathan Pival Jul 2015
You judge me
My abilities are limited
My skills peak out
At knee level
Or lack thereof
But I am the Quadriplegic Ninja

Combat I fight with inner strength
A punch I pack
Comes with arms I lack
You will question
How you were beat
By the ninja with no feet

Words I use
As my greatest weapon
Once I'm done
You better get steppin
Cause you can

I'm Quadriplegic Ninja
The ***** I give are zero
Ask me anytime
And I will be your hero
1.3k · Dec 2014
She's Gone
Nathan Pival Dec 2014
We parted ways
Without fighting
Without anger
I want to think that is a good thing
No residual hate or pain
But I still have to wonder...
Were we too hasty in parting ways?
I find myself missing you and your company
And the little things
When you left
It created a hole that hasn't been filled since
I tried to fill it with the bottle
But it only made the hole bigger

I do miss you
But ultimately
I just want you to be happy
1.3k · Jun 2016
Prevail or Fail?
Nathan Pival Jun 2016
So many little tests
Presented with we contend
Understanding the risks
Of the chances we take
To take that chance
Should we prevail or fail
Some failures beat us
Into the depths
And we may never be the same again
Some successes also
Make us never the same again
Because we've gotten so high off of it
We cannot see straight
I've made a lot of money before
And it has made me arrogant, ungrateful, and wasteful
I've also been broke and poor
It made me more appreciative, understanding, and productive
The middle ground that works for all of us
Is an individual thing
Prevail or Fail
Is nothing more than a perspective
Life is a game we play with no clear winners
But if you keep love in your heart
It doesn't matter how broke or rich you are
You have prevailed
1.2k · May 2016
The Art of Loneliness
Nathan Pival May 2016
The art of loneliness
Isn't to be appreciated or loved
But it is felt and known by many
A lesson not taught but learned

Like flying in a rocket ship
Looking down and seeing everyone
And how the world seems to work
The feeling of not belonging with everyone else
Alone on your journey to fly alone

Always on the outside, looking in
Wondering what it would be like
To be at home somewhere

The real art of loneliness
Is how well so many of us hide it from others
Finding a career
Getting married
Being social
Yet never feeling at home

There are moments when we connect
Or cross paths with others that remind us
We aren't truly alone
It can be difficult to not become needy of these people
And we will drive them away
Because in the end
This is what we know

The art of loneliness isn't something you share with someone
We have moments that bring smiles and happiness
And those are the times when we grow tired
Because anything worth enjoying
Is better off shared with someone you love

This is the art of loneliness
1.2k · Jul 2015
Karma's my Homie
Nathan Pival Jul 2015
Can't escape your problems
But you can escape people
Sometimes you just gotta get away
You were toxic
I was being poisoned
By someone that came with a smile
Your lack of compassion is something to frown upon
No amount of distance or miles
Can right what you wronged
I never claimed to be perfect
But no one
No one deserves that
Today I know
That karma is real
You are alone
And it isn't a choice
1.1k · Sep 2015
I'm A Work in Progress
Nathan Pival Sep 2015
I want to do things right
Leave the past behind
Quit judging people for other's misactions
Quit judging myself
Let myself be happy
Quit wasting time
Be a little more kind
Take charge of my life
Get back in control
Tie things back together that have unraveled
Instead of taking the easy road
Travel the path less traveled
Learn to appreciate what I've got
Take less for granted
And learning to love this life
I've been handed
Nathan Pival Jun 2016
While it rains
We sit in a window
Looking out waiting for it to stop
Our life goes into a limbo

All this precious time in our lives
We waste on waiting
For something or someone
To happen

We wait for the light turn green
For our laundry to be done
We wait for the oven to preheat
Or for reciprocated love

This limbo we live in while we wait
Gives us nothing but grey hairs
As our precious time slips away

Patience is a virtue
When it comes to the right things worth waiting on
But how much time is wasted in that limbo
On things that aren't worth the wait?

It's a fine line
Deciding when it's appropriate to wait
But it's not worth it when we put our lives on hold
With or without patience
We grow old

In the end
We all have an end
How many of your pages are filled with words and events
Instead of ellipses (...) which is
The limbo we sit in while waiting

© Nathan Pival 2016
1.1k · Dec 2014
Three-Legged Chair
Nathan Pival Dec 2014
(This is a poem I wrote with a friend.  Her lines are capitalized.)

From start to finish
Never diminish
This I say
Sometimes I follow thru
That's me
What about you?
Don't forget to breathe
It's an always
And most underappreciated need
When everything seems wrong
Take time
To take time
To see the best
The pure
The beauty
Of being good
No one can be you
But you
An ever attempt
At bettering reality
A step is a step
An attempt at betterness
To sate destruction
Never let it listen
To *******
Never give up
Don't be a dope
Always and forever
More than a chance
A dance
With possibility
An attempt gives you strength
Because it's more than the rest
See what is being said
But if you keep the hurt to yourself
That's your fault
No matter how much
We know
Or have learned
Stand up
To be loved
Or burned
Humanity has survived
Up to this point
With or without a joint
Keep trying
Never lying
Breathe it
Live it
Yeah, nerd
A bottle in a brown bag
Never is an
Until this one
How many times
Never again?
Somebody won
Somebody lost
Hello and Goodbye
Always lost
1.1k · Aug 2015
Ghetto Shop
Nathan Pival Aug 2015
You have quite the selection
Your customer base
Have lived a life of rejection
With pocket change to spare
Head to the ghetto shop
In your local hood
To get your under-quality good

Your forty options are near endless
To sate the alcoholism of the hopeless
Everywhere I turn
There is a security camera
Mainly to record
A niche in a world
Lacking glamour

The coin-tilt game that I see kids playing on
Surely can't be legal
Yet they flock there
To open pavement
As a seagull

The hood respects you
And needs you
Even though your necessities are seriously overpriced
The lack of a car or high gas prices
Creates your demand
Your convenience
Makes quality get sacrificed

Should a drug addict or otherwise desperate soul
Try to rob you blind
They will be lucky to end up serving time
Because you are ninja hiding in the open

Sounds like a stereotype or cliche
But it's most definitely true
The ghetto shop exists
And will treat you like a friend
Always, "Thank you, come again"
1.1k · Feb 2016
When You Miss Someone
Nathan Pival Feb 2016
When you miss someone
The littlest things and everything
Will remind you of them

The emptiness felt
In their absence
Is only cured by their presence

Even now I still
Find your hair on things
And it kills me

No amount of distance or time
Will change how I feel about you
I still ponder it all in disbelief sometimes
The whole story is quite romantic
It's fact, not fiction
And that is hard to believe

Although missing you can make me feel
Stressed at times
I feel quite lucky
For having someone to miss
The way that I miss you

I miss things like
Holding your hand
Seeing you smile
The way we intoxicate
Each other

When you call
Hearing your voice
Puts you right next to me
And makes me miss you more

One day
Once we are finally together
I will miss you still
Just for going to the grocery store
1.1k · Sep 2015
Everyone Makes Mistakes
Nathan Pival Sep 2015
Everyone makes mistakes
Loved ties come undone
Trapped in the past
Tomorrow will never come
Letting regret go
No matter how long ago

Sometimes things feel like a voodoo curse
But everyone makes mistakes
Never forget, it always could have been worse

It is never as bad as it seems
A positive perspective, a must
Without it
The downward spiral will never end
Everyone makes mistakes
You have to forgive yourself first to mend
1.1k · Oct 2015
If I Were
Nathan Pival Oct 2015
If I were a penguin
I'd search the lands
And find you the best pebble
I would make you mine

If I were a goose
I'd fly with you for life
We'd fly into the sunset
I would make you mine

If I were a banana
I would peel for you
But I wouldn't split
I would make you mine

I'm none of these things however
I'm just a human
I can still find you a pebble
But I can't fly and I'm not high in potassium

Can I still make you mine?
1.1k · Oct 2014
Tiny Little Flower
Nathan Pival Oct 2014
Tiny little flower
You caught me surprise
I most certainly and utterly
Could not believe my very own eyes
In the midst of darkness
Grief and despair
Death and destruction
The desert of all places
You made it.
Without a sea of familiar faces
You reminded me of me somehow
Your strive to survive is also mine
The many circumstances that made you possible are beautiful
You kept my heart alive
And brought back the best things in life that will always be free
Hope, love, and beauty
Back inside of me
In the middle of war
1.0k · Jan 2016
I'm Tired
Nathan Pival Jan 2016
I'm tired of love poems
The insomnia that comes
When things don't work out
I believe that everything happens for a reason
But I'm tired of it

I'm tired of always being tested
Of being made to feel that I'm not good enough
I'm tired of caring
And I'm tired of feeling
I'm tired of being tired

I know that happiness is within reach
I've touched it, if not briefly
So I know what it's like
When it's gone

It's never as simple as cheering up
Or feeling better
It takes time
Sometimes a lot of time
Just to be reminded that things aren't so bad

I'm tired of wearing a smile
That is untrue
1.0k · Nov 2015
Take, a Moment
Nathan Pival Nov 2015
I am a somewhat educated man
I read, I learn, I listen
Above all
I observe

I see all of the hate
The anger, the pettiness, selfishness
And I wonder

How much did you bring on yourself?

We are all different
As humans,
We flourish
Because of this

Yet we forget

So easy to point a finger
Instead of trying
To understand
That someone is living a different life
Than you

Before being the end all be all
Be smart
Not dumb
It's not that hard

Judging people is inherent
It would be dumb not to
To a point...
But don't be that *******

If you're religious, fine
But, judge yourself
Before others
If you're political, fine
But, judge yourself
First and foremost

Honestly, who's horn are you tooting?
1.0k · Jul 2016
Someday, Somehow
Nathan Pival Jul 2016
No matter what
I will continue to search for you
You made me smile
You lit my fire
You are my desire

Someday, somehow
We will come back together again
The only place I'd rather be
Is with you
In your arms
To feel your embrace

You pick me up
When I am down
You mend my wounds
When I am hurt
You are the piece
That completes me

There is such an emptiness in my life
Without you
I dream of you and wake up
With you gone
That is my nightmare

I hope to find you again
Because you are my dream
998 · Sep 2015
This is Really Happening
Nathan Pival Sep 2015
So sensitive
And sentimental
You touch my heart
With all that you are

I once felt hopeless
The way you look at me
Leaves me breathless

As I write this
I understand
That no words can give justice
To what is happening between us right now

As a man of words
You leave me speechless
And yet our connection says more than any that have come before

I realize now that I have been lost for years
And I finally feel like I have found my way back home
Your light guided me to somewhere safe
A place I can call my own

Whatever fire I've walked through
Which led me to this
This point in time and place
To you
Was more than worth it
You were the passion I've been searching for
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