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The sands of time sweep on, carrying us forward.
They erode the past, creating new life.
Where there is hopeless nothingness,
forms the seeds of life.
The smiles on peoples faces, hand in hand we walk.
Together happiness, a new feeling.
A good feeling.
There they go, those sands again.
Tearing at the fabric of your reality, battering them to shreds.
Nothing lasts long here, most of it lies in your head.
As a race we move on, as people we dwell.
We choose our pace to walk through our shallow hell.
As we grow older everything changes, we live, we learn and we hurt.
The sands sweep us along again, suddenly we're thrown out of our homes.
Tossed into the chaos of the world, forced to move as one with the hoards.
Day to day, we walk our way.
With the blank nothing, why must we pay.
Love springs into our nothingness world, once more we feel whole.
As happiness pushes us out of our dark role, we begin to remember we have a soul.
We hold our heads up as we walk along, moving through the world on our own.
As we walk our challenges grow harder, the times make us smarter.
We fight through the world, struggling to survive.
The reasons why, There isn't but one.
Time has past, sands eroding the past.
Suddenly the world is brighter, filled with laughter.
Springing forth, urning to learn.
Small feet in the sand, children.
As they grow, you see the trials.
Creating their past like a growing file.
Once more we are pushed forward, the lights are dimming.
You have come to the end of your journey, unsure of what comes next.
You have lived a life, of sadness, hope, pain, love.
But alas, what is to come?
In the blink of an eye you're gone, sands sweeping over you like a dark shadow.
Erasing you from the world.
But you're not completely gone, you live in the minds of those you have touched.
And now, you too, are part of the sand.
As if the sun had rose for the first time
I witnessed the beauty of a day beckoning and bursting with light
Awakening and coaxing my feet
Urging me on
Dismissing the darkeness that once consumed and committed me
With open eyes the questions are endless and I realised how much of a child's mind
posesses my growing wit
I try to expell the corruption and injustice to breath freely if only for a moment
Craving the euphoria nature aptly offers free and full of grace
I ponder her deep waters and ceaseless wind
Trees like towers wave off and hypnotizes
Simplicity is now becoming a great friend
Taming my wild mind
I am clawing at temptation and I must force my will to break this
Who am I without this twisted warping sickeness
I try so hard to decipher this
but only time can reveal the true stasis
 Jun 2013 Natalie Wood
Some of my best friends are
The tiny grey cells in my head
For, without these tireless givers
I should sorely want*.....

For I've had.....

The power to recognise the nurturer
Who saved me countless times
Who sewed my confidence at valedictory
Gratitude to Mother...granting me first wings.

The help of a few friends with proffered lifts
Not many, but enough to light the way
Takes but one spark to lead the lost
Cannot discount the value of true goodwill.

The sweet taste of that first, deep love
Who showed the path to discovered delights
Easy mem'ries...looking back, but ****** ahead
Sighs painted on the ceiling in dreamy webs.

The awkward trip down that rabbit hole
Blue lady hanging pretty in the corner
Flies trapped flimsy, on some terylene
Many padlocks get gasping to you!

The chance to slough off onerous habits
Dive wholehearted into the universe's sea
Gaps to kickstart joy and spearhead cheer
Mentors pass the torch and believe in me!

Yes, some of my best friends are NOT seen
Most reliably spun inside this osseous shell
They answer things and help me find my truth
Thank heavens....selfless amity equals mercy.

S T, 29 June
oh, just a real silly ramble, is all....forgive me.
but without our minds, we really are useless.

swell day to y'all :)

we're making mem'ries here, can ye see? lol

sub-entry: "I remember you" by F. Ifield

I remember you-ooh
You're the one who made my dreams come true
A few kisses ago

I remember you-ooh
You're the one who said "I love you, too"
Yes, I do, didn'tcha know?

I remember, too, a distant bell and stars that fell
Like the rain out of the blue-ooh-ooh-ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo

When my life is through
And the angels ask me to recall
The thrill of it all
Then I will tell them I remember you-ooh

I remember, too, a distant bell and stars that fell
Just like the rain out of the blue-ooh-ooh-ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo

When my life is through
And the angels ask me to recall
The thrill of it all
Then I will tell them I remember, tell them I remember
Tell them I remember you.

I am lost in a space I cant claim
with shape shifters playing some twisted little game
and I have been pawned into the unknown
Far from any sort of counsel
With silent watchers eyeing my back
Sizing me up to see what I lack
As if I've been put to a test
I cant tell if I've been granted some sort of pass or sentence
As I cling to the fringes of my past
Holding onto the false security I never truly had
and love is lost in midst of this war
Is it myself or someone else trying to settle some score?
Is this heaven's gate or the fires of hell?
What's one without the other?
My skin bloats and swells
As the sea lightly salts my skin
Will I be eaten alive or am I learning to swim?
The question is where I'll go from here
Does the path lead to clarity or am I forever caged in confusion?
No canine companion  has ever questioned me,
cheeky mongrel, you cross the line too often,
don't forget this; an animal  is still alive within me,
though an animal rights activist I remain officially.
How true is the human being's love for  animals, domestic of course!
The sun set fire to the landscape
In rasps of velvet orange brilliance
and I got lost in the strokes of time and consideration
Picturing how many hours passed honing in on every detail
I saw waves of peace caught and sunken into canvas
My imaginative eyes and ears hooked to the shells
Though I tried there was no escaping
I was hopelessly lost at sea
 May 2013 Natalie Wood
Sometimes a whisper becomes a shout
Found in the words that we write
The silence is broken, it has to come out
In the colors of black and white

These colors it seems know how we feel
For they somehow give us a voice
Emotion is found on the tip of our quill
Our whispers without a choice

Echoes are found in these colors too
Each time we read the words back
That's when the shout starts tumbling through
Searching for words that we lack

The poet's emotions give ink its power
A slave to the shout that they make
Sometimes it's minutes or maybe an hour
No matter how long it might take

A whisper is silent and hidden inside
A shout will make things feel right
A poet's true colors are tested and tried
As it's written in black and white
 May 2013 Natalie Wood
 May 2013 Natalie Wood
She sets herself apart,
Though not with higher respect,
Sometimes she gets up to average,
But settles for the level of regret.
She does not want your sympathy,
She just wants someone to listen,
But she can't find the words to speak to anyone
Even those whose hearts glisten
With a passion to help her.
She is a lost cause,
A case that can't be solved,
She has a negative mindset and intentions that she needs to be resolved
By someone, who understands what it's like to be so alone,
While still among many others whose lights in their hearts have shone for them, She needs that light.
She needs someone who can help her to make sense of it all,
But no words can describe her feelings or why she has them,
But she needs to tell someone what's going on
Before it eats her alive,
Before she explodes,
Before she dies inside.
Nothing in this world can show what it's like,
Living every day without light,
And living life without nights
Because she doesn't  sleep much,
If ever at all,
She seems to be losing touch with the world
As it slowly keeps turning from Spring to Fall.
She closes herself off
And shuts herself down,
She shuts everyone out and let's no one around
To help her,
Though inside she's screaming "SOMEBODY HELP ME",
It's impossible to just let all of it go, and
She can't set herself free.
She is tired of fighting so hard to stay strong,
Now the only strong thing about her is the stream down her face,
Everything in her life was dreadful or going wrong,
And the only thing that could possibly help is God's grace.
Nothing seemed to please her more than the thought of leaving this Earth,
It seemed to be all she talked about;
Her only thought since birth,
Or at least as far back as she could remember,
A thought which seemed like an ember with such high potential to start a spark;
A spark that could become a fire,
Growing farther and higher that could burn down this whole world,
This place we call our home,
Burning the world, however, might do justice to those like her, who feel so alone.
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