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Money is important
the cheddar in trap
Extending hungry hands
To feel the metal clap
The cat is laughing now
It watched you from the start
From thought to full extension
till wrist and arm and did part

Money is important
It gives the evil power
To keep the people poor
For more we fiend and scour
My mother said to me
I wish we could be free
I wish that i could help
I hope the demons flee..

Wishes for a god
some feel but cannot see
I have inside much hate
For her or it or he
I feel i was forsaken
My knees sore from the ground
Untouched by holy presence
that many call profound..

When time is like a blade
that cuts you every second
Your skin becomes like rock
Your mind becomes a weapon
When fed is like a crook
Who takes from you till death
You hate him every second
Your curse with every breathe..
#money #bread #paper
Like black fabric
Adorned in lint and fuzz
Your impurity is shown in the light
Like a nocturnal mammal
You feed in the night
consistently your prey
I provide you with your supper
A platter silver plated
Degraded as your ******..
Maybe thats why iv recently found joy in the pain
a tolerance for dégradation
The void is the same..
opportunities to pick myself a slightly wilted flower
To love that thing forever as if it was at full power
Looking past the imperfection that is all but pretty
Unless you do enjoy the thorns that mad your hands all gritty..

We always settle
Perfection isn't real
you love what you are given
Accept the best of deals
Not wondering what if there was something a lot greater
For that would tear apart whats in your hands
now or later..
Smoke reminds me of some people i know
But easily swayed by the weakest of winds..
The shadow of someone holding another by the throat..
Feet dangling in the air...
Is very ugly..
I embrace the freezing cold
It makes me feel alive
Similar to feels of when our love no longer thrived..
I remember when the grass and trees had all showed me their face..
the moon had snarled as if it came from some far away edo place.
I adored it
Nature i explored it
Finding that the soul of everything had been distorted...
By man,
his hungry calloced hands.
Raking in the money...
Breaking in the land.
Smacking mother nature,
her kids forced to disband.
I wish i could've saved them
I wish i had the chance..
I wonder if they
Would fight back if they could see
Do they really not?..
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