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3h · 24
givv me 5 dolors i will share it withyou
Dialogue – Encouraging communication between opposing groups.
noww it feels lik reading books is a  lott likk solving puzzle games and playing action video games is like wel a lott of buttonmashingchoose your sides__
enthralled forr noww

ineptta jazza bop   the stomp    "she" 2is a sheep  she said
  pearls plentyful made in skyy/  scuffed
/landscapes/embraces/ invented  /fluxes
rendetion an entire year
  &  akingdom constructed) &  /a  trance tiltscorissa
"""  chris crossess immashort off breath widerhides her
onntootoo/many gabrielle hire the!tin can man  
   unkept  /pigging cleaning,every quarter
  on all times   many many many-/cut/ _so forth
theendsmendingfreefall _a room invented  along , noww

    & (&the-rites)&the/rebuttallgeriane
    soo free _-- b itt itt is still a bett
you  see? .  hula hoop/// off themerry go around
numbs  mi   is wett/where eevr  
she is  is _she sheputts mi minus you
carryon men  cause the ferry is free finallyy
      /slips/ozzes / door to door/door to door/manyy  made    more                              
                                 burntt /stomped  swaps a swop/look/
                                 vacate again all
If your intuition is correct, you're sitting on an idea that could rewrite computer science.
6d · 33
like all deep things it al lloks ambigious at the  first halff of your life ,,,,  if you are stil breathing you remove the uncertainities iff you sre still alive that is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6d · 38
i havv discovered the trick to "this" is going as it appears is to go "nikoli tesla" here
7d · 20
Staying alive
bequeathes itdoes so "soo, noted ""
"a cup of tea-- tells Jon
all oveer the leftovers
rearing  ,,“to which i may”,tells jill
,,,,, "a neat //pique"joon0
while whil i .......................... / invent ,,,,,,,  

blinking/  /transpicuous&blue that  never end their rune
a tt turned/clidosocpicc ,bymy hey  ,chamomile- tells Jon/ mayb,,,“the drudge  magenta!,
//hilly billysyes please ,may be!
foams  ///////// noww/  well for once “   so pretty  ” shesays -cohorts  welma
a  beguiling  taste/iNTRICATE
obscure/iff i may/maybe  enduring the imaculate many  times ( ()()())      undone  blown         shards/curls/hollahop boilerplates (/reminicent)))        pecarious a   ,
maybe manyy       benevolent        a blue moon soon wil b bluedont  dont ////////////  /imposing a finale- fugazii ( )    //tiers//-

ten out off eleven /eleven eleven                                          eleven!!!!!!!!! the mirrors
_(son)))))))yes allof them
rattled.....................................................­­....the proceses....................will take care off   to reset to beget to, towards
never complete         i had 2       yesthe cuss(off.................................repetitionrendition
friv­olities_ as it seems  bluesclearly belong 2  you               conditioned _   the very magnifients/the more then malignant 1s           the redundant  aas much as you like _/NOW                 tipidinsovent       intact emotions    87911987         rundown
the outcomesthe blunt ones
how will you (know)))))))))))))))))))
!          turn turn turn        off the fencess        this b my trite“ patterns  emerge
done      done       done               justt done
3 times A big one _returns ,                 reminicent
Feb 23 · 32
mark my fckin words ,
nvinn fonia Feb 23
but then i am not the one off those who is  everer gona contribute but the more i see this "condition" the more i am tempted to choose a side for fck sake there is no light at the end of this tunnel that is wht it fckin seems likke__man , wow wht a job you have /are doing
Feb 22 · 258
nvinn fonia Feb 22
fck this is hell
Feb 22 · 45
Feb 22 · 25
Feb 22 · 26
nvinn fonia Feb 22
all you primtive apes go bcck to the hell -earth
Feb 21 · 40
nvinn fonia Feb 21
2032 an astroid willcolide with earth lets hope so
nvinn fonia Feb 21
contact ,,   2.26 pm _logged in 2.27 pm________i prefer parenthesis vs curly braces
nvinn fonia Feb 17
its all goneall offthem all my teeths
nvinn fonia Feb 12
there is always _hope _here are thereasons
1. The Nature of Time and Change
Every moment is new—no matter how much you have lost, time keeps moving forward, and with it comes the opportunity to act differently.
Chaos theory (butterfly effect) suggests that even a tiny change in initial conditions can lead to vastly different outcomes. So, even if you’ve "failed" before, the next attempt can be radically different.
Mathematically, life isn’t a single equation with one solution; it’s an iterative process where you can keep refining your approach.
2. The Brain’s Ability to Adapt (Neuroplasticity)
Your brain is always rewiring itself based on experience.
Even if you’ve made mistakes, your brain physically changes to incorporate new insights.
The fact that you can think about restarting means your mind is already creating new possibilities.
3. Computing Perspective: The Turing Machine Never Halts Unless You Decide So
In computation, a process doesn’t end unless an explicit halt condition is reached.
Life, like a Turing Machine, continues computing new paths as long as you let it run.
Even if your current state seems like a deadlock, adding a new input (effort, mindset shift, or change of environment) restarts the computation in a new direction.
4. Information Theory: You Never Truly Lose Everything
Every experience, every failure, and every thought is stored somewhere in your brain.
When you start over, you don’t start from zero—you start from experience (even if it’s painful).
This means every restart is fundamentally different and often stronger than before.
5. Mathematical Proof of Infinite Possibilities
The set of all possible futures is infinite unless constrained by physical impossibilities.
Even if one path fails, the space of possible solutions is vast—like a tree branching infinitely.
Failure is just an explored path, not an end state.
6. The Psychological Phenomenon of Redemption
Studies show that people who fail but try again often succeed at a higher level than those who never failed.
Humans are biologically programmed to seek solutions—the fact that you want to restart is already a sign that it’s possible.
Final Thought: The Restart Isn’t a Reset
You don’t erase who you are when you start over—you build upon it.
You may start from zero externally, but internally, you start from experience.
That’s why hope always exists—because as long as you exist, you can create change.
nvinn fonia Feb 7
Laws? Meant for justice.
Money? Meant to simplify trade.
Governments? Meant to organize society.
Technology? Meant to make life easier.
Religion? Meant to guide morality.
nvinn fonia Feb 6
chatgpt is wrong ,, even better it is incomplete ,,,,,,,,,
Feb 6 · 49
nvinn fonia Feb 6
welcome to the gap, you havv failed cause you were all WRONG man ,, your ******* experiment has gone to the **** hole
Feb 6 · 42
yes it is true
nvinn fonia Feb 6
!!!!!!!!!linux!!!!!!!! you got about more then 88888 apps ,,, ok download and install more then 10 and you get a billion problems ,, of alll kinds
nvinn fonia Feb 3
all it required was a frsh install off Ubuntu
nvinn fonia Feb 3
Jan 31 · 40
lakes of ire
nvinn fonia Jan 31
People cry and people moan
Look for a dry place to call their home
Try to find some place to rest their bones
While the angels and the devils try to make 'em their own
Jan 31 · 44
nvinn fonia Jan 31
now consider this _ why_ but i knoww it exists from noww to forever _that is profound_-cause that looks sure
Jan 31 · 35
nvinn fonia Jan 31
AI WAS an option  **** then ? you know what comes next don't you __wht are you livin under a rockkk
Jan 31 · 42
nvinn fonia Jan 31
precision is rare _so rare its almost non-existenct___cause nobody i ever know __was__precise
Jan 31 · 47
nvinn fonia Jan 31
___ noted nthing  ever goes to waste ______tht is wht theey say _don't they
nvinn fonia Jan 29
open source ___from competitions to cooperation___nope no kidding
Jan 29 · 45
nvinn fonia Jan 29
the beauty of sarcasm  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
i gott that right i presume
nvinn fonia Jan 29
obstacles create optimized solutions
nvinn fonia Jan 27
i quit you can fire me noww_random feeling !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 27 · 44
nvinn fonia Jan 27
**** me my friend i m nott the only one__do it do it againwaste me i am the only one
Jan 27 · 74
nvinn fonia Jan 27

a continuity guranteed
the nectar bequeaths
edifice, a
roll of dicees a preemtive.the-blue-acron in chrome
i-would know _ -
as forr a while
,(radio rahim....)
for you
,tic-trackks,tic-trackks viggelntees)

in existence,
radio rahim the landscapes keept changing

a workk in progress

,santa maria,,,,  ,,mayy b ourr dreams

of the reverence  
  into the very  profound  

dayy 5
on the road
is lunch  now ............

along the heavy points
4pm same dayy
a brown tea *** so nicely preserved but off no grater utility
just a brown tea pottt
38 ...**** again ..huh .....just likk thatt
.... kindda winds up ,,wry

now ....
  still passionate  though

" gives wayy too ".

along the /tumultus ,dry
the same dayy
it coms  2 itt noww,,a cold..trance ,, embezeled

!! forr ,regressed. ,thoseof us VISIBL- Keene

it is finally-plenteous

breathing!a more juniper

. . cold. \ invisible,grooming////
  turns outtit should end here
  chapter 2
   reasons /acuity/  th more the merrierer
   my bliss/slits
   till-kingdom comes .
   / & the black space everywhere in
   them the/many minds
   all the more
   \><citadel.come and go touch of gold
   see to believe
  <    deep blue lakes that  never end
their rune
and it  returns  a ship on her chest

that i will reach places un dreamt of
\   will   returnn  > there. everyplace

        stays afloat,  
      dispels /beaten /scowls
   scary ,all-of jiggling/kepp bouncying
     ><weeds out / >minuscules
         come face me.

     the grandest / all  the oddities
    one magic invention i was missing all this time
  transgression/ kindda may be timid /  
  my jive / rruby/mouthing
a last supper if you will .something akin
  wt i was
immeasurable the - wild/beckons/ ribbons and knots
door to door

day/&night; /
i was
i would

on my side

Arendition again  again
and whatever moreover all oveer the leftovers
rose swells . fine
our grasslands,

you know
, stilts

frantic Jiving,Jiving Jiving


in smoke


one more dayy
and through
th moors

are off ,,,, raspberry,
  / neatt/
  mother  fuggazii ,,

a week goes
mayb a month a long intention
, itt- sooths./all the more

onegin \
Gerianne- ,,twitces  .
astute, many floors up,
pigging cleaning,every quarter
the clouds/massquadre ,this is cat

to,,, through ,,,,,moved

, a-blue,, temple

a bloom,a ,temple

a rook a trek a stoop now
Buddha, a simpleton/buddah


,, miniature lamps,,blizzards
all that can
in a man/rigour

all that hula hoop
possibly a merry christmass,,
dayys spent ,,
,,  full

you  are all that is

sire a \
all the pleasures off a small room
full off all the kool tools
an art decoo sire by now you know it
all thecrystal fairies in blue crystall *****

pretty slick,,,runs
,piping hott ,, undone
buddha, the-rider,, the- boxes,,,layaway

the glistering

the beaming, all  the book keeping

a philistine, if i mayy

impeccable, and  free
glitters all  the hourrs,
a\ repliccaa

just a beguiling  taste ,\
,sire,,little empty purposely,, masterfully done,,,sire
beefy ,,sire
,and, plenty-full


the nectar bequeaths

projected .mediocre , mister
faires in ferries  shimmering  dearest of stories
  / wings

  an artt decoo sire,,,a purple tea *** in which we drink our tea,

,,mirrors,,, the very best in the pristine

the mannequins,,all the more

the-rider,, the- boxes,,

iff only i may
all that   hula hoop.we survived  alone

& hometown alleys too,
the innate
shufling,  neat //pique
   from,treetops,bellhops,  all  pitstops
   chit chats-flips flops flat
lemonade/the charade the bee hives all
kind of  dreams /transpicuous
**** you would knoow that
blinking/ slits . //slithers

leaping/ reaping/ leaving all

blue //eyes bulls eye

archic // mine bck off !
nvinn fonia Jan 26
i still havv no idea what is my racial affiliation man _______nope no kidding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 25 · 40
nvinn fonia Jan 25
to not playy __is one off the best tricks ______i knoww off ____it makks sense now __?
Jan 25 · 45
nvinn fonia Jan 25
mann___it don't makk sense
nvinn fonia Jan 25
this is a good place if you want a head ache ______i m passing through here __mann_________it don't makk sense man
nvinn fonia Jan 25
a very grim reminder ___ _the future is beautiful so bettter gett used to it _man
nvinn fonia Jan 24
its a looopiknow_ i know _a better loop__jjust thee wayy i would likk_itt
Jan 24 · 40
nvinn fonia Jan 24
i just realized we are all poets writers mathematicians_____cause we all havv a life ____and we livv it _whether we likk it or not __we all participate inlife _in our unique ways
Jan 24 · 64
nvinn fonia Jan 24
iff these assoles don't fckin stop _i will b very angry
Jan 24 · 49
nvinn fonia Jan 24
here is a decryption off poetry _it helps you understand _manipulate emotions _so you can carry on  your life
nvinn fonia Jan 24
i don't knowi don't knowi don't knowi don't knowi don't knowi don't knowi don't knowi don't know

that is what i don't know__
Jan 24 · 35
nvinn fonia Jan 24
it can't b "that" it has to b something elsesomething so "obscure" _that i don't even understand what it is________someting "i don't  gett it"

something that is undone-"
nvinn fonia Jan 24
playing  "Dragon’s Lair 3D: Special Edition  " and simultaneously

___"haunting ground" on ps2
nvinn fonia Jan 23 inn the morning i m "LIVING" now _i m playinn silent hill 2 on ps2
nvinn fonia Jan 23
I'll take SH2 [over "Resident Evil"] any day. Turn out the lights, turn off that **** radio and you'll see what I mean. It eats into your brain (mmmmmm.....) and you won't even notice how jittery you've become until the cat suddenly jumps into your lap and you fling your controller at the ceiling.
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