The rising moon sheds light
on a similar soul
tarnished and pitted as much
as the hovering rock above it,
rising from the dust that shines in the warm midnight air
that pervades with a vibrant sense of life and learning.
This soul can become smooth,
refined by the furnaces that it has sat in for so long,
waiting for a touch to shape it
to fix the crooked, mishapen bits-
A thought ingintes,
burning away cobwebs and shadows
raging like wildfire through a conciousness
that sat like an empty house
ready for demolition,
returned by the burst of fire and passion
of an extinguished life rekindled.
Underneath the starlight,
hope and flames intertwine
in a glorious reckoning
of past, present and future-
Wings flap as hard as they can,
destined to lift the sagging esteem
and broken promises
off the ground into the beauteous glory of the waiting beyond.
A secret smile plays;
no one can see this-
a fireworks show meant only for me,
a flustered game of chance until now,
when I found myself
and remembered the truth-
I can be the phoenix of my own ruins.