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Mystery Girl Feb 2015
Everyone is alone
Everyone is empty
People no longer need others
There's always a replacement
A back up plan
Relationships have a Plan B
And I'm bored
Of the world this way
Mystery Girl Feb 2015
Red face
White knuckles
Bruised legs
Bleeding palms
Tear stained cheeks
Broken bones
Smashed mirrors
Anger taking over
Losing myself to the rage
Won't you help me
Before I destroy myself
Mystery Girl Feb 2015
I run through the days
Or do they run through me
How am I?
Fine. How are you?
Going through the motions
Lifeless robot
Being controlled by someone
Outside of my own being
How long have I been like this?
Seems like I always was
And always will be
No control of anything
No control of me
Systems do it for me
I'm stuck on autopilot
Mystery Girl Feb 2015
What are these strange marks you left on me
Are they the remnants of what we had
Or the possibilities of what we could have been
Can you explain all the curves and lines that make them
Give them some kind of meaning for me to understand
What you did to me all those years ago
Mystery Girl Feb 2015
Put out that cigarette and come to bed
Kiss me so hard that I can taste lingering smoke
Breathe that fire into my lungs
**** me with the thing that kills you
Let it destroy me just like you do
Maybe then you'll love me enough to try
Mystery Girl Feb 2015
Your light that once shown through the darkness
Has dimmed and dulled
The sweet smell of your skin has soured
The melody that is your voice.....WAS your sounds like nails on a chalkboard
Once you were everything I ever dreamed of
Now you are my worst nightmare
I fed you with all the love I had in my body
You took it in
****** it all up
Like you were soaking up the sun
Basking in its warmth
But you let the snake convince you that I was no good for you
You let it sink in
Swirl around in your thoughts
You let it convince you that in was wrong
That I was bringing you down
When all I ever tried to do was lift you up
I held you on a pedestal of love and light and beauty
And you still kicked me away
Pushed me out
Forced me down
Mystery Girl Feb 2015
I can taste it on your lips
The last cigarette you smoked
The last drink you downed
The last blunt you hit
I can see it in your eyes
The lies and betrayals
You've deceived over and over
But always use the same tricks
Tell her you've fallen
Make her fall
But it's all lies
Next thing you know
You're on to the next
The last left confused
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