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Mystery Girl Feb 2015
Your light that once shown through the darkness
Has dimmed and dulled
The sweet smell of your skin has soured
The melody that is your voice.....WAS your sounds like nails on a chalkboard
Once you were everything I ever dreamed of
Now you are my worst nightmare
I fed you with all the love I had in my body
You took it in
****** it all up
Like you were soaking up the sun
Basking in its warmth
But you let the snake convince you that I was no good for you
You let it sink in
Swirl around in your thoughts
You let it convince you that in was wrong
That I was bringing you down
When all I ever tried to do was lift you up
I held you on a pedestal of love and light and beauty
And you still kicked me away
Pushed me out
Forced me down
Mystery Girl Feb 2015
I can taste it on your lips
The last cigarette you smoked
The last drink you downed
The last blunt you hit
I can see it in your eyes
The lies and betrayals
You've deceived over and over
But always use the same tricks
Tell her you've fallen
Make her fall
But it's all lies
Next thing you know
You're on to the next
The last left confused
Mystery Girl Feb 2015
Pressure building
Shaking fizzy drinks
In an air tight bottle
It's bound to blow one day
The lid is ******* on too tight
You can't let air out
So it keeps building
Getting harder to hold it in
There's the explosion
The angry words
Pour out of my mouth
Screaming and yelling
Throat getting sore
No energy left to fight
I fall to tears
Crying and sobbing
Letting everything out
Mystery Girl Feb 2015
Late at night I think of you
Your eyes
Your voice
Your smile
And these words
Pour from my pens
You my darling
Are my midnight inspiration
The thoughts that pop up
As I'm trying to sleep
The ones that make me
Turn the lights back on
Repeating the words so I don't forget
The ones I write twelve times
Twelve different ways
Just to find the right combination
You're the ideas I scribble
As they drift in one by one
The bits and pieces I think of
Every now and again
The reason I can write again
And you don't have a clue
That you my dear
Are my midnight inspiration
Mystery Girl Oct 2014
On second thought...

Tell me why
I shouldn't try
I shouldn't fight
Tell me why
I should disappear
I should give up
Tell me why
I shouldn't hold on
I shouldn't trust you
Tell me why
I should die
I should let go
Give me one reason
I'm dying to die
Mystery Girl Oct 2014
A dance with a friend
He asked me
I asked him
I don't recall
But we danced
It was a slow dance
I looked at my best friend
Dancing with her boyfriend
I ran to the bathroom
To pull myself together
Don't cry
The makeup will run
I think in that moment
That I looked and saw them
I knew in my heart
I'd never find the one
Mystery Girl Oct 2014
Tell me why
I should fight
I should try
Tell me why
I shouldn't give up
I shouldn't disappear
Tell me why
I should trust you
I should hold on
Tell me why
I shouldn't let go
I shouldn't die
Give me one reason
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