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Zero Nine
27/Non-binary/Portland, OR
19/F/England    I'm awkward so I write stuff. Hi
Ryan Holden
26/M/Middlesbrough - England    A Gemini that fell in love with writing. I write lyrics and of course poetry! I love writing about love, nature and modern society. I ...
galaxy of myths
26/F/Malaysia    I turn to blank pages to pour my heart into words. Black ink bleeding on white pages. It's my solace. But I fear that someday ...
27/F/Wonderland    I myself am, strange and unusual~
Adya Jha
18/F/Bangalore, India    Tongue tied and twisted, just an earth bound misfit
The stars    20 something year old, in love with the moon and the universe. xoxo Sandoval Find me on #Instagram @poetrysandoval
New Jersey   
A Thomas Hawkins
Canada    As a child I wrote poetry. As I got older, I got too “cool” for such things. At the age of 40 I finally got ...

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