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 Aug 2016 My private eye
We were building a boat.
A sea-worthy vessel made for two.
A cosy little nest,
a shell of the promise for me and you.

We made it sturdy...
From keel to hull.
We sang to each other
to oust the lull.

We spoke of the adventures,
together we'd avidly chase.
We braced for the storms,
we'd most likely face.

As the last drop of sweat...
Fell freely to our feet,
the boat was done.
What were once planks, was then complete.

I climbed aboard
and hoisted up the sail.
You lingered for a bit...
Seemingly cautious that the boat might fail.

The craft quickly drifted out to sea...
When the wind, the sail did willingly welcome.
I cried out to you so you could hop on...
So with me you could come.

But you simply stood there...
With a gaze incredibly deadpan.
As the currents pulled me further,
I only then realised...
That I was never your plan.
but the amount of people out there
that once put their whole being
on their sleeve for
and in the turn of a second
they become a stranger
a stranger yet
not at all
because they now have knowledge of
your soul
of your heart
of your body
what a beautifully awful thing
to know that you are being carried
in someones repertoire
of beings.

I want for us to look at the stars together
and see them as glistening
speckles of light
placed by god for you and I
to marvel at.

For you to look at me
as a creation
I am not a product
of a generic process.
I am not
a product of logic.

Understand that you will never understand me
because to understand me
is to liken me
but I am nothing like you've ever known

So if you must love me
love me
with all of your being

If you must,
then love me violently,
but remember I am fragile still
so let your soul
speak to mine first.

I can promise to fill your heart so much
that it pressures from inside your chest

But I'll dial it back
because I wouldn't hurt you

Just know that's how far
I'd go
For you.

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