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mvvenkataraman Mar 2013
Better to close your mouth when someone is bad
Utter no word to defend or offend or just comment
At times keeping mouth shut is the only solution
By this act we save head and heart aches wisely

Many people do not know how to talk or converse
They simply tear heart by badly hurting our mind
During such occasions, strict silence is desirable
As our peace of mind will be absolutely preserved

We cannot expect great diplomacy from fools
They will stick to their regimen without any wit
And can never understand life's true intricacies
As their rotten thoughts will invariably hurt only

Piercing the heart using vitriolic words is a sin
God looks with contempt at wrong words said
Whenever indecent language is employed badly
That place is surrounded by devils with ecstasy

Devilish words that destroy peace are demons
Deadly emotions expressed indecently shall
******* peace of mind and happiness of heart
As they possess an evil influence to demolish

Use always kind words filled with great warmth
Practice sharing of love and merciful expression
Our duty is to make the atmosphere Heavenly
Surely that holy state is within our full control.

Acrimonious words injure, They are impure, Bad effects are sure, They cancel cure, They never assure, Only kind words help us endure, So to say them wisely ensure.
mvvenkataraman Mar 2013
Life must be carried on with contentment
We must develop an enough sentiment
All our ideas we must try to implement
Doing the best not for just compliment
Efforts to succeed we must augment
Waste not time in useless argument
Go for wise and shrewd agreement
And ever work for World's betterment
We must perform well our assignment
Sending kindness as our consignment
Work hard for our fine goals' attainment
By accepting arriving disappointment
We must make our rules" enactment
Acting always with real commitment
We must obey God's Government

Happiness can be under our grip, For which I give a tip, From us if happiness slip, Our life, peace will skip. Sleep and joy we may lose, Sad will be our views, Shedding tear, we will choose, Only agony we will produce.
mvvenkataraman Feb 2013
God knows how to help us all finely
At the right time, He will nicely strike
His calculations are indeed strange
But, at last, He will make Justice win

He will never act swiftly to establish
As His mills always grind very slowly
But, in the end, He will prove His power
And the World will be greatly stunned

Normally all will go steady despite blunders
They will pursue injustice without conscience
They will act foolishly for temporary gains
God will register His supremacy superbly

Never think that God has remained passive
Such an idea is the worst derivation possible
Nothing can miss His watchful attention
He in one stroke notices the whole Cosmos

So, today, do a justifiable act cheating none
Keep your conscience clean and neat dear
God is supervising all our acts very keenly
Any error will get proper treatment no doubt.

God is noticing, Justice, He is practicing, Think not He is blind, Everything, He will find, Be always honest, God will show in you interest.
mvvenkataraman Jan 2013
Postpone not a good deed due to laziness
That temperament will spoil your mission
Always punctually execute your decision
This will help you a lot in life and business

Any good intention must be soon acted upon
Before your mind makes a negative move
Your worth, only your deed will finely prove
Wisely use the opportunity before it is gone

While taking steps, difficulties will crop up
But, we should not lose heart feeling diffident
We must face all the blocks feeling confident
Without playing, how to aim for the golden cup?

Life means only problems and lots of troubles
Happiness may show its face occasionally
Our happiness alone must triumph finally
Due to will-power, troubles become bubbles

Concentrate to achieve the desired result
Let determination be exercised in full swing
Glory and success, only hard-work will bring
Efforts alone tie achievements to one's belt.

Do not delay and lazily stay, Please start today to find a way, Display your talents when you play, As hard-work will pay, Before starting, please pray to fall not a prey.
mvvenkataraman Dec 2012
Determination must be had to succeed
We cannot live just like that casually
Our mind must possess will-power amply
We must not be prone to temptations

Our goal must be carefully selected
And every moment for it must be lived
We must take steps to fulfill it wisely
We must not ignore it out of disgust

Skillfully by maneuvering toward mission
We must take concrete action shrewdly
Thousand ideas will be given by the World
But, we must stick to our goal to achieve

Enticing moments must be firmly tackled
We must not fall a prey for fate's traps
We must take judgements with real care
Our full brilliance must be displayed fully

In the absence of most sincere efforts
How can we attain glory creating history?
Never approach the goal with a weak mind
Proceed to prove your mind's supremacy.

Reluctant approach is a definite loser
Firm decision to toil brings great victory
Never hesitate, but ever be courageous
Only bravery is the answer for solutions.

Always hope that you can, That attitude creates wonders, Negative ideas, you ban, That will stop blunders,
By making a wise plan, Great acts if one renders, He becomes a great man, To him, fate surrenders.
mvvenkataraman Oct 2012
God must never be resorted to at last
As that is not a good act definitely
God must be always reached fast
As He alone will save ultimately

Start the duty with a prayer told
And during duty also wisely pray
God will make you greatly bold
Stopping you from falling a prey

Prayer must come from the heart
With a faith that is totally true
Never think you are **** smart
So that God need not rescue you

Blunders all commit while living
In this connection, no exception
Pardon, God will be surely giving
That is purely God's sole option

For crime done, punishment is sure
God does not forgive showing mercy
But, for innocent breach, there is cure
God is following a truly merciful policy

Surely the Almighty keenly observes
All the souls that live on this Earth
Those noble souls, God kindly serves
And gives them in Paradise a sure berth.

In God when I believe, I can peacefully live, And also kindly forgive, My mood is positive, I happen to be creative, My ideas are superlative, And pardon to me, God does give, After all Sky is my native.
mvvenkataraman Sep 2012
Dream high always
Then only you can win
All great ambitions
Can be by faith realized

Hard-work lays the foundation
Hope builds the upper structure
Wishes do lovely decoration
Then life is strongly built

We must make movement
In a constructive fashion
Our mission must be success
That helps realize all our goals

In case we wait for just luck
We will never at all progress
Laziness will surely dominate
Our future is then doomed

We must work non-stop
With a golden motto
If our deeds are supreme
Our desires turn fruitful.

Only by aiming ambitiously, We do acts very gloriously, By attempting seriously, We live on earth prosperously. Efforts do magic, Due to sheer logic, Idleness makes life tragic, So to hard-work, better to stick.
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