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mvvenkataraman Aug 2012
God is there and so do not bother
You will be protected by that Father
He is ready to offer you holy solace
He ever blesses that soul that prays

God will assist you whenever you seek
Due to God, future can never turn bleak
God-faith is the strongest protection
As God alone will take the best action

During night, we live under the Sun's shade
By this, God's mercy is with love displayed
When darkness sets in with a plan to spoil
God has kindly given Moon to the holy soil

Spring and Rain and cool breeze are given
To imply how will look that sacred Heaven
Music, food, love and relation kindly indicate
That God alone is ever great without debate

Pray to that Lord and obtain ample rewards
Peace and prosperity with bliss he awards
In case you have not so far approached God
Now go to Him and ask as His heart is broad.

God exists and rules, Praying heart he cools, He is to the mind visible, If that mind is sensible, When God is sought, Peace is surely got, God loves to bless, As He is never careless.
mvvenkataraman Jun 2012
Western music,
Gives real kick,
As the sound is thick,
Inaudible is lyric,
Still it does a holy trick,
It makes heart tick,
May cure mind that is sick,
Dancing lessons one can pick,
One's attempt will in due course click,
Pleasing sound is basic,
It puts the foundation like brick,
When music is rhythmic,
Not erratic, Its power turns mystic,
The resultant effect is hypnotic,
Western music does magic
Helping lives that are tragic
The reason is pure logic,
Perfection stuns a critic.

When I hear Western music, My joy turns terrific, As it regulates my thoughts' traffic, All my mental wounds, it does lick.
mvvenkataraman May 2012
Have you watched the vast Sky?
Do you allow yourself to do this?
Are there any chances in life
To make you provide extra time?

In the morning, before Sun-rise
The Western Sky will be bright
With wonderful display of clouds
A beautiful look, Sky will have

When Sun comes graciously
What a wonderful light display!
Announcing His nice arrival
Clouds will run ecstatically

In the evening when Sun sets
Like a shy girl's lovely cheeks
Eastern Sky will be romantic
Giving red carpet to the Moon

After hard-work done for that day
Sun will go elsewhere to do duty
Twenty four hours are His service
No rest at all and so truly unique

All the stars come during the night
To give us joy and peace and hope
Their twinkling will be remarkable
They only preserve our happiness

The Sky is a place of real bliss
As rain and light come from there
Heat also is by the Sun generated
Moon is a boon supplying wonder

Today watch the Sky for a change
You will be flooded by thoughts
A new idea will emerge in mind
Surely this will act as a remedy.

Sky is a common gift, One's mood, it will lift, Watching it, if is a habit, Sorrow can never hit, It is a pleasurable view, It will make ideas new, Watch it now at least, Give to soul a great feast.
mvvenkataraman Apr 2012
If determination is in my life wanting
Surely circumstances will be daunting
I will be lacking the spirit to achieve
Great ideas, I may not then conceive

If my mind wanders without firm aim
How can I expect a very good time?
The very purpose of living is for peace
What is the use, if joy and mirth cease?

Whenever my mind gets terribly upset
Self-confidence proves to be an asset
Unfortunately if I lack in solid will-power
My performance will turn out to be poor

Loss and defeat if give me great fear
Surely I will submerge in flood of tear
On the other hand, if I give up not guts
Mind gets peace and I eliminate regrets

God is there to give company for me
And console my soul if it feels gloomy
Prayer is there for giving divine solace
I am sure that happiness I can trace

I care never about those ups and downs
I regard defeats as just circus clowns
I can at any time overpower them surely
I rely upon my skill and the Lord purely

Precious peace all seek, Normally mind is weak, Only when we boldly speak, We can reach the peak, With a mind strong like teak, So be not **** meek, Let not courage leak.
mvvenkataraman Feb 2012
By keeping true calmness
Our mind functions well
Ideas are very progressive
Soul takes complete rest

Calmness gives clear ideas
Brain is very well nourished
Heart is devoid of friction
Body feels greatly jubilant

When emotions are serene
Classic will be the feeling
Joy permeates one's mind
Ecstasy and thrill are plenty

Whatever may be the news
View it in the right perspective
Digest it without any tension
Acceptance gives equanimity

Provocation must be denied
Extreme patience exercised
Will give enough confidence
Calmness wins without doubt.

Calmness is the best tonic, Due to it, we never panic, That is a wise technique, To make our goals click, So, soon, calmness you pick, That is the holiest trick, To make heart healthily tick.
mvvenkataraman Feb 2012
When you are attacked by boredom
You are invited by devil's kingdom
In case you yield to the pressure
You stand to lose Divine pleasure

Every job will bore one at last
We must with dexterity outlast
Fun may be absent many times
Expected joy, soul never claims

None can win ever or lose always
All have surely their glorious days
When failure comes and attacks
A shrewd soul, prayer alone backs

After doing a particular work or task
We must ask for more and not bask
We must derive peace and celebrate
The Almighty is there to compensate

Let us make up our mind to hard-work
Surely our life will never at all go berserk
If our motto is to do duty with sincerity
Our mind is given by Heaven true clarity

Today, make up your mind to do the best
Do your portion skillfully by being honest
Rewards and results will stun your life
God will rescue you from every strife.



TYPE mvvenkataraman IN URL
In case comes in life chaos, My time I will pass, By forgetting the loss, Following contentment-laws, This is because, I trust in God-boss, Who knows who I am and I was, He will help me win the toss, By rectifying my flaws, Saving me from devils' jaws.
mvvenkataraman Jan 2012
Preserve carefully your savings
Do not buy unnecessary things

You work hard to earn wages
Frugality only has advantages

Spend, but waste not earning
As it may lead to mourning

Give to others with true control
What you give be not the whole

For you, reserve a major portion
For God, some funds, apportion

Be ready to give merciful alms
As God's heart, it surely calms

Forget not poor souls' orphanage
Helping people with different age

Buy food for birds and creatures
To reduce their daily tortures

Making a reasonable donation
Will give to holy Angels elation

Be careful dear in your spending
So that agonies will be ending

No tree gives us money sir
So let your spending be fair

If money is carelessly spent
Poverty only will come to hunt.



TYPE mvvenkataraman IN URL
Whenever we spend our salary, We cannot be carefree, Going on a spending-spree, Will take us to penury.
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