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Feb 2015 · 1.0k
Muyiwa Oyinloye Feb 2015
We got here yester night

My lady of light and I

We are in the land of the pharaohs

We are in Cleopatra’s throes


As I stare at the pyre of Giza

I behold a stunning vista

Peeking from behind the pyre

The shiny belt of the great hunter


Orion watching over us

A good thing to keep in mind

And with his belt us-

He doth bind


Tis the night of love

Tis the season of affection

God watches from above

We have his full attention


I stare at my darling’s moonlit face

And upon me settles an ache

A stray hair I tuck back in place

A quick kiss I lean in to take


Our ups and downs we’ve had

Fights come and gone like a fad

Thru every foul mood

Firm our love has stood


Three quick thanks I whisper:

One to my lady for loving

One to the saint for dying

And one to the Father for everything
This particular poem is a few years old. And I thought I'd put it up here already but I couldn't find it so... Here
Nov 2014 · 567
Love me, Just me
Muyiwa Oyinloye Nov 2014
The truth is I don't know how to start this, I've written so many
For so many people not worth but a penny
I made up my mind stuff like this wasn't worth it
A waste of my emotion with simply no benefit

So believe me when I say I lost my touch
For love anthems laden with emotion
I was naught but an out of tune violin
Grinding out notes with a screech and a lurch

Then you came along and it all makes sense
And all the ones before you fade to past tense
Your laugh and the way you hold my hand
Make me feel like the king of the land

And now I feel maybe once more
I can believe in love like I did before
Maybe my out of tune violin can make music
Because in you I've found my tonic

Pretty bebe don't make me write in vain
Cos then I'll have naught to mask my pain Love me, and just me, nobody else
Love me, and just me, nobody else
Jun 2013 · 1.7k
Muyiwa Oyinloye Jun 2013
I'm deteriorating,
Slowly fading to black
I'm barely out the gates
Yet I feel like a weather beaten hack

What's the point to life?
With its fake friends, fake smiles and lost dreams
I look around me and my shoulders sag
This is not the stuff of boyhood dreams

What's the point to life?
A ferocious cycle of failure and heartbreak
What's my greatest fear?
Unfulfilled potential and lost stakes

I shouldn't be feeling like this
but at twenty I've got so much hanging on me
Prematurely coming of age
Midwifed by letdowns and rookie mistakes

But they don't know, they cant see
Hazarded guesses is all they can take
At the turmoil and torment
I mask with wide smile and firm handshake

I'm a man, I've got to be strong
Bear the consequences of my past
You don't know and you never will
A jot of the pain I hold fast

The way of my parents seems right
But putting all my eggs in one basket
Is not a smart move I don't think
Christianity my have some answers, but cant crack the whole racket
May 2013 · 659
Muyiwa Oyinloye May 2013
Did you even think it twice?
Ending our union with a vise,
Sad to say, I saw it coming
I just never took the warning
Red eyes I'll wear to sleep tonight
Eyes that'll never again see light
I'm not heartbroken! This is just a rant at a girl I know :)
Mar 2013 · 774
Countdown to Midnight
Muyiwa Oyinloye Mar 2013
There’s a full moon out tonight
The air is cold and my head is light
The house feels big and empty
My heart is sad and lonely

A half hour to midnight
It’s almost time
For the day to end and the clock to chime
I lay in bed, tucked safe and tight

I write by a torch
I write bout a lot
A baby in a cot
A beat down church

My mate’s deep snores
Are making me sore
My torch goes dim
My patience wears thin
Jul 2012 · 911
Muyiwa Oyinloye Jul 2012
Wild and uncontrollable,
We start off our life's journey,
Sweet and totally lovable,
We stick to the legs of mommy,
Five years down we're wild again
Impetuous, rambunctious, we're total pains
All the adults taken in,
By our impish grins.

We're ten years old we're big and bold
We'll take on all comers, young and old,
We totally love life, it's one big game
All forms of reponsibility, totally lame
Five years on we're fifteen
Big things popping in our early teens
All of a sudden we're girls and we're boys
New experiences on us like toys.

We're adults now, we're twenty
Things to do on our list aplenty
Impish grins don't work no more
We've got to work our fingers till they're sore
We laugh a lot through our dull eyes
We've mastered deception like its basic math
The slightest pokes incur our wrath
Twenty five finds us cold as ice.

I'm just nineteen I couldn't tell you,
Of all the years after Two and Five
One thing I know that is true
Live everyday like it's your last alive
If it's a hundred years of breath you get,
Or if you had to kick the 'ket 'fore you got your feet wet
The moral story contained in my longest poem yet
Make life pay through it's nose like it owes you a debt.
Jul 2012 · 1.7k
Writing on a Budget
Muyiwa Oyinloye Jul 2012
I'm writing on my feet
I'm writing on a sheet
I'm writing on a budget
Feels like writing in a closet
Yeah, a budget of air
Limited oxygen's a dangerous affair
I scribble like the last seconds of a test
The words come tumbling out
Like bees from a nest
And then suddenly its over
My mind's been bared
It's like my closet's been aired
I breathe easy and I smile
I put my pen down and walk the last mile
Muyiwa Oyinloye Jul 2012
1.   Lying on my back on a floor concrete
I stare at little bats as they flit
Across the night sky to where they meet
And talk about what they'll eat

2.  Asleep all day awake all night
Love the dark and hate the light
Creatures of darkness or so it seems
Will I see you in my dreams?

3.   My gaze shifts to the ****** moon
Half full to lose it soon
Wolves to herald your zenith
Vampires to glory beneath

4.   Dark it grows now I need a torch
I write as I stare at the church
A cry of prayer goes up
My well of ink's dried up
Getting to verse 3, you might get confused but 'losing it soon' simply means the '****** moon' losing its virginity
Jul 2012 · 1.2k
The Bog of Nocturne
Muyiwa Oyinloye Jul 2012
1.   Nocturne, Nocturne, mercy me
Your pull, your glow, has got me
In a fix, in a mess, can you see?
Are you good, good for me?

2.   In this bog of night
A mate, a friend I find
And now it's okay, it's perfectly fine
In this bog of nocturne, your hand in mine
Jul 2012 · 2.5k
A Sacred Art
Muyiwa Oyinloye Jul 2012
1.  Shutting the world out is a sacred art
Open only to the strong at heart
Holding em off with a fake *** smile
A guess at your thoughts is off by a mile

2.  While like every other art its got its flaws
You're guaranteed protection from gaping jaws
Of 'friends' hell bent on making you lose
Your focus and leave you wiping their shoes

3.  So while you bravely try to guard your heart
In a box of fake smiles and weak 'I'm fines'
You'll find it grows cold like a box of ice
And leaves you spewing words that pierce like a dart.
Jul 2012 · 702
April Fool's
Muyiwa Oyinloye Jul 2012
I'm right behind you
Riding a bull
No really, I'm right beside you
On the stool
I caught an infection
At the pool
I went and spread it
At the school
I'm waiting outside
At your door
I'm lying inside
On your floor
Now I've got you smiling
Not for long
In a minute you'll be laughing
Like you've been stung
With a laughter potion
By Dr. Who
I'll have you laughing so hard
You'll need a day at the loo
Have a great day
Dont be April fooled
I'll be thinking of you
Until noon.

— The End —