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Monica Mourad Aug 2019
You were my ocean...
Shipwrecked in uncharted waters
Your hands became guides in a sea of fire
Your touch like a wave washing over me
Awakening the world around me ...
A new song murmured seductively by the wind
“Pull me in, hold me tight, tease me with your fingers ... bring me to life “ it sang as the boat rocked.

The fog rolled in unknowingly threatening paradise
Compass no longer pointing north
You’re kind brown eyes my north stars dimmed
My bearings no longer clear ... lost at sea
Treading the waters of uncertainty and doubt
I promise I tried to swim through the rip currents of silence
Ignore the roars of the winds that now shouted “talk to me,hear me... be part of my world...”

In the eye of the storm I thought
The warmth of your smile would shine down
Your sweet soft kisses would revive me
Keeping me anchored in your world...

Eyes still closed a river of peace moved through her. She knew the storm had passed.

The sun began it’s slow decent into the now tranquil waters.
Alone I sat watching the colors dance...liberated and free they danced brilliantly across the vast sky .

I let you go , you are free no longer bound by me.
But my ocean that you will always be she thought as she walked away...
Monica Mourad Jul 2017
You crashed into my life
loud and unexpected - you barged right in.
I didn't notice you at first sight,
yet you managed to break in .

First as a constant in my line of sight.
Then slowly you weaved  your web into my life.

I didn't see you at first sight.
But now I think of you at night.
You were always there and I thought maybe you might...
I promise my heart put up a fight.

But here we are -
me falling and you walking away.
I didn't want to see you at first sight,
because I knew I would be right.
Monica Mourad Mar 2015
A tangled web weaved
intricately designed, by patient time.
Three unfortunate victims of untold lies
Glances misinterpreted, signs and all now cease.

The truth will set them all free …
She thought his eyes only held hers that way
It will set you free they say
The signs were all there… promising

Braver he got… more confident he thought
“Hey I like you” found its’ way out one afternoon
Everything seemed to be right she thought ….
Truth is those words were not meant for her ears.

They fell on the ears of a close friend.
A friend who doesn't see those brown eyes the way she does.
Tangled and weaved the web becomes once again…
Only time will tell how this one ends....
Monica Mourad Aug 2011
An image of a man
Who has been weathered by the hands of time
Stands tall refusing to fall
As the world around him crumbles.

Eyes cold and distant
Clouded by a sea of sadness
Reserved and unbreakable he stands
As a million of emotions beckon him

Do something…
Yet silence is all he allows to be heard

He watches helplessly as the unspoken words
Slowly fill the empty space around him
Acknowledging the solemn tear-filled eyes
That stare consolingly at him

While I one of the tear-filled eyes watch
The man …who to me is called grandpa  
Shut the world out
Letting nothing penetrate his solid exterior
A pillar of strength he stands tall
In the eyes of his heart-broken granddaughter.

Unaware of my admiration
He ignores the tears begging to fall
Fights the pain that is now spreading
Like a fire through every vein
Amplify his longing for the impossible
Breaking his heart of stone.

All this pain remains unseen
As he stands refusing to break
Unwillingly accepting that what he lost
Can no longer be found here…

His crutch in times of need
His shoulder to cry on
A friend that can never be replaced
All will forever be reminders of
The brother he lost.
Monica Mourad Aug 2011
Lost as my world comes crashing down
I fall down on my knees
As the pain slowly like a disease
Seeps into my heart
Slowly tearing it apart
Tears no longer able to hide
Come crashing down like hail
On a face I no longer knew.

Darkness gradually fills my heart
The emptiness creeps in my veins
Slowly numbing the pain
Love no longer exists
Hate becomes my life support

I close my eyes begging you for a sign
A glimpse of your light
A sense of your warmth
A taste of your peace
Anything please save me from myself
I can’t do this on my own anymore
I need you please just stay with me tonight.
Monica Mourad Aug 2011
Standing there unaware and unprepared
My world wasn’t ready for you
But you never said you would play fair
You stole my heart with just one smile

Like a spell I couldn’t shake
You became my favorite nightmare
And I knew you were unlike any other
Still words were impossible to fare  

As I willingly became your victim
Trapped in those hazel eyes
Your face now a movie of wonder
With no beginning middle or end
Just endless beauty to ponder
I was left defenseless… defeated

Sick of sticking in the shadows
Watching time come as days flew by
Feelings turned to ardor no longer bearable
I knew you had to be mine

My prayer answered on that cold night
As you sat alone wrapped in a blanket
A gift given only by density
Stars sparkled night became day
And you finally became mine.
Monica Mourad Aug 2011
Cards shuffled back and forth
Diamonds, hearts, aces spades torched  
Precious and sacred yet volatile
Once friends now foes

The clock sounds.. tic  
Days months years torn
Seconds minutes hours lost …. toc
Pushed aside and forgotten
The cycle runs for miles

Families friends lovers all memories
Lie helplessly in the hands of time
Pasts futures combine
leaving no distinct design
Fingers try to find remedies….

As the cards begin to shuffle back and forth
Diamond, hearts, aces, spades become torched
The clock sounds … tic
Seconds minutes hours lost once again… toc
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