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 Jul 2011 misty blue
It used to be so peaceful and quiet,
Nothing would disturb me from my world.
It was closed and tight, like a small closet,
At the end of the day, on my bed, curled
in a ball, I would just close my eyes and rest,
Listening to my heartbeat through my chest.

It was just me, all alone,
And everything was always silent.
The outside world was completely unknown
I knew I'd have to go out soon, but I still hadn't.

It used to be so calm and nice,
I didn't move at all, I was just lying there,
Gently rocked by the waves, as cold as ice,
I didn't need to go anywhere.

But one day, all of a sudden,
The sea started moving, thunder started raging
Something massive took me out of my little Heaven,
I don't know what it was, I couldn't see anything.

My bed turned into a boat,
It was so quick, too quick
A scream tried to get through my throat,
When I realised I couldn't stop, I was too weak.

Something was pushing me out of my home,
An invisible force trying to get rid of me
I could feel it, pushing me towards the bottom
of my house, but then suddenly,
I got stuck between two walls.
My head was too big to get through,
But the force made me fall,
Out of my place, my life, everything I ever knew.

Two giant hands grabbed my head,
And a bright light blinded me
I started crying, a few words were said,
Something was wrapped around my small body.

Then someone cut the only thing
that still linked me to my home,
It was just me against everything,
I didn't understand what was going on.

But then, a young woman took me with her,
Tears in her eyes, skin soft like a pearl,
A man came and said to her :
''Congratulations, it's a girl !''
 Jun 2011 misty blue
I'm having trouble breathing
It doesn't hurt
It's actually kind of nice.

This tension in my lungs
Is because of your love
And in my ribcage there are mice.

Maybe it's a little morbid
Rather than to say butterflies
But those can be freed with a sigh.

Maybe it's a little demented
But I like it that way
I wear a noose as a tie.

I guess I'm probably backwards
To say the least
I prefer blood to water.

Your love is psychotic
Like a psychedelic trip
From a blotter.

It's so nice
As wrong as asphyxiation sounds
But it's as macabre as it is pleasing.

And if you were to leave
The warmth of my body
Would undoubtedly turn to freezing.
SSK<3 AKA: Valerie Garcia
Eyes sliver open languidly, feel out the corners
Stretched, palms pressed against white walls
Pull the covers high above my head
Building courage to greet the day

Lungs fill with a familiar scent
Smile, reach and caress a glowing cheek
Next to me, he turns, all elbows and sighs
Find him  in a second with tingling toes and fingertips

Untangle the limbs and sheets
Firm and nut-brown, coarse in the right places
Soft in the best places, he's flawless
Dare to disturb the rhythmic breathing

Wake up, I whisper
Coffee, he groans
Eyes sliver open languidly, feel out the corners
Stretched, palms pressed against white walls
Pull the covers high above my head
Building courage to greet the day

Lungs fill with a familiar scent
Smile, reach and caress a glowing cheek
Next to me, he turns, all elbows and sighs
Find him  in a second with tingling toes and fingertips

Untangle the limbs and sheets
Firm and nut-brown, coarse in the right places
Soft in the best places, he's flawless
Dare to disturb the rhythmic breathing

Wake up, I whisper
Coffee, he groans
 May 2011 misty blue
Natalie Bean
"I don't want to go."
so sing one last song with me
stay here, and come close.
I like you: my new haiku.
 May 2011 misty blue
JR Weiss
I can’t sleep again. On nights like this my bed makes me ache.
I’m tossing and turning in an ocean of hot itchy blankets and deflated pillows
I lie awake.
My mind is me caught in a small dark room burning at a madding pace bouncing from trouble to worry to factoids to be kept for the next day,
plans and lists that persist and insists that there was something
I forgot to do
or did wrong or
will forget soon.

I can’t sleep and it burns,
the night stretching thin long and lean threatening to last forever and hold dawn at bay.
I feel crazy at times like these,
when there is nothing left to do but lay there and let the day rest but instead I lay awake and let the troubles of yesterday infest the promise of the new today.  I beg for smoke or drink or hell a heavy object
to bestow upon my brow blessed sleep.  

I beg you night, find my restless worry and grant me leave.
I don’t want to meet the dawn, shy as she is, as she creeps into her place.
Her silent footsteps already carried on the wind and I fear she is close.
Let me sleep, let me dream; let me get away from all of this for a while.
Blessed night let me sleep. Too many nights have escaped my hands already and I fear I’m growing senile.
I see the things that were never there and my days run like diluted paint turning the big picture a muddy brown and fuzzy.
Blessed night let me sleep.
I want nothing more than to hold audience for or hour or two.  
To speak my peace and be allowed to stay in your keep.
Blessed night, please, let me sleep.
I'll write out all the *******
Because that's what I told you to do
When you told me you were blocked
So now you're giving me a taste
Of my own medicine.
Then help me write out all the *******,
Because I believe you're the reason I can't write,
You're blocking my mind,
And I want nothing more
Than to hear your ideas
To hear your voice
To see your lips move
As I imagine them upon my own
So help me write out all the *******.
© Roxanne Pepin 2011
i think cavemen were beautiful
with their primitive actions to
sculpt bare rocks and minerals
into tools to reach out to hearts.
they had their own language,
like countries i've never been to
or tribes i wish to witness
because even the minimum
was pure and enough
to keep their thoughts racing,
to push them to feel life
through fingertips and dancing.
i think this earth used to be
beautiful, with gallons of
salt water surrounding
one entity, we were once
all connected before
we were able to take our
first gasp of oxygen,
before we could communicate
how the earth was not flat
and circulated to
let the light take over the
heavy and forget what
heat is during the
ice coverings for 90
shaded days.
i think we forgot how to
really let our blood
strengthen our bodies,
using complex chemicals
to ease reality because
we know we are wrong at times
and right when we can't turn
back centuries.
we breathe to taste our
own ignorance,
when really we should be
breathing to feel alive,
but the numbers don't
change and we tend to
only care for ourselves.

cavemen gave and gave and gave
until they couldn't breathe in the
light anymore and the energy
moved on to the next,
like how ionic bonds
result in a positive
or negative charge.
sometimes our structures
aren't so step by step,
but our feet can take over
for that.

it is our time to take over and
****** our ideas out for the taking,
but i'm nervous we won't make it.

i'm scared that everything we've known
will fall down to the mantle of our
beautiful planet because
my generation
was too worried
about the little
© Danielle Jones 2011
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