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Get a grip
You’re falling
I can’t catch you
I can only watch you slip away
Watching you drown yourself
Words over head
Heels over words
Crying as you think
Of all the things you wish
That you could say
You keep it inside
Throw it around
It’s driving you crazy
And pulling you down
The water rising
I can’t pull you out
I promised I’d save you
But you don’t want to be saved
Keep making decisions
Without thinking first
This situation
Is only getting worse
Take a breath, and mean it
Keep yourself alive
I promised I’d save you
But only you can save you
This time
 Apr 2011 misty blue
Don't you just wish
That you could speak your mind
Rattle out all your rhymes.

Let everyone know
What you're thinking about
How you really feel
Or why you wear that pout.

And don't you just wish
Every day
That you could sing your own song
Not caring about what anyone will say.

I think everyone
Has this desire
Inside our heart
Burning like a fire.

We should all let it out
Let the fire burn
And deal out all our words
Speaking what we yearn.

And we shouldn't be afraid
Of our own burning flame
We should let a little out
Letting fate control the game.

We all have a passion
Something hiding in our hearts
A secret we hold on to
Because we're afraid of what it might start.

But don't be afraid
I should listen to my own advice
And maybe you, or I, will speak out today
Without thinking twice.
SSK<3  AKA: Valerie Garcia
 Apr 2011 misty blue
I love how you sound
Writhing beneath me
A surprise in your voice
Your legs trembling.

The muscles in your body
Are flexing and tensing
Your hips are rising
Your breath is so heavy.

I love how you sound
It's my favorite part
Usually a quiet mouse
But like this, so raw, so untamed.

I've never seen you like this
I marvel in the moment
In your rapture of ecstasy
A hum between my own thighs.

It's exciting to see you
Let loose like a trapped wind
Blowing out wildly
Like you've never been free to breeze.

It's easy to please you
Because it pleases me
Especially when you're writhing
Beneath me.
SSK<3  AKA: Valerie Garcia
 Apr 2011 misty blue
Caged in rage
I think I've had enough
But there's so many steps to take.

Trapped in anger
Sometimes I just wish I could run
And never come back to this place.

There's more than enough anger
To go around
But I want none of it.

The negativity is suffocating
And drowning me in what I don't feel
I've had enough. I've had enough.
SSK<3  AKA: Valerie Garcia
 Apr 2011 misty blue
I wanted to rip your heart out
And eat it like it were a fruit
Just so you could die
Like you made me want to.

I thought I loved you
At one point, maybe twice
But it was really just hate
That started at a small height.

I gave you everything
Bent over backwards, upside down
I served my heart in place of yours
But my love you never found.

Your perception was twisted
You wanted to tear me apart
Said I was the lusted, the wanted
But you were wrong from the start.

I was weak, you were right
And from you I learned so much
That I can't let people walk on me
Least of all let them touch--

My heart.

You see I took it back from you
And threw the truth in your face
Even after all we had been through
You placed me as a disgrace.

I let you down but in reality
You let ME down
And I had to figure **** out
After you left me with a frown.

Stabbed me in the back countless times
Asked me for money and favors
And I wrote out all your rhymes
For you poetic labors.

It was all my hard work
Thrown down the drain
But I let you go
And inevitably you went insane.

Because I set my rage free
And you clung to it for years
I know it held you back
Causing many of your tears.

And still I never wanted to hurt you
I just wanted you to see
That you couldn't treat anyone like that
Least of all me.

So maybe I was your wake up call
Or at least I planted the seed
Someone else can water it
But I suppose you've become a ****.

I've heard things 'round the bend
That you've finally been seen for what you were
I always knew that side of you
But I was friends with something else, what it was, I'm not sure.

And once I learned
And grew up
I traveled on
And threw you out of my cup.

And that cup I filled
Not with anything of you
But everything of me
And all I had been that was true.

And now here I am
Doing fine without you
But I don't regret any of it
Because it was part of everything I had to go through.

Thank you.
SSK<3  AKA: Valerie Garcia
i am accustomed to writing about the dismal and the dingy,
the sharp corners
the foggy roads
the desperations.

i am at a loss
because how do you wrap words around
love that is free
seam bursting happiness
puzzle piece bodies toppling with the feeling that we have always known each other
even before we met

this is a new place
where the poetry is
our souls
our skin
the colors dancing between us.
and i can say this:
love is not to be tasted
it is to be

 Apr 2011 misty blue
Life is beautiful with you
The flowers smell nicer
The sky is bigger and more blue.

Life is amazing with you
The sun is warmer
The rain is more refreshing and true.

Life is colorful with you
The sunset is prettier
The blossoms are vibrant and brighter.

Life is happy with you
The nights are calmer
The days are silly and lighter.

Life is better with you
You are a light to my world
A reason to my rhymes.

Life is how life should be with you
Everything is promising
Everything is good, even through the bad times.
SSK<3  AKA: Valerie Garcia
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