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mikecccc Sep 2015
Family is great
They have your back
They pick you up
Their on your team
But do they have to be related
Why of course not
Family are those closest to you
Whether by blood or ink
Or whatever
Like lilo and stitch
Blood makes someone a relative
Ink can do the same
But what it means is up to you.
mikecccc Mar 2016
sad rings
surround those
sapphires in your head
maybe some makeup
would clear that up
bad advice perhaps
but unfortunately
i'm all you have
for counsel.
who am I
mikecccc Nov 2015
wandering spirits
for our tech based age
they don't herald god
or consort with the dead
their free
to run through
the power lines
and the mind.
some things just catch your mind if i could draw i would its like Dr Manhattan mixed with Tinkerbell and i wish i could do it justice . inspired by the Mathew swift books by Kate griffin which are urban fantasy that really feels fantastical
mikecccc Aug 2016
The faces fly by
As I drive by
Their words
Don't reach me
The faces so varied
But what do they matter
Existing only in my memory .
mikecccc Oct 2015
Your a fine minion
Bobbing your head
At just the right moment
To let us all know
You think all
The bosses plans
Are brilliant
Plus I bet you'd make
A good desk decoration.
mikecccc Mar 2016
The library
Is a place to read
A place for peace
Please don't
Sit down and weep
between the shelves
That's what
The dmv is for.
And a place to hide
mikecccc Nov 2015
it's a good thing
we live
in a prudish society
if you wore less
we'd see the prints
of the many
who walked over you
and it would be
all  kinds
of awkward.
mikecccc Nov 2015
you can't
be born free
not totally
free of responsibilities
and society's
expectations perhaps
but as a babe
your life is certainly
not your own
it's in the hands
of what may as well
be your gods.
mikecccc Sep 2016
Invest in change
The only certainty
Aside from death.
Or so claims
My stockbroker
mikecccc Jul 2016
Victims tomorrow
the problem
with removing a body
from the throne
is that the chair is still there
waiting for another ***
get rid of both
they'll just stand on the table.
mikecccc May 2017
towers of clutter
block the halls
make a maze
of an old abode
and an old soul lurks
somewhere within
it was never any good
at letting go.
mikecccc Oct 2015
A small part
Of something bigger
Or maybe a weapon
mikecccc Aug 2020
I try to travel
on make believe roads
I think this time
the ground will be solid
I sink
my mouth fills
with silly dreams
tastes bitter
I'm always surprised.
never read the book
just vague memories
of the movie
mikecccc Sep 2015
Ah poor thing
all scratched up
twisted and torn
held in rough hands
I doubt you can be repaired
I could try
for what its worth
those scars are forever
if it helps
they make you look
mikecccc Jun 2016
A skeleton
in my dreams
asked me why
my only reply
I dunno
it found this
and proceeded to play
a funeral dirge
on its rib cage.
silly indeed
mikecccc Sep 2015
You gave it your all
You really did
Sadly you have nothing left
Not for friends
Not for family
Not for you
Maybe you can rest and recharge
You are done
I hope not
mikecccc Sep 2015
Be not afraid
Poor creature
Of going to
The butcher's shop
You may lose
Bits and pieces
Of yourself
they Shall be
Quite useful
To the rest of us.
mikecccc Oct 2015
Bystander Bystander
innocent more or less
you do not commit
but you do not aid
you aren't really blameless
but the excessively nosy
are despised
how much is too much
it is better to do nothing
i'm sure someone else will help.
mikecccc Sep 2015
An extreme hedonist
Pleasure is the point
In all things
Be they love
Be they life
Be they war
It has a certain charm
And a certain grotesqueness
Or so I'm told
To seek pleasure
Over enlightenment
Over duty
Over all
So little pain
Except the fun kind
You can have all the starburst
You can keep down.
mikecccc Mar 2016
the sun sets
when you wish it to
not everyone knows that
they follow
the designated times
for day and night
it may not be healthy
to let it set early
but in the end
it's up to you.
mikecccc Sep 2015
Can not
What can't be done
By you
By me
By them
Not much
Most can do
So much more than they think
The real issue is should
The answer
mikecccc Sep 2015
Some things need doing
Even if it means
Burning bridges
With your kin
The reason
May be love
It may be war
Just make sure
It's worth it.
mikecccc Sep 2015
If you ran
Into a burning building
All heroic and such
You would expect
Those who could
To go along with you
To take your hand
And flee
But sometimes
They won't
They bury themselves
In burning timber
And if you stay
You could burn to.
mikecccc Jul 2017
as in to remove
what you have learned
the wrong coping technique
I suppose you never forget
just learn something new
to cover it up
for however long
the new way works.
mikecccc Mar 2016
I wish I could
seize the day
and mold it
in my fist
if only reality
was made of clay.
mikecccc Jun 2016
I always forget
to leave the jagged teeth
out of my smiley face drawings
maybe I should just buy
some smiley face stickers.
they don't need teeth
mikecccc Jan 2017
outdated defenses
A striking image
that would fall
at the hands
of the modern power
mikecccc Jan 2017
Some sentences
just jump at you
attack you
for some reason
they inspire you
to do something
not always
something helpful.
mikecccc Aug 2015
Every effect has a cause
And vice versa
So I must ask
What is your cause
We see your effect
But what caused it
Can we stop it
Can we prevent it
Or are we doomed
To see this repeated
Time and again.
mikecccc Dec 2016
Should a tongue
leave burn marks
it's funny
what a mouth full of venom
can do to a person
maybe not funny
at times distressing.
certainly painful.
mikecccc Jan 2016
All we are
is wrapped up
in one tiny little
without it
what are we
just two fools
a certain fondness
for one another
no where near
official enough.
mikecccc Oct 2015
You seem to be everywhere
A meeting with
The thugs and the preps
Sunday service then the bar
No matter where you just
Don't stick out
You aren't offensive
You aren't memorable
You just sorta blend
And your a great climber.
mikecccc Aug 2015
What is the price of change
at its worst
broken lands
millions of dollars
and a great deal of blood
is it worth it
only history can say
in history
the grand scheme is
just a touch easier to see.
mikecccc Feb 2016
A lot of little flaws
in our puzzling world
so many contradictions
in the old stories
but plenty go
exactly as we expect
I lie down wondering
why things are this way
but in the end
if I did learn why
would it really matter.
Unless I already have
the incredibly unsatisfying answer
and it simply is human nature
to defy and comply
in seemingly random ways
mikecccc Oct 2016
Wander where you will
and sow discord
for a reason if you will
for fun if you want.
mikecccc Mar 2017
I want to help
Slightly more
than I want
to break the rules
for what it's worth.
mikecccc Mar 2016
I believe in order
In a general sense
But it's not for me
Rules do so constrict
I just want to be free.
mikecccc Oct 2016
Glazed life
tasty but unhealthy
should've kept
A better grip
on my soul
or sold it
for something better.
based on a show
mikecccc Sep 2015
Way back when
knights had a code
they called it chivalry
it was less heroic
and more Clegane
then years later
it was said to be
a guideline
for gentleman's etiquette
the truth is
chivalry is just a word
and so long as we remember it
it stays alive
albeit in a warped sorta way.
mikecccc Mar 2016
My security  blanket
Is full of anthrax
Not sure when
Or how that happened
Maybe it's always
Been killing me
I wish I hadn't noticed.
mikecccc Dec 2015
what do I want
to find under
my tree
is there something
to make me feel
a little less hollow
no well then
an Xbox one
be good.
mikecccc Aug 2015
what story is truly new
if you look closely
you'll find the answer
is quite few
from Gilgamesh
to Superman
and non fiction
shares that quality
ages ago
people asked
"why am I"
"is that wrong"
"what comes next"
I wonder if well have answers
according to the textbooks
probably not.
mikecccc Nov 2018
We the people
Can't agree
Not even to disagree
Be right or be left
South or north
I can't say
United states
Without smiling.
mikecccc May 2016
You fit your role
very well
no ad libbing for you eh
I suppose
it's hypocritical
of me to judge
but hey
that's my role.
mikecccc Jan 2016
As I hang
above a pit
full of the laughter
of all those I hate
I curse myself
for never
working out.
and a bunch
of other things.
mikecccc Oct 2017
the cogs spin
doing what
they were made to do
they catch every so often
but the machine continues.
mikecccc Mar 2016
One of those Things
just happens
It feels intentional
Like it's karma
But I'm not sure
What I did wrong.
Maybe everything
mikecccc Oct 2015
The river
Full of fizz
The carbonated
River flows
Down to the land
Of sweets and
Rotted teeth
Maybe water
Would be wiser
Unless you fear fluoride
Then maybe *****.
mikecccc Mar 2016
Face down in the street
Was it because
Of drink
Or maybe you just
don't care where you are
They'll haul you away
If you have a poor excuse
But maybe the cells
Are mostly empty
And you can get
Some rest.
mikecccc Sep 2015
Standing tall
leaving us all in shadows
they are an impressive sight
fills some with awe
some with apathy
since they've seen
such people before
then some stew
with a foul sorta jealousy
and wonder
how many ax blows
would those giants need
to fall.
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