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mikecccc Mar 2016
put words together
till you find
the right thing
to say
bad form
to each
their own
I suppose.
mikecccc Mar 2016
It's too bad
That you can't
Really seal
The cracks inside
With frosting.
mikecccc Jan 2017
A hand light as air
was placed
upon my shoulder
not weighed down
with feeling
simply coerced by tradition
that hand did not
belong to an actor.
mikecccc Sep 2015
The simplest things
That everyone knows
Or so everyone says
mikecccc Oct 2015
It all makes sense
Right is has to
It's all ones
And zeroes
Yet it feels
Like this
Weird kinda magic
With hackers
That jump out a
mikecccc Oct 2016
I don't care
said three times
Say it enough
It won't be a lie
Hopefully anyway
You should not lie
To yourself
Shouldn't do a lot things though.
mikecccc Feb 2016
very solid
very real
I look at it
and compare
my less than solid words
not even etched in ink
just ones and zeroes
it seems so pointless
to type these impotent
these silly words
yet I continue to do so.
words have power
but not always
depends on the writer
and/or the speaker.
mikecccc Sep 2015
You are the best
The brightest
Or so you love to say
Deep down
You know your nothing
Just an atom
Of our big big world
No matter how
You scream
your supposed Superiority
Nothing changes.
mikecccc Sep 2015
A mold
for a monster
made of slime
to ooze
into proper form
when cracks appear
it flows into new
rather distressing shapes.
mikecccc Apr 2016
who placed these threads
in my line of sight
greedy folks
murderous folks
or madness
could I pull them apart
or would my fingers
just slide through
the illusion.
mikecccc Sep 2015
They say that like it's a bad thing
Like once upon a time
No one wanted things
Maybe there was
A simpler time
But then again
they couldn't
Have those things
Does that still count.
mikecccc Mar 2016
Empty to start
it will soon hold
all sorts of goodies
or maybe just
the bare essentials
carrying only
what is needed
or at least
what we think
is needed.
mikecccc May 2016
hollow apologies
to you and yours
for the way of things
I hope it helps
mostly I hope
hollow apologies
help me.
mikecccc Oct 2016
The world is ending
said the man
at the register
the signs are clear
Armageddon is nigh.

cash or credit
asked the bored clerk.
mikecccc Dec 2015
I once saw
Someone knocked
Through a wall
To be fair
The walls are
Pretty dam thin
But still
It was like
A roadrunner
With more
Stunned silence.
mikecccc Jun 2015
My sight is obstructed
By corn
I see future popcorn
As far as the eye can see
I know there almost
Certainly aren't
Sickle Wielding kids in there
But I'm still going around
Just to be safe.
mikecccc Jul 2015
They used to be heroes
or so i'm told
they righted wrongs
and dispensed justice
these days
not so much
I couldn't say why
what changed
maybe it was life
or an evil wizards spell.
mikecccc Jun 2016
could be better
could be gold
instead of bronze
silver would do
just enjoy what you have
what you have
is it wrong
to not want to settle.
maybe not
might be unrealistic
mikecccc Aug 2015
you're down
but not quite out
made of stern stuff
aren't ya
but don't worry
you won't have to last
too much longer.
mikecccc Jul 2015
Don't judge a book
by its cover
good advice
you know kinda
the cover tells you something
maybe not everything
but it certainly shouldn't
be ignored entirely
if nothing else
you need to remember
the title.
mikecccc Oct 2015
Hide in your box
Else you'll be seen
The eyes burn you
They prove your
Not alone
Play in the shadows
Where the air
Is cool and the sun
Won't find you
Stay in your place
Stay close to home.
mikecccc Apr 2016
Slim new ones
Crawl along
The fragile being
Old ones expand
As days progress
Seems ready to shatter
Any day now
I'd wager.
mikecccc Jul 2015
It has no conductor
And the the passengers
Though numerous are all alone
The wheels are made of flour
And the tracks of bubblegum
The whistle is louder than sound
It goes down a tunnel
Not so much dark
As an LSD nightmare
I never bought a ticket
Can I get off now?
mikecccc Aug 2015
They just appear
these creatures
I have no say
I can't avoid them
They could a least ask
but no
so I wander
and bam
they appear
they swarm
it's freaky
at least to me
dam creatures
mikecccc Apr 2016
it makes sense
in the present
and less and less
the more hindsight
it receives.
mikecccc Jun 2015
I tried to write a book
it went
I try to capture wisdom
and wit
with words
but my attempts
fall flat
any aspiring authors
want to let me steal your work.
mikecccc May 2016
I wonder
about the people
who will see
the last sunset
will they be
much like us
so far in the future
will they be proud
of the show they put on.
always more
mikecccc Mar 2016
Defeated by nobody
Wasting your strength
If only  you had put
More thought
Into this.
mikecccc Sep 2015
We're all doomed
and theirs nothing to do
the cynical sloth
all is gloom and doom
so you may as well
hop in a hammock
and sip drinks from coconuts
This is wrong
or so they claim
because letting things rot
since nothing is perfect
is incredibly unhelpful
also nothing ventured
means nothing gained
but doesn't mean
nothing lost.
mikecccc Jun 2016
Humans are ****** up
sad stories abound
in every national library
it has always been so
technology has evolved
but people it often seems
have not

so let's get drunk
you can't please everyone
but you can please yourself

according to some
this thought is wrong
because this isn't hell
this is earth obvious
but it means we have hope
and nothing ventured
may mean nothing gained
but it doesn't mean
nothing lost.
A rewrite
does it work
as well as any sloth
mikecccc Sep 2017
after the end
what will I see
a groundhog day loop
I fear
it sounds hellish
repetition makes me twitchy
but burning alive forever
doesn't sound fun either
what about nothing
nothing sounds nice
it would probably grow old
suppose i'll see.
mikecccc Mar 2016
I curse
your optimistic soul
when i'm down
you try
to cheer me up
your morning person smile
almost makes me grin
and when my
natural negativity
one day gets
the best of you
I may just cry.
mikecccc Sep 2015
**** the noise
With your sweet motions
As a broken fingered man
Bangs on the drums
And a thin violinist
Strums away
Forget the world
Forget the woe
There is only the motion
Hopefully no one
Brought a camera.
mikecccc Feb 2016
What is it
about you moon
that brings out
the weirdness in folks
full moons cause
such lunacy
it's madness
all you do
is sit up there
and shine.
of course some folks
don't need much of an excuse
to go wild
mikecccc Nov 2015
A pirouette on the moon
and foxtrot with Jupiter
dancing with the stars
a peculiar experience
one I won't get to see
probably for the best
I hear mars has two left feet
and anyway
How would you breath
in space.
mikecccc Sep 2016
gentleman please
be gentle
and be men
be men which is to say
be responsible adults
which is to say
own a house
and don't watch cartoons
I think.
arguable or not
depends on who you ask
mikecccc Oct 2016
So and So Time
Where the people suffered
war famine and plague
worse than the usual
they had no cellphones.
mikecccc Mar 2016
full of sunlight
till late in the day
when the sun
starts creeping away
the curtains fall victim
to the shadows
slowly but surely
certainly no one
will see in.
mikecccc Jul 2016
Something something
Very very bleak
Ill tides are always
Waiting at the beaches
Of our days
Or so it seems
Through my pessimistic haze
Some find succor in the past
All I can do is laugh
There must be a silver lining
Somewhere around here
Isn't there always.
Grey poetry at least.
mikecccc May 2017
He just stared through me
seeing what he wants
beats seeing what he has
i'm guessing.
mikecccc Jan 2016
They run
They flee
For fear of today
and In the hope
That elsewhere
Things are better
It's probably in vain
But I think
I will go with them.
mikecccc Sep 2015
To every beginning
There is an end
And to every end
There is a beginning
Presumably there's a bit
In the middle for both
That's the important thing
Everything you do
After your born
And everything important
You do before you die
Admittedly some people
Are different and their deaths
Are more of an event
Than their lives could ever be.
mikecccc Jul 2017
Every visit
I find you
A little less
If I stop visiting
it's just me
you're all ready gone
mikecccc Jun 2019
The wrong green flourishes
political gardeners
fields of prize winning weeds
you'll **** us all.
you who
I am Legion
too many to prosecute
things will change
but will it be enough .
mikecccc Mar 2016
flinch at the carnival food
I can't really recommend it
maybe if you have
some broccoli with it.
mikecccc Jul 2016
I laugh
because i'm not
quite tall enough
to loom menacingly
over all my problems.
mikecccc Sep 2016
The ocean
able to retain secrets
in our well surveyed
day and age
so much life
and krakens
do you dare
explore it
while you can.
it makes for a nice photo
mikecccc Mar 2016
I drew a sun
and you saw
a goat
I've no talent
for art work
but I have to wonder
if you just
misunderstand me.
mikecccc Jun 2017
what is
the power of a god
like superman
A bit of everything
well A lot of everything
what is enough
depends on the consumer
mikecccc Sep 2015
look into a mirror
look deep
do you see you
not everyone does
they see what they want
or they see what they fear.
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