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mikecccc Jul 2016
Stretched wires mind
when they snap
will I get replacements
or just have to learn how
to enjoy being unstrung.
mikecccc Oct 2016
Take me away
driver man
go as far
as my wallet
will allow
so at least
to the next neighborhood
I hear their lawns
are as green as emeralds.
polished emeralds
at that
mikecccc Jul 2016
you know your side
it's all one big violent game
we try to change the rules
we can't even decide
on the name.
A long way to go
a lot of long roads
on this planet
mikecccc Oct 2015
it's busy
haunting someone else
so i'm afraid
I simply have
no pep in my step
not much swagger
either but that's
due to my shoes
good for the spine
bad for the swag.
mikecccc Mar 2016
Dude you're
leaking ocular fluid
cut that out
you know we don't
do that in public
lest they realize
we're only human.
mikecccc May 2015
They are bad people
Not troubled
Not less than perfect
Burn down an orphanage
And yet
They aren't totally unsympathetic
There methods are abhorrent
But there reasons are good
Nonetheless they must go.
mikecccc May 2016

be you
you know
if you are pleasant
and you know
who you are

be me
if you can
at least be like me
we can all get along

so aggravating
be useful if nothing else
you might last longer.
mikecccc Dec 2015
Don't trust your name
To the fumbling
Fingers of time
They  turn
saints into devils
Devils into saints
Also don't *******
The historians
They can be petty
Oh and never lose
The winners write
The history books.
Then you'll be
More or less
mikecccc Aug 2015
All beginnings have an end
All is finite
And some
Think this is sad
Not really
Nobody enjoys
Things that last forever
Day by day
The amazing becomes dull
It's just one of those human foibles.
mikecccc Dec 2015
Okay you're done
You passed my test
Yes indeed
I wanted to know
If you fit my definition
Good people
And you do
So now
You get to be
My pal
Perhaps even
A confidante
Aren't you proud.
mikecccc May 2019
It's easy to break stuff
It may seem oxymoronic
It may be
But I think the most
way to fix things
Is to break things
On A very large scale.
To fix by breaking
Not impossible
So I've heard
mikecccc Jul 2015
I missed it
and i'm down
just act natural
and avoid anyone's eyes
as you run/walk for the exit
mikecccc Apr 2016
when does hope die
right before you do
is probably the best case
some live long lives
with their hope dead
A sad bunch
resigned to the shadows
they know the future
it isn't good.
is that why I hate the sun
mikecccc Oct 2015
If you have enough power
you can make
people do many things
you can make
them weak
them fear
them bend
but you can't make
them love you.
mikecccc Oct 2015
What you are doing
Is wrong
I know because
I know
I'm astride a horse of great height
While you creatures walk
It's okay though
You may never join me
I am happy to share
My unsolicited advice
On the ways of right.
because I know is a terrible argument.
mikecccc Feb 2017
Picked up a walking stick
and set out to find
the point of their story
couldn't say
if they found it
but they seemed happy enough
at the end.
might've been the drugs
mikecccc Apr 2015
Surrounded by darkness
laying beneath the family roof
and drifting off to the land of counted sheep.

I find myself in a pleasant limbo
a place of quite and rest
after a day of this
and that.

I know soon
my eyes will close
and tomorrow will arrive.

I do not dread
the coming day
but this pleasant limbo
is something I treasure.
mikecccc Nov 2015
A not so great
A sign of
Not being settled
It has history no doubt
Sure it's a place
To lay your head
But it just
Isn't the same
As an actual house.
mikecccc Apr 2016
don't eat it
if you do
you'll realize
where you are.
mikecccc Jun 2016
can't feed the soul
if you starve to death
it has its place
as all things do
but is it simple luxury?
it can be more
the power of imagination
a silly thing
but important
mikecccc Jun 2015
Look it's a bird
It's a plane
Oh no
Sorry it is a bird

Though a very strange one
It appears to be on fire
Is it raining flaming fowl
Or is that the Phoenix

A bird of legend
Coined by someone old
It bursts aflame at the end
Of it's day's
only to be reborn
From the ashes

God ran out of locus
And so now it's raining
Fiery pheasant.
mikecccc Dec 2016
what do you have
nothing but my mind
and even that
only on good days
doesn't seem fair
does not
but the beggar
is a job as old
as civilization
at this point they're traditional
what would the big city be
without those sad souls
showing you what you
could be tomorrow.
mikecccc Nov 2015
when you are afraid
or they will see
your weakness
that's the thing to do
I think
unless you want to trust
open up
a risky prospect
but perhaps worth it
or perhaps not.
mikecccc Jul 2015
Such an odd *****
a lump of grey
that leads everything else
full of mysteries
it makes
a terrible paper weight
much too sticky
mikecccc Oct 2015
It's funny how
You can feel alone
In a crowd
Even when those
Closest stand near
You're still all alone
Or so it feels
You're in a bubble
You can see them
Laughing and sharing
So close yet untouchable.
mikecccc Mar 2018
Who is that creature
I can hear the calm voice
but can't see the body
how can you be still
in these shaky days
are you calm
cause you're joking
are you an actor
are you a fool
can I be one?
mikecccc Sep 2015
All our hopes and fears
Rest on their shoulders
But they bear the weight
With a smirk and wave
The champions
Stalwart defenders
And grandiose fighters
They never falter
At least not
When there's an audience.
mikecccc Mar 2016
What a Disney shape
life is no circle
life has corners
for hiding
and pointy bits
for stabbing
not sure what shape
that is
a sharpened triangle.
mikecccc Nov 2015
hovering above
waiting to steal you away
I pray it passes us by
but I know
it's only a matter
of time.
mikecccc May 2016
It's funny
how an old joke
can become
A nightmare.
mikecccc Jun 2015
They stole it
Is what they say
Is it true
It hardly matters
All that matters
Is how it shines
That crown on an unworthy head
It's just wrong
Or so they say.
mikecccc Nov 2015
Go away moon
Your shift is over
The sun will arrive
Oh so soon
To watch over us
Go away to your
Restful place
And when you
Come back
I just might have
Some new stories
For you.
mikecccc Jul 2015
The office building from hell
It stands two stories high
and oozes malevolence
inside the dead wait for you
in poorly light rooms
You may regret finding
this accursed place.
mikecccc Jun 2015
On days with no work
It dripped not a drop
of spectral blood

It didn't drink
Light like a
Demons eye

If I held my ear
To the blade
I couldn't hear penitent pleas

I was rather disappointed
With the headsman ax
It could've been
A lumberjack's ax.
mikecccc Aug 2016
I went there
for justice
silly me
all I found was clowns
and A Ferris wheel.
A simple misunderstanding
mikecccc Jul 2016
fly indeed
fly all around
then you land
and crawl
towards dessert
too far away to stop
agh dam little fly feet
all up in my cake.
and gnats
ah summer
such a wonder.
mikecccc Mar 2016
The jokers
They have a god
A Ramen deity
To show how mad
All of it is
In a few hundred years
They'll forget
They were joking
Maybe less.
mikecccc Sep 2015
Dam trees
And crooked paths
I've walked a few feet
But it feels like miles
The sun is obscured
And God knows where
The exit is
But I wander onward
Occasionally I see others
Most look like me
a few though
Seem well aware of
Where to go
Yay them.
mikecccc Jul 2017
you were never here
and now
you're gone
what could have been
never was
never will be
always more figments
maybe one that's wittier.
mikecccc May 2016
Giving words
As a gift
What A poet thing
To do
I can't though
At least not
If it's true
That the thought counts
Cause none of my thoughts
Are Charitable.
Mostly curses
And digressions
mikecccc Nov 2015
they fought
at first for freedom
then for glory
eventually just to fight
in the beginning
they were worried
then they were excited
now they feel nothing
one day it will end
another will advance
to take their place
but not today.
mikecccc Nov 2015
Treat others as you
Want to be treated
This makes sense
From a certain perspective
But the obvious assumption
Is you want to be treated well
What if you kind of
Want to be ignored
To hide in plain sight
What if you feel such guilt
That you don't think
That you deserve what's right
What if your just not sure
How to treat someone right
Because maybe you weren't taught how
Maybe a new golden rule
Could be just try not
To be too obnoxious
Which is really the same thing
At least in spirit.
mikecccc Sep 2015
All things look small
In the big picture
Such a lofty perspective
Makes clear the unclear
Any horror can be minimized
It might be a wise view
Unimpeded by emotion or bias
But it isn't a kind one
And it's hard to have
Especially when a small view
Is so much more natural
And fits like a glove.
mikecccc Apr 2016
Decapitate me
if it please you
I will survive
what need have I
of knowledge
when I have magic
I challenge you
to rigged games
alls fair in what
I declare.
mikecccc Jan 2017
A hand
The same shade
as space
with stars as fingernails
just floating
or attached to the body cosmos
god or just a dream
who can say
if you want
what does such a peculiar mitt do
the same mundane things
as you do
maybe not
who can say
apparently one thing it does
is guide us
not overtly
but it's there
doing things
bad and good
hopefully it has a plan
for our global tableau
that makes up for
the pain of existence
not that it needs one
what true artist needs to explain
all of them arguably.
mikecccc Apr 2016
A Misuse of nature
the tall oak
up on the hill
With strong branches
a place to hang out
with the crows
at least
they didn't do it
here in town.
Could be
a popular
tourist attraction.
mikecccc Jun 2016
we danced
we laughed
as naught but a pauper
I was not the right sort
so I was shown the door.
cute story
mikecccc Jul 2016
An old drunk
with a rusty pistol
took an age to the grave
probably for the best
good song
mikecccc Feb 2016
I took a quill
and dipped it
into the sorry inkwell
of my soul
I scribbled out
the thoughts  inside
to try to understand
I find myself
and still quite confused
mikecccc Dec 2015
Do not do drugs
Just a thought.
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