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mikecccc Jul 2016
The people died
I don't know why
I killed them for money
I find as I get older
The excuses get weaker
But coins still spend the same.
Inspired by Nicomo Cosca
mikecccc Nov 2016
**** the mailman
the bad news bringer
make it look
like they crashed their car
before dropping off the letter
do it to the next one to
and the next
till they stop bringing bad news
and just send you an email
then smash the computer
and build a nest in the crawlspaces
hide till the end
get the message
metaphorically speaking
mikecccc Jun 2015
One long Blink
That summons
The wolves
And the thieves
mikecccc Mar 2016
You have it right
cause in the end
it's the most important thing
when everyone else
is being too human
you can rest assured
that you're better
no matter your actions.
human here meaning
chaotic sinful error prone beings
who occasionally display
disturbing levels of kindness
and brilliance
mikecccc Mar 2016
It can never change
Yet it changes
All the time
From mind
To mind
And book to book.
mikecccc Jan 2016
I don't really worship
I just need
A scapegoat
To take my
Many accusations
And not try
To refute them
Sadly such
A self-aware
Religion crumbles
Quite quickly and
I'm left with my own
Accusing voice
Ringing in my
Silly skull.
Ah such sounds
mikecccc Feb 2016
You spent so
Very much time
Looking for the best
You wore yourself out
And settled for not the worst.
mikecccc Dec 2015
Just throw it all away
throw it in the pit
the memories
the reminders
the feelings
all of it
and you will be free
of course those things
are quite clingy
and if the pit
isn't deep enough
they will come back
to keep you tied
to the past.
mikecccc Jul 2015
What do pirate captains and popes have in common
What separates a King from a prince
or a Queen from a princess
can you guess
well I can
Its head-ware
the cap
a mighty fine hat
or a crown
you may have army's
or the adoration of millions
but true power stems from a hat

Obviously not your common hat
a big one or very expensive
is a must

If your hat is small or shabby
you will find yourself
in a sad position
not laudable
but laughable.
mikecccc Jul 2015
Thinking on his mighty works and despairing
I'm force to admit
to fear.

Specifically the fear of the eroding power of time
No matter how great one becomes
their impression will fade.

the greater you are the longer you last
but at some point all that is left is
a once grand work that is now just a mystery

But even before that you may find
your impression is all that is remembered
not you
just your outline one that can be shaped to
fit another's ideals or goals

but we small folk will never reach even those heights
the average joes and janes
their actions when in a mass can be great
but the individual is not.

And when all is said and done all that is left is time
through empires and dynastys
through dinosaurs and cave folk
through planets and stars
all that remains unchanged is time.
mikecccc Jul 2015
It lowers slowly
making you bend
it never stops
the strongest falter eventually
the weak just bow faster
there is no reprieve
no loophole to abuse
a timeless process
some call life.
mikecccc Nov 2015
You were made
In that awful place
Where you learned
The way of things
Where you learned
The truth of life
Or so you were told
I wish I knew
How to prove
That the creature
Who taught you
Never really knew
The way of things
They only knew the horror
That they taught.
mikecccc Oct 2015
It sounded lovely
I wished and worked
and I got it
but surprise
it wasn't worth it
and I can't get a refund
so I suppose
I should just move on.
mikecccc Oct 2015
there are people
who **** for fun
there are people
who wouldn't ****
to defend loved ones
there are people
who try to **** trees
there are people
who wouldn't touch
a naked body for fear
of god
people are so different
they come in all shades
and all sizes
it quite frankly
amazes me when
people say that
no one would
do that or enjoy that
for every activity
or inclination
there will always be
at least one.
mikecccc Sep 2015
the sun is here
throwing out
the dark
and bringing in
the light without
a thought to those
who prefer the night
I asked it to leave
and was ignored
no doubt today
it will glare.
mikecccc Apr 2015
I meant well
But I hurt them
All of them
So did they
We're walkers
On hell's road
Since apparently
Cars aren't for the dammed
I passed the way back
Miles ago
We're almost at the end
Even with all this cardio
I can't outrun my mistakes.
mikecccc Dec 2015
What strange substance
Were you made from

Why skin and bone
Of course

Oh that'll do it
Such cheap materials
Never lasts long
Under pressure.
mikecccc Dec 2015
There are always rules
Some are unwritten
Some are set in stone
But they are everywhere
Of course if you want
You can break them
You may regret it if your caught
You may feel guilty
Even if your not
But it's up to you
What to do
In theory
At any rate.
mikecccc Dec 2015
I don't get
The kids of today
Or yesterday
Or tomorrow
Ok frankly
People in general
Weird me out.
mikecccc Jun 2015
There are things to do
And places to go
But I'm not sure exactly
Where to go
Or what to do
But I can feel it in my bones
The need to answer those
Unasked questions
Is that normal
Am I experiencing wanderlust
So much to do
I think.
mikecccc Jun 2015
like an egg
on a frying pan
plus bugs buzzing
mikecccc Dec 2015
And slashing
So very rude
Not for farming
Not for healing
No use
Except killing
You should just
Put it down.
mikecccc May 2016
It will be removed
by one or another
too tempting
to be left alone
maybe the wielder
will be decent
not for everyone
but for me
at the very least.
mikecccc Jul 2015
You are a liar
I think
I know you lie
So you must understand
That I want the truth
But where to get it
You are suspect
And I am biased
But those third parties
Are so unaware
What to do
What to do.
mikecccc Jan 2016
the poor dear
bit into a luscious
looking apple
and nearly choked
on the worm
living deep
inside it
spose it's too late
for a fumigation.
mikecccc Aug 2016
took the law
into vengeful hands
got back at the crooked
but never did slake
the crowds thirst for revenge
always more to punish
the vigilante provided
a personnel touch
pleased some people
others wondered
if there wasn't a better way.
just rambling
mikecccc Jul 2015
Things happen
Things change
for better
for ill
You can demand
things freeze
and on a small scale
things may
but really there is naught
that can be done
ways of speech
ways of thought
ways of dance
they come and go
what will be
will be.
mikecccc May 2019
Vague Ominous
All powerfull
So they claim
not one several
Not many
Whatever shall WE do
Suffer probably
The strength of many
Never seems like enough.
mikecccc Jul 2016
I found heaven
and found
it had its own demons
So I moved to limbo
Not sure where
I will flee to next
I hear the void is nice.
mikecccc Sep 2015
I cant help but think
that maybe most
of what I hear
is largely unimportant
of course if you ignored everything
you'd miss the big stuff
be nice if there was transcript
of all my daily dialogue
I wouldn't read it
but it'd be nice to have.
mikecccc May 2016
They have
An Exclamation Point
how can we beat that.
mikecccc Nov 2015
You have
Such warmth
Such compassion
May I have some
Could you spare
A spot of heart
I swear one day
I will do the same
When I can.
mikecccc Jul 2024
Dancing hypocrites
Family values types
I value as props types
Cosby like those types
gropes at liberty
fracking in the garden of Eden
everything is burning
it was trans people
for sure.
too subtle sometimes
I know
**** Republicans
not all of course
just most
silly American
mikecccc Aug 2015
This thing
THIS thing
will ruin us
and them
it does stuff
to folks
it needs
to get gone
and by golly
it shall
or so I
keep insisting.
mikecccc Jun 2016
kinda messed up
kinda like
all the other ones
but you know
in it's own way
supposedly the worst way
but that could be
simple hyperbole.
kinda messed up
has pretty much always
been the status quo.
mikecccc Jul 2015
Its a joke
by a sociopath
still kinda funny
but also creepy
not everyone knows
so keep it
to yourself
like magic
an explanation
****** folks off.
mikecccc Aug 2015
It sends a shiver
right up my spine
and not the bad kind
so primal
so unrestrained
I wonder
if one day
we will leash it.
mikecccc Jun 2015
He sits on a grand chair
With his wife to the right
And his bolts to the left

He rules the sky
The gods and the earth
He slew his predecessor
With a bit of help
From his broes

He Is Zeus
mikecccc Oct 2016
Toss the present
into a box
so the future
can laugh at the past
or feel like archaeologists
which is more clinical
maybe learn something new
like what fools we were
and how similar we were to them
might be something worth selling
who can say.
mikecccc Jun 2016
Oh time
You willful thing
No body controls you
We simply try
To keep an eye
Out for you
You move too fast
You move too slow
For our tastes
But I don't suppose
You care
I wonder will we ever
Discover how to control you
Is that just a Sci fi pipe dream
Well we can't today
Maybe tomorrow
It always seems
That cool things
Are happening tomorrow.
Rough draft
as are all my drafts
mikecccc Sep 2015
Time heals all wounds
the real cure all
certainly no snake oil
or maybe not
maybe its a supplement
it dulls the pain
in most cases
but it doesn't always heal
for that you need something
i'm not sure what
probably a variety of things.
Cool did not expect to find this on the front page.
mikecccc Sep 2015
beware young soldier
danger lurks everywhere
the smallest of creatures
can **** the the unwary
of course
your armor is heavy
and if you wear it all the time
you may be too tired
for battle when it comes
even the strongest
fall before the sandman.
mikecccc Dec 2015
To be jolly
Fa la la la
You know the rest
Of the cursed song
A very hyped season
Full of fake cheer
and sales
I should dislike
on principle
But you know what
I really don't
I like Christmas movies
And Christmas lights
So to all
I wish a decent winter.
or whatever season you're currently experiencing
mikecccc Mar 2016
You touched
my soul and
truth be told
i'm not sure
which of us
was more disturbed.
mikecccc Jul 2015
Every one has desires
Every one has needs
Most needs are the same
Desires though
Now theirs the thing
Strange and unorthodox
In your eyes
Is so pedestrian
To another
Can we say
To each their own
When some truly care
I suppose some aren't important
The majority of course
Are really the ones
Power in numbers hmm
No no they have their ways
But the opinion that matters most
Is the one with the most silver tongue.
mikecccc Sep 2015
A new day
with any luck
a good one
mikecccc Aug 2016
much or few
balance is best
but hard to achieve
harder still to maintain
but worth it
I'm told
mikecccc Mar 2017
it's not all lies
it's mostly
and figures of speech
that's arguably better.
and lies
and delusions
mikecccc Nov 2015
Run run
To enact your plan
Poor little thing
It's all done
No matter your actions
My goals are fulfilled
You are just
Too little
And too late.
mikecccc Dec 2015
be careful
when you write
you may reveal
than was
your intent
you can than delete
or erase it from the page
but not from the mind.
well not easily
or in a way that's
likely healthy
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