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Sep 2015 · 230
The grand scheme
mikecccc Sep 2015
All things look small
In the big picture
Such a lofty perspective
Makes clear the unclear
Any horror can be minimized
It might be a wise view
Unimpeded by emotion or bias
But it isn't a kind one
And it's hard to have
Especially when a small view
Is so much more natural
And fits like a glove.
Sep 2015 · 268
mikecccc Sep 2015
A river I love
Despite never going to Egypt
I live on the river denial
I denial so much
I denied reality
I denied sorrow
It has helped
A great deal
Or so I like to claim
Sep 2015 · 177
mikecccc Sep 2015
Ah poor thing
all scratched up
twisted and torn
held in rough hands
I doubt you can be repaired
I could try
for what its worth
those scars are forever
if it helps
they make you look
Sep 2015 · 145
Tomorrow 10w
mikecccc Sep 2015
A new day
with any luck
a good one
Sep 2015 · 190
burn out
mikecccc Sep 2015
You gave it your all
You really did
Sadly you have nothing left
Not for friends
Not for family
Not for you
Maybe you can rest and recharge
You are done
I hope not
Sep 2015 · 1.0k
Cynical sloth
mikecccc Sep 2015
We're all doomed
and theirs nothing to do
the cynical sloth
all is gloom and doom
so you may as well
hop in a hammock
and sip drinks from coconuts
This is wrong
or so they claim
because letting things rot
since nothing is perfect
is incredibly unhelpful
also nothing ventured
means nothing gained
but doesn't mean
nothing lost.
Sep 2015 · 155
mikecccc Sep 2015
Such chaotic creatures
They crave order
Only to find
It isn't there kind of order
It isn't quite the thing
But if you change it
Just a bit it will be perfect
At least according to some
Others will find fault
And so more alterations
Will of course occur
They feel order
Is meant to be malleable
Not getting that order is stone
It's tradition
and that may not be
what they really want.
Sep 2015 · 131
disappearing act
mikecccc Sep 2015
Day by day
You waste away
I know why
But I don't know
How to stop it
The professionals give advice
As does everyone else
Yet nothing works
And still you fade
What can I do
What can I say
What will I do
Without you.
Aug 2015 · 226
mikecccc Aug 2015
No magic here
Just science and madness
I know it's so
I really do
Yet it sounds lovely
And it catches my mind
Do I have a genetic predisposition
To thinking about magic.
Aug 2015 · 150
mikecccc Aug 2015
Lost in a mental whirlpool
I'm drifting away
With nothing to anchor me
I wonder could you keep me here
Would you want to
Maybe I'll find someplace nice
Up in the clouds.
Aug 2015 · 327
circular society
mikecccc Aug 2015
what story is truly new
if you look closely
you'll find the answer
is quite few
from Gilgamesh
to Superman
and non fiction
shares that quality
ages ago
people asked
"why am I"
"is that wrong"
"what comes next"
I wonder if well have answers
according to the textbooks
probably not.
Aug 2015 · 165
mikecccc Aug 2015
Such a simple concept
do wrong and get punished
all society's need it
even if it seems warped
to outsider eyes
but its easy to confuse it
with vengeance
which is less clinical
and corruption ruins
the very idea of justice
making it so malleable
the rules must be firm
but they must also be tempered
with mercy maybe
Aug 2015 · 223
mikecccc Aug 2015
It's amazing
Your silver tongue
Isn't burned by the venom
You spew
I see people swayed
By your passion and your volume
Sheep I want to scream
Turn away from this snake
But I don't
And they certainly won't
Among your most insidious flock
They find acceptance
And learn of the fun
Of mob justice.
Aug 2015 · 164
mikecccc Aug 2015
All beginnings have an end
All is finite
And some
Think this is sad
Not really
Nobody enjoys
Things that last forever
Day by day
The amazing becomes dull
It's just one of those human foibles.
Aug 2015 · 314
Invisible knots
mikecccc Aug 2015
unseen ropes
connect them
they have no weight
no width
or so it seems
folks just walk through
it is no bouncers rope
yet it has an effect
when they are slashed
people notice.
Aug 2015 · 229
mikecccc Aug 2015
They just appear
these creatures
I have no say
I can't avoid them
They could a least ask
but no
so I wander
and bam
they appear
they swarm
it's freaky
at least to me
dam creatures
Aug 2015 · 168
one step
mikecccc Aug 2015
Two steps
Three steps
Blue steps
So many and each
Is a start to an adventure
Or just to work
It's simple really
Just move your feet
And away you will go
Or just stand here
Maybe sit down you know.
Aug 2015 · 729
mirror mirror
mikecccc Aug 2015
A pox on em all
All reflective and ****
Telling me things
With nonverbal cues
That I so don't wish to hear
Too many lines
Too many dots
That is all wrong
That just isn't right
I want to deny it
But I know that I see the truth.
Aug 2015 · 176
mikecccc Aug 2015
A fire in your belly
To do something
Maybe nothing big
No great deeds
Just survival
If nothing else
Not a roaring fire
But a few embers
Deep down there
Aug 2015 · 198
mikecccc Aug 2015
Sleep now child
Your day is done
But remember to rise
The next day will be here soon
And if you aren't there
Someone will notice
And be very displeased.
Aug 2015 · 637
cause and effect
mikecccc Aug 2015
Every effect has a cause
And vice versa
So I must ask
What is your cause
We see your effect
But what caused it
Can we stop it
Can we prevent it
Or are we doomed
To see this repeated
Time and again.
Aug 2015 · 154
mikecccc Aug 2015
It's a lie
There is no perfection
All things that are
Are flawed
But we persist
And some things
Just a rare few
Are dam near perfect
Which will just
Have to do
Or say some.
Aug 2015 · 164
mikecccc Aug 2015
The perfect shape
Is what I seek
Through trial and error
I shall find it
Even if you must suffer
Don't worry it will
Almost definitely be worth it.
Aug 2015 · 239
mikecccc Aug 2015
Kinda creepy
Those dark things
That hide behind you
Those shadows full of lurkers
We shine our lights
To rid ourselves of them
But they're stubborn
And when the lights go out
The shadows will be ready.
Aug 2015 · 368
mikecccc Aug 2015
Such disgusting creatures
small and without pride
they skitter all over
they infest
they distress
they survive
through atomic fire
through haughty beatings
they survive and thus
the next generation does the same
I suppose that's enough.
Aug 2015 · 191
mikecccc Aug 2015
Ah rage
my dear friend
when things are grim
I turn to you
you fill me to the brim
the world turns red
and when you leave
my problems are solved
albeit temporarily.
Aug 2015 · 134
mikecccc Aug 2015
What is the price of change
at its worst
broken lands
millions of dollars
and a great deal of blood
is it worth it
only history can say
in history
the grand scheme is
just a touch easier to see.
Aug 2015 · 155
get up get going or don't
mikecccc Aug 2015
You awake in the morning
You get ready for the day
You head out the door
And you see the paths
So many this way
That way any way
Is doable
Until you start to think
That path is too dangerous
Too rough
Too full of strangers
Too dam much
But worry not
There are always a few paths
Open to anyone
Or you could
just go back to bed.
Aug 2015 · 223
mikecccc Aug 2015
Ah the price of a life
some say its infinity
unless said person
is really annoying
but people die
for anything
for nothing
so what is it worth
less than ideas
less than rocks
less than so very many things.
Aug 2015 · 220
holy cup
mikecccc Aug 2015
I got a holy cup
it holds
no sacred blood
or any sacred secretions
it holds
Dr pepper
the drink o the gods.
Aug 2015 · 369
mikecccc Aug 2015
such sweets
that bend people
some may resist
but they are few
such things mean little
in the grand scheme
but that is very hard to see
from the gutters
and easy to ignore
hiding in palatial estates.
Aug 2015 · 226
Little needles
mikecccc Aug 2015
Little needles
they pop in and out
to jab me the spine
oh so often do they appear
they have no will
no particular intent
certainly not one
I can control
so just deal
is what I must do
maybe thicker clothes.
Aug 2015 · 218
mikecccc Aug 2015
It sends a shiver
right up my spine
and not the bad kind
so primal
so unrestrained
I wonder
if one day
we will leash it.
Aug 2015 · 229
wandering brain
mikecccc Aug 2015
My mind wanders
often to places
i'd rather not be
you might say
has a mind
all its own
very meta
and aggravating
but whats a body to do
meditation perhaps
maybe some mindfulness
Ah such grand choices
there are other options
of course
but they are
a tad grim.
Aug 2015 · 270
unnatural beacon
mikecccc Aug 2015
Night has fallen
in this wilderness
the moon is hiding
The stars seem dim
the fire is out
wolves are baying
the other prey
is hiding

on the horizon
is a light

not swooping firefly's
but an oddly bright
porch light
not exactly sunshine
but it will do
to guide me home
take that mother nature.
Aug 2015 · 173
mikecccc Aug 2015
Away false phantasms
you aren't real
you aren't even dead
yet you wont leave
just float their judging
like it was my fault
you know it wasn't
you know
Aug 2015 · 294
coup de grace
mikecccc Aug 2015
you're down
but not quite out
made of stern stuff
aren't ya
but don't worry
you won't have to last
too much longer.
Aug 2015 · 258
mikecccc Aug 2015
Your wild
outa control
but don't worry
we'll civilize ya
make you
right and proper
whatever that means today.
Aug 2015 · 191
skull o glass
mikecccc Aug 2015
your thoughts are clear
which is goodish
but you have thoughts
that are probably
best left unsaid
and you'll say em anyway
your also a poor liar
which is good
for everyone else.
Aug 2015 · 137
demon/angel weight
mikecccc Aug 2015
I'm weighed down
With angels and demons
The angels say go
The demons say stop
They are not good
And evil isn't right
The angel insists I live
However I will
The demons says
You should just surrender
They both make good points
Or maybe they don't
And I just hear what I want.
Aug 2015 · 212
mikecccc Aug 2015
Its all good
no danger
for you
in your small
metal box
next to the other
important objects.
Aug 2015 · 132
you are
mikecccc Aug 2015
you are what you are
and what are you
you are
what you are
whatever that may be
and you will never
be what you aren't
if you want to be.
Aug 2015 · 904
mikecccc Aug 2015
Cakes Cookies Croissant
apple fritters
so many choices
frosted or not
mayhaps sprinkles
ahh the calorie laden
sons of *******
Each bite
another nail
in your double wide coffin
accursed gods
wheat thins for everyone.
Aug 2015 · 1.8k
Que sura sura
mikecccc Aug 2015
Whatever will be will be
Or so says Doris day
I heard that song
So long ago
Sorry if I butchered it
But it still rings in my head
What will be will be
Is it true
Is it false
Should it be
Or is it an excuse
You aren't in control
And what will be
Will dam well be.
Aug 2015 · 179
mikecccc Aug 2015
A warning light
That isn't a shame
The problem
Is when you let it
Blind you
Don't stay in the dark
Just keep it in mind.
Aug 2015 · 167
mikecccc Aug 2015
My mind is full
with a strong filter
for my mouth
there never freed
is that right
is that wrong
I I don't know
it makes me want
to just bang my head
against the wall.
Aug 2015 · 236
Think of the children
mikecccc Aug 2015
This thing
THIS thing
will ruin us
and them
it does stuff
to folks
it needs
to get gone
and by golly
it shall
or so I
keep insisting.
Aug 2015 · 231
mikecccc Aug 2015
A portal
to other worlds
can inform and amuse
or a horrible brain leach
on who you ask.
Aug 2015 · 126
mikecccc Aug 2015
Do as you will
You know
within reason
no that
won't work
hmm well
be free
be happy
or if nothing else
be quiet
in your discontent.
Jul 2015 · 204
The Brain
mikecccc Jul 2015
Such an odd *****
a lump of grey
that leads everything else
full of mysteries
it makes
a terrible paper weight
much too sticky
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