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Jul 2015 · 252
mikecccc Jul 2015
Insanity as I've been told
is doing
the same dam thing
and expecting something
not sure if that's
a clinical diagnoses
but if so
I guess humanity
is insane.
Jul 2015 · 169
mikecccc Jul 2015
So bright
So out there
Your talent
for reveling things
I kinda hate you
even if it's unreasonable
I'd blot you out
that's impossible
for now.
Jul 2015 · 230
made of butter
mikecccc Jul 2015
Cut to the quick
with plastic knives
you are weak
and not
in fighting trim
on the pro side
you go well with toast.
Jul 2015 · 514
mikecccc Jul 2015
its so lifelike
kungfu grip
brushable hair
and light up eyes
but its still
a silly Pinocchio.
Jul 2015 · 343
mikecccc Jul 2015
An ill found everywhere
especially prevalent in society's
higher echelons
but the lower folk are not free
from its effects
do as I say
not as I do
perhaps its simply
a human foible
and no cure is available
aside from awareness
like so many woes.
Jul 2015 · 175
Losing sight
mikecccc Jul 2015
That isn't the point
you should know
you started this
it therefore
behooves you
to remember it
why you started
and where this is going
If you do forget
there may not be
anyone to remind you
just F.Y.I.
Jul 2015 · 215
In poor taste
mikecccc Jul 2015
You can't joke about that
it is
in a pro pri at  dude
or it is now and here
maybe then or there
it's all cool
but now it's just wrong.
Jul 2015 · 361
Crazy train
mikecccc Jul 2015
It has no conductor
And the the passengers
Though numerous are all alone
The wheels are made of flour
And the tracks of bubblegum
The whistle is louder than sound
It goes down a tunnel
Not so much dark
As an LSD nightmare
I never bought a ticket
Can I get off now?
Jul 2015 · 159
Life n stuff
mikecccc Jul 2015
You know
the world is amazing
birds o paradise
just tons of cool stuff
you hear sad things
and read it on the news
it's easy to forget
that such things exist.
Jul 2015 · 296
A candle in the void
mikecccc Jul 2015
it's pitiful
in the darkest places
there's a light
it illuminates
so very little
really it just
accentuates the darkness
and eventually it burns out
there's always another.
Jul 2015 · 246
to each their own
mikecccc Jul 2015
Every one has desires
Every one has needs
Most needs are the same
Desires though
Now theirs the thing
Strange and unorthodox
In your eyes
Is so pedestrian
To another
Can we say
To each their own
When some truly care
I suppose some aren't important
The majority of course
Are really the ones
Power in numbers hmm
No no they have their ways
But the opinion that matters most
Is the one with the most silver tongue.
Jul 2015 · 150
what is it
mikecccc Jul 2015
theirs a little for everyone
and a lot for some

some go through it quietly
and some shout till
their voices give out

but i wonder
why some go through it
and come out the other side
stronger and others weaker
or not at all

what quality is it
and how do you know
when you have it.
Jul 2015 · 224
dread locks
mikecccc Jul 2015
Way long ago
There was a women
Pretty as a picture
Who caught a sea gods eye
They were quite smitten
But alas too open
With their affections
They angered another
The wisest of gods
Since gods are above Reproach
It was she who suffered
Under the wise ones wrath
Cursed to slither
For eternity
As Medusa.
Jul 2015 · 814
Cover judging
mikecccc Jul 2015
Don't judge a book
by its cover
good advice
you know kinda
the cover tells you something
maybe not everything
but it certainly shouldn't
be ignored entirely
if nothing else
you need to remember
the title.
Jul 2015 · 155
so close
mikecccc Jul 2015
I lose
Once again
I tried
But that
Was yesterday
Today is a new day
And I'll try again
Maybe today
Is the day
Probably not
Nothing ventured
Nothing gained
I tell myself
Jul 2015 · 148
you can't lose
mikecccc Jul 2015
In that it's not a competition
There are no winners
And no losers.
That said
Some people really ****
At this not competition.
Jul 2015 · 171
This Thing
mikecccc Jul 2015
Its a joke
by a sociopath
still kinda funny
but also creepy
not everyone knows
so keep it
to yourself
like magic
an explanation
****** folks off.
Jul 2015 · 246
The press
mikecccc Jul 2015
It lowers slowly
making you bend
it never stops
the strongest falter eventually
the weak just bow faster
there is no reprieve
no loophole to abuse
a timeless process
some call life.
Jul 2015 · 616
the power of the hat
mikecccc Jul 2015
What do pirate captains and popes have in common
What separates a King from a prince
or a Queen from a princess
can you guess
well I can
Its head-ware
the cap
a mighty fine hat
or a crown
you may have army's
or the adoration of millions
but true power stems from a hat

Obviously not your common hat
a big one or very expensive
is a must

If your hat is small or shabby
you will find yourself
in a sad position
not laudable
but laughable.
Jul 2015 · 258
red eyes
mikecccc Jul 2015
They haunt me
Those rage filled
I wonder
What caused it
Or who
Can they be calmed
Would vengeance
Be the fix
Or is anger
And hate
all That's left.
Jul 2015 · 151
The Way Of Things
mikecccc Jul 2015
Things happen
Things change
for better
for ill
You can demand
things freeze
and on a small scale
things may
but really there is naught
that can be done
ways of speech
ways of thought
ways of dance
they come and go
what will be
will be.
Jul 2015 · 524
mikecccc Jul 2015
What The ****
Nature is weird
The order of it
Seems like madness
Perhaps order is false
Perhaps there is only chaos
Mayhaps I'm simply rambling.
Jul 2015 · 165
The Dunwich building
mikecccc Jul 2015
The office building from hell
It stands two stories high
and oozes malevolence
inside the dead wait for you
in poorly light rooms
You may regret finding
this accursed place.
Jul 2015 · 256
mikecccc Jul 2015
******* your so high
and very big
yet so small
you know comparatively
I can reach you
in a metal bird
and surpass you
in a rocket
but only for a time
eventually I return
to my proper place
while you remain
up there
Jul 2015 · 227
mikecccc Jul 2015
A figment made of iron
that equals a million lives
there is no future
without a past
it ensnares some
offends others
and some
realize it simply
is the beginning.
Jul 2015 · 154
mikecccc Jul 2015
What are you doing
Should I do that
Would that be weird
No okay
Well carry on then
I will do the thing
And hope it's right
Or maybe I won't
Oh nevermind.
Jul 2015 · 276
The power of time
mikecccc Jul 2015
Thinking on his mighty works and despairing
I'm force to admit
to fear.

Specifically the fear of the eroding power of time
No matter how great one becomes
their impression will fade.

the greater you are the longer you last
but at some point all that is left is
a once grand work that is now just a mystery

But even before that you may find
your impression is all that is remembered
not you
just your outline one that can be shaped to
fit another's ideals or goals

but we small folk will never reach even those heights
the average joes and janes
their actions when in a mass can be great
but the individual is not.

And when all is said and done all that is left is time
through empires and dynastys
through dinosaurs and cave folk
through planets and stars
all that remains unchanged is time.
Jul 2015 · 196
mikecccc Jul 2015
A restful moment
amidst the chaos
it never lasts
and can be false
but when its truly here
the wise savor it.
Jul 2015 · 223
to war
mikecccc Jul 2015
Why do they fight
I know some
Do it for money
Some for love
And others for their God
But I wonder which
Excuse is best.
Jul 2015 · 210
mikecccc Jul 2015
They used to be heroes
or so i'm told
they righted wrongs
and dispensed justice
these days
not so much
I couldn't say why
what changed
maybe it was life
or an evil wizards spell.
Jul 2015 · 173
That last step
mikecccc Jul 2015
I missed it
and i'm down
just act natural
and avoid anyone's eyes
as you run/walk for the exit
Jul 2015 · 156
Too much
mikecccc Jul 2015
It *****
that too much good
can turn sour
but heaps of woe
never get any sweeter
Jul 2015 · 142
mikecccc Jul 2015
A solid word
What is is
And what isn't
Is not
A fact
Sometimes things
That are false
Pretend to be facts
Which causes confusion
Among the masses
But worry not
In time all will be revealed.
Jul 2015 · 169
the truth
mikecccc Jul 2015
You are a liar
I think
I know you lie
So you must understand
That I want the truth
But where to get it
You are suspect
And I am biased
But those third parties
Are so unaware
What to do
What to do.
Jun 2015 · 135
mikecccc Jun 2015
Questions questions
So many
I can't answer
They drive into my brain
And nothing comes out
But rage and more questions
It makes me wonder if their
Is one
A good answer that is
There is a good answer
Somewhere I'm sure
Jun 2015 · 178
the moon 10w
mikecccc Jun 2015
One long Blink
That summons
The wolves
And the thieves
Jun 2015 · 501
The avian of flame
mikecccc Jun 2015
Look it's a bird
It's a plane
Oh no
Sorry it is a bird

Though a very strange one
It appears to be on fire
Is it raining flaming fowl
Or is that the Phoenix

A bird of legend
Coined by someone old
It bursts aflame at the end
Of it's day's
only to be reborn
From the ashes

God ran out of locus
And so now it's raining
Fiery pheasant.
Jun 2015 · 465
Scrub a dub dub
mikecccc Jun 2015
Scrub scrub scrub
Till I see blood
Out dam spot
I say
But it doesn't work
And it never goes away
The water burns
And my hands are red
Why can't I get clean?
Jun 2015 · 425
Do not touch
mikecccc Jun 2015
Once upon a time
There was a creature
A very inquisitive one
That was perhaps
Unwisely trusted with a box
Not of course just any box
But one that held
All the ills of the world
diseases rage greed etc etc
Or so the creature was told
It looked like any old box
It felt like it to
So the creature put the box away
never ever opened it
And lived happily ever after

Jk it peeked
And all the woe
Was unleashed

Fortunately aside from ills
The box held hope and other good stuff
Not sure what happened to the creature though
Might have been turned to stone

Moral of the story
I don't know
I guess
Don't press the red button
And don't give dangerous gifts
To the inquisitive and untrusting.
Jun 2015 · 177
mikecccc Jun 2015
It's all over dude
The end was nigh
And came then went
So now all we have are
Sand and ruin
Oh and roaches
Nothing kills
There are some people
They are unwell
Civilization is a dream
Of the past
But I'll be honest
What hurts the most
Is that all the Wendy's have closed.
Jun 2015 · 201
walking on the moon
mikecccc Jun 2015
There's nothing here
It's like a dessert
Sans the sun
I was hoping for more
Maybe some lunar citizens
To borrow some sugar from
Or space monsters
But no nothing happens here
I can still gather moon rocks
I bet NASA will pay a mint.
Jun 2015 · 270
corn field kids
mikecccc Jun 2015
My sight is obstructed
By corn
I see future popcorn
As far as the eye can see
I know there almost
Certainly aren't
Sickle Wielding kids in there
But I'm still going around
Just to be safe.
Jun 2015 · 121
curse you dialog
mikecccc Jun 2015
I tried to write a book
it went
I try to capture wisdom
and wit
with words
but my attempts
fall flat
any aspiring authors
want to let me steal your work.
mikecccc Jun 2015
who watches the watchmen
or something to that effect
its an important thought
they keep an eye on us
but who watches them
are they their own check
a very ab-usable system
if they can't watch themselves
we get more
watchers to watch the watchmen
but that same problem pops up
their overseers get corrupt
so we must watch them
but you know you can't trust us.
Jun 2015 · 185
The Seeker
mikecccc Jun 2015
There are things to do
And places to go
But I'm not sure exactly
Where to go
Or what to do
But I can feel it in my bones
The need to answer those
Unasked questions
Is that normal
Am I experiencing wanderlust
So much to do
I think.
Jun 2015 · 230
mikecccc Jun 2015
There they are
those folks
they stand around
doing things
things you dislike
possibly just to spite you

What to do What to do
you could freak out
but then you'll be on their radar
and it probably won't help

you could try getting to know them
learn how they tick
maybe they aren't so bad

or you could try hiding
under a rock or in plain-site
that can be very stressful
which is bad for your heart

Whatever you do
best be quick
cause their coming
over here.
Jun 2015 · 1.6k
mikecccc Jun 2015
It's broken
In a thousand pieces
All the kings men yada yada
Yet still you attempt to rebuild
Diligently picking up the pieces
Are you a fool
For trying to fix
The unfixable
Or am I
for never Trying at all.
Jun 2015 · 212
urge to sneer rising
mikecccc Jun 2015
I want to mock you
You may even deserve it
I don't know
You probably don't
But it's quite amusing
At least it is for me
But I resist
That urge
Even if only just
Because if you have
Only ill to say
You should say nothing
Jun 2015 · 871
mikecccc Jun 2015
Once upon a time
A man from Greece
Upset the gods
well who knows
They were an irritable bunch
So he was cursed
Not in life but in death
Cursed to roll a stone
Up a hill
Not so bad you might say
Expect that the stone never stilled
At the end of each day
(Or underworld equivalent of a day)
The stone rolled back down the hill
And to this day he deals
With that accursed stone
Ever rolling.
Jun 2015 · 395
benevolent overlord
mikecccc Jun 2015
God loves you
always remember
through war
through famine
through genocide
it's all apart of the plan
and when your all done
you can sit on a cloud
and bask in his awesomeness
or possibly if you waver
burn in flame
but stay positive
your wrathfully loving god
has his eye on you.
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