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Sep 2015 · 408
Confidenceless egotist
mikecccc Sep 2015
You are the best
The brightest
Or so you love to say
Deep down
You know your nothing
Just an atom
Of our big big world
No matter how
You scream
your supposed Superiority
Nothing changes.
Sep 2015 · 204
Stand up
mikecccc Sep 2015
Standing up
To hatred
To discrimination
To all kinds of horrors
Is a requirement for change
If no one says anything
And if no one does anything
Then nothing will change
Which is easy to write
But the doing
Now that is quite hard
Since the first to stand
Are the first to fall
But someone has to do it.
Sep 2015 · 159
In this day and age
mikecccc Sep 2015
You ever hear people say
How is this still a thing
Why are we
Still doing THAT
In our enlightened age
It's cause
We're human
And humans change
Very slowly.
Sep 2015 · 265
Second best
mikecccc Sep 2015
Whatever you do
There will always
Be someone better
Than you
Some hear this
And decide
Never to try
Take that as a challenge.
Sep 2015 · 227
mikecccc Sep 2015
A secret place
To escape everything
And everyone
The loving ones
The unpleasant ones
And those that don't care
Someplace quiet
Maybe somewhere
Over the rainbow
But really anywhere
Just not here
If only for a visit.
Sep 2015 · 391
raisin cookie
mikecccc Sep 2015
looking good
at least
from a far
up close
the truth is obvious
you haven't got
a single
chocolate chip.
Sep 2015 · 153
mikecccc Sep 2015
look into a mirror
look deep
do you see you
not everyone does
they see what they want
or they see what they fear.
Sep 2015 · 184
Reality denied
mikecccc Sep 2015
Reality is whats real
A fact readily accepted
now if only we all agreed
on what is real
it's so simple
the proof is right there
Yet the truth
whatever that is
is denied
with malicious intent
or out of ignorance
and sometimes
malicious ignorance.
Sep 2015 · 384
mikecccc Sep 2015
It would be difficult
to travel the brier patch
that life can be
without collecting
a few scars
ether on the body or the mind
maybe if you did get
to the end of the path
without at least a few scrapes
it would mean
you never really lived.
Sep 2015 · 165
mikecccc Sep 2015
when opportunity knocks
some answer the door
and some close the blinds
so it can't peek in
either choice could be a mistake
those who answer the door
will learn with hindsight
and those who don't
can only ever wonder
what if.
Sep 2015 · 978
gummy bear
mikecccc Sep 2015
You should be intimidating
All big and tough
But no
You I fear are
Gummy bear
Not even sour
Safe for consumption
By any one
Also prone to decapitation.
Sep 2015 · 169
if you were god
mikecccc Sep 2015
I try not to blaspheme
If only to avoid reprisal
But I have to wonder
What would you do
If you had that job
I know what I would
And it's best left unsaid
It's just a philosophical question
If the divine exists
They probably won't retire soon
So does the answer matter
No or yes
Either way I can always ask.
Sep 2015 · 315
consumer culture
mikecccc Sep 2015
They say that like it's a bad thing
Like once upon a time
No one wanted things
Maybe there was
A simpler time
But then again
they couldn't
Have those things
Does that still count.
Sep 2015 · 362
what to say
mikecccc Sep 2015
what can you say
when your favorite people
are hurting
and everything you say
sounds insincere
the history's their
your a snarky *******
but right now
you don't want to be
I suppose
you just say nothing
and be ready to listen.
Sep 2015 · 177
mikecccc Sep 2015
A most malevolent stead
it rides right into your brain
and brings unpleasant dreams
Surreal ones that
make your brain spin
and ones too real
to let you move at all
is there anywhere to hide
any way to guard my mind.
Sep 2015 · 207
knife thrower
mikecccc Sep 2015
those of poor dexterity
aught not throw knives
yet evidently I do
and with a blindfold to
since i'd rather
not see any spilled blood
I hit my target
somewhat unintentionally
perhaps I should get headphones
to block out the screams.
Sep 2015 · 193
men and women
mikecccc Sep 2015
one and all
are statistically inclined
to one thing
or another
but we're chaotic creatures
and oddities abound
still we fight
the same old fight
about who belongs where
can't we all just get along
history says no
what do you say?
Sep 2015 · 336
little red light
mikecccc Sep 2015
you looking at me
red dot in the darkness
ever glowing
ever staring
i'de turn you around
but that
would be crazy
Sep 2015 · 909
fallen idols
mikecccc Sep 2015
God dam it
You owe me nothing
You never asked for my faith
Yet still you had it
When I thought about the best
You were it or dam near it
But you failed
You've proven me wrong
And though I know
That your only human
I hate you for it.
Sep 2015 · 195
mikecccc Sep 2015
yes except no
yes now
no later
things happen
we react
our reactions are distressing
but we can excuse those acts
cause things
except when we can't
then no one knows what to do
and justice is served
you know
Sep 2015 · 327
A chest
mikecccc Sep 2015
A plain box
with an intricate padlock
quite mysterious
what's inside
a heart
metaphorical treasure
you wont know
till the box is open
keep in mind
the box
will be nothing
once its contents are gone
except to cat's and box fiends.
Sep 2015 · 426
white picket fence 10w
mikecccc Sep 2015
A **** defense
you should get
brick walls
spikes maybe.
Sep 2015 · 203
future you
mikecccc Sep 2015
What would you see
If you could see
The you to be
I fear it would be bad
But I'm very negative
Perhaps a butterfly
Finally changed
Or a version more worm like
Than the present
And I wonder
What they might say
To the you of today
Something inspiring
Or perhaps horrifying
Maybe it's for the best
That we won't know
Until later.
Sep 2015 · 291
starburst 10w
mikecccc Sep 2015
Isn't it amazing
A little square
Can be
Surprisingly juicy.
Sep 2015 · 192
mikecccc Sep 2015
Ash that fills your chest
it floods the hearts chamber
and if untended
consumes it
it screams
a primal and unthinking
many find its voice

but not after.
Sep 2015 · 554
who am I to judge
mikecccc Sep 2015
No one
A simple passerby
A nosey neighbor
A friend perhaps
But can I judge
You for your actions
Of course
Should I
Perhaps not.
Sep 2015 · 250
can't save them
mikecccc Sep 2015
If you ran
Into a burning building
All heroic and such
You would expect
Those who could
To go along with you
To take your hand
And flee
But sometimes
They won't
They bury themselves
In burning timber
And if you stay
You could burn to.
Sep 2015 · 330
mikecccc Sep 2015
You ever seen
Those ships in a bottle
Those are done by hand
Such precision
Such patience
It makes me want
To scream just thinking it
And that's the problem
You want a poem finely crafted
And all you get
Are chaotic ravings.
Sep 2015 · 838
mikecccc Sep 2015
A white fog
seeps into your brain
it whisperers sleep
things need doing
but nothing you
can't do later
fog should be
chilly and damp
but this is warm blankets
on a winters day
it makes a good case
but when the fog
rolls away
it might be too late
to do
what should've been done.
Sep 2015 · 656
Chivalry is dead?
mikecccc Sep 2015
Way back when
knights had a code
they called it chivalry
it was less heroic
and more Clegane
then years later
it was said to be
a guideline
for gentleman's etiquette
the truth is
chivalry is just a word
and so long as we remember it
it stays alive
albeit in a warped sorta way.
Sep 2015 · 215
mikecccc Sep 2015
A green smoke
That fills your lungs
Till each breath
Is nearly choked
With jealousy
The things
That they have
And you never will
The talents they possess
That you can't copy
The people
That surround them
That you want to snub
It make you think
Things best left unthought
This noxious fog
Will be your ruin
Or it can be
If you let it.
Sep 2015 · 178
mikecccc Sep 2015
It would be awful
To see it all
To know all the wrongs
Committed each day
Of course
All the good
Would be clear as well
But I have to wonder
If it would really balance out
Sep 2015 · 125
falling stars
mikecccc Sep 2015
Oh bright bits
Way up in your home
You do so much
A guide
A light
A simple pretty sight
It always brings me down
When I hear
That one of your own
Has fallen
The remains
Picked over by we
I suppose that's a reminder
That nothing lasts forever.
Sep 2015 · 129
rolling stone
mikecccc Sep 2015
As you go
You gather grime
Depending on where you go
You gather more or less
But almost certainly
Not none

And When my days are done
I hope what's left
Is not too obscured with grime.
Sep 2015 · 231
winged monkey
mikecccc Sep 2015
A simple minion
Is all you are
You could fly away
At any time
Staying to serve
A terrible master
You could be more
You could be
A flying ace.
Sep 2015 · 152
common sense 10w
mikecccc Sep 2015
The simplest things
That everyone knows
Or so everyone says
Sep 2015 · 119
mikecccc Sep 2015
Can not
What can't be done
By you
By me
By them
Not much
Most can do
So much more than they think
The real issue is should
The answer
Sep 2015 · 417
Caligula love
mikecccc Sep 2015
An extreme hedonist
Pleasure is the point
In all things
Be they love
Be they life
Be they war
It has a certain charm
And a certain grotesqueness
Or so I'm told
To seek pleasure
Over enlightenment
Over duty
Over all
So little pain
Except the fun kind
You can have all the starburst
You can keep down.
Sep 2015 · 1.5k
mikecccc Sep 2015
Little people
in your ball
I am your lord
I make it snow
and cause quakes
I say
and no one cares
those inside are quite stoic
and those on the out
seem quite condescending
a sad lord am I.
Sep 2015 · 170
they say
mikecccc Sep 2015
I cant help but think
that maybe most
of what I hear
is largely unimportant
of course if you ignored everything
you'd miss the big stuff
be nice if there was transcript
of all my daily dialogue
I wouldn't read it
but it'd be nice to have.
Sep 2015 · 156
love thyself
mikecccc Sep 2015
or at least tolerate yourself
you can run from anyone
but even in the deepest hole
or the farthest countries
you can't escape you.
Sep 2015 · 225
obscuring night
mikecccc Sep 2015
in the darkness
anything is possible
and nightmares are probable
every sound is trouble
but their is a bright side
all your woes
are shrouded
at least until dawn
when that light pours inside
things are harder to ignore.
Sep 2015 · 337
malevolent green glare
mikecccc Sep 2015
Oh the limelight
Desired by all
Except those in it
I suppose
It's human nature
To want to be known
And also so human
To regret our desires
For so many
When the light
Shines on you
We see too much
Or somehow too little
Which causes misery
And can ruin
The thing you loved
Not always
To be sure
But often enough
To make you wonder
If you still want it
Honestly just a little bit.
Sep 2015 · 199
mikecccc Sep 2015
The optimist
A person who always
Looks for the the silver line

A pessimist
The guy who's view
Is always obscured
With stormy clouds

And the realist
Who keeps an eye
On the other two
To make sure
They don't run into any walls
While their busy staring at clouds.
Sep 2015 · 526
times medicinal value
mikecccc Sep 2015
Time heals all wounds
the real cure all
certainly no snake oil
or maybe not
maybe its a supplement
it dulls the pain
in most cases
but it doesn't always heal
for that you need something
i'm not sure what
probably a variety of things.
Cool did not expect to find this on the front page.
Sep 2015 · 184
just leave
mikecccc Sep 2015
Just drop everything and run
when the unpleasantness comes
such sage advice
for a ***
with nothing to drop
we are made to cling
to our stuff and our people
we truly are
even when all we have
is pain and trouble.
Sep 2015 · 333
plain clothes
mikecccc Sep 2015
I saw a monster
it wore khakis
and was of middling height
it hurt folks
with knives
with paper
with a cool detachment
and at days end
its family was overjoyed
to see they had returned.
Sep 2015 · 522
I love/tolerate/hate you
mikecccc Sep 2015
I wish you wellish
or I don't actively
wish you harm
I have my reasons
there good in my eyes
mayhaps i'm wrong
but either way
you needn't worry
I would never hurt you
in a way the courts could prove.
Sep 2015 · 316
mikecccc Sep 2015
crawlin up and down
my person
I can feel it
but I cant see it
its dam uncomfortable
but supposedly
if I take this and that
I can battle the invisible menace
I will feel better soonish
if it doesn't **** me.
Sep 2015 · 292
mikecccc Sep 2015
I've seen grade A folks
and you aren't one
not even closeish
it could be okay
you have your place
you could try to be better
you may even succeed
though I'd wager
self improvement
for you is but a pipe dream
but what do I know.
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