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  Feb 2020 cannabis cat
I am deciduous
Verdant and tender
Alive in the resonance
Of your voice.

I will tremble in the winds of summer
When the night’s cool edges
Ripple the leaves against the sky

And I

Am awash in a hallowed rhythm.

I crave a sacred touch
Like wilderness
Like music
Like pulsing rivers of blood
Flooding my veins,
Like the greening of forests
In spring.

My leaves sing
When skimmed by the rough edges of your fingertips
Dipped now into the crevices of my hips and
I will bend like a sapling in your palms
And I will lick the sun

Until the gray of winter falls
And there is the inevitable return to earthly things
Trapped a deciduous being
Always longing for
Realms that are evergreen.
cannabis cat Dec 2019
Good girls and goddess boys
Smear lipstick on the mirror

It would have been one lonely night
Thank you for showing up
cannabis cat Nov 2019
You don’t care
You really don’t care at all
******* and all your desires
I can’t stand you

I have no pity for you
Why should I feel bad
You do nothing but hurt
Not yourself but others

Popping pills like balloons
Exploding organs like bombs
Splatter that **** everywhere
**** yourself in the process

I want to ******* like an animal
I want to feel your insides
Keep me away from my grave
I’ll **** you if you let me fall in

I stopped loving you
I miss doing it though
You smell like warm
I miss your taste

Treat me like a queen
Never stop loving me
Buy me little gifts
Let them eat cake

The worst part is that I remember everything
I want to forget
My head is full of broken thoughts
Death spells spill from my teeth

It’s cold as hell
I loathe your face
I want to destroy you
Slit your wrists like paper

Drown you in acid
Seeing your skin dissolve
Flame up your house
**** those you love

But I have one thing left to say
When I see you it reminds me of a phrase
I want you to be happy
I love you with all my heart
cannabis cat Nov 2019
I wish I knew you when I was younger
We could have lasted for a while
The butterflies you once gave me
Migrated to another lover

Nothing lasts forever
Somehow I thought this could
Please stay the night with me
I know how to treat you right

Give me a kiss goodbye
Sleep through your alarms
Forget about the day ahead
Lay with me in bed

I think you’re beautiful
But you struck down my heart
Gave it to some undeserving
And I still forgave you

Waste of talent
You’re making me feel ill
I just lost myself
Is this what I deserve?
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