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  Oct 2016 Mickael Paquier
brian odongo
You were my perfect poem
Brief but of many lessons
Our life was the perfect paradox
For love I thought we could rhyme

You hated all I ever loved,I loved all you hated
You said dirt was clean and the sun was cold
You desired tears for years
And resisted all advances of happiness

All you hated I had to forsake
For our love was at stake
But like a toddler you had fun with my feelings
Leaving our blindest love in darkness reeling

Yet my greatest victory was losing you
My severest pain was my sweetest gain
You schooled me through experience
My all-time worst teacher

You were my perfect poem
Eternity would be short to describe the undescribable
For when my hand is strong to hold the pen
Then my heart is weak to pen the words
  Sep 2016 Mickael Paquier
Illya Oz
When my day is feeling gray
And my mind is in disarray
I look outside
Only to find
A blue butterfly
Fluttering through the sky

When I saw the blue
Of its wings as it flew
It brought a smile to my face
As its wings flap with grace
It brings happiness in its wake
And many friends does it make*
For my friend Kirashma, who is always so kind and friendly and always makes people happy just like the blue butterfly.
  Sep 2016 Mickael Paquier
Find me at the edge of the world
with my heart rotting
amongst the remainigs of my life
the skeletons of my dreams and the ghosts of my hopes,
find me there
and let me die
in the space between your eyes
or even better-
in the space between
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