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Mar 2017 · 524
A Rainy Day Murder
Today, from class I was walking
On the phone with my boyfriend,
I was talking,
When between my feet I felt
A squishy, squirmy wormy,
Who's brain,
I mushed, stomped,
Smashed and smushed,
amidst the evening rain.

I cried out "why!?"
For his little brown eye,
Stared deep into my soul.
It looked so sad,
Because it was a dad,
To other squirmy wormys
I couldn't see.

As I was walking,
Still on the phone, talking
To my boyfriend,
who could not see,
The death of the wormy,
No longer so squirmy,
And I considered
What is life to be.
Apr 2012 · 838
Hot summer streets
I'm hot, you're cold.
Chimpanzee's is hatin'
You think I'm pretty.

She's got both hands,
High-rise, veins of the avenue.
I kinda feel like it don't make sense.
I grew tired of the same, then one night...

Rainstorm, take me away from the norm.
If God had long hair and a goatee,
I don't wanna be the girl that laughs the loudest.
Hands down, I'm too proud for love.
Feb 2012 · 836
Visible Arrest
There is an alley on Lombardy
where cars ****** grass
and brick buildings stand tall on either side.
An ocean blue trashcan sticks out
beneath the window of a girl with a dog.

He wheezes as she kills
the cigarette in ash.
Confusion and sadness fill
their smoky clouds of thought that float
together, creating one.
The idea of leaving him alone
causes worries sharp as nails
to attack her focus. She packs his bag,
rubs his snout. Wind whispers soft slurs
that cause her skin to bubble.

Saying goodbye is hard, the backseat
gets stiff and lonely. Blossoming meadows
passed turn brown and withered. Trees grow
dull, with cracked bark. The ride turns
her stomach into a black hole
consuming every ***** until she is empty
inside, the cell against her spine makes
the sound of a dead branch
her bones are hollow
her mind sings a song about
a girl and a dog and she smiles
as the metal door slides shut.
Feb 2012 · 566
The silence surrounds us
while we chop and mix.
Look left. A familiar face
without a name. Here.
This place is where you come.

Make sweet tea and swing your feet
back and forth to the cadence
of the questions. May I?
No, sorry.
I’m really not.

Then the sticky *****
tumbles in the lap of
that person you know,
fury fills the surrounding air.

After we seal the deal
we head to 7-11 for
Voss and Camel Filters
as we keep our eyes open, wide
like in the day.

Luna in the sky
keeps my fear internal
as the one you know
is walking two steps behind you.
Feb 2012 · 1.2k
Couches & Coasters
The kid has it all since that’s how it works.
Blindfolds cover the view of life and
Smiles seem to be everlasting.
Then the apartment needed a new couch.

Looking out windows and porches to
Watch the sunrise changes your view
Of how to buy your coasters, but couches
Take time to know. That’s the one.

My couch is white and green
With two stains from when
Nillie tried to eat pudding.

— The End —