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4.5k · May 2013
Michael Grace May 2013
light skin
light curls
light laugh
light... heart

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                     dark skin
                                                            ­                                                                 ­                                  dark curls
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                                 dark laugh
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                             heavy... heart

eyes clear green
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                            eyes deep cafe
                                                            ­              stare with electricity
                                                     ­                        carry me down
                                                            ­               feel the intensity

soft sweet sultry
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                    rough cut ravenous
delicate porcelain
                                                       ­                                                                 ­                           sturdy terracotta

envelope me
chase me
ravage me
break my porcelain skin

                                                           ­                                                                 ­                                    entice me
                                                              ­                                                                 ­                                awake me
                                                              ­                                                                 ­                               tighten me
                                                              ­                                                                 ­             sand my rough edges

                                                          ­                      hold me close
                                                           ­                      till days end
                                                             ­                 to show me love
                                                            ­                 and compliment
My first love poem... It can be about a girl or a boy, whatever your preference
2.4k · Aug 2014
Michael Grace Aug 2014
There's a creek I used to see
When I was young
I'd go there to think
It calmed my mind
See the girls were all yelling
And it made it all cloudy
And the boys were all calling
And it made it all rowdy
My mind was a castle for them to play in and stay in.
I wasn't tired yet but cried from all the savin

There's a Brook I used to go to
When I was older
I'd go there to kiss
It gave me more time
See the boys were all touching
And it made me afraid
And this one boy he cared
And we held hands and stayed
My heart was a labyrinth for them to search in.
I wasn't wild yet but tired from all the ridin.

There's a river I used to go to
When I got a little older
I'd go there to lie
It treated me kind
See the men were all looking
And it made me so scared
And the one boy he left
And I had only scars left
My body was a object for them to play with.
I wasn't dying yet but wild from all the givin

There's a lake I still go to
Now that I'm older
I go there to sink
It lets me pass the time
See the people all are passing
And it makes me look down
And I've been alone so long
And I'm tired of changing
My soul is a tomb for them to lay in
I'm not dead yet but dying from all the cravin

But in the winter it gets colder
The lake freezes up
No one sees me as I walk holding my cup
I breathe it in and someone whispers to me deeply
"Honey we're all flyin through life, so stay an evening"
2.4k · May 2013
Michael Grace May 2013
Insignificance is a relative term
The pessimistic thoughts that pass through our heads…
The thoughts that say:
We are not good enough,
We do not matter,
We are insignificant
These are all just thoughts
Controlled by you
A person,
Who can make choices and decisions,
And although you may not be able to change the world as a whole
You can change those insignificant little thoughts
Because a person is more than what you think
They are one of seven billion, but how big is seven billion really?
And the world that you truly live in is made up of much, much less
So the next time you think you aren't enough
Remember that it’s you who controls whether you feel like enough or not.
And when I feel like I’m drowning and I can’t breathe during the day,
And all I want to do is crawl up in a ball in my house and cry and feel and be left alone
I have to be reminded how much I’m worth
Because even if we don’t know it,
We are all worth something
Even if sometimes we make mistakes
Even if sometimes we hurt ourselves to let people know we aren't fine
Even if we feel like we’re nothing
We aren't*
Because although the world is a hateful and horrible awful place full of ignorance and judgment,
There are still lights and halos and happiness and there’s laughter too in there
There’s babies being born, people getting married, and random acts of kindness being done
There are cookies and baklava and puppies
There are young lovers and happy children and sweet singing
There’s music and art and love being made
And although the babies may be still, the couples may get divorced, and the acts of kindness may be empty
The cookies may be burnt, the baklava old, and the puppies dead
The young lovers may break each other’s hearts, the happy children may grow up and the sweet singing stopped
The music may be sad, the art distasteful and the love not true
It doesn't matter because all these things are part of life
And all of these things were done by people
And you’re a person
So I’d say that’s pretty ******* awesome.
I wrote this for a friend when she was depressed. She said it really helped.
1.1k · Sep 2013
the cycle.
Michael Grace Sep 2013
nope. no more.
I'm sick. sick of you
let a girl have *** if she wants too
let a girl have emotions if she wants to
let a girl be herself without you judging her every detail and flaw
******* stop
you don't know her
you don't know her life
you probably don't even know her family
so stop judging based on what you can see till you can dig a little deeper.
either look closer or don't look at all with those beady little ******* eyes.
get over who you are.
because you may think you're perfect, but that girl you called a **** is calling you a *****.
and you're repeating the cycle.
1000 · May 2013
Empty Names
Michael Grace May 2013

Snake your way into my heart
With sweet nicknames
Make me drunk on it
All the lies I want to hear


Snake your way in
Take what you want
Then leave without a peep
Quietly leave me to my memory


Depend on me
You promise
Depend on me
You couldn’t trust the last one
But you can trust me
You can… always trust me


Slithering in and slithering out
Charming and chasing and running away
Feeling and loving and changing your mind
And always naming me


Even as you can hear the tears falling down my face
And the angry fumes in my voice


I am not a princess
I am a queen
Passed down from many others before
I stand and breathe your  air
But I am not the same as you
I am no sweetie
No baby
I am a storm
783 · Oct 2013
Not yet
Michael Grace Oct 2013
You should be afraid of me
Most people are
I'm a monster of emotions and broken parts
Don't try to piece me back it's not worth the struggle
I'm in the land of lost toys hiding neath the rubble
I'll come out some day when I'm good and ready
But not yet sweet child for these delusions are heavy

Hanging from the noose is my poor soul
Don't come up or you be pulled into my cold
Dark hands reaching for the surface
But the water is murky and your face a blur
I'll find you sometime when my eyesight is clear
But not yet sweet child for I'm not one to endear

Rings at the alter I'm swaying to the music
My sins I have bore will soon make me lose it
I lie and I love and I dream and indulge
But nothing is worth your soul I engulfe
One day I'll be strong and speak the right lines
But not yet sweet child I need to go for a ride
780 · Jun 2013
You Can...
Michael Grace Jun 2013
you can crush me under your foot
silence me
squash me
crash into me with your car
make me grovel
make me kiss your feet
rip me apart
strip away everything i have
but you can not
*break me
717 · May 2013
Michael Grace May 2013
You stand
Surrounded by animals 
Who don't have the intelligence to know
That you are cold 
You run and play smoke all ******* day
Never trying to chase your demons away 
And you see me 
And you laugh? 
What an odd thing
That the only real person around you is to be laughed at by a man with a mask 
You mask your fears 
You mask your love
You mask your kindness 
But I know it all 
I know the things that can make you fall 
I know it all
So stand and laugh
With your hyenas in tow 
Your swine cannot hurt me
*I only ever glow
706 · May 2013
Michael Grace May 2013
follow me
to beds of roses
to lust and passion
to drinks and hangovers

                                                                                                                                                                follow me
                                                                                                                                                 to tear filled nights
                                                                                                                                                to unwritten letters
                                                                                                                                              to razor sharp edges

follow me
to a joyous night
to a kiss and a light
to fireworks and moonlit skies

                                                                                                                                                                follow me
                                                                                                                                             to a cramped up bed
                                                                                                                                                     to broken hearts
                                                                                                                                   to shadows and silhouettes

                                                                                       lead me
                                                                                 to some reason
                                                                                   to some time
                                                                                   to some logic
                                                                                 out of the grime

                                                                                      lead me
                                                                                  to consistency
                                                                                   to symmetry
                                                                                   to brilliantly
                                                                                   lit skies and

— The End —