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Michael Blonski Aug 2016
My life is a
striking the box,
exploding into flame

The power of friction

Burning brightly,
with youthful energy

Slowly the flame dies
until a smoke trail leads
to a burnt match tossed
to the floor

smoldering in place
Michael Blonski Aug 2016
The moon sits high upon
Its polished chrome throne
Casting down a melody
Steady to the beat
And sweet sounds punctures

Embrace the high king
That sings to dissolve night
Light pierces through my eyes
Resided in the glowing

Show me moon your terminus
Line, finding it's like my scars
Splits us into that which lived
And that which has yet

To experience the solar glow
Michael Blonski Aug 2016
Leaves prove to us
the coming of the winter season
gentle floating blades
cut deeply into memory

The innocence of a pile
of orange, reds, and
as they continued to fall
I have

less and less they are noticed
so complacent we have become
to take part in
the joy
of a simple
change of color
Michael Blonski Aug 2016
Sometimes I feel that
we are all
messages in bottles
Floating with currents
Rising and falling with waves
Anxiously waiting for the day
to be read
by affectionate eyes
Michael Blonski Aug 2016
We read through books,
roll the dice,
as we gamble that their
words will not confirm our

Only to reach conclusions
that our choices
are vindicated by
past spirits took

We set sail for fertile lands,
lands that give promise,
of yielding an abundance
of hope

Lope in the fields
of swaying tall grasses
indulge in landscapes
free of the
huddled masses

And no matter
how much we experience,
it will never be enough,
We'll always long for more
and to drink from
silver cups
Michael Blonski Aug 2016
Everything will be color and
Crystals sound off, as you remove
the drop cloth

paintings from yesterday
and weep to fill the oceans
found in a picturesque seascapes

Seashells mark the paths where
to drown the hearts of peace loving
We'll swim for daylight in this
tranquil twilight scene
Find the definition of love
within the sea

The shadows seek walls
to gain your attention during the
burning light of day
And everything spins
around to
push the shadows back into
the ground

Her heart is a bright lighthouse beam
guiding me past
sharp rocks and dangerous reefs
And gives me purpose
to see
That this is the life
I wish to be
Michael Blonski Aug 2016
I inhale air
exhale clarity
the purity of the cosmos
my ever exhausted body

I morph into
the tiniest of particles
dancing in the breeze
finding strength in
the gaze of star light's

Numb to change
the removal of a
innocence being
from where
I came from,
shallow screams

I drift upon the energy
of winds transporting

To the seas of nebulae
where I can witness
the birth of
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