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 May 2014 Micaiah
Edgar Allan Poe
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow—
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream:
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand—
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep
While I weep—while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
 May 2014 Micaiah
a useless cartographer
i would be,
as all roads
my love would lead me
back to thee..
all seas
would wash upon
thy shore....
all rivers fjords
and waterways
would  be found to flow to your doorstep in a cascading
meridean, ley lines,
all would be  
******* in  bows and attached to your casement windows
mountain, plains, steppes
and vales would rest
adoring, in your garden pails

so i could not
be a
useless would i be.
 Jan 2014 Micaiah
Suzanne Penn
I too...
wake up sometimes
longing to touch you
to taste
and excite you
I want to wake you up
with soft lingering kisses
and tender rhythmic touches
I want to slide my tongue
deeply within you
playfully persistent
until your back arches
and your breath catches
I want your spirit to soar...
before your eyes
are even open
I want to give to you
the passion
joy and love
that you have hungered for...
I want you
to begin each day...
 Dec 2013 Micaiah
Rachel Samson
Dear Mum,*

I love you!
I’m sorry if I hurt you
I’m not blaming you.
I really miss you!

You were only seventeen then
When your world was taken
When your heart was broken
When I become a burden

You swum in a vast pool of sorrow
Thinking that happiness was something to be borrowed
Doubting that life is not meant to be followed
Have no reason to lived for tomorrow

I know you were disturbed by storm of confusion
I know you were starting to make illusion
You've been engulfed by people’s pollution
Until you decide to make your conclusion

Sorry, if I bring trouble to you
Sorry, for forcing myself to be with you
Sorry, for bringing up too much pain
Sorry, for making you feel like in vain.

I’m not blaming you …

You’re too young to be a mother
That’s why you really got bother
Don’t worry, you’re not a murderer
You’re just a victim of another lover.

I always want you to be happy
Together with your own family
No shame, no fallacy
Just you and no more fantasy

I’ll never forget your voice
I’ll never forget your touch
Your presence will always be with me
You will forever be missed.

Mum, please let my siblings see the world. Let them feel your caring hands and undying love. Tell them that I love them and care for them. You've been a good mum to me. Don’t worry about me. I am not alone, I’m with God. I love you forever and ever.

Your Angel,
 Dec 2013 Micaiah
Stephen Johnson
My hands keep switching between the gears and her bare legs
It’s spring, and we’re driving away from her house
Driving to our first date, to a picnic in a field
Her brown eyes lock with my hazel eyes
In the mirror, the angle is the same
Reflecting our intentions
Windows down for
The cool breeze
Just drive
Just drive
It's too cold out
Windows rolled up
Our intentions reflecting
In the mirror, the angle is the same
Her puffy eyes lock with my puffy eyes
Driving from our last fight, after two years
It’s early October, and I'm driving her to her house
My hands keep switching between my eyes and her bare seat
She says, she can't sleep
I say keep your eyes shut
but, she opens them and that is when
I hold her closer,
breathing deeply murmuring sleepily
I love you.
 Dec 2013 Micaiah
Matthew Nichols
Always so casual I wish I could be
Just like you so you couldn't see
All the feelings inside of me
Wanting to be spoken free

I wish you couldn't know
How I miss you so

And how much I wish I didn't
But I can't keep it hidden

I don't know how you do this to me
But stop me before I say please
Like a porcelain doll,
So small and fragile,
Handle with care,
Or she will break.

Like a porcelain doll,
Her heart is made of glass,
So handle with care,
For it may break.

Like a porcelain doll,
so fragile and small,
Yet so beautiful to look at,
Handle with care,
Tender hands, gentle tongue,
Or she may break.

Like a porcelain doll,
So fragile and small,
Or she may break.

This is how you make me feel,

Like a porcelain doll,
who you need to handle with care.

Like a porcelain doll,
Whose heart is made of glass,
or it will break.

With tender hands you care for me
with a gentle tongue you talk to me.
How is it that you make me feel so fragile,
As if I'm about to break.
How is it that you make me feel that only within your hands I'm looked after and that if I'm in another's hands I will break.
How is it that if its another voice I hear,
I would break?
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