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 Feb 2014 Miah Dearing
 Feb 2014 Miah Dearing
Everybody's saying
"The world's about to change
but don't worry about a thang"
Stop and think about that.
Change is rapid
It's already happened
ever since world war one
It's been a downhill run
Its a good time to know
which side you're on
Don't get stuck in a trench
You'll never get out
Don't be wishy-washy
You'll end up in doubt
It has to come to an end
Somehow someway
Makes you think about
how you're living
Your life today
I am a woman, who seeks for dependence in independence.
You are the absolute, solid synonym of independence.
I am the pages of a book that I have yet to discover.
You have already finished my memoir.
I have naive eyes that fall a bit too short.
You have bold eyes that can be made uneasy.
I fear of the world and its cynical motions.
You fear the thoughts that ponder about.
I read the words that I touch and that have touched me.
You grasp words and ****** them, in intimacy, not conspiracy.
I feel independent in the mere twist of a definition.
You feel the dependency and you cradle it.
I feel soft skins caressing my body,
and I take it as dependency inside of independence.
You are the words I touch, the letters I hold,
and the perfect line between antonym and synonym

I speak.
 Feb 2014 Miah Dearing
Snuck in like fog and enveloped me in slumber
Tainting my dreams with every breath
Losing myself as I exhale
Filling me with the truth of desire
Pulling me deeper into the beautiful nightmare-
Turned hopeful longing
For to become a part of you as you breathe me in
Is all that there is
copyright©PrttyBrd 07/02/2014
 Feb 2014 Miah Dearing
There once was a boy over yonder
Who gave the girls something to ponder
And I must confess
Though loathe to acquiesce
Despite my denial, I've grown fonder
 Feb 2014 Miah Dearing
Gravity keeps me keen to the world.
I love the blades of green delight when they tickle at my toes.  
I love the rays of yellow dwarf.
At my freckles, they jest.
It seems senseless how our Masters get away with ******.
We sharpen their blade and willingly hand it to Master.  
And he drives it back into our chest.
A willing sacrifice, I would admit.
But I fear the feeling of helplessness
curses my allegiance to the Gods.
So tonight I close my helpless eyes
and learn to fly for forever.
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