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 Feb 2014 Miah Dearing
Some love can never
be destroyed
its color clings
to the backdrop
of our hearts
notes of its song
beneath a layer of paint
 Feb 2014 Miah Dearing
I see myself in chunks
in fat limbs and a month's
worth of self-hatred, my mom
asks if I'm any better but the truth
is I've just stopped crying over it.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
People say I'm the bird that flies backwards.
While everyone is heading south, I'm cruising north.
They say I'm independent and strong, but I'm really just lost.
I'm the bird that doesn't fly with the crowd
the one that keeps telling herself she doesn't need anyone.
Sure, there are moment where I don't care what you think,
But you'd most likely find me waiting you out in a nearby tree.
I don't want to fly backwards anymore,
but I'm afraid of being lost and forgotten,
and if flying backwards is how you will remember me,
then I will always fly backwards.
One hand is cold.
One hand is warm.
Then one eye is closed,
And one eye is opened.
The tongue flicks out syllables
When the mouth rounds the words.
All the while, the nostrils take in air,
and the ears are picky listeners.
If it's not one thing,
it's another.
So, we are divided in two,
always conflicting --
grey area.
Nothing special, just thinking about him, and how I could have been a better lover.
Did this ******* just invite me to my knees?    ***** please!     Bow before you      Your not my king.      Do that **** your offering come with a ring?  I didn't think so.  ***** please
There are times when it is hard to know what to say, cliches don't take the pain away
In those times saying the wrong thing can make things worse a verse don't instantly make everything better
When someone has lost a friend hearing they lived a good life, does not give relief to the grief one feels
When one has lost a child or someone in their family, don't feel you have to say the right words better yet just be there as a friend and give them a hug, a hug can speak volumes when you don't know the right words
 Jan 2014 Miah Dearing
 Jan 2014 Miah Dearing
Is see her standing over there,
looking in the mirror
comparing herself to others.
She's hating herself,
because she doesnt have,
the beautiful ballet-arms,
or the widest gap,
between her thighs.
I never noticed,
how skinny she was,
until now.
I could almost,
see right through her.
Every time she concentrated more,
on perfectioning her dance,
you could see the layer of insecurity,
covering her capabilities.
She's passionate,
and has talent.
But she doesn't believe it.
And in her head,
she never will.

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