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Mia Eugenia May 2013
I've gotten in my bed
Expelled you from my mind
And you creep back in
Just like the scent of you
Making your way to my lungs.
I don't know where it came from
And I wish it would go away
And I'm scared to think
That I will wake up
Smelling you too
The only person who should do that
Is whoever is in your bed this morning
Mia Eugenia May 2013
I don't know if I'm wrong
but I know you aren't right
and I wont waste anymore time
hoping you'll get better
and I wont waste anymore breath
explaining to you
how to live your life
and I wont waste anymore heart
on someone who will
just break it
I'm reducing my carbon footprint
by eliminating people like you
**** heads and **** ups
and people who play with their toys
until they break it so much
you cant even recognize it.
so leave me in you toy chest
with all your other forgotten toys
the girls from your past
the ones whose hearts you didn't even realize you stole
some even that you took and threw
to the side of the road
like garbage
just because you could.
give me a break from your abuse.
I'm staying up at night
waiting for the tears
but them never coming
because I know there is nothing to cry about
and if there was
you wouldn't be worth my tears
I don't want to see you again.
for tonight at least
but I'll talk to you tomorrow
love you too
Mia Eugenia May 2013
There is a breathing exercise
my teacher taught me freshman year.
you breath in
as much as you can
hold it
and exhale
as slowly as you can.
little did she know
she was training me for my future.
Mia Eugenia May 2013
I am coming to the realization that
there is nothing here
and there was nothing there
and even if you say there was
I will say you're wrong
because it makes me hurt less
to think that there was nothing for me to lose
instead of accepting the fact that i lost it all
if i believe that then
the next time you tell me
I'm your one constant girl
you put my advice in the highest regard
you trust me the most
you love me
if  I believe nothing's there
the pang in my heart will disappear
Mia Eugenia May 2013
I started the year
with a few bad habits
a few cheap tricks
majorly loose lips
and far too many scars
with numbers increasing

one for him
one for her
and a thousand for mother.
even the stain on the shower curtain has one.

a few months in
I've changed my ways.
years or "no"'s
and "I don't see the point"'s
days of leaving early
and weeks of not seeing
the best person
I've ever met
instead of bleeding the pain
I inhale it.

I inhale the hurt
but exhale it before it can leave a lasting imprint.

I have times of "yes"'s
and "That's all I want"'s
days of staying too late
and weeks of walking home
with the best person I've ever met.
my inner scars may be multiplying
but the ones that are visible
they will fade
Mia Eugenia May 2013
It's just an embrace.
but when you think about it
it's not even that.
Its just two bodies
coming together
for warmth.

But today was the hottest day so far.

Something about the way
your arms fit perfectly around my back
or how my arms effortlessly rap around your shoulders
or how my head and your chin fit like puzzle pieces
makes me question
if it was really
just a hug
Mia Eugenia May 2013
I've always been good at falling
but I never really stuck the landing.
I was hoping
this time
you'd be my White Knight
dressed in all black
I was hoping
this time
I wouldn't have to land.
I wanted to be caught
but I slipped through your hands
and into this poem
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