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Mia Eugenia May 2013
Same name
Different guy
Same story
What's in a name?
Well in this one
There is beauty and love
Pain and understanding
Tricks and heartache
And I love every syllable
I don know which is easier
Being near or far
But I do find it odd
That we each fell for guys
With the same name
Different guys
But the same story
Mia Eugenia May 2013
I get it now
Why they call it a crush
Because my heart is crumbled
Like the Coke can in your hand
You didn't mean to
You didn't know I gave it to you
You clenched a fist without thinking
I don't blame you
I know you've felt this way
And caused this pain before
I can feel my stomach
In ways I never thought I would
It's beating like a heart
Maybe because
My heart never beats
Only pounds
And only when I see you
I love when you hug me
But hate when you let go
Because when you hold me
You carry me above the world
But when you let go
I fall
Mia Eugenia May 2013
I wouldn't be the only one to say: without music I'm nothing.
But that's not really true
because I gave up on music and you gave up on me
even before I knew I was something you had to give up.
I would never tell you this
but I love the way you sing
even when it's not to me
but especially when it is
you make me feel special
and part of me wishes you'd just stop
and realize that being nice to me
makes it hurt more
but I bet
being mean to me would hurt the most
and its not like I want you to stop talking to me
so I guess pain is the way to go
and I'll stick with happy pain
I haven't cried for you
(if you don't count yesterday)
and I wont
(if you don't count today)
and I don't count those
I'm not crying because I love you
I'm crying because I love the old you
and he comes back in glimpses
but he's not here to stay
and every time he leaves
he takes a piece of my soul with him.
So wear me down to nothing
see if I care
you can take every piece if me
just as long
as i know
I will see
the old you
Mia Eugenia May 2013
I hope you find her
I hope she is out there
And just as perfect as you are
And I'll get over it
And we will stay friends
And some day
When you are married
And happy
Then I will tell you
How I felt
And how happy I am I didn't tell you
Because you might have not found
Whoever you are with then
But for now I will keep
Mia Eugenia May 2013
I curled up in a ball today
Just as the lights when out
In the house
And in my eyes
Not because I'm terrified of thunder
And how it shakes my house
And makes me feel inferior
To the world
But because I wanted you to hold me
And tell me
"It's all okay"
"Nothing bad is gonna happen"
I wanted you to hold me
And tell me you wouldn't let go
Until the thunder stopped
And I could breath again
Instead you told me
"I want a girlfriend who I'm happy with"
"whose your top five for me?"
I wanted to answer in simplistic words
I typed it over and over again
I wrote
And IDK why I did
I guess I'm just not enough for you
You listed characteristics that you want
And I know I'm not all of them
But maybe if you let me try
I could prove to be more
Prove to be someone worthy of you.
If you read this
You'd laugh
"This must be a joke"
"I'm not good enough for you"
Yeah I guess you'd be right
I guess we're both right
I deserve someone who realizes
A broken heart
And you deserve someone who realizes
A lost cause
Mia Eugenia May 2013
I bet you didn't know
That somewhere
In the deep archives of my iTunes
Is a playlist
Just for you
Forget him
it didn't help
I thought of you every time I listened to it
so maybe thats why it's still on my phone
Addy told me it was a good idea
but as far as I knew
There was nothing to forget
I didn't need to forget the late night conversations
or the hallway attention
or how
people in the school knew who I was
You were my best friend
and I guess
to me
That means a knife in the back is okay
so i won't forget you
but I will keep that playlist
Just in case
I need to remember you
Mia Eugenia May 2013
There's that one song
I loved it
It loved me
We were happy together
We had future plans
Then you sang it
And I hate to admit it
You sounded amazing
Just like that
My perfect relationship was over

I hope you two are happy together
I guess I hoped
Because that song ran away from you too
it was taken

I guess that's something we have in common now
We can sit by the fire
and talk about the one that got away

Of course,
You'll be talking about a song
And I'll be talking about you
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