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Apr 2014 · 457
the rough outer edges
Meredith Grace Apr 2014
Touch me.
caress my curves like you mean it
use callused hands to weave through my hair
and chapped lips to trail my neck
draw closer and breathe heavier
dig nails into my back and leave ****** streams
groan like you know what you want
whisper the things you know i like
and when it's all over,

make me wish i never met you
an offering of all the things I wish you did while we were still talking through late nights on the side of the highway in your stupid ******* highlander
Apr 2014 · 738
black hole heart
Meredith Grace Apr 2014
there are millions of billions of stars in the sky
and endless planets yet adventured
but somewhere a lost spaceship
is being pulled
closer into the velvety dark depths
of a black hole
in the throbbing heart of a galaxy
far out of the mind's eye

— The End —