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Men like looking and shouldn't apologize.
Women to many are pleasing to the eyes.
Men like touching.
This is where they go wrong.

We all been told to keep your hands to yourself
That's like an oath assigned to ourselves.
Sure spouses get jealous.
But that's how they got found.
By his eyes contact looking around.

Men like looking at a piece of art.
And ladies are the greatest original creation created by God to view.
Men are like a detective seeking a description.
They can tell you her eyes color.
Her lips and hips within several inches.
And several things more.

Men like looking at her eyes and some at their toes.
Women are examine like scientists looking through a microscope.

Some do it in a sneaky way.
Some don't know, how to stay quiet?
And get in trouble by the things they say.

But be highly upset, if women should ever fade away.
 Dec 2013 Melissa B C
Dan Bolens
Is it a measure between two moments?
A distance between souls?
Liftoff until impact?
The time of our lives they say.
But how long is a life?
"They say we die twice.
Once when our heart stops beating.
And again when someone says our name for the last time."
 Dec 2013 Melissa B C
Dan Bolens
“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
“Always put your best foot forward.”
“Don’t look back.”
“Objects accelerate at 9.8 m/s squared under gravity.”
“If man had been meant to fly, he’d have been given wings.”
“The pain will disappear shortly.”
"Cause of death: Wanting to be free."
 Dec 2013 Melissa B C
Dan Bolens
We kissed,
They hissed.
Who cares,
We blissed.
Every minute 

I move forward
and backward 

Feel elated and dejected 

At the same time

From both ends of the world

I retrograde 

Explicitly consign into oblivion

Those marred thoughts 

I introspect 

And question 

My beliefs and it’s pros and cons 

Then backward 

I run counter to 

Those thoughts 

I agree to it 

And purport to be satiated 

There’s a lapse of time 

And I’m forgotten 

Or maybe I forget 

I run 
Here and there 

Incorrigibly perfect 

Like those fake palindromes 

Among those assertive 

You'd find me
By the riverside
Moving along with the moon
Staring at those
Celestial bodies
Which seem to
Deport me to
An unknown place
Where I belong
Where I should be
The Orion looking down upon me
While I travel
Back in time
And confabulate
With pagan
Question the existence of
And denounce the
World as a farce
Create a different place
With only those
Animals sacred to Apollo
Those swans and ravens
And Cicadas
And remain.
More than half a year after you broke my heart
it's near six in the morning, the sky is still, the morn is dark.
I've been up all night and I just realized
there is no photographic evidence that our relationship existed;
And I can't decide
whether or not I'm glad.
I don't miss you anymore
but still I miss what we had.
Six month stand.
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