I'm sorry* I can't provide for you:
Be there every second of the day
Hold your hand just in case you fall
Sometimes I just like to be alone
All the time
I just
want to be alone
But you can't see that, can you?
You can't see that I'm fine,
that I need space every now and again?
I've tried countless times
Just to make you smile
But it's not enough
it's never been
You say you're hurt
That you "**** it up"
And "fake smiles"
Have you realized I've not only faked smiles,
I've faked happiness,
Just to see you try.
"There is no trying, there is only doing or not"
I've been trying.
Where the hell were you?
So I'm sorry
For not being there every second of the day
For not holding your hand in case you fall
Because this time,
It's your turn to hold me.